Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1271

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Chapter 1271

At the same time, the imperial concubine in Qin's arms was not very comfortable.
There was pain on her forehead.
From Han haoxuan so close, she was also the most affected.
"Qin Dynasty, I, I am so sad..."
"Not good..."
Rod yelled, "this girl is seriously attacked by death, Qin boy, protect her mind with your vitality!"
"I see!"
The Qin Dynasty was very busy, wrapping Su Fei's body with vitality, and at the same time repelled the black stillness in her body.
Han haoxuan's power can influence this situation?
"Qin, your chance is here."
At this time, Rhode in Qin Dynasty was excited.
"You can absorb the dead air
Qin Dynasty exclaimed, "I don't want to become a walking corpse."
"No, you carry magic pill. As long as it is the power of the devil, it is all your nourishment!"
Rod reminded, "and you're a master of thunder robbery now. His strength is also thunder robbery period, if absorbed by you, you can digest at least one third. In the first place, it's ray's direct strength. Otherwise, you just got into the thunder, and your foundation will be unstable. You can't let go of the nutritious products delivered to your door "
" since you say so... "
As long as the Qin Dynasty has the opportunity to enhance its strength, it will not be let go. "Then I will try my best to accept this great gift from the military division."
"Qin Dynasty, take my shame, go to death!"
Han haoxuan said, the body a shock.
His body, suddenly flew out of countless black breath, in all directions to the Qin Dynasty wrapped over.
"Just in time."
Qin Dynasty holds Su Fei in his arms and whispers to her gently.
"Don't be afraid..."
With that, hundreds of dark shadows flew up and down his body.
"Three thousand luochagui!"
These Luocha ghosts, scattered around the Qin Dynasty, vied to tear up the dead.
To them, stillness is a great tonic!
Su Fei's eyes were full of panic.
In Qin Dynasty, how could there be so many terrible things in his body
Heaven forbids
I thought I knew this man very well.
But at this time, she suddenly found that the man had become mysterious again.
Qin Dynasty How many secrets are there in you
Looking at his own stillness swallowed by the other party, Han haoxuan some panic.
"How, how could it be so!"
"I said, you are not worth mentioning in front of me."
The Qin Dynasty sneered.
"Damn it, it's not like that. I'm invincible!"
Han haoxuan roared several times, his body flashed, suddenly jumped over, stepped in front of the Qin Dynasty.
His huge feet, all sunk into the concrete slab.
You can see the strength of this guy.
"Go to hell!"
Han haoxuan's huge arm, clenched into a fist, fell down.
This fist is as big as an iron pot.
But the Qin Dynasty just raised a right hand, and it was blocked.
The buildings under my feet vibrated.
Oh, my God, what's holding back
She just felt like she was dreaming.
Han haoxuan's fist mixed with red flame, wandering around.
But this flame, however, is not close to the Qin Dynasty.
His right hand, at this time, is emitting a golden light.
"Since he is the king of corpses, let's try the power of Buddhism King Kong's hand
The Qin Dynasty said lightly that the power of God in the body was transformed into Buddha power and released.
The golden palm of his hand suddenly turned into a big handprint, which hit Han haoxuan's fist and then hit him.
"Ah, ah, ah!"
This huge body, the mouth issued a painful wail.
Buddha's power, specifically to restrain his power.
Therefore, this kind of pain is also very intense.
Just like burning his own body, the burning feeling makes Han haoxuan howl constantly.
Finally, he flew out upside down and hit the edge of the building heavily.
This time, I fell to seven meat and eight vegetables.
There is Buddhism in the body is constantly destroying, Han haoxuan's mouth, can not help but spurt a black blood.
"The power of mutual restraint, you master is only the best power."
The Qin Dynasty stood in front of Han haoxuan and said coldly, "if you master this kind of power, you forget to think that the world is invincible? That's funny. ""Hateful, hateful..."
Han haoxuan's eyes turned red, "am I destined to be inferior to you! I'm not willing, I'm not willing to stand in the way of... "
With that, the black air on his body swam out again and kept spinning and flying.
"Did Qin Dynasty really think that the man-shaped weapons made by our military division could be easily killed?"
At this time, the military master watching the battle in the distance could not help but sneer at him, "he is about to enter the ultimate form This form needs the most complete despair and anger... "
Mu wanqiu didn't know what to say. He just stood there and continued to watch.
Sir, sometimes, it's really terrible.
