Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1180

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Chapter 1180

Luo Qinglin didn't know who the mysterious man who asked her was, and she went to the remote places like alleys.
It doesn't look like a good thing.
If it was her own, she would not dare to go even with three or four bodyguards.
But now with the Qin Dynasty, she is not afraid.
Because in her heart, the Qin Dynasty had great powers.
At that time, her father, a soldier who strengthened the platoon, was knocked down by the last one in the Qin Dynasty.
Not to mention some underworld.
The two men left the hotel and went all the way to the dark alley.
The alley is humid and remote, surrounded by garbage piled up by residents, full of putrid smell.
Luo Qinglin couldn't stand it when she came in.
"My God, what is this place Even if we meet secretly, we won't come to such a place... "
"because only here, there is no golden eye."
Luo Qinglin's voice just fell, a man with a cap and a red scarf wrapped around his arm jumped down from the roof beside him and landed in front of Luo Qinglin.
Luo Qinglin was surprised, but the face of Qin Dynasty did not change.
He had discovered this man for a long time, but he didn't feel the murderous spirit on him, so he didn't start.
"You are..."
Luo Qinglin also because of Qin Dynasty support, although surprised but not afraid, asked.
"It's me Jin Mingfeng's men. "
Xiao Ming took off his sunglasses.
When Qin Dynasty saw his face, he immediately remembered.
"Oh, you are Xiao Ming."
This name is easy to remember.
I have known each other for many years in primary school textbooks.
Well, and Xiao Hong.
The two were childhood sweethearts.
Of course, it's in primary school textbooks.
"Yes, it's me."
Brother, I'm an orphan, and I'm a little mingtou
"I'm not here to hear about yourself. What are you going to do? Revenge for Jin Mingfeng? "
Luo Qinglin couldn't help asking.
"No, just the opposite."
Xiao Ming shook his head and said with a cold smile, "I'm here to cooperate with you, and I want the life of jinmingfeng and Gao Jiacheng."
Luo Qinglin couldn't help looking at him more. "Why do we want their lives? Sorry, we are law-abiding citizens. "
"Miss law, we don't speak in secret."
Xiao Ming said, "if you don't give them face, you break Jin Mingfeng's leg. He and Gao Jiacheng are not going to let you go. If you want to continue your Tianyang entertainment, the best way is to cooperate with me. "
"I don't quite understand."
Luo Qinglin ignored the threat in Xiaoming's words, "why should I cooperate with you? How can I know if you are the one sent by Jin Mingfeng? Deliberately leading us into the game? "
"As I said, I have a brother named Feng Zijun."
Xiao Ming took a breath and lit a cigarette. While smoking, he said, "but my name is Feng Ziming. Our two brothers have been dependent on each other since childhood. Suddenly one day, my brother joined Xin Yi'an. He provides me with books by doing some shady things. "
Speaking of this, Xiao Ming was silent for a moment.
Luo Qinglin and Qin Dynasty didn't interrupt him. Listen to him.
"Later I learned that he was selling his ass to Gao Jiacheng. But his sexual orientation is very normal. He likes women. At that time, my brother had a girlfriend, and both of them were going to get married. But Gao Jiacheng has a habit that the people he likes can't be touched by others, even women. So he tied up my brother's girlfriend and let Jin Mingfeng play up and down
Luo Qinglin doesn't know what to say.
"That woman was sold to a nightclub to be a lady. Later, he died of smoking too much marijuana. My brother, because of her death, began to twist. Finally, I think of a way to die with Gao Jiacheng In the end, however, he failed. So, he died. "
Xiao Ming took a hard puff at his cigarette. "For this reason, I gave up the chance to take an examination of the police academy. I tried my best to steal. I was arrested on purpose and went to jail for a while. I got to know some people in prison and tried to get into Xin Yi'an. But Jin Mingfeng thought I was good and took me as a little brother and followed him. I mix up a little bit, just to be able to one day, hand edge Jin Mingfeng and Gao Jiacheng these two bastards
"How do I know that what you said is not false?"
Although Luo Qinglin felt sad for this story, she still kept her own reason, "I am not that kind of stupid woman who is easy to be moved."
"I know, I just told you this story."
Xiao Ming said, "as for whether you believe it or not, that's your business. Here, even the Hong Kong police station can not directly confront Kim Ming Feng. But you can, so, you are my hope. I can't resist my desire for revenge - look, I can even hear my brother and his woman calling in my ear, kill them, kill them... "Speaking of this, Xiao Ming's eyes are slightly red.
"Wait a minute."
The Qin Dynasty walked past and clasped his hand on Xiao Ming's forehead.
"It may hurt a little, but it'll be right away."
With that, rod takes the initiative and the soul search begins.
Xiao Ming howled in pain. His body was shaking and finally fell to his knees.
