Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1229

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Chapter 1229

Although the two archangels were liberated at the same time, the black and white paradise was preserved.
The Qin Dynasty was relieved. If something went wrong with the painting, he didn't know how to explain it to Liu Chang.
As long as I smoked a cigarette, such a big thing happened.
It seems that she should give up smoking at her own discretion.
when AI sent Shangluo back, Li Na and they were already lying in the hospital.
The painting was hugged, but the incident was not correct.
the government had no choice but to announce to the public that it was the gas leakage in the art museum that caused many people to be in a coma.
Li Na and they had to stay in the hospital for two more days and were forced to check for two days before they were released.
The Qin Dynasty was also worried about the sequelae of Li Na after she was exposed to mental radiation, so she was not forced to be discharged.
And he almost looked at the other thing behind his head, until he received a call from Wang Yuan.
"In the Qin Dynasty, I made a reservation for the hotel. It's just the spicy temptation of Tuanjie lake."
"Well, well, I see."
Qin Dynasty put down the phone, saw lying in the hospital bed, blinking a pair of watery eyes, staring at his own Li Na, smile.
"It's your sister Wang Yuan..."
"I know, brother Qin."
Li Na put some cool little hands on the Qin Dynasty's mouth, "don't explain to me, I believe you."
Shangluo, who was accompanied by him, rolled his eyes.
Cut, you didn't know that Wang Yuan came to Qin Dynasty because of business.
Li Na seems to know that Shangluo is disdaining herself, and with her other hand she stealthily pinches Shangluo next to her.
Shangluo had a pain in his arm and called out.
"What's the matter?"
The Qin Dynasty didn't notice Li Na's small movements and looked at Shangluo with a cry of surprise.
Is it possible that after Michael was attached, what sequelae did Shangluo have?
"It's OK, it's OK. Your little Li Na is going to kill people, so I was killed."
Shangluo quickly complained.
"What kind of killing!"
Li Na glared at Shangluo several times, "don't talk nonsense!"
I don't want to leave any impression on elder brother Qin. She is a good girl in the heart of elder brother Qin.
Well, I want to be a good girl for elder brother Qin's whole life.
"Well, well, when I said nothing."
Shangluo shook his head and began to pretend to be stupid.
If she knows, Li Na is really angry.
She can talk to her ears all day.
When the time comes, my ears will be cocooned.
Li Na turned her head and did not look at her best friend.
"Well, then, you two, don't quarrel. Little Nana is still recuperating. Shangluo, don't mess with her. "
"It's not fair, brother Qin. It's not fair!"
Shangluo quickly exclaimed, "I'm not feeling well, you can't be so biased!"
The first day after Shangluo was possessed, she was in a coma, otherwise she could not stay in the hospital with Li Na.
"Cough, what? I'll go first. You two can talk slowly."
Qin Dynasty hurriedly dry cough two, get up to go.
"Well, you two are ganging up to bully me!"
Shangluo hummed twice, and Li Na began to make her best friend happy.
The Qin Dynasty didn't like to have people wait. After saying goodbye to Li Na and Shangluo, he went downstairs and drove down to Tuanjie lake to meet him.
But after leaving the door, the Qin Dynasty was a cold sweat.
There's too much traffic outside.
The Qin Dynasty just remembered that today is the weekend, the private cars in Kyoto began to run outside, and the traffic situation was not very good.
He thought it over and decided to take the subway.
Although there are too many people in the subway, at least there is no traffic jam.
Fortunately, you don't have to take line one.
When the subway was crowded, the Qin Dynasty received a call from Wang Yuan.
The ringtone of his Shanzhai attracted many people's attention. When he saw the Qin Dynasty take out a Shanzhai mobile phone, all kinds of disdain eyes flew to the Qin Dynasty.
The Qin Dynasty also saw that these subway guys were either iPhones or iPads in their hands, but he didn't care. I just like to use Shanzhai.
In particular, a few days ago, a news report showed that the man who sold his kidney and bought an iPhone was a third degree disabled man.
People live, although it is to face, but not all live on face.
"Qin Dynasty, where are you?"
Wang Yuan should be very anxious, the voice on the phone is also particularly urgent.
"I'm on the subway, and I'll be there soon."
"OK, the subway exit is the hotel. I'll pick you up downstairs."Wang Yuan looks really worried.
"Well, yes."
The Qin Dynasty didn't object to it. After all, they were worried that they couldn't sit in the hotel.
"OK, that's it. I'll wait for you."
Wang Yuan finished and hung up the phone.
Qin Dynasty looked at the subway above the hint, from the Tuanjie lake is not far away. He also put away his cell phone and squeezed out.
"What are you doing?"
Just then, a shrill female voice cried out.
When the Qin Dynasty turned to see, a woman with heavy make-up, carrying her purse in her hand, began to fight against the Qin Dynasty.
