Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 727

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Chapter 727

It is shaped like a horse. It is one or two feet long, with scales and fire light all over. It can fly and eat borneol. It is extremely fierce. When fighting with the dragon, the dragon will be defeated if it spurts fire in its mouth. Some people have seen a single dragon fighting three dragons, fighting three days and nights, killing one dragon and two dragons.
Among the fierce beasts in ancient times, he was also a strong man at the battle level.
Unlike Baize, Baize is better at resourcefulness. It is said that Baize is a mythical beast on Kunlun mountain. It can speak human language and understand the feelings of all things. It seldom appears. Only when there are sages governing the world, can they come out with books.
"Don't fight him hard."
Luo de in the mind of the Qin Dynasty also reminded him, "he was terrible among the fierce beasts in ancient times. His own strength must have been a flying immortal level. Although he said that he was fighting with you under pressure, in case of fire and full force, a finger could crush you! So you have to be more careful. "
"I see."
Qin Chaoxin said that if you really can't fight, you can only use instant movement to escape.
The ancient fierce beast on the opposite side suddenly roared.
His body, immediately wrapped in a red flame.
Huge air waves rolled around him, and the grass around him immediately collapsed into a large area.
Although it is the realm of Yuanying period, the Qin Dynasty can feel that this guy's power is still very terrible.
"Take the move, Ying Tian!"
As soon as he bent down, he clapped his hand on the ground.
Suddenly, the earth began to roll.
The grass in front of the palm of the hand immediately spurted out red fire, like a red sword, layer by layer.
To the foot of the Qin Dynasty, the flame suddenly seems to explode the flame flower, blooming a large area is.
Hundreds of red flame swords broke through the ground and spewed out, impacting on the body of the Qin Dynasty.
To the surprise of the Qin Dynasty, he could not absorb the flame.
"This is the yuan fire of self-cultivation, which you can't absorb naturally."
Rod cautioned.
"In that case, fight."
It can't be absorbed. It can only be started.
"Bang bang bang!"
Those thin flames, constantly impact on the body of the Qin Dynasty, finally he rushed into the air.
And at this time, he was already in the air, facing the flying Qin Dynasty, heavily swinging his arm.
Qin Dynasty was beaten down again, like a ball, smashed into the ground inside.
"Damn Yingtian, how can you become so weak! So bad! So small! When the sky and the earth, the unparalleled you that? Don't you claim that within the three realms, I am the only one! What a joke! What a joke
"Was I that good?"
The Qin Dynasty touched his nose, stood up from the pit and said, "it's not bad. No wonder I'm so elegant and graceful in Yushu Lingfeng now. It turns out that I was born in the last generation of Miao Hong, hehe."
"Don't talk nonsense, take the move!"
When he saw that he had done no harm to the Qin Dynasty, his attack became more sharp.
As soon as he shook his hand, a few flames rushed towards the Qin Dynasty.
The Qin Dynasty stood there, not dodging or hiding, but waving his right hand, a few beats flew those flames.
"Boom, boom!"
Those flames exploded nearby, all like missiles. The soil was blown up and the flames were everywhere.
This time the Qin Dynasty chose to take the initiative to attack, and he flew up to the air.
At this time, the body in the air, but open mouth, spit out a flame.
The flame, blink of an eye into a ferocious dragon, toward the Qin Dynasty bite.
"Diamond hand!"
However, the Qin Dynasty waved his right hand and scattered the flaming dragon with one hand. At the same time, appeared in front of the body, left hand nine you magic palm, a palm bang in his chest.
The white flame explodes, the impact of the kite like a broken line, flying high into the air.
At this time, the Qin Dynasty stretched out his hand, and his mental power was activated, and he pulled the body down.
For people of the same level of cultivation, although mental power can't cause any harm to the other party, it can still move and interfere.
After all, the Qin Dynasty now swallows the seventh kind of flame, and the spiritual power in the body also soars.
Being pulled by the force of the mind, he feels his body dragged by something, and then flies down.
"Jiuyou devil's palm · Dragon King opens the sky!"
The Qin Dynasty integrated a move of Liu Jia Quan. The white palm of the hand was as white as jade. Once again, it hit the falling fan on the top of his head.
But at this time, it roared. Then, behind him, suddenly flew a long tail, with heavy scales, and slammed in the face of the Qin Dynasty."Pa!"
The Qin Dynasty was directly pulled out and crashed into the grass under his feet.
It is a fierce beast. The way of fighting is really different from that of human beings.
When he was floating in the air, his two arms were completely turned into animal claws. In the blink of an eye, they stretched out very long, and together they grasped the Qin Dynasty towards the ground.
