Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1127

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Chapter 1127

"Captain, how did this happen in this room..."
After Zheng Haojun sneaks into the target's room with his gene fighter, he looks at the mess in the room and is stunned.
Is this the case of Shenma?
How is it different from the information?
Is it that someone has done it in advance?
"Damn it, has the information been taken away?"
Zheng Haojun clenched his teeth.
"Search me carefully to see if there are any more clues!"
He was not willing to go back like this.
Otherwise, he does not know how to explain to the people of the Republic of Korea!
The gene warriors under his command began to search around, but there was nothing in the room except fragments.
But several people in the room to find the movement, startled Cheng Ying and Zheng Siqi.
"Qin Dynasty, are you back? Let's get out of here. It's suffocating! Well... "
Zheng Siqi beat the Yin and Yang bells from inside.
Cheng Ying was surprised and hurriedly covered Zheng Siqi's mouth.
It's so chaotic outside that it's hard to guarantee whether the people who come in are Qin Dynasty. And if it was the Qin Dynasty, it would certainly remove the black bell.
So she judged that the people outside were definitely not Qin Dynasty.
Unfortunately, although Zheng Siqi is extremely smart, she has no experience in these matters.
She said this, not to tell those who entered their own position!
Sure enough, Zheng Siqi's voice and slapping sound immediately attracted these gene fighters.
"Captain! There's a sound there
A gene warrior points to the big black clock that is upside down by the bed.
"I heard it. It's like a woman inside."
Zheng Junhao judged, "it may be Dr. Zheng Siqi! Come on, push the clock with me
He said, and a few team members, came to the black clock.
As gene fighters, each of them has the power of nine oxen.
Don't talk about the black clock. Even if it's a car, they can lift it.
Otherwise, how can it be called a super soldier of the Republic of Korea!
"I'll try it first!"
Zheng clapped his hands and put them on the cold black clock.
Then, the internal force burst out, suddenly pushed the big black clock.
Zheng Junhao had not put the black clock in his eyes, but soon, his face turned pale.
Because he felt like he was pushing a huge mountain.
It can't shake at all!
Zheng Junhao shook his head and said, "this thing is so heavy. Let's go together
It's not the time to be brave. Now the task is more important.
Therefore, Zheng Junhao ordered several subordinates.
"Yes! Captain
All the men came to the corner of the black clock.
Useful hands, useful shoulders, all kinds of postures.
"Ready, one, two, three! GO!”
With Zheng Junhao's slogan, several people tried to push down the black clock.
I've got a few sweats on my forehead, and I've got blue veins all over my body.
But the black clock is still upside down here, as stable as Mount Tai.
There were also a few buzzing sounds on the clock, as if they were laughing at some of their Korean gene fighters.
"Captain, you can't push! What the hell is this
A gene warrior can't help but shout.
"I don't know. It's strange..."
Zheng Junhao touched the sweat, "forget it, use the cutting saw."
He told him to go down, and the people below began to prepare the cutting saw.
Inside, Zheng Siqi and Cheng Ying heard that the cutting saw was about to be put on, and immediately the heart that had just been put down hung up again.
"What to do..."
Zheng Siqi asked in a low voice, "I listen to Korean It should be a Korean agent... "
"Take this..."
Cheng Ying put a PPK into Zheng Siqi's hand, this pistol or after returning home, Qin Dynasty handed it to himself, let her use it for self-defense.
A total of two, I and Zheng Siqi a person.
"When they open a gap, you shoot them."
"Will it work?"
Zheng Siqi was a little uneasy, "I heard that their number seems to be quite a lot, there can be seven or eight people."
"Well, that's why we have to take them by surprise."
Cheng Li takes out one of the objects and laughs.
Zheng Siqi looked and was shocked.
Boy, the grenades are all ready.
However, the structure of this grenade is a little strange."Can you show me..."
Zheng Siqi looks at Cheng Ying with eager eyes.
Although in this dark place, with the help of the weak light of the mobile phone, Cheng Ying can not see this kind of vision, but she still handed the grenade to Zheng Siqi.
Zheng Siqi holds his hand in the palm of his hand, shining with the light of the mobile phone screen, and looks at it carefully.
"Good guy, it's the island's electromagnetic grenade!"
Finally, she finally recognized the guy, "Cheng Ying, how did you get it?"
"The Qin Dynasty gave it to me."
Cheng Yingxin said that it should have been collected when the Qin Dynasty made a big fuss in Tokyo.
