Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 841

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Chapter 841

"Yes, I won't like it, but I won't let little Li Na suffer from this kind of bad memory."
Qin Dynasty shrugged her shoulders. "What she has to do now is study hard and get into a good university. As for other things, that's what I should do
"You're protecting this girl."
Suu Kyi's tone, with a bit of vinegar.
"Well, how can you say that?"
The Qin Dynasty touched his nose and took a look at the sleeping sister next door, "but you can say so. Actually, I want to protect every one of you. If I'm strong enough, I can make each and every one of you live in an ordinary and vindicated world without having to suffer in this place. "
Seeing the self reproach of Qin Dynasty, Suji holds Qin Ying in her arms while touching the cheek of Qin Dynasty with the other hand.
"Qin Dynasty, it's not your fault. What's more, I entered the realm of practice before you, but now I have to be protected by you. In fact, it's quite humiliating. "
"You are my woman. I don't protect you. Who will protect you?"
The Qin Dynasty hugged Suji's waist in a domineering way.
"Dad, you should also protect Xiaoying!"
Qin Ying interposed in the side, causing Qin Dynasty to laugh.
"Of course, of course, I also want to protect our little cherry!"
The Qin Dynasty laughs.
Just as they were enjoying the warm scene, in the middle of the restaurant, a shining magic array suddenly appeared.
Qin immediately alert, turned to stare at the magic array, hands clenched.
"It's OK, it's OK!"
"This is Lord Winnie's magic circle!" said Estee
While speaking, a graceful figure of a woman appeared slowly from the magic array.
Vini, also Shana, stood in front of the Qin Dynasty with a proud figure and stepped out of the magic array.
"Your Majesty the Pope."
Vini just glanced at the Qin Dynasty, then bent down and half knelt in front of Suji. At this time, the Qin Dynasty noticed that there were some burn marks on the back of vini.
"Get up, don't be so polite."
Suu Kyi couldn't accept this, she said quickly.
"Yes, my majesty."
Vinnie stood up respectfully, but his face was not very good-looking, and there was a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth.
"Sire, I have bad news."
"What's the news? How did you get hurt? "
Suu Kyi also saw what was wrong with Winnie.
"Don't worry, your majesty. I'm fine."
Now, the dark said, "but the Vatican waved. I've been lurking in the Roman Church recently, watching their movements. But Argus actually opened the door to the heaven and released the power of angels! Your majesty, these angels are very powerful. They want to take your soul away and send you into the abyss of hell to be judged by their gods
"If you want to move Suu Kyi, you have to ask me first!"
In the Qin Dynasty, the stronger power in Richard's mouth actually refers to angels!
The damn Roman Church, like a wild dog, has been pestering them!
"Qin Dynasty, it is not a common skeleton killer, nor a paladin of pseudo angel! But the real angel
Vini frowned and looked at the Chinese cultivator who was always confused about the situation. "The power of angels is so powerful that you can't imagine it! In front of them, the Knights of the seven sins have to bow down and admit defeat
"Oh, I'm not that I haven't seen an angel before."
Among the magic puppets of Qin Dynasty, there was a man-made angel.
However, that is to absorb the gene of angel, the real angel, Qin Dynasty has not seen. But it's estimated that both sides are similar. Because when Liu Ying was in the laboratory, she once woke up. The power of that time was not so powerful.
But vini said that they were stronger than the seven sin knights. The Qin Dynasty estimated that their level was similar to that of Scofield.
Now Scofield is not afraid of Qin Dynasty.
"If you have seen angels, you will fear their power!"
"I escaped from the altar of the Roman Church. An angel's eyes almost burned me to death."
The Qin Dynasty knew that although vini was not strong, he still had some skills. Angel can almost kill her with her eyes, it seems that the strength has to be estimated up.
"In short, we should be careful and develop our own strength."
Pooh thought for a moment and suggested, "sire, shall we cooperate with the devil?"
Suu Kyi hasn't seen anything like this.
"Are you crazy?"Qin Dynasty often dealt with demons. When he heard vini say this, he immediately opened his eyes and said, "cooperate with the devil, you are equal to betraying your soul again!"
"For the great dark Holy See, I am willing to sacrifice everything I have!"
Pooh flopped to his knees again.
"We are willing to sacrifice everything we have!"
ESTEE and j are on their knees, too.
"No way!"