"Diamond hand!"
The Qin Dynasty, together with the great Vajra Bodhisattva hand, immediately fought out.
On top of his head, a golden palm flew out to hold a pair of claws falling from the sky.
Some of Qin's body fell into the ground.
"Yingtian, I didn't expect you have some skills."
After a few turns in the air, he suddenly sank and fell in front of the Qin Dynasty.
At this time, he was completely in the state of a humanoid beast.
A monster's horse face, mouth constantly spray out of the flame.
Both arms were claws, very long, and fell below the knees.
The legs are all animal feet, not hooves. They are more like claws, grasping in the grass.
A long tail, hanging behind him, swept twice from time to time.
This is the human form state of the fierce beast in ancient times. If he really releases all his state, it means that he has put out all his strength. At that time, 10000 Qin Dynasties were tied together, and they were not his opponents.
"I wonder what kind of hatred I had with you in ancient times. After so long, you've even found me after reincarnation? "
"Ha ha ha ha..."
But he burst out laughing. A pair of red eyes, staring at the body of the Qin Dynasty, let the Qin Dynasty feel a bit like a mountain in the back.
"Yingtian, Yingtian, do you know that you are the immortal super existence. But why should we fall into the samsara
"I don't know."
Qin Chao shook his head. I have no idea what happened before. He knew that a group of powerful fierce beasts appeared out of thin air and wanted to die with him, which made him feel wronged.
"In ancient times, there were three supremacies. First, you are the immortal in heaven. You should be immortal. Second, it is the respect of the human world, Xuanyuan emperor. The third is the ghost of the underworld, the blood red ghost king. At that time, few people knew that the powerful blood red ghost king was actually a woman, or a beautiful woman. People respect Xuanyuan emperor, and finally fall in love with the blood red ghost king and give birth to a daughter, whose name is Xuanyuan Yingji
"Xuanyuan Yingji?"
Qin Dynasty do not know why, hear this name, feel so familiar.
"Yes, Xuanyuan Yingji is the creator of our fierce beast, the king of fierce beast!"
When he mentioned this name, his face was filled with reverence and pride, "because he is the daughter of human respect and ghost respect, our king, from the very beginning of his birth, has great power and is born with drought. Wherever he goes, there will be a great drought. For this reason, people in many places, perennial drought, life and suffering. For the sake of the human world, renzun personally sealed his daughter's strength to Sakura. The ghost Zun once said that as long as our king did not break the body of Yunying, he would not break Kaifeng cherry "
speaking of this, she was a little excited, her body trembled slightly, and the red yuan fire kept rolling," but one day, she met you! Ying Tianxian Zun! You turned into a mortal, ran into the mortal game, happened to meet the king bathing in the lake! In that time, you moved the color heart, did the wrong thing to our king! As a result, Wang's Yunying's body was broken, and the power of sealing for many years broke out! At that moment, all the animals in the forest were infected by the power of the king, and we were born
"Oh? I've done such a tough thing before? "
Qin Chaoxin said, his last life, is a color wolf!
"But you deceived our king
He was a little abnormal in his mood, and he cried out angrily, "you could have taken the king with you to live in the fairyland you created. But you, in the end, abandoned our king for a fairy in the fairyland
"Well There's this... "
Qin Dynasty touched his nose, his face was a little embarrassed.
"In order to find you, Wang left the paradise. But wherever she went, there was a drought. The fairy grass of that world will wither for this. The king left the fairyland just to kill the fairy who confused you. But you won't. In order to save the fairy's life, you would rather give up your accomplishments and create a mountain sea tomb to seal our king and our fierce beasts. Without cultivation, you will enter into the terrible five decline of heaven and man. For this reason, you will fall into samsara and continue to reincarnate until you step back into the cultivation of truth and return to the position of immortal. "
"I see I was quite colorful in my previous life. " The Qin Dynasty touched his nose and asked, "can you ask me, what's the name of that fairy?"
"That bitch's name, I'll never forget it!"She gnashed her teeth and said, "her name is the nine heavenly fairies!"
"I'll go there..."
Rod in the soul of the Qin Dynasty straight tongue, "this name, in the sky, too damn cow force I'm really blind. My mother, I'm attached to someone. I'm dead You boy, you won't recover your divine consciousness one day, and then destroy this seat... "
"Hey, I can't tell..."
"Lying trough..."
"Haha, it's funny."
The Qin Dynasty touched his nose and said in his heart, "no matter how you say it, you have helped me so much. Although you are not a good man, I am not the one who feeds the hand that feeds the hand. If I become immortal one day, I will restore your body and make you become the first devil in the sky and the earth
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