Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 807

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Chapter 807

"I'm going to Pudong."
On a busy street in Shanghai, a blonde girl dressed in a Mohair jacket and dressed in a very delicate way said to a group of people in black who followed her.
The girl is 14 or 5 years old, but she is very well developed. It can be seen that the nutrition of foreigners is different from that of Chinese people. At this age, many Chinese girls are just developing.
And the British girl has at least the C model.
If the Qin Dynasty was here at this time, such feelings would surely be expressed.
As a Chinese, I have to drink more milk in the future.
and the blonde girl is also very delicate and lovely. In the blink of an eye, she feels like a beautiful porcelain doll, which makes people want to take care of it.
Because of her existence, coupled with the group of people in black behind her, many people watched frequently. The rate of return is quite high.
"yes, your highness, we'll send a car to you."
Behind her came a beautiful uniform girl and said politely.
"No, I want to go alone!"
The lovely English porcelain doll pouted and said, "bless the queen, I'm here to play, not to go shopping with you! Please, don't follow me, will you
"Your Highness, this is also for your safety."
Liu Chang looked at the little princess and said.
"You see, so many people are watching you. If you don't know some of them, you will have evil intentions. "
Two people fluent in English in the dialogue, "if you are not so conspicuous, I do not have such a high rate of looking back! I have known for a long time that there are countless foreigners like me in Shanghai! A foreigner can't attract so many people's attention! It's all your fault! "
"Even if you say that, we will follow."
Liu Chang shrugged his shoulders. "Besides, Mr. Smith won't let you do that."
The little princess was very upset. She only felt that she had come to Shanghai with a large group of people. She had no mood to play.
"Smith, where are you?"
"I am here, Princess highness!"
A red haired man in a black suit, about 30, with a mustache on his face, jumped out of the grass nearby, holding a vanilla ice cream in his hand.
"Princess your highness, the ice cream you want!"
He handed the ice cream.
"Thank you, Smith."
Although the little princess thanks, but did not accept the ice cream, "but I have no mood to eat."
Smith reached out and touched the little princess's forehead. Although this action is a little disrespectful, he watched the little princess grow up. When the little princess was born, she was always the captain of her escort. Therefore, it can be said that this Smith is more like the baby father of the little princess.
Between the two people, there is also a deep feeling.
"is your princess a little uncomfortable?"
"Of course I'm not comfortable to see these people!"
The little princess pointed to Liu Chang and them, "why do I always go out with more than ten guards behind me! Smith, aren't you enough to protect me? "
Little princess heart said, if you can, really hope that no one will bring. It's depressing, Royal identity.
"This is the friendship and responsibility of the Chinese government to us."
Smith advised, "don't be so entangled with your highness, princess."
"No way!"
But the little princess's attitude is very rigid, "I want to come to play, not to demonstrate! With so many people, I can't make friends! Tell them, Smith, and let them retreat, and you'll be with me alone
"that's not safe, your highness." At least, let my team follow
"Then you follow me openly, and your team follows in secret!"
This is the limit the little princess can accept.
"that's a good idea. Wait for your royal highness. I'll go and talk to their heads."
"Give me the ice cream first!"
After handing over the ice cream, he took two steps forward and came to Liu Chang.
"Hello, Mr. Liu."
"What can I do for you, Mr. Smith?"
Liu Chang was a little strange. She didn't hear the quiet conversation between the two people just now, but she knew in her heart that it was definitely not a good thing.
"Yes, sir Liu."
Mr. Smith said with great grace, "Your Highness is very fond of the scenery and human love when you first arrive in your country. She wants a tour of her own, not a demonstration by a group. Therefore, I hope you can take your teammates to retreat and let me and my people protect the little princess"Ha ha." Liu Chang a listen, in the heart faint some uncomfortable.
On the surface, this Smith is very polite, but actually very proud. This clearly tells Liu Chang that you can't do it. You only need a few guards from the British royal family.
"In fact, we have also considered the problem of inconvenient travel caused by so many guards around the little princess. Therefore, this time, we specially invited an expert to protect the little princess. As long as he is here, we, including Mr. Smith and you, can have a holiday
"Mr. Liu's words are too exaggerated."
