Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1034

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Chapter 1034

Roses and roses look similar, but the price of roses is much higher than roses.
The flower bud of rose is not as full as rose, nor is it gorgeous in color. If you smell it carefully, the rose still has the fragrance, but the rose has no fragrance.
Because the two are similar in length, it is difficult to distinguish them, so the general flower buyers don't care too much about these.
Boys don't care much about it. It's the heart of girls.
Of course, if a girl doesn't care about that, it's not the same.
Fashion students did not expect that Suu Kyi actually picked this theory.
Under this, the Secretary big young certainly very angry.
"Wang song, I'll deal with you later!"
Si Dashao dropped a word, then turned his head and looked at Suji with a smile, "no matter it is a rose or a rose, my heart for you is engraved. Our love, like this flower, will be as open, bright red, let people happy
It would be nice to talk to you.
It's a pity that Suu Kyi is not moved by it at all.
"Sorry, but our love has withered before it blooms."
"Who are you, by the way?"
Just now, Si Longkang was still surprised that his confession was so rejected?
When Suu Kyi asked for his name, he suddenly realized.
Oh, oh, it turns out that the teacher Su doesn't know who he is! If she knew that she was the master of the family, she would be moved!
"Beautiful teacher Su, I am Si Longkang, my father Si Wuji."
Si Wuji, what does this name stand for.
If you have some business or political knowledge, you will know it.
At the same time, you will know the weight of the name in Kyoto.
As a member of the Su family, Suji can't help but know who si Wuji is.
However, Si Longkang's expected reaction did not appear in Suu Kyi's body.
On the contrary, this gorgeous beauty, with a look of disgust on her face.
"Are you Sloan?"
"Ah, yes..."
Si Longkang is a little surprised. I don't know why the second young lady of the Su family has such an expression.
"Get out of here."
Su Ji's mouth spits out three words, almost didn't let Sloan vomit blood.
She told ben to get out of here?
I heard you correctly
"You, what do you say?"
"Well, it seems that Mr. Si's ears are not working well."
Suu Kyi's face was full of smiles, which made the boys around her marvel.
"But it doesn't matter. I have the patience to repeat it again, 10000 times. Please, master Si, get out of here
"You woman, do you know who you are talking to?"
Wang Song jumped out again and exclaimed, "this is Si Da Shao. You should be careful when you speak! Who is she talking to? "
Who knows, Si Longkang stood up and gave Wang song a mouth directly.
"Her, who are you talking to?"
Si Longkang is gloomy face, break big scold way.
Wang song was beaten silly, covered a face, half a day did not know what to say, can only look at his master.
Si Longkang gave Wang song a mouth, and then turned to Suji with a smile.
"Miss Su, my friend's mouth stinks. Please forgive me. Miss Su should think that our company Longkang is not sincere enough. The rose flower really insults my sincerity. How about this one? "
Si Longkang said and took out a delicate box wrapped in black swan flannel.
All people's eyes are focused on up, with the hands of the Dragon Kang, slowly fell into the box inside.
Looking at the brilliant light, many girls could not help but exclaim.
What a big diamond
"How beautiful
"Boo hoo, who would give me such a big diamond ring and let me marry him three times, I'll do it!"
The shouts of a group of girls, plus the dazzling light of the diamond ring in Longkang's hands, suddenly upset Suji.
Although she didn't like such a gift from Si Longkang, if Qin Dynasty could give her such a gift, she would be as happy as other girls.
Suu Kyi's family is rich, just like this diamond ring.
If she wants to, buy ten or eight to play.
But what's the point of buying it yourself! To like the person to send, this is the key!
Even if the Qin Dynasty gave her a ring made of iron wire hoop, she would be full of joy.
It's a pity, that elm pimple, in addition to want to see their naked dance all day long, the other nothing."Miss Su?"
Finding that Suji was distracted, she thought she was fascinated by her own ring. Si Longkang couldn't help calling out two times.
"It's just my little heart. My love for you is more real and dazzling than this. Why don't we go to have a meal and have a ride... "
"Take your sister
At this time, one of those girls suddenly jumped out and yelled, "don't you know that Miss Su is brother Qin's girlfriend? She's still harassing people!"
"That's right. The boy must not have long eyes and destroy people's feelings. It's disgusting!"
"If you let elder brother Qin know, you must shoot him to death!"
Several girls began to blame.
Si Longkang is a little confused. Where do these girls come from? He pursues Suji and has a lot to do with them!
Suu Ji knows that these girls are Qin Si from school!
To put it bluntly, they are fans of the Qin Dynasty.
In the Qin Dynasty, he was also very popular in Guangyuan college. In addition, he was famous for acting in movies, and many girls worshipped him.
These girls, one of Qin Si, jumped out to speak for the Qin Dynasty.
"Wipe, we Secretary big and small confession, what relation with you, give me one side stay!"
