Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 939

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Chapter 939

"The waning moon!"
A black crescent, directly opened the back of the door, with black blood, flew out and rushed into the sea.
In the sea, a huge white shark swam by. The black crescent cut directly from its body, directly dividing the five meter long great white shark into two parts.
Blood, dyed the Sea red, attracted more sharks.
Mamen's mouth also spurted out a mouthful of black blood, he flew a foot, kicked in the chest of the Qin Dynasty, forced him out.
Himself, also fly more than ten meters, behind the wound slowly healed.
"Damn human, how dare you hurt me!"
Mamen roared.
He did not expect that when he came to the human world, he would be so embarrassed by a human being.
"What about humans?"
Although Qin Dynasty's neck, I was able to kill his body in front of me
"Stupid man, I will destroy your despair with my own hands!"
Mamen roared and opened his mouth, aiming at the Qin Dynasty. His mouth was shining with black light.
"Shut up!"
Qin Dynasty right hand a fist, hit on the chin of Mamen, immediately closed the mouth of Mamen.
Then, countless white swords gathered from all directions and jingled into Mamen's body, making Mamen look like a white hedgehog.
In the Qin Dynasty, one hand pinched Mamen's neck, the other hand kept pinching foying.
with the help of the beads given to him by Suji, the six character Daming mantra could also be used in the Tibetan sword mode.
"Six character Daming mantra! Oh! Well! How about it! Boom! Mi! Hum
The six colors of Buddhist seals fly out and enter those platinum lotus swords, which makes them shine with six colors, which is very dazzling.
When the last word of the Qin Dynasty was typed in, those white lotus flowers were cut into pieces, and the whole Mamen's body was covered with flowing colors. With his body, they flew far away. Finally, they smashed into the sea water, dividing the sea into two rows of spray.
Qin Dynasty did not end the attack, he was attached to the body, like shells, chasing the waves.
"Half a month!"
He took the sword spirit with him, formed the shape of a month and a half, and split the sea.
"Little man, die for me!"
But just then, out of the sea, a huge fist flew out.
The fist was the size of a boat. It opened the sea and hit the half moon of the Qin Dynasty.
Blood flowed from the fist, and the body of Qin Dynasty also flew up, turned several somersaults in the air, and barely stopped.
"This is..."
He looked at the rough sea.
A huge version of Mamen rose slowly from the sea.
This guy, over 20 meters tall, keeps rolling down into the sea. A pair of horn seems to be able to break the sky, very frightening.
"Demon cannon!"
Mamen opened her mouth, and her mouth flashed black again.
Qin Dynasty opened his eyes and watched the black light grow stronger and stronger.
This, too exaggerated.
A seven or eight meters thick black light fell from the sky, oblique 45 degrees, to the small Qin Dynasty.
The speed of this light is much faster than the previous demon cannon. The Qin Dynasty has no time to dodge, so he has to clap out a pair of sword feather wings and block them in front of him.
The light column bumped into the defense of unknown swords, and suddenly shot out a large amount of fire.
Fortunately, the white lotus is very hard, or it is really easy to be seriously injured in this move.
Rao is so, Qin Dynasty's body, or was washed into the sea.
The black light shines on the sea water and evaporates a large amount of water vapor.
The whole sea was foggy for a moment.
"Stupid human beings, it's time to know the power of demons this time!"
Just when Mamen was slightly proud, a golden palm flew out and slapped him on his shoulder, which nearly fell into the sea.
"Vajra Sutra! King Kong waves his axe
A ten meter high golden arhat jumped out of the sea, with two huge axes in his hand, and one of them chopped toward the faltering horse gate.
"What is this?"
Mamen was surprised to see the golden arhat half his height.
At the same time, he swung his tail, took the sea water, and drew on the arhat's body, and lifted the arhat's body aside.
The Qin Dynasty also flew out of a distance, some regret.
Their own realm is still too low, if you enter the level of King Kong Tui mountain, you can turn into a hundred meter high arhat, but you don't have to chop this little guy with an axe!If you use Tibetan swordsmanship decisively, the attack and defense are too single.
The Qin Dynasty entered into the summoning skill of the nine hell Devil Dog, with a pair of ice wings on the back and stepping on a floating ice surface.
"It's time for you to die. Give up your soul."
Mamen said, extending a huge arm to the Qin Dynasty.
A huge ice hammer appeared in the hands of the Qin Dynasty, and a hammer hit the sea water in front of him.
When haizhongdun set off a huge wave, clapped on Mamen's arm.
This is not over. The next capability of the Qin Dynasty is to start, immediately freezing the sea water. In the blink of an eye, the huge wave formed an icicle, freezing Mamen's arm.
"Die for me
Qin Dynasty jumped up, holding a lightning halberd in his hand, and ran straight to the front door of the horse gate.
Mamen's left arm couldn't get free for a moment. He stretched out his other hand and grabbed at the Qin Dynasty, which was the size of a fly.
However, the ice wing behind the Qin Dynasty nimbly evaded this catch.
Mamen opened his mouth again and ejected the demon cannon.
