Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1098

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Chapter 1098

Liu Aiguo blinked when he saw the certificate.
"I'm cutting grass. The flood has washed the Dragon King Temple!"
As a member of the organization, it is impossible that he does not know this certificate.
Why does the organization exist? It's for this seventh branch!
"Don't put down the gun when you know it"
the Qin Dynasty laughed.
Although two people fight, but the Qin Dynasty did not know why, not angry.
On the contrary, I think this guy is very interesting.
It's interesting to be able to push yourself to such a level as a mortal.
His shooting skills and skills are really superb, worthy of ice are convinced.
I'm not afraid of bullets, not ice.
"You see, I'm a bit reckless. Don't be angry with me."
Liu Aiguo apologized after he knew that he had made an oolong. "I was also sent to protect Dr. Zheng Siqi. A few days ago, several ninjas from island countries came to assassinate Dr. Zheng Siqi, and I killed them secretly. Don't worry. These islanders also covet satellite weapons. "
"Hard work for you, Comrade Liu Aiguo."
Cheng Ying also jumped from the back of the Qin Dynasty, "we are here to pick up Dr. Zheng Siqi today."
"Take her?"
Liu Aiguo blinked and looked at the Qin Dynasty. "It's said that brother's Kung Fu is good, much better than that island ninja."
He knew that he could not catch up with the ability of the seventh subject. "I know my brother has the ability to take Dr. Zheng Siqi, but not now."
Cheng Ying doesn't quite understand.
"Because Dr. Zheng Siqi keeps all the data in her USB flash disk, which is controlled by the US military. Only when the press conference is held tomorrow, they will give it to Zheng Siqi and ask her to call out some materials in it, which will serve as the final content of the conference and attract a lot of investment. "
"These foreign devils think very well."
Qin Dynasty sneer, "our things, how can we let them take out to absorb funds!"
"Satellite weapons are so secret. How can they make it public?"
Cheng Ying or some do not understand, frowning, Dai asked.
"Satellite weapons are a package of programs called the space program."
Liu Aiguo had contact with Zheng Siqi earlier, so he told Cheng Ying what he had learned from Zheng Siqi, "satellite weapons are only one part of them. In addition, there are many related researches. Each of them can shake the world."
"I see..."
Cheng Ying nodded, "no wonder the United States is not willing to release people, Dr. Zheng Siqi is simply a genius."
"Yes, she is a genius indeed."
Liu Aiguo thought of the scene of his contact with Zheng Siqi and couldn't help saying, "so, you can only wait until tomorrow's press conference to start. At that time, I will cooperate with you and take Dr. Zheng Siqi away. "
"I don't have a clear plan yet."
Cheng Ying was worried, "if we pick up Dr. Zheng Siqi tomorrow, where should we send it?"
Liu Aiguo said with a smile, "just send it to the embassy directly, and then the people of the embassy will arrange for you to return home."
"Will this not cause international disputes?"
"No way!"
Liu Aiguo laughs, "Dr. Zheng Siqi is originally a member of our country. We take our own citizens away, and we have a Mao relationship with him and the United States! What's more, although the old Americans are always clamoring, conducting military exercises and marvelous horses, do they dare to really attack China? "
He said and snorted, "if we really want to fight, they must be ready to give up all coastal cities. China's military power is not vegetarian either. The United States is a country relying on science and technology. If the two sides go to war, they must start with satellites first. But without satellites, their missiles are blind. But we don't have satellites. Hey, even engineers can make missiles fall on us targets. The gap is not more than 2000 meters. If they fight, they will pay a heavy price. "
"I don't think you want a war..."
Cheng Ying raised her eyebrows.
"Of course I don't want to."
Liu Aiguo said seriously, "if the two superpowers go to war, it will lead to the Third World War. At that time, life will be destroyed, and nuclear weapons are likely to be used. You and I all know what nuclear weapons are, as well as Americans. Maybe the earth will become a ruin. So, that's why I say that the United States only dare to shout and dare not do anything. "
Liu Aiguo said with a sigh, "who likes war Myself, I'm tired of this endless task. How much I want to go home and accompany my little girl
"I didn't expect you to be so homesick."
The Qin Dynasty couldn't help making fun of it."Of course."
Liu Aiguo nodded, "I've been running outside for a long time, and I'm naturally homesick. We are not like you, Qin Dynasty, we have a lot of tasks, especially me, this trump card is not white shouldered. Oh, if only I could get into the seventh
"Maybe one day."
