Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 809

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Chapter 809

"Now that the Qin Dynasty has arrived, others can withdraw."
Liu Chang arranged, "including you, Mr. Smith."
Smith hesitated for a moment, to tell the truth, he completely worried about the safety of his royal highness, which was completely left to China.
At this time, Liu Chang came to him and said a little.
"We can now turn to the dark protection."
"Well, I promise."
Smith knew that so many people would follow her royal highness and she would be angry. Therefore, this request was met. As long as the little princess is safe, everything else is easy to say. Then the Chinese security guards don't know what they are practicing. They are so powerful! He used to hear that there was a kind of knight errant in Chinese novels, who could hurt people by flying leaves. Before, he didn't believe it anyway. Today, the Qin Dynasty gave him such a feeling.
"It's no wonder that China's Hidden Dragon and crouching tiger are all masters. Today I'm an eye opener."
Smith still had some gentlemanly manners. He walked up to the Qin Dynasty and stretched out his hand. "The royal highness of the princess is delivered to you."
"Don't worry."
Qin Dynasty nodded, "I will not let people move a hair of the little princess."
"That's good."
With a wave of his hand, Smith turned around and disappeared in front of them. The little princess seems to have become a spectator. She is not very worried about Smith's departure, but looks at the Qin Dynasty with admiration.
This man is very strong.
"I'm gone too. You should be careful."
Liu Chang asked the Qin Dynasty a few words, "this time the task, really not let you come to play. You can help me and stay with the little princess for two more days. She may have a bad temper. You should treat her as a child and don't take it too seriously. "
"In fact, I was very unhappy."
Qin Chao, looking at the beauty in front of her, said, "now I see a lot of emotions. However, there is no free lunch. Liu Chang, Liu Chang, what are you going to do if I finish the task well? "
"It's like I'm trying to kill you!" Liu Chang rolled a good-looking white eye, "this is clearly a win-win thing, OK! If you finish this task, blue shield company will become the leader of China's security industry! You Qin Dynasty took such a big advantage, on the contrary with me get cheap and sell good
"That's not what you said
Qin Dynasty shook his finger, "this kind of thing, I Qin Dynasty didn't ask you, you should know, what I want is not these. Well, it's our old tradition. Do you remember the last time you asked me to solve the devil's business, how did you do it? "
In the eyes of the Qin Dynasty, Liu Chang gnashed his teeth.
The girl suddenly remembered that the last time in the villa, she had a kiss of Qin Dynasty. As a reward, she immediately blushed.
"You, what do you want?"
"Of course not. My God, where are you going? Your mind is too dirty!"
Qin Dynasty makes a fuss, looking at Liu Chang, that look is like looking at a lecher.
"You, you, full of nonsense!"
Liu Chang suddenly understood that the Qin Dynasty caught the bug in her words, in order to tease her severely. It made her uncomfortable, quite uncomfortable.
She has never been a person waiting to die. If you tease me, I will come back!
"If you can give me the same reward as you did last time
Liu Chang bit his lips, and his face seemed to drip blood. He said to the Qin Dynasty.
"Ha ha, this is good, this is good."
Qin Dynasty seems to be more happy than getting millions, standing there clapping, "then we have a deal!"
Every time Liu Chang saw the Qin Dynasty, he felt a little flustered and short of breath. The usual training at the base is useless at this time.
If the Qin Dynasty was its own enemy, then he might soon die in his hands.
Fortunately, this guy is not a bad guy, just a sex wolf.
"That's it. I'm leaving now. Take good care of the little princess."
"I'll take care of her safety."
"Qin Dynasty ha ha a smile," you go at ease
With a word from the Qin Dynasty, Liu Chang was relieved. She turned and waved without hesitation. All the agents quickly gathered together and left the Qin Dynasty with Liu Chang.
Looking at Liu Chang's beautiful back, Qin Chao sighed, took out the lighter, lit a cigarette for himself, and took a sip.
"What's your name?"
He turned and found the little princess standing in front of his eyes, staring at himself.
The Qin Dynasty looked up and down at the little princess and found that she was convex and backward, with a great figure. She has a doll like face, blonde hair and blue eyes, and is also a beautiful beauty. At the age of 15, he developed into this appearance, and the foreign horse was really extraordinary."The Qin Dynasty."
Qin Dynasty spits out a smoke ring.
"Hello, Qin. My name is Eliza."
The little princess said it in raw Chinese, and held out her tender hand to the Qin Dynasty.
The Qin Dynasty held her little hand and felt that it was really a beautiful woman's jade hand.
But no matter how beautiful the beauty is, the Qin Dynasty does not want to provoke. Therefore, his attitude is very cold, gently lead a little and let go.