Without waiting for Suji to speak, the Qin Dynasty flatly rejected, "there is nothing to talk about with demons, and they dare not face angels. As for the affairs of angels, let me deal with them. "
"You have no idea how powerful angels are!"
Pooh thought the man was obstinate. "You're not their match at all."
"When I show you the head of the angel, you will know."
The Qin Dynasty is also too lazy to explain with this woman, how can she imagine the horror of Xiuzhen.
"This woman is stupid."
A Li also said in the Qin Dynasty's mind, "if the master recovers the real strength, moving his finger can destroy the earth, not to mention a small angel!"
You can destroy the earth with your fingers
Let me go. Is xianzun so powerful?
Seems to be able to sense the idea of the Qin Dynasty, Ali immediately exclaimed.
"Of course! Otherwise, why are the three realms so big that only three people become venerable? What's more, master, you were the strongest of the three at that time! Renzun and Guizun are not your opponents! If you were not too strong, because of Xuanyuan Yingji's affair, those two perverts would have been furious! "
"Heroes don't mention bravery in those days..."
The Qin Dynasty can only feel this way.
No matter how strong I was, I'm just a loser now.
"Master, don't lose heart. You have the power of God. It's only a matter of time before you recover your strength. No matter how bad it is, Ali will help you. Besides, Ali feels that the master's chaotic energy has been improved. If you continue to refine Jiulong ring, the next sister will soon wake up. "
With Ali's encouragement, the Qin Dynasty also had the confidence.
"Those angels are probably chasing my breath and will soon know about it."
Pooh took a look at Suu Kyi and said, "Your Majesty, I've finished delivering the news, and I'm going to lead those people away from here. Think about my plan carefully. It's the only one. "
Pooh said, let the magic circle under the body light up again.
At this time, there was a terrible pressure in the space.
The magic array on the ground, suddenly scattered, destroyed no effect.
And all around the window outside, are intense white light, shining in from the glass.
People's ears, as if something is ringing, and as if detonating a huge bomb, buzzing a listen.
"No, it's an angel!"
Pooh's face changed. She sat down on the ground and cried out in despair.
And the Qin Dynasty frowned, and he felt the power.
The real power of angels echoes with the flame of light in his body.
The ground was originally dirty pieces of meat, suddenly began to piece together.
After a while, a complete Richard was revealed.
When the intense white light suddenly disappeared, Richard's eyes opened.
"This man is in good health."
As soon as he dodged, he stood on the ground and looked at Winnie in front of him. He laughed, "I let you run just now. Now I will judge you."
With that, he reached out his right hand to Winnie.
Pooh's body floated up and was caught in the air by the angel, then swung and hit the wall behind him.
There was a dent in the wall and Pooh slipped down, spitting out a mouthful of blood.
"Ha ha, it's very good. It seems that I can play more."
The angel took control of Winnie's body again and held it in the air, shaking.
He held out his other finger and flicked it across the air at Winnie's arm.
"Ah, ah, ah!"
Winnie's arm broke, and she screamed in pain, and her voice made Estee and j look pale.
"Oh, is it painful? When you go to hell, you will suffer a hundred times
The angel again aimed at Winnie's right leg.
And Pooh noticed his movements, pale.
That beautiful pupil, full of despair and fear.
The angel popped his finger and Pooh shivered.
However, the expected pain did not appear. My right leg is still good.
"What's going on?"The angel is a little strange, and plays twice, but still can't hurt Winnie.
At this time, venie, who had been caught by him in the air, suddenly fell to the ground.
"Who is it?"
The angel finally knew that someone was interfering. He turned his head and looked at the people in the restaurant.
"I'm so sorry."
Qin Dynasty took out a cigarette, slowly lit one, and put it in his mouth, "disturb your game. However, no matter how, she is also my wife's staff. If you play a trick on her, you will not get along with me. "
"Where are you from
The angel laughed contemptuously, "foolish human beings, it seems that you don't know how terrible punishment is. If you make me angry, you will die miserably. "
"Is it?"
Qin looked at the very arrogant angel in front of him, "then I'm looking forward to it. How can you kill me?"
"Let me judge you! Man
The angel's eyes spurt white light, he to the Qin Dynasty, stretched out his right hand.
In this angel's expectation, it will seize the body of this stupid human in front of him, and then, together with his dirty soul, will be crushed!
But, let him down.
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