Mr. Smith was obviously unconvinced. "You may not know that I am one of the best bodyguards of the British royal family. I graduated from the Royal Military Academy, was selected from the elite special forces, has been serving the little princess. I don't know if you have read 007. If it is in reality, I am much better than him. Of course, I admit I'm not as attractive as he is
The foreigner really likes to speak straight and straight, without any implication.
However, the conversation between the two attracted the little princess's interest.
"Is there really anyone better than Mr. Smith?"
The girl also forgot to visit Pudong and asked.
"of course not, my Highness Princess."
Smith smiles at the little princess, "because they don't know how strong I am. By the way, little princess, it's time for us to have lunch
He raised his wrist and took a look at his watch.
"Indeed, how can anyone be better than Smith?"
The little princess nodded. "I'm really hungry."
"It's time for him, too."
Liu Chang knew that they would not believe it, and their former self might not believe it. But this man, he's always been, stands for wonder and wonder.
"We can eat and wait."
Said Smith.
"I don't think it's necessary to wait."
The little princess insisted on her idea, "let the others go, Smith. You go to dinner with me."
"all right, my Highness Princess."
Smith replied, but Liu Chang would never agree.
Let you do it yourself? Leave our people alone? Well, it's nice to say, but if there is any accident, the responsibility of our government will be great.
"It doesn't seem right. Well, let's wait a little longer. He should be here soon
Liu Changxin said that to pick up the car of Qin Dynasty at the airport should be back soon.
"There's no point in waiting."
Smith complained, "it's just a waste of our time."
"No way."
Liu said, "I'm sure it's meaningful."
Just then, a black Audi A6 slowly stopped by their side.
A man in a blue uniform came out of the car. As he got out of the car, he complained.
"I went there. It's a traffic jam at this time."
"Qin Dynasty, you've been waiting for you for a long time."
Liu Chang saw this man appear, only feel that his heart is filled with, all the complaints just now have been left behind. As long as he's there, it's all done.
"Well, Liu Chang, you're in Egypt too"
the Qin Dynasty and Liu Chang said hello, "this time, you're miserable. Today, I was going to go to the amusement park with Suji. Now the plan has been postponed. She is furious at home
"Do me a favor."
Liu Chang stepped forward and gently arranged the collar for the Qin Dynasty.
"Yes, I don't have any other hobbies. I just like to help beautiful women."
"Fuck you."
Liu Chang gently hit a fist in the chest of the Qin Dynasty, "in front of the British royal family, it's a bit serious. Now, you represent the Chinese government. "
"It's too big to afford."
Qin Dynasty curled its lips, and besides, it was not that he had never seen the British royal family.
Not even the prince of England's sweetheart has been taken away by himself!
Liu Changbai glanced at him, and finally only reminded him to be serious. Then he turned to pull the unreliable guy and introduced him to Smith and the little princess.
"Princess highness, this one is the famous blue shield company's special security guard, Qin Dynasty. He once participated in the plan of escorting the imperial seal and safely delivered it to its destination. "
"I thought it was someone. It was just a security guard."
The little princess licked the ice cream without raising her head and said, "how could he be Smith's rival?"
"Mr. Liu, your government has taken our British royal family as a joke."
Smith was also very angry. "How can such a person protect the safety of his royal highness?""You don't need me, do you?"
Qin Dynasty is very excited, "that I left ha! I have to go back and coax Suu Kyi
Liu Chang, this depressed, stretched out his hand to hold the Qin Dynasty, and then said to the little princess, "Princess highness, though this man is only a security guard, his skills are very powerful."
As for the identity of the seventh branch of the Qin Dynasty, it is now a secret. It is not convenient for Liu Chang to disclose it to these outsiders.
"Mr. Liu is exaggerating."
Smith waved his hand. "Let your men go. We are responsible for the safety of her royal highness.
"No, we, as the local government, must be responsible for your safety. In the Qin Dynasty, you have to say something "
" what can you say to these idiots? "
The Qin Dynasty probably understood the situation and what kind of methods should be used for people like Smith. So he turned his head and asked Liu Chang, "it's just a bunch of rubbish. Let them go. I'm hungry. Is there anything delicious in Shanghai
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