"Well, after a while they open the gap, I'll throw this guy out! This electromagnetic force can sweep the whole house. I don't think the pistols are going to work. "
Zheng Siqi said excitedly.
Cheng Ying heard the power of the electromagnetic grenade was so powerful that she couldn't help nodding happily. Suddenly, the two women realized something and looked at each other.
"The Black Clock Can we block the electromagnetic field... "
"Hey, two girls, you can stay here."
Just when the two girls were guessing, a voice of some old people suddenly rang out in the black clock.
Cheng Ying raises the pistol and looks for the source of the sound.
"You have a bad temper. You're almost as good as the girl Su you know."
The sound continued to ring, and I didn't know where it came from, reverberating throughout the clock.
"However, you don't have to worry, this seat is the eldest son of Qin. This seat is here to protect you, so don't worry. "
Luo Dexin said, take advantage of the Qin Dynasty that boy's advantage now.
"Are you his boss?"
Cheng Ying blinked, "why didn't you hear him talk about you?"
"There are so many things he didn't tell you."
Rod laughed. "But there's something I can tell you. This black bell is a treasure of defense. Those people out there, let them stir it up. You can stay here at ease. This seat will keep you safe. "
Listening to the mysterious man's words, Cheng Ying and Zheng Siqi are slightly relieved.
Since he is the leader of the Qin Dynasty, he should have a lot of skills.
"This Boss. "
Zheng Siqi said, "since you are so good, it's better to go out and deal with the group of people outside."
"Cough, this..."
Shale, my real body has been destroyed. I barely hide in the Yin and Yang bell to survive. I want to go out. He can't do it without the body of Qin Dynasty!
"As a man of high moral integrity, I can't deal with ordinary people. Otherwise, it's against the lofty demeanor of this seat. You can rest assured here and wait for Qin to come back and save you. "
"So it is. Thank you very much..."
Zheng Siqi nodded vaguely.
"High people are disdainful to ordinary people."
Cheng Ying took Zheng Siqi and said, "take me for example. I am a soldier and have received systematic training. My skills are much better than ordinary people. Even if it doesn't require us not to fight, we are too lazy to fight for ordinary people. "
"I see..."
Hearing Cheng Ying's explanation, Zheng Siqi began to understand.
As expected, it was Feng fan'er, an expert. Seeing that the two women had been prevaricated by himself, rod was relieved.
Grandma, it's almost revealing.
"Captain, the cutting saw is ready."
A gene fighter, with a spray gun in his hand, said to Zheng Haojun.
"Come on, cut this thing up!"
Zheng Haojun nodded.
The man immediately turned on the spray gun, and the blue and white flame came out from the nozzle.
The flame temperature of the spray gun is very high and can easily burn through steel.
Zheng Junhao is going to cut this hole.
The gene fighter held the spray gun and aimed at the black clock. The flame was blazing. He sprayed it on a spot for half a day, but there was no burn mark left on the black clock.
"Captain, it seems impossible!"
The gene warrior was surprised.
"No way!"
These South Korean super soldiers looked at each other.
"Hammer! Silent hydraulic! Bring them out for me
Zheng Haojun is a little crazy. He has no time to delay.
Two kinds of professional tools to break the door, a few people agitated for a long time, still no effect.
"Blow me up! Even if you fry the people inside into meat, you should get the information in her hand
Zheng Haojun's eyes are red.
Even if you kill that woman, you can't leave it to China.
The captain spoke, and the people below did it in a hurry.C4 was attached to the black clock, enough to blast a wall more than a meter thick.
Several gene fighters went to another room and pressed the explosive switch.
The hotel trembled.
The dynamite turned into a violent flame and washed through the room.
"Hum! How can you hide this time? "
Zheng Haojun walked in again after the fire had dissipated.
There was a cloud of smoke and dust in the room.
The ceiling had been blown apart and there were debris all around.
But the black clock, still intact, stood there, safe and sound.
"How could that happen! Ah, ah
Zheng Haojun was furious and kicked the black clock.
This foot, black bell is OK, Zheng Haojun oneself crus fracture directly, painful he sits on the ground.
"Ah! My feet! What the hell is this! Who can tell me! "
"Your ignorance will make the gods cry for you."
At this time, a priest in a black robe, holding a Bible in his hand, suddenly appeared in front of the group of South Korean soldiers.
"You, who are you?"
Zheng Haojun was surprised.
"Father, forgive this ignorant child."
The man held the Bible and said with a smile, "can't you see that I'm a priest?"
The priest said, gently stretched out a finger, point on Zheng Haojun's forehead, "God told me, you should go to hell."
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