Qin Dynasty had been prepared. When he opened his mouth, he flapped his wings and rolled in the air. He almost wiped the edge and avoided the black light column.
Avoiding the light column, the Qin Dynasty approached the forehead of Mamen, and the lightning halberd in his hand was going to stab it.
This is the ocean, the conductivity is very strong. If Mamen gets shot, it's going to be very high, PIP.
But just as the thunder and lightning halberd of the Qin Dynasty was about to hit, a black shadow quickly came from the side.
Qin Dynasty turned his head, and before he could see it clearly, he was photographed by the black shadow.
Qin Dynasty body into the sea, separated two rows of spray.
His body released a lot of vitality, so that his body stabilized, and at the same time looked up.
Boy, it's Mamen's tail.
"Man, you cannot defeat the great devil! It's better to give up your soul honestly
Mamen was still so arrogant that his figure suddenly changed again.
Originally, one head and two arms, in the blink of an eye, turned into the appearance of three heads and six arms.
"Come on! Bear the wrath of the devil
With that, he waved his fist to the little Qin Dynasty.
However, after Mamen became huge, the speed was much slower because of its large size.
Qin Dynasty left and right to dodge his fist.
"How can you hit me with such a big body?"
Qin Dynasty one side dodges, can't help but sarcastic way.
"Jie Jie I'm afraid you won't be able to say that for a while. "
Mamen said, his body suddenly trembled, a huge black light, along his body, quickly spread to open, after a while, wrapped the sea area.
Qin Dynasty is dodging, immediately feel a stiff body, speed suddenly slow a lot.
"This, what is this..."
He felt something was wrong.
"This is the power of the demon God. Slow down the border."
Mamen laughed. "In this enchantment, every creature except me will be 20 times slower."
Qin Dynasty widened eyes, I pull a grass, there is such a cheating border!
Mamen was elated. He walked freely in the black border and hit the Qin Dynasty with a big punch.
The Qin Dynasty wanted to escape, but his body was as heavy as lead. It was very hard to move.
As soon as he took a step, he had already eaten the fist of Mamen. His body was flying high, and he was firmly grasped by the palm of Mamen. Zhu, the three headed and six armed Mamen, was very powerful, and almost failed to beat out the viscera of the Qin Dynasty with one punch.
If it was not for King Kong's not bad body, Qin Dynasty might have been hit by this blow.
Absolutely can be comparable to the nine you giant elephant, even the power of transcendence!
"Bedbug, let me suck your soul!"
The gate opened its mouth and aimed at the Qin Dynasty.
The Qin Dynasty felt the body tremble, and then Yuanying couldn't help but fly away.
He ran his vitality and tried to protect his baby.
However, Mamen didn't know what tactics to use. The means of enchanting souls was quite strong, and the Qin Dynasty felt that it was going to be unstoppable gradually.
In Mamen's eyes, there was a smile that was about to succeed.
"Boy, don't wait. Read with carelessness."
Rod, you don't have to yell, "it's over."
"I know, I know. Let me calm down!"
Qin Dynasty stabilized his vitality, suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the opposite Mamen.
"Everything in heaven and earth takes me as the order! Pardon! Enter the golden age for me
Ma men, who was sucking and pulling the soul of Qin Dynasty, suddenly felt the burning pain in his hands. He let go of the Qin Dynasty with a startled roar.At this time, the body of the Qin Dynasty glittered with Sanskrit border.
From him, Mamen felt the oppression that only his father could bring him.
"Little man, how can such a powerful force break out?"
"Die! King Kong pushes the mountain
The eyes of Qin Dynasty twinkled with gold and burst into a drink.
A huge Vajra arhat came out of the void again.
Layers of gold wrapped him, let him grow in the wind.
In the blink of an eye, the arhat was a hundred meters tall. The axe in his hand seemed to be able to make a breakthrough and cut towards the small horse gate.
In front of the absolute overwhelming force, Mamen did not even have room to struggle. She was directly cut in half by the huge golden axe.
Namamon struggled, his body turned into black smoke, flew hundreds of meters away in an instant, and then dived into the sea.
The Qin Dynasty felt that the devil's breath was gone, and this guy should have escaped directly to hell.
"Hoo Hoo..."
The Qin Dynasty took two breaths and put away his King Kong push mountain.
The huge golden body of arhat shrinks little by little, and finally turns into countless golden lights and returns to the body of Qin Dynasty.
"You can't just recite with carelessness earlier. It's been a long time."
Rod couldn't help but scorn.
"No way."
Qin Chao shook his head and said, "careless reading is my last means of pressing boxes. If you don't have to, you won't use it. After all, one month of CD time, who can stand this. If I meet an enemy more difficult than this next time, I have no way to deal with it. "
"It's too much to worry about."
Rod exclaimed, "didn't you notice that you're less and less like a sorcerer. I remember that when I first attached to you, I really appreciate your energy of going forward. "
"Now my family has a big career, and it's no longer the time when I'm poor and penniless."
In the past, I was afraid of wearing too many shoes
He said, and flew back to the Collins.
Having solved the most difficult task, the task now is to take over the Corinthians.
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