"Pull it up. The people in section seven are monsters."
Cheng Ying also nodded.
The seventh section, when Qin Chaoliang showed her identity, she was also shocked.
No wonder director Li is respectful to him. It turns out that he is a special commissioner of the seventh section!
The identity of this seventh section is very big. If I remember correctly, his rights seem to be greater than that of director Li.
Especially a homicide immunity!
The whole seventh section is responsible to only one person, that is, the chairman.
It's no wonder that he has such a strong ability. With him in this mission, it will be much easier.
Zhou Subin, this time you really got in the way of a guy you shouldn't have
"We can't talk anymore. I have to keep an eye on Dr. Zheng Siqi."
Liu Aiguo said, and carried his own sniper gun, lying on the edge of the building, "you are free."
Seeing Liu Aiguo start to carry out the task again, Cheng Ying also knows that he can't stay.
"Well, then the two of us will go back first. We'll see you tomorrow
Said, pulled a Qin Dynasty, "do not squat down, we go back."
"Well, you're addicted to riding."
Qin Dynasty is very helpless, two people are about to go back, that lying on the edge of the building Liu Aiguo, but suddenly whispered.
"Wait a minute, there's movement!"
Liu Aiguo's sniper gun turned slightly, "sure enough, I didn't guess wrong. Before the press conference, the little devil will certainly launch an action against Zheng Siqi On the other side, there are three... "
Cheng Ying quickly took out his own tactical telescope and looked into the distance.
In the Qin Dynasty, he didn't need any tools at all. His eyes were more effective than telescopes.
In the dark, he clearly saw that on the opposite building wall, there were three ninjas in white crawling slowly, like three geckos, crawling toward the 15th floor window.
"Little devil, I'll kill you myself, and I'll help you..."
Liu Aiguo holds a silent sniper gun in his hand and smiles at the corners of his mouth.
He aimed at a white ninja and fired.
On the opposite wall of the building, a ninja's body was suddenly stunned, then fell out of thin air, and finally fell on a Humvee downstairs.
All the soldiers below were shocked. They rushed to see a ninja corpse wrapped in white. They were shot in the back and died with their eyes closed.
They subconsciously looked up the stairs, but found no figures.
"Did our men kill?"
A soldier couldn't help guessing.
"No, it was shot from the opposite building! It's a sniper gun. There must be enemies! "
A commander found something wrong and told his soldiers, "first team, go and search! Don't let anyone run away
A small group of soldiers with live ammunition ran to the opposite building.
"The Ninjas disappeared, and the soldiers were startled. It's time for us to change places."
Liu Aiguo takes back his sniper gun, pulls out a black waterproof bag next to his feet and finds something out of it.
He finally assembled a small glider in the sight of Cheng Ying and Qin Dynasty.
"Comrade Cheng Ying will give it to you. I'll go first. I'll meet you upstairs. Those little devils will never give up. "
Liu Aiguo said, holding the glider, his body instantly accelerated and rushed out of the 20 story building.
"I'll go. This man must be crazy!"
Cheng yingmu gaped, for such a short distance, he even used gliding wings!
It's too fierce!
However, the Qin Dynasty understood that Liu Aiguo had long been regarded as good.
The building opposite is only 16 stories, more than 20 meters away. The ace agent, with his glider, was silent in the dark and soon fell on the roof.
After going up, he quickly put back the side wings of the folding glider, and the whole man fell onto the concrete platform, rolled a few times, and stood up safe and sound.
"I finally understand why he is a trump agent."
Cheng Ying swallowed his saliva, "because he is a madman! A real madman
"Well, it's time for us to get there."
The Qin Dynasty patted her warped parts, causing her coquetry.
He ran up, and then took off at the edge of the roof, his body instantly across the distance of more than 20 meters, and then landed steadily on the opposite roof."You're also a madman..."
Cheng Ying hugged the Qin Dynasty and murmured.
Not long after the Qin Dynasty left, a group of soldiers came up on the roof of the opposite building. They searched the roof for a long time, but they did not find a single person. Finally, they had to withdraw.
Just after the soldiers left, a standard Island curse came to their ears in the Qin Dynasty.
In the void, two ninjas in white come out.
"If you dare to damage our good deeds, you will all die if you kill Xiaoren Jun!"
The two dwarfs in white gave a cold curse, and then they were ready to attack the Chinese agents.
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