The Qin Dynasty directly searched for the memory in the soul and saw everything Xiao Ming said.
It's true.
He could have been lurking around jinmingfeng for so long, and even pretended to be happy with Gao Jiacheng.
This man is a creative talent.
"You, what have you done to me?"
After soul searching, Xiao Ming is sweating all over his body. He barely supports the wall to stop kneeling down.
"I just looked to see if what you said was true."
The Qin Dynasty stepped back and asked, "I can help you get rid of these two people, but there is a question I have to ask."
Xiaoming didn't know what Qin Dynasty meant. He looked up and asked.
"Can you handle all the underground societies in Hong Kong
Xiao Ming is shocked. What's the problem.
"You're kidding."
"I'm not kidding."
Qin Dynasty laughs, "I need to have an agent here."
"I, I still don't understand..."
"Well, do you know the Daqin Gang?"
Qin asked again.
"The Daqin Gang, of course, knows that this is the first gang in the mainland, the underworld and the white."
He gave a thumbs up.
"Well, I'm actually the godfather of the Daqin gang."
The Qin Dynasty took off the sunglasses.
By the dim moonlight, Xiao Ming finally saw the face of Qin Dynasty.
"Lying trough..."
He sat on the ground again, "unexpectedly, it's you..."
Maybe others are not so familiar with the face of the Qin Dynasty, but for those who are mixed with the society, it is necessary to know.
In particular, the first gang on the mainland, the Daqin gang.
They don't even know what their Godfather looks like. How can Xiao Ming get along with it.
Who could have imagined that a bodyguard with Luo Qinglin would be the godfather of the first gang on the mainland!
Xiao Ming recalls a rumor that Luo Qinglin of Tianyang entertainment is actually the secret lover of Qin Dynasty, the president of Dafa group
I'll cut a grass. Is this still a rumor? It seems that it is true!
No wonder the Qin Dynasty wanted to break Jin Mingfeng's leg. It's not too much to shoot directly!
No wonder people are not afraid of jinmingfeng!
Although the community in Hong Kong seems to be very powerful, it still can't be compared with the gangs in mainland China.
Because Hong Kong is too small, these associations, at most thousands of people, have dozens of guns.
And the gangs in the Mainland If people really want to kill them, they can't afford to
not to mention anything else, Dafa group can also destroy the small Emperor Entertainment!
He suddenly burst into a burst of joy, this time, jinmingfeng and they are dead.
Because the godfather's women miss them.
"Mr. Qin, you mean you want to give me all the societies in Hong Kong?"
Xiaoming is not stupid. When Qin Dynasty revealed his identity, he understood it.
"Well, it does. But the premise is, you can't betray me, ha ha If you betray me, it's nothing. I'll have to change another agent. "
"I, I understand..."
Xiaoming knew the power of Qin Dynasty, he didn't dare to make a mistake. "As long as Mr. Qin can avenge me, my life will be Mr. Qin."
"I chose you for your ability. I hope you will not let me down."
It was as if the Hong Kong Society was already in the bag of the Qin Dynasty. He clapped Xiao Ming on the shoulder with a smile.
"Thank you, Mr. Qin However, Mr. Qin and Miss Luo, you should be careful. Gao Jiacheng has already contacted Liu Yiming, the director of police of Hong Kong. When you launch the conference of Tianyang company tomorrow, you will find trouble. "
"You don't have to worry about that. I'll deal with them naturally. However, I don't like the way you talk. What is your Tianyang entertainment
"I'm wrong, Mr. Qin. We have Tianyang entertainment."
Xiao Ming quickly changed his way.
"Well, that's what it is. As soon as the press conference ends tomorrow, Gao Jiacheng and Jin Mingfeng will die. I need you to do something for me... "
Qin Dynasty in Xiaoming's ear, ordered a few words.
"I see, Mr. Qin. I'll take care of it."
"Well, can you take over the mess in the back?"
"There is no problem with jinmingfeng, but there may be some problems with Gao Jiacheng. Because Gao Jiacheng has a confidant who is also his plaything. He is called fan long. With him there, there may be some trouble in recruiting Gao Ka Shing's people and sites. ""Oh, no problem. Let's do it tomorrow."
Qin Dynasty laughs, "so, you go back to prepare. It's a good play. It won't start until tomorrow. "
"Yes, Mr. Qin Then I will go back first... "
Xiao Ming is very excited, quickly through the alley, in the dark disappeared.
"Qin Dynasty, I found that I can't see through you more and more... "
Luo Qinglin pulled the sleeve of the Qin Dynasty and said, "you don't look like that you were then You're dark now. "
"I'm dark to protect you."
The Qin Dynasty held Luo Qinglin in his arms, "give me all the darkness, and give you all the rest of the sunshine..."
"But I'll love you so much I want to help you share your darkness... "
"Next life, fool."
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