Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 643

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Chapter 643

"Ha ha! That fool
Suji hugged the waist of the Qin Dynasty and sat smartly on the back seat of her bicycle. Looking at the appearance of tassels, she attracted passers-by to stop to appreciate it.
"I don't know what they think. They think that if they have money and power, they should have a lot of beautiful women. Hum, I'm not short of money, and I don't want a boyfriend! "
Suu Kyi is in the back seat, swinging her beautiful legs.
"You're shaking. I'm going to fall." Qin Dynasty pretended to be a little jealous and said, "listen to your tone, it seems that you have many boyfriends!"
"Of course! I have ten boyfriends Suu Kyi's words are amazing.
"Ah?" Almost none of the Qin Dynasty hit the truck in front of it. "You, what do you say?"
"Hee hee, I said I have ten boyfriends!"
"You, didn't you lie to me?"
The hands of the Qin Dynasty touching the handle of the car trembled.
Is he just one of SUJ's many boyfriends? But, but Suu Kyi doesn't look like a girl like this
"Well, of course!" Suji put the little fox on her lap, then stretched out her ten fingers and swayed back and forth, "I'll count for you. I have a boyfriend. His name is Qin Dynasty. There are nine puppet demons in Qin Dynasty. I've got ten boyfriends, don't I? "
"Originally, it's just like this..."
The Qin Dynasty breathed a long sigh of relief, almost scared to death.
Su Ji could not help but put up a middle finger to the Qin Dynasty, "you son of a bitch, you have so many girlfriends, why don't you let me have other boyfriends? It's not fair. I have to find it again! Yeah! In fact, the young master of Cao's family just now is not bad. At least he looks like a dog. "
"No, don't make such a joke!"
"I, I don't have any other girlfriends!"
"Really?" Suu Kyi didn't believe it at all. "Do you want me to investigate? I think I should go to Dongchuan first. The famous Lord Qin has several lovers. I think those people below can't help but know? "
"That What would you like to eat tonight, Suu Kyi
"Well, don't try to change the subject! To be honest, how many girlfriends do you have
"Let's have scrambled eggs with persimmons."
"Well Bah, you change the subject again! Tell me, I'll strangle you
Said, Suji's small hand, pinched in the neck of the Qin Dynasty.
"No, don't make any noise, or I'll crash!"
"It's OK. I believe in your technology!"
Su Ji giggled, and didn't care about the crash. The Qin Dynasty was helpless, but he firmly believed that he would rather be strangled than say, "if you think that the Vajra Sutra protects you, you are not afraid to pinch, right. Well, I'll use the power of the nine you colossus. "
"No, no! You want to crush your husband
"What are you afraid of? I have ten husbands anyway."
"Damn it..."
Qin Dynasty was so depressed that he turned his bicycle to a side road while enjoying free massage from Suji.
This is a small lane, which is not wide enough for traffic. But the bicycles of the Qin Dynasty were unobstructed inside.
Usually, the Qin Dynasty went back and forth from here. But today, he had to stop.
"What's the matter?" Suji was surprised to see the Qin Dynasty brake sharply.
"There's someone ahead I'm still a foreigner. "
In front of them was a red haired foreign girl. She stood in the lane, blocking the way of the Qin Dynasty.
"Long time no see..."
The girl looked at the Qin Dynasty and suddenly burst into a smile, "I don't know if you have forgotten our sisters..."
"Qin Dynasty, where did you get into the romantic debt again?"
As soon as Suji saw that the other side was a foreign beauty who looked like Jessica Alba, the jealousy immediately came up, and the small fist hit the Qin Dynasty's shoulder. Of course, it's not light or heavy.
"Besides, it's a sister! My God, are you destined to be a pervert lecher who likes sister flowers
"No, no, I have nothing to do with them."
The Qin Dynasty shook his head repeatedly.
"If you say that, my sister Shana, it will be sad."
Vini Serra stood in the alley, dressed in a black robe, she was enchanting and mysterious.
"You two have been through so much together. Do you forget her like that? What a heartless man... "
"Qin Dynasty, what else can you say?"
Vini that heartache appearance, immediately let Suji gnash teeth to Qin Dynasty.
"Pooh, don't talk nonsense!"
Qin Dynasty harshly drank it, then turned his head miserably and explained to Suji, "Suji, don't believe her, she is a Gemini killer in the skeleton!""Skeleton man?"
Suu Kyi was surprised and suddenly a pair of black wings popped up behind her. Her feet, also put on the flame boots. Around the snow, received this temperature burning, immediately turned into water.