Especially the man weapon he made.
The more inhumane it is, the more powerful this weapon is.
"I'd like to send you to escape You are no longer human. "
The Qin Dynasty says, the palm of the right hand sends out the golden brilliance again, want to shoot to opposite Han haoxuan.
And at this time, a huge dead air impact, hit the body of the Qin Dynasty.
The Qin Dynasty quickly used his Vajra palm to protect Su Fei. She stepped back several steps, which finally dispelled the dead spirit.
What a lethargy!
The Qin Dynasty can't help but be tongue tied, even the thunder robbery period of their own, have to retreat.
On the other side, the dead gas condensed into an oval shape, like a huge cocoon.
"No, the boy has evolved again!"
Rod exclaimed, "God, how did he do it To what extent does the soul in his body accumulate
"This is my perfect work."
The military master looked at the black cocoon, and his smile was even more blazing.
"With him, it's easy to kill Qin Dynasty..."
While talking, the clouds in the sky suddenly began to roll.
Then, a huge purple lightning, falling out of thin air, suddenly fell on the black cocoon.
The outer skin of the black cocoon is split directly, and black smoke is emitted from it.
"My God! This guy has survived the thunder disaster
Rod screamed in the body of Qin Dynasty.
"It's impossible! It's incredible! How can you survive the thunder! Oh, my God, how much soul power this consumes! It's a waste, a tyranny
"What's going on..."
Qin Dynasty frowned and asked.
"In this man, there is no less than the strength of the soul of millions of people These forces of soul helped him survive the thunder disaster
"How could there be so much soul power..."
The Qin Dynasty was very surprised.
"The soul power of millions of people is just a quantitative word."
Rod reminded the Qin Dynasty, "don't forget that the soul power of those angels, an angel, is almost equal to the power of thousands of human souls As for us who practice the truth, the soul power is stronger. One is nearly ten thousand Your own soul power has broken a million! "
Hearing this, Qin Dynasty suddenly realized.
Did the military master sacrifice some angel power to create such a guy?
"Ha ha It turns out that this is the real force that hinders... "
At this time, a white arm was stretched out from the black cocoon.
Qin Dynasty stare big eyes to see, that Han haoxuan, is slowly climbing out from inside.
He returned to his normal human form, but his skin was whiter and his body was not covered with grain.
But the black smoke shrouded him and soon formed a black suit.
Han haoxuan stands there, his figure is more perfect.
The strength of the body is also more powerful.
It's the power of carnivore.
These are the benefits of surviving the thunder disaster.
The Qin Dynasty stood there, stunned.
I haven't passed the robbery yet. I let him do it first!
Not happy
It's really uncomfortable.
"Now it seems that my power has stabilized you a bit, hasn't it?"
Han haoxuan is standing there.
His body also returned to the original state, no longer the ugly after the corpse King stitched up.
"I didn't expect that I will end you in this state. "
Han haoxuan sneered at the corners of his mouth, looking at the Qin Dynasty with a look at the dead.
"And the woman in your arms, all of which will be killed."
"Who is going to kill her?"
Qin Dynasty stopped surprised and asked.
"Of course, it's the military master."
Han haoxuan laughed.
"And who is the commander?"The Qin Dynasty didn't know the real face under the clown's mask.
"Hehe, I can't tell you In fact, I don't know
Han haoxuan shrugged his shoulders, he suddenly said.
"It seems that an hour's time is almost the same..."
Oh, no!
Qin Dynasty looks tight, how to forget this matter!
"Unfortunately, you don't have a chance to be a hero."
Han haoxuan said with a smile, "if you and the woman in your arms die together, you can still have a companion. Well, I'm so kind. "
"You're right. Time is running out."
The Qin Dynasty suddenly turned around, walked to one side, and let Su Fei down.
"Wait for me here. You'll be all right."
With that, he reached out and said, "Yin Yang bell!"
A small black bell floated out and hovered around the princess.
This has been refined into a magic weapon for the existence of celestial objects, which can protect the safety of Princess su.
Then, the Qin Dynasty turned to face Han haoxuan again.
"So I won't play with you anymore."
Han haoxuan raised his eyebrows. "You still like to talk big. Can you defeat me with my strength now? "
"The meat fairy period is just..."
Qin Dynasty took a deep breath, "it's not difficult to defeat you."
With that, he held out his hand and held it high in the air.
"Be my strength Li Yin, Ni Shang, Huan And Begonia
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