Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 478

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Chapter 478

"Come out and breathe for me."
The driver hit the steel window heavily.
"Bang!" The body of this mecha has been trembling for a while, but the strength of Qin Dynasty is strong now, but it is less than one tenth of that in ordinary days. With this fist, the driver's window trembled a few times and was safe.
"Ha ha ha ha ha!" The driver was pale and saw this scene and laughed heartily. "Do you think the driving window is so easy to * *?" This kind of high-tech product, but indestructible existence! Hum, I've broken my mecha. Go to hell
With that, he manipulated the other arm without holding the sword, and grabbed the Qin Dynasty standing on his head.
"Hum!" Qin Dynasty spits out cigarette end in mouth, spark splashes on glass. At the same time, when he shook his hand, a golden lotus sword appeared in his palm and was firmly held by him. Although he could not mobilize his vitality, the sword shadow that had been made could still be summoned by his soul. It's just that you can't use the broken heart sword array.
Even if you can't use the broken heart sword array, the platinum lotus chop, which combines the three powerful forces of Buddhism, magic and Taoism, is still invincible.
The Qin Dynasty holds the platinum lotus chop in both hands, with the blade facing down, and stabs into the cab window.
The high-tech product that the driver called indestructible immediately looked like bean curd. The blade of the sword went in with a thump, and then it penetrated into the driver's head and nailed his body directly to the seat.
"Ah, ah!" Another one was killed, which made the captain ashamed and angry. His expression seemed to have been taken over by Qin Dynasty. It was very ferocious.
"Attack! Cut him to pieces! Bring out the glory of your heavenly troops! Driving your powerful mecha! God bless us! Press it
This Ya's one shouts, just by Qin Dynasty skill shock machine armour soldiers, immediately launched the storm like attack again.
"Baga, cut him off!" A fighter, known for his fighting skills, wielded a kinetic energy sword and swept to the body standing on the head of his partner's mecha in the Qin Dynasty.
The Qin Dynasty jumped up to avoid the sweeping kinetic energy sword, and then jumped to the mecha soldier who thought he could cut down the Qin Dynasty.
It seems to know that as soon as the Qin Dynasty approached, he ended up with his companion just now. This mecha soldier suddenly panicked. The other mecha arm pulled out the power gun and pulled the trigger against the Qin Dynasty, which had already jumped above his head.
Qin Dynasty mouth with a sneer, suddenly the body sank, a thousand pounds fall in general, rapid fall, as fast as thunder, bang fell on the top of the machine armour soldier's muzzle.
Suddenly, by the force of Qin Dynasty, the arm fell down.
In the twinkling of an eye, the Qin Dynasty ran to the arm of the mecha soldier, holding the arm with both hands and shaking it from side to side.
Along with the inertia just now, plus the panic of Qin Dynasty suddenly appearing in front of him, the mecha soldier has pulled the trigger.
"Bang bang bang!" Several shots were fired in succession, and the kinetic energy bullets shot out of the swinging muzzle.
"Boom! Boom! Boom Several mecha soldiers standing beside him were hit by blue kinetic energy bullets, and a dazzling red fire broke out on the body.
Although these mecha can not be completely destroyed, the places hit by the kinetic energy gun still leave a lot of damage.
Among them, a mecha soldier was broken arm, the whole arm, with the kinetic energy sword, broke away from the body, high into the air.
There is also a mecha warrior, a leg was broken, click on a direct kneeling on the ground, as if lost the ability to move.
One of the drivers had the worst luck. The falling kinetic energy sword penetrated directly into his cab, and his whole body was cut in half by the larger kinetic energy sword.
"Baga, baga!" Unexpectedly, the loss is getting worse and worse. The captain's gas is jumping up and down. He can't wait to set up his own machine to be a time bomb. Then he will hug the damn * * pig and die together.
"These wastes! Do I keep a bunch of rubbish? " The little fool sat in front of the monitor and was equally furious, "the most advanced weapons, given to these idiots, have disgraced our Dahe nation! Who's that captain! If he comes back alive, let him apologize to himself
The captain with the messenger on immediately received the above order.
His face, which should have been triumphant, turned pale at once.
He was originally an elite soldier. After hard training and strict selection, he finally became the leader of Tianzhao army.
Originally, he should have a bright future.
Originally, he could be a hero of Daiwa.
However, all this, let the devil in front of me to destroy!