"Don't make me hit women!"
Some of the friends of the Dragon Kang immediately followed the girls to quarrel.
"Miss Su, let's leave them alone. Shall we go to dinner?"
Si Longkang continued to invite Suji.
"I'm sorry, Si Dashao, although your diamond ring is very beautiful, it's not enough weight."
Suji suddenly said.
"Ah, this is a bit of a hurry. I'll supply you with a big one later..."
Si Longkang said quickly. He said in his heart that it was indeed a su family woman, a three carat diamond ring, which was not appreciated by others.
"How can it be done? It's insincere. I want you in front of me now. "
Suu Kyi said a rude word.
"Good, good, what size do you want? I'll find someone to buy it now!"
Si Longkang took out his mobile phone.
It's not easy to change a bigger diamond ring. It's a piece of cake.
"Well, I don't want too much, just about the same."
Suu Kyi thought for a moment and said, "just give me a big one like your head. If it's too big, I don't want it."
I have such a big head?
Si Longkang is a little silly.
How many carats does that take!
And, what's more, is there such a big diamond ring!
Don't talk about diamond rings. You don't even have diamonds!
"Miss Su, you are not playing with me..."
Si Longkang pressed his anger and said with displeasure.
"Yes, I'm just playing with you. What's the matter?"
Suu Kyi laughed again, "who makes your head so big and small?"
"Miss Su, I think you're toasting and not eating or drinking!"
Si Long Kang sneered, "You Su family business, do not want to do it."
The threat of red fruits!
The Si family has great influence in Kyoto and has commercial contacts all over the country.
Some of the key enterprises of the Su family do have some contact with the company.
He was threatening Suu Kyi by saying this.
"Are you threatening me?"
Suu Kyi blinked, looking scared.
"Yes, I'm threatening you. What's the matter?"
Si Longkang took out Su Ji's words and said triumphantly.
"Not so much But my boyfriend will be angry... "
Su Ji finish saying, Si Long Kang suddenly feels the body a burst of clouds.
Then, he flickered and fell to the ground.
"Ah! Young master
"Si Da Shao!"
"Hit someone, someone hit someone!"
A group of people yelled.
The bodyguards protecting Sloan were also shocked.
Just now, Mr. Si was fine. How could he be knocked down in the blink of an eye!
Who moves so fast that you can't even see them as professional bodyguards!
"Threaten my girlfriend, you want to die."
A man in a blue security uniform, one foot on the body of the eldest master, said coldly.
"Protect the young master!"
Seeing the young master being bullied by others, the bodyguards rushed up immediately.
"Beat him, beat him to death!"
Si Longkang was trampled on the ground, but his head was still clear.
This man, should be Suu Kyi's boyfriend, the security director!Code, a security guard, even dare to our company long Kang hands, is simply looking for death!
Several of their own bodyguards, all professional, hit you a bodyguard, is not easy and happy!
But soon, slonkan didn't think so.
Because of his several professional bodyguards, a face-to-face Kung Fu, Suji's boyfriend laid them on the ground.
Also did not see his movement, only saw he raises hands and feet, several bodyguards fell down, lying on the ground straight hem.
"Who just hit the security guard at the door?"
The Qin Dynasty had a gloomy face.
When I think of Wu Hao, he can't help but want to kill.
These people are so arrogant that they don't pay attention to the dignity and health of others.
Wu Hao's stomach was kicked out and his intestines were full of congestion.
If the Qin Dynasty didn't appear in time and cured Wu Hao with Buddhist power, I'm afraid he would have to rely on infusion for the rest of his life.
Don't talk about being a security guard. Even normal physical work can't be done.
"What's wrong with me?"
Although Si Longkang felt a little shiver in his heart.
This man's Kung Fu is so powerful. How could a small security guard be so capable of fighting.
But then what, he dares to really attack himself!
To kill a security guard is as simple as killing an ant.
"Ha ha, I know I have your share."
Qin Dynasty looked down at the arrogant young master of the Si family. "I won't lose your share at all. However, with your body hollowed out by wine and lust, it's just a dream to kick my brother like that. Come on, who's under you to mend the foot? "
"Shit, what can I tell you?"
Si Longkang stares at the Qin Dynasty. He wants to get up from the ground, but the feet of the Qin Dynasty are like a pillar, firmly pressed on his body, making him unable to move.
Damn, such a big shame, he si Longkang will certainly report back!
"It doesn't matter if you don't say it. I have plenty of ways for you to say it."
Qin Dynasty looked at him with a sneer on his face, "the young master of the grand secretary's family is very delicate and expensive. Have you ever tasted a fracture? "
Qin Dynasty said, eyes fell on Si Long Kang's feet.
"What do you want? If you dare to touch my finger, I won't let you off! "
In front of so many people was trampled on by a security guard, but also so threatened, Si Longkang simply hated to eat the meat of the Qin Dynasty!
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