Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 179 Uncle Go Away

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Liao Dongkai has been death for more than a month and Liao Shasha and Yu Lu have settled down somewhat. Of course, this was also thanks to Qin Chao. Without him, it’s hard to tell how long the two women will continue to be depressed and sad because of grief.
But there was one thing that made them depressed, and that was, the two-month deadline was near. Qin Chao would soon leave the Liao House, leaving Dongchuan City. Back to Sunan City, back to Su Ji’s side.
Therefore, she and Liao Shasha came up with a plan. They wanted to make him drunk so that he would promise them a condition. And that was to stay in Liao House as a bodyguard….
Indeed, they even came up with a plan to give up their shares, allowing Qin Chao to be the Chairman of the Dafa group.
As long as Qin Chao is willing to stay behind, they would agree to anything he demands. Even if he wanted to drink coffee every day….
With a blushing face, Yu Lu drunk her cup like it was an ecstasy and then gave Qin Chao another one to drink.
With Yu Lu’s lead, the second wave of attacks against Qin Chao began with a vigorous start. Liao Shasha and the bodyguards offered him a cup one after the other. Soon, Qin Chao has drunk another three bottles of liquor.
His mouth inhaled a cold breath. A pure Buddha’s force began to circulate in his body. Soon, those alcohol effects were swept away. Qin Chao became refreshed again. After drinking six bottles of beer, he sat there with a smile and continued to eat the skewered meat as if nothing happened.
“Boss, your skewered meat is delicious! Give me another ten!” Who knows what Qin Chao’s stomach was made off, after being filled with six bottles of beer, it still wanted ten skewered meat.
He is not a human! The surrounding crowd all thought this same thing.
“Master Qin, can we join your bet? We want to join the beautiful women’s group!” A bunch of Murong Jiang’s men smiled, raised their hands, and cried out.
“Hey, do you want to drown me to death!” Qin Chao raised his brows.
“I agree!” Yu Lu made the decision for them, “You will join our group. We are going to give Master Qin drinks!”
“Great!” The crowd suddenly cheered. In this street, Murong Jiang’s 20 men sat around two tables. Now, they suddenly moved their chairs closer to Qin Chao’s group.
Now, the anti-Qin Chao alliance has more than 30 people. This team can be described as imposing and has a huge momentum.
“We are going to send Master Qin a big farewell!” Yu Lu stood up and raised her cup, acting like an underworld gang’s big sister, “I as a womenfolk, will go first and be the vanguard!”
With that, Yu Lu picked up a bottle of liquor and heroically gulped it down in one gulp.
Looking at her, the crowd were all silly, F*ck me, that’s a bottle of liquor, not a bottle of coke!
After she poured all of the liquor in that bottle, she wiped her mouth and, incidentally, charmingly belched. Yu Lu was somewhat embarrassed, she covered her blushing face and said to Qin Chao, “Your….Your turn….”
“Good!” The surrounding gangsters gave their applaud to Yu Lu. A woman who can drink so heroically like her was awesome!
“Master Qin, your turn! Master Qin, drink up!” The crowd started to cheer. Qin Chao blinked, his heroic spirit surged up. He pulled out a bottle of beer from the box, flicked the lid open with his thumb and, without any hesitation, poured it down into his mouth.
After drying that bottle of beer, Qin Chao was still the same as before, his face was without any trace of red. He shook that empty bottle and smiled to Yu Lu.
“I’ve drunk it all!”
“My turn!” Liao Shasha held up a cup of liquor, “I’ll drink this, but you’ll drink a bottle!”
“Nonsense!” Qin Chao frowned, “If you drink a cup, I’ll drink a cup!”
From the original twelve individuals to more than thirty people, Qin Chao’s pressure doubled. People came to offer him a cup, one after the other. Qin Chao welcomed them all and drank all of their toasts.
“Master Qin, good, good drink!” Six or seven rounds later, Liao Shasha collapsed on the table. The bodyguards were still good, but they started to feel tipsy.
Among the gangsters, several were big drinkers, but some were already talking incoherently.
These group of people has eaten a lot of things, which suppressed their tipsy feeling. When looking at Qin Chao, they saw that he was still eating, laughing, and teasing Yu Lu, acting like he was not the one who drank those bottles of wine.
A gangster held his cup and unsteadily walked to Qin Chao.
“Master….Master Qin, not only you have superb Kung Fu….Your drinking capacity also make other people admire, “Come, drink up!”
“Drink up!” Qin Chao cheerfully smiled and accompanied this Murong Jiang’s lackey to dry a cup.
“Good, good drink….I….” Before he finished his words, that gangster collapsed, lying face down the ground.
His nearby buddy who was still sober quickly came and took him to the side.
Qin Chao secretly chuckled, the Buddha’s force kept on circulating, warming his body. If this was in the daytime, they would be surprised to see white smoke rising up from Qin Chao’s body and disappearing into the air.
At nighttime like this, the smoke was light, plus all the people were kind of tipsy. Therefore, did not see this phenomenon. Otherwise, they would exclaim out loud that Qin Chao was the Taoist Immortal.