"Baga!" His eyes, suddenly and rapidly rotating, full of twisted madness.
At the same time, looking at the powerful Qin Dynasty, his right hand with a trace of shaking, a trace of hesitation, and finally hard pressed on a red button.Qin Chaogang just carried a huge kinetic energy sword and pierced the breastplate of a mecha warrior, which made him feel cool.
At this time, from behind him, suddenly came a huge energy.
After all, it was a cultivator. Qin Dynasty was still very sensitive to the existence of energy.
He quickly turned around and saw the mecha that the captain was driving behind him.
At this time, the body of the mecha is emitting a dazzling light, as if filled with some kind of fear of energy.
"No! The captain is going to launch a suicide attack! "
"Run, run! Or it will be too late
"God, I don't want to die!"
Seeing this scene, all the mecha soldiers were frightened and panicked. They gave up the fight one by one, opened the wings and propellers on their backs, and fled in all directions in an instant.
Only the guy with a broken leg can't run if he wants to run. In the end, he simply shot the safety valve on the driver's window, climbed out of it, and tried to escape with all his limbs and land.
"Escape, you must go back alive!"
The young soldier had such a thought in his heart.
But as soon as he got out, he saw a terrible scene.
himself, a beloved captain, is now holding the megacoop warriors with a grim laugh * *, and he will start turbocharging and fly towards the guy.
And soon, a huge and dazzling white light, on the moment covered themselves.
The sky is crying, the earth is whispering.
A huge black mushroom cloud rose directly from the ground, rushed into the air, and could not disperse for a long time.
The young driver's body, directly in a piece of white light into coke, and then was shocked into dust.
Those who had escaped to the air were also affected by the mushroom cloud. One by one, their bodies lost control and finally fell on the ground beside them.
Although the fall is not light, but how to say, also avoided the scope of the explosion, fortunately all escaped a life.
, "this time, the damn man is * *..."
A driver looked out at the constantly twisted mushroom cloud and said bitterly.
Nuclear attack, this is the last resort of Tianzhao troops, nuclear self explosion attack.
The reason why a mecha has such sufficient kinetic energy is that it has a small nuclear reaction battery in its body. This battery, usually the energy source, constantly provides energy to the body. At the last moment, it can produce strong fission and become a mobile terrorist nuclear weapon!
Unexpectedly, his team leader was forced to this field, and the man used the last resort.
No matter how terrible that man is, he can't survive a nuclear attack.
The mushroom cloud lasted more than ten seconds before it slowly dissipated into the air. But some of the rage and energy is still raging on the earth.
In front of the earth, scorched black, there is a terrible diameter of tens of meters wide pit in the middle. Black smoke billows from the ground, and the whole scene is like hell on earth.
"Terrible, terrible..." After the devastation of nuclear attack, there is nothing left on this land.
This is the terror of nuclear weapons, I am afraid, this surface, within 10 years, will not be able to recover. Moreover, nuclear energy will always exist, and people, animals and plants living nearby will be affected.
If it's in a remote area, it's just Tokyo, the capital of the island, where the government and the palace are located.
This will undoubtedly give the whole island a big mouth, which will make it lose a lot of speaking rights and status in the international community.
"Damn it..."
The little stupid prime minister hit the meeting table with a heavy blow, with a look that was about to eat people.
"Baga, this idiot, he ruined Tokyo too!"
"It seems that we have to move the capital..." Intelligence officers are also heavy. This time, the blow to the island countries is too big. I didn't expect that the original biochemical crisis in Tokyo would come to this point.
and, because a * * people, the whole island state almost collapsed.
The SDF, the army, almost 80 percent of them have been eliminated.
The secret weapon hidden in the dark, the railgun, was taken out and destroyed.
The powerful Tianzhao troops were almost disabled.
Fortunately, not all of them have been lost. Otherwise, the island countries may have to return to the time when the World War II was just over, and their military forces were completely destroyed.
"Fortunately, our island is under the protection of the great God Tianzhao. As long as the Tianzhao troops are still there, we, with strong military strength, will soon regain our international status! " The intelligence officer can only comfort the prime minister.
But soon, they had some relaxed face, and again despair.On the monitor, a black figure flashed out of the void and landed on the dark ground.
The drivers were also stunned. They were surprised where the woman in black came from. What's more, she's not afraid to step on the violent ground of nuclear energy?
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