If it's someone else's, it's estimated that if it's so sudden, it's bound to get hit in the head.
But the Qin Dynasty just reached out and blocked the bag.
There seems to be mobile phone cosmetics in the bag. It's stiff. If it hits people's head, I'm afraid it's not light.
"What are you doing beating me for?"
The Qin Dynasty was a little puzzled and asked the woman with heavy make-up.
I didn't look at it carefully just now.
Boy, this makeup is a little too thick.
The powder on this face is too thick
I'll go and see if I can shake off AI when I walk here How to draw two black circles under your eyes
That's too much.
My lips are a little too red. How do you feel like eating children
"You take advantage of my mother, and if you don't beat you, you rascal
The woman glared at the Qin Dynasty with black eyes.
Qin Dynasty some stupefied, it is estimated that he just squeezed out, accidentally met this woman.
In such a crowded place, some physical contact is inevitable.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. Please forgive me."
Since I met someone else, I should at least apologize.
This kind of politeness still existed in the Qin Dynasty.
"If you touch my mother's ass, I'm sorry, it's over?"
The woman did not intend to let the Qin Dynasty go like this, "I see you are on purpose! You bus Whore
The Qin Dynasty was depressed.
Only when you have multiple tastes can you act like a fool to this woman.
"You think too much."
Qin Dynasty just lazy to take care of this woman, he went to the door, waiting to get off.
"Where are you going! Don't go today
But the woman took the arm of Qin Dynasty and exclaimed.
"No? Are you going to let me stay with you? "
Qin Dynasty looked at the woman with a smile.
"Bah! You rascal, I will accompany you! Today, you must go to the police station with me. You rascal, you will be sentenced to ten years and eight years! "
Well, there's a legal blindness.
Qin Dynasty shakes his head, do not want to take care of this woman again.
And the people on the side of the car were talking.
"Tut, it's the bus sex wolf."
"This man is so hungry and thirsty that he can do anything."
"There are those who like strong taste..."
The waterfall sweat of the Qin Dynasty is really not a heavy taste
at this time, Tuanjie Lake Station has arrived, and the Qin Dynasty is about to get off.
The woman pulled the arm of Qin Dynasty, "hooligan, where are you running! Let's catch the hooligans
The others looked at the woman with interest, and no one came forward to help.
In their opinion, it was this woman who was molesting the man.
"That's enough for you!"
Qin Dynasty turned back and glared at her: "there is no end to it!"
"You stinky rascal, you touch me, you still manage you!"
The heavily made-up woman held the arm of the Qin Dynasty.
"Well, since you like to hold on to it, get out of the car together."
Qin Dynasty a draw arm, that woman immediately feel the body to rise in the air, and then by the Qin Dynasty arm with, together pulled out from the subway.
Then, the Qin Dynasty a shake arm, the woman's body was hit to the side of two steps, hit the side of the stone column.
Qin Dynasty just used skillful force to throw off this woman, and didn't let this guy get hurt.
"Oh, it's a hit!"
The woman, leaning against the stone pillar endlessly, began to shout at the top of her voice.
Qin Dynasty this upset, he turned his head toward the subway outside.
When the woman saw that the Qin Dynasty was going to run, she ran after her.
Can't cheap this rascal, don't blackmail some money from him, how can you afford to be touched!
The Qin Dynasty kept away from the woman with the help of the crowd.
But the woman was really patient and kept up with her.Qin Dynasty helpless, he has something to do, no time to entangle with that woman.
Soon, he got out of the subway station and saw Wang Yuan standing outside the station.
This girl is anxious now. When she sees the Qin Dynasty, she looks like a wolf dog who has been hungry for many days and sees meat. Her eyes are shining.
"Qin Dynasty, what about this?"
she waved repeatedly to Qin Dynasty, and felt that she was not able to give it any strength. She ran herself over and suck up the arm of Qin Dynasty.
"Well, good."
The Qin Dynasty nodded.
After the Qin Dynasty, the woman who came out of the subway with wheezing and panting saw Wang Yuan, and ran back to her again.
People have such beautiful women, but also take advantage of their own
No matter where I went, I'd better slip away.
Qin Dynasty saw that woman left, also did not care too much.
Wang Yuan also helped herself virtually.
Meanwhile, Huang Ping sat in the dining room and saw the Qin Dynasty coming out of the subway through the glass.
"Is it him?"
"Huang Shao, isn't this Li Na's rumored boyfriend?"
Ma Ruohang sat aside and recognized it.
"Hey, I thought that Wang Yuan could find someone, find him, what use. This time, the Wangs are really going to die. "
Huang Ping was smoking and couldn't help laughing.
But Wang Yuan didn't know that Huang Ping had sentenced her family to death. She was warmly leading the Qin Dynasty into the hotel.
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