"princess, where are you going to eat?"
"I don't know what to eat, Qin. Do you have anything to eat?"
The little princess looked at the Qin Dynasty with a kind of warm eyes.
"Whatever." The Qin Dynasty shrugged his shoulders. In fact, he was not hungry at all, but he didn't know what to do.
"Let's go first."
Eliza was very interested in the man in front of her, as if she wanted to dig something out of him, so she said, "look at what you want to eat on the way."
Qin Dynasty doesn't matter, as long as the little princess is safe.
This time, only the two of them walk on the road, and the sight of coming and going is much less, except those who appreciate handsome men and beautiful women.
This effect, let the little princess very satisfied. She didn't want to be seen by a group of people like a monkey.
"Qin, I want to eat an egg cone..."
This season a little bit hot, the little princess walked a few steps, on a body of fragrant sweat. She saw another ice cream seller by the road, and immediately said to the Qin Dynasty.
"Buy it yourself."
The Qin Dynasty said carelessly with a cigarette in his mouth.
The little princess was a little surprised. "I'm a princess. Do you want me to queue up to buy an egg cone?"
"If you want to eat, you have to buy it yourself." Qin Dynasty looked at the sky with his hands in his pocket and said slowly, "in China, there is an old saying. Do it yourself and have plenty of food and clothing. "
"I don't!"
At this time, the little princess must defend her rights, otherwise where is the royal majesty.
"You are my bodyguard. Go and buy it for me!"
"As you said, I'm just your bodyguard, not your nanny or your servant."
The Qin Dynasty was not moved. "If you want to eat, you can buy it yourself. I'm only responsible for your safety. As long as you don't gameover, I don't care about the rest. "
"You, you!"
The little princess was so angry that she shivered. For the first time, she met such a guy who didn't buy it! The person that met before, hear oneself want to eat egg cone, that still had to line up to buy for her. This guy is a good guy. He doesn't think of himself as a princess at all.
Even if he doesn't care about his identity, doesn't he know that he is a beautiful woman!
"Qin, aren't you a gentleman?"
"Gentleman? Is that god horse? Can I eat it? "
Qin Dynasty's pretending to be silly made the little princess angry. She simply sat on the side of the road and didn't go away. She made up her mind and expressed her anger and dissatisfaction with her meditation.
Qin Dynasty looked at her, unexpectedly beyond the expectation of the little princess, bent down to sit beside her.
Two people sat side by side on the side of the road, people who came and went were surprised to see the combination of exotic handsome men and beautiful women.
Is it true that beggars now have such high quality?
"Qin, if you don't buy it for me, I'll sit here and stay!"
"Hao AI"
the Qin Dynasty nodded, "the scenery here is also good, facing the road, spring flowers bloom. You see, there are so many beautiful women coming and going, and so many thighs. It's a feast for the eyes
The little princess was very angry.
"Thank you for your praise." The Qin Dynasty was not ashamed, but proud. As the saying goes, ten men and nine colors. If not, it's not a man.
Some people even say that he is a big limbed, simple minded idiot who only knows how to pick up girls. For these people, he is also a smile, not on the heart.
If his strength equals his limbs, he really has nothing to say.
He never thought he was smart, but he could tell right from wrong. Unlike those who think that smart people, regardless of right and wrong, only have a good mouth and bite people everywhere.
"Can you help me buy it or not?"
After sitting for a while, they appreciated the eyes of many passers-by. Finally, the little princess couldn't help asking.
The Qin Dynasty simply refused to use Japanese translation as yayudie.
The little princess was thirsty. She gave a fierce look at the Qin Dynasty and tried to kill this not gentlemanly nuisance with her eyes.
Finally, he had to stand up and run to the queue to buy the cone.
The Qin Dynasty laughs.
This girl, in fact, is very interesting. As a princess, she can queue up to buy an egg cone. I can see that she has a willful temper, but her mind is not bad.It has been heard that a king from abroad had to eat pizza with his wife at the roadside because the restaurant was full of people without an appointment.
At this time, although the Qin Dynasty was a little far away from the little princess. But he can guarantee that if someone is against the little princess, he can solve the source of danger in the first place.
These are some habits left behind when protecting Sufei Suji.
"I want an egg cone!"
The little princess wanted to buy one for the Qin Dynasty, but she thought of that guy's heartlessness, so she only needed one.
The peddler quickly made the cone and held out his other hand to the little princess. It's obvious. Give me the money.
The little princess froze for a moment, then turned her head and reluctantly laughed at the Qin Dynasty.
"Qin I have no money with me... "
Qin Dynasty this helpless, he had no choice but to pat his buttocks, stand up, go to the pedlar in front of, take out money to ask a way.
"Do you have an invoice?"
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