After two rounds of drinks later, another large man fell down. The stall owner’s beer have been completely dried up so everyone started to buy liquors from the other stalls to continue the match.
Those who were still sober were Yu Lu, the bodyguards, and the several gangsters who regularly drank.
But what about Qin Chao? He was still happily munching the newly cooked roasted honey wing. Other people also started to eat to restore their combat effectiveness.
“Boss, your roasted wings with honey sauce is quite delicious. Next time I come to Dongchuan City, I’ll be sure to eat here!”
“That’s great, Master Qin, whenever you come, I will give you twenty percent discount!”
“Good, good!” Qin Chao grinningly said with lips smeared with oil. The nearby Yu Lu became dejected, He still wants to leave. I’ve mobilized these many people to get him drunk, but how come he doesn’t show any sign of tipsiness….
Am I really….This powerless to retain him….
Thinking to this, Yu Lu bit her red lips, and somewhat unsteadily stood up. He pulled out two bottles of beer from the newly bought box, opened them and put them on the table.
“Qin….Qin Chao!”
Two bottles of beer appeared before him, My God, she’s already drinking so much. Her pretty face charmingly blushed, making people can’t help but want to bite.
“Another round?” Qin Chao said with a smile, “Is there anything you want to say this time?”
“Cut the crap! Drink up!”
Qin Chao was speechless. When the two were about to pick their respective bottle, a group of people walked toward them.
“Oh, little girl, I see you’re quite a drinker.” The leader was a hot-headed youngster. He was dressed in traditional clothes, baggy pants, and peaked cap.
“Do you want to accompany this little master here to drink? This little master will take a good care of you. You can just send that uncle away.”
With that, the other boys who came with him moved forward, wanting to drag Yu Lu away.
“Scram!” Qin Chao, while eating the roasted wings, put himself between them and Yu Lu, and lightly said.
“F*ck, trying to be a hero are you? Get lost if you don’t want to die!” A foul-mouthed boy reached out to push Qin Chao. But Qin Chao was like a tower, did not budge even a little bit. When he tried to increase his strength, he was the one who was pushed to the side instead.
“Come and get me….” Yu Lu put her hands on the table and softly said, “As long as you can catch me, tonight, I will accompany you for a drink!”
Yu Lu has definitely drunk too much, otherwise, she would not say these provocative words.
Actually, Yu Lu really wanted to know where her position is in Qin Chao’s heart.
Women were a strange creature. They always want to know their position in their men’s hearts. Yu Lu seemed to forget that because of her, Qin Chao personally destroyed the Zhong Family forces, and also killed several Ninjas….Em, in particular, dealt with the Japanese Kunoichi.
“Uncle, I see you’re tired of living.” The saliva in that group of boys’ leader almost fell out of his mouth, the dangling cigarette in his mouth slanted as he said, “Be sensible and just go away, you hear me? Otherwise, if you make me angry, don’t blame me for not giving you a warning before I break one of your arms or legs.”
“Oh?” Qin Chao raised his eyebrows, “Then I’d like to know, which of my arms and legs you want to break?”
“F*ck, a stubborn aren’t you!” A boy with a nose ring immediately picked up the nearby beer bottle and slammed it hard on top of Qin Chao’s head.
That beer bottle suddenly broke. But to that boy’s amazement, nothing happened to Qin Chao. He just removed the broken glasses from his hair and continued to eat the skewered meat.
“Brother, how come you’re not paying attention? Didn’t you say you want to break my arms or legs, why did you hit my head instead?”
“F*ck me….” That boy with a nose ring stared at him while holding the half broken bottle. He then tried to stab Qin Chao’s stomach with it.
“F*ck, don’t you dare!”
At this time, the nearby people who watched this scene could not endure anymore. From the beginning, they thought this group of boys was funny because this group of boys did not have eyes and tried to annoy Master Qin.
But later they found these boys went out of the line, they even dare to hit Master Qin! M*therf*cker, he is their big Master Qin, to hit him is to hit their faces!
Those gangsters pounded their tables and pulled their various blade and knives from under the table. They menacingly stood up and glared at those boys.
The group of bodyguards was also outraged. They pulled out their baton from their bosom and pressed the mechanism to make it long. Each one of them looked grim like a killer.
“I see you guys are tired of living!” A gangster could not help but sneer. He walked over with his knife, “You dare to mess with Master Qin….Humph, humph, don’t you want to break Master Qin’s arms and legs? I think each one of you should leave one of your arms or legs, otherwise, don’t even think of leaving this place alive!”
In a flash, more than thirty people stood up, each with their own weapon. These ‘fancy-dressed’ boys’ heart suddenly sunk. Their faces went ashen and they immediately ran away without saying goodbye to their boss.
“F*ck, hey, wait for me!” That leader staggered and his cigarette fell down from his mouth to the ground. He was scared sh*tless and continued to run away in fear, leaving behind his fallen hat.
“F*ck, don’t run!” A group of gangster raised their knives, wanting to pursue.
“Forget it, they’re just a bunch of kids, no need to lower ourselves to the same level as them.” Qin Chao stretched out his hand to block these Murong Jiang’s men.
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