The temperature in the alley keeps climbing.
"Please don't get me wrong."
Pooh waved his hand and said to them, "now the skeleton has officially broken up with the dark church. Some of the killers of the dark signs betrayed the Holy See of darkness and separated the skeletons with most of them. And I stayed in the dark holy see with a few constellations. The dark Holy See can't be without the queen of vampires, nor can it be without magistrate Moses. "
She said, kneeling toward Suu Kyi. "So I'm here to meet my queen, her majesty Kyi Dracula."
"What!" Suu Kyi was shocked and said, "my name is not Dracula. My name is su. My name is SUJ."
"Gemini, what the hell are you doing?"
"When you have the blood of Queen Dracula flowing in your body, you have been given this noble surname." Vinnie continued, "you have been leading the dark Church ever since the great lord Robert returned to the Dark Lord. The position of the dark Pope has been vacant for a hundred years. Now, in order for the dark holy see to rise again, you must shoulder the glory of the pope! My majesty
Suu Kyi was shocked again. How could she be confused and become the queen of the dark Holy See?
This, this is too much!
She is also a disciple of Baotai temple in Songshan! A Buddhist disciple, Pope of the dark Holy See? Absolutely not!
"I'm sorry, but I'm afraid you'll be disappointed this time."
The Qin Dynasty also saw Suji's unwillingness, and he said, "no matter it's the dark Vatican or the skeleton, we have a lot of hatred. Gemini, if not for Shana's sake, I would have killed you here
"Listen to you You still have something to do with nasana... " Suji pinched the waist of Qin Dynasty.
"You still have friendship with my sister..." Vini also looked at the Qin Dynasty a little bitterly, "no matter how you say, you have destroyed our precious Crystal Cathedral and killed our Majesty the queen. If it's not for the sake of trusting his holiness, I'll fight with you. "
"Since we are all enemies, why not talk about your majesty and not your majesty?"
The Qin Dynasty offered his own big Yin and Yang evil king sword, "come on, don't you have a gun of Longinus! Now let's see whether it's your spear of destiny or my sword urine nature of the evil king of yin and Yang! "
"I'm here today, not at war!"
As soon as Vinnie's face was fixed, he added, "all the wrong things that were done to you were done by skeletons, which have nothing to do with the dark Vatican. The original intention of the dark church is to share the glory of God equally! Over the years, we have paid more for the poor at the bottom. Every cent we make from skeletons is spent on charity. So, even if you have a grudge against skeletons, please don't vent on the dark Vatican! If there was no Holy See of darkness, you know, how many poor people would die of hunger every year? "
The Qin Dynasty didn't know how to refute it.
He and Suu Kyi looked at each other and saw that Suu Kyi was hesitant.
"Even if there is no hatred, we will not agree to it."
The Qin Dynasty took a breath, but still refused, "we are Oriental practitioners, and Suji is still a Buddhist disciple, and will not change her faith. The position of the dark Pope, I think you'd better find someone else. "
"The gears of fate have been pushed forward, and it is up to you to make decisions."
Pooh shook his head, stood up and patted the snow. "Soon, you will understand why she is his holiness."
She said and threw out a business card, which was taken over by the Qin Dynasty.
"Here's my contact information. Call me if you need to."
With that, she jumped to the roof next to the alley and disappeared in a flash.
"Really, what the hell."
Qin Dynasty put away that business card, very uncomfortable. I just feel that he and Suu Kyi's good mood have been disturbed.
"It seems that when you resurrected me, you also found me a hemp annoyance"
Suji wittily winked at the Qin Dynasty, "OK, we should go home, I'm hungry!"
"It's so easy to be hungry when you're young."
"I'm greedy, can't I?"
"OK, OK, you are the boss. You has the final say."
Qin Dynasty stepped on the bicycle and continued to drive towards home.
Along the way, both of them were a little silent.
On the roof next to the alley, Winnie looked at the direction they were leaving, with a faint smile on his lips."There are some things that you can get rid of if you don't want to get rid of."
Just then, a two meter tall black man appeared next to her.
"Pooh, did you get it done?"
"Not yet. These two people are not so easy to handle."
"What a waste of time!"
"The skeleton and the Vatican are already in action," said John Taurus! We are dragging on. I'm afraid the position of the dark Pope will be vacant for more than 100 years! "
"Don't worry, John." But Winnie didn't care. She took out a 520 cigarette and held it between her red lips. "If they're in a hurry, let them hit a nail first Ha ha... "
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