Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 462

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Chapter 462

"Oh Liu Ziqiang finally understood that he was not the opponent of the man in front of him!
all his illusions, all his aspirations, turned into foam because of this man's appearance.
What a god! What rules the world is a dream!
He wants to run, he has to run!
Even if he is just a senior devil, as long as the gate of hell is still there, he will continue to be powerful infinitely!
As long as you become stronger, more terrible! He must be close to God!
That's right! One day, he will be a god!
Thinking of these, Liu Ziqiang no longer hesitated, directly turned into a black smoke, trying to escape from the underground laboratory.
"Want to run?" Qin Dynasty faint smile, stretch out a hand, toward that rolling black smoke void a grasp.
Liu Ziqiang wailed, and the black smoke of his incarnation immediately twisted. However, no matter how hard he struggled, he seemed to be bound and couldn't escape.
"X, you have to die here today. Otherwise, I have no face to go back to see Xiaoying. She still thinks that her father is in a foreign country, carrying out a sacred mission
"She's not Xiaoying!" Liu Ziqiang seemed to be infuriated. His body suddenly turned into a prototype, staring at the remaining one eye and looking at the Qin Dynasty with blood, "Xiaoying is dead! She's dead! That woman is no more than a soulless doll, she is just a substitute
"No, she is Xiaoying." Qin Chao shook his head and said, "in Liu Chang's heart, she is Xiaoying. As long as someone else loves and cares about her, she has a soul. "
"No! Xiaoying is dead! She died in my hands, in the hands of the organization! I want everyone to lose their lives for Xiaoying! "
Liu Ziqiang still has his distorted thought, and his mouth is constantly growling.
"It's a pity that you don't have the chance." The Qin Dynasty waved his hand, and Liu Ziqiang's body banged against the wall of the corridor.
"Hehe, hehe, hehe..." Liu Ziqiang, however, laughed grimly, "do you think everything is in your control? I admit, you are very strong, but compared with me, you are still a rookie without any experience! Ha ha ha
"What do you say?" The Qin Dynasty felt a little wrong, "do you have other plans?"
"I, Liu Ziqiang, have always been a person who likes to stay behind. Maybe this is a very troublesome habit, but this time, it makes me very satisfied
Liu Ziqiang said, laughing again, "when I carried out the plan of becoming a God, I arranged this chess piece for myself in order to prevent myself from losing the chance of less than one tenth of a million. The purpose of the chess pieces is that if I die, the project of becoming a God can continue. "
"If you're dead, how can the plan be implemented?" Qin Dynasty curled his lips, "don't worry, your men, including Shen Dong, I will send them to see you one by one."
"Shen Dong? You're talking about the military division! " Liu Ziqiang laughed again, "from the beginning, we just used each other. I promised him that if the plan of becoming a God was successful, I would let them become the first cultivation force in the mainland! "
"The first power of cultivation? By them? " The Qin Dynasty disdained to say, "a school with nearly all the experts can survive in the devil's road, it is their lucky."
"Ha ha, the experts are exhausted?" Liu Ziqiang picked his eyebrows, but because of the lack of eyeballs, the expression looked particularly ferocious, "you underestimate Shen Dong. From the information I got, it seems that the elders of Yama gate have begun to wake up from their deep sleep. Because Shen Dong got some benefits from me Ha ha... "
The spirit of the devil!
The heart of the Qin Dynasty jumped. Yanluomen is the school that can manipulate and utilize the soul. If they master the spirit of the devil, I'm afraid it can really make the elders wake up!
Once those golden body period, and even some masters in the hijacking period appear, it seems that there will be a bloody storm in the world of mainland Xiuzhen!
Shen Dong, Shen Dong, I really underestimate you
The Qin Dynasty secretly reproached itself.
"Ha ha, time is running out The last move I left behind, I think, is about to start... "
Seeing that the Qin Dynasty was in a trance, Liu Ziqiang laughed again, "if I had become a god successfully, I would have stopped this plan myself But now it seems Ha ha... "
"What is the plan?" Qin asked.
"Ha ha There's a bomb I put in reservoir one. At 8:40 p.m., the bomb will detonate the metal box hidden in the water. At the same time, the potion containing the devil's wings would contaminate the drinking water system in Tokyo. At that time, Tokyo will become a terrible hell on earth... "
After Liu Ziqiang finished laughing, he looked at the Qin Dynasty again, "well, I know you are going to kill Xie Qiang. But this guy, it seems, is going to leave the island country by boat at the same time and go to Canada for the rest of his life with a large sum of money. Now it's less than half an hour from 8:40. Hehe, do you choose to kill Xie Qiang or save 35 million lives in Tokyo? ""Nonsense, I need to ask." The Qin Dynasty threw away the cigarette end in his mouth, stamped it out with his feet, and then replied to Liu Ziqiang, "of course, it's going to kill Xie Qiang's son of a bitch. There are more than 35 million lives in Tokyo. What does it have to do with Laozi? "
Hearing this sentence of Qin Dynasty, that Liu Ziqiang seems to be slightly Leng for a moment. But soon, his face was covered with blood, and a smile came up again.
"Sure enough, you and I are the same kind of people."
"You are wrong. I am much more handsome than you! White Lotus The Qin Dynasty raised its hands, and a white lotus sword appeared in the void.
"Platinum lotus, the treasure of Buddhism, transcends all sins and sufferings!"
When the fingers of the Qin Dynasty moved, the white lotus chop immediately turned into a white lightning bolt and split into Liu Ziqiang's chest.
"Bang!" That Liu Ziqiang's body, immediately shakes out innumerable black smoke, wails, slowly disappears in the air.
"Ha ha..." Liu Ziqiang felt the loss of soul, eyelids gradually heavy, gradually closed his eyes. In his mouth, he was still murmuring.
"Xiaoying Dad is here to accompany you... "
With that, his head drooped, and his body turned into dissipated black smoke, gradually annihilated.
Qin Dynasty suddenly some heavy, he took out a cigarette, with trembling hands to light himself.
Several times, the fire almost caught his eyebrows.
After all, I killed Liu Chang's father, this beautiful stewardess. I won't hate myself
Well, Liu Ziqiang didn't want to
Let her always think that her father lives in a corner of the world
With a cigarette in its mouth, the Qin Dynasty went back to the core laboratory just now. He picked up the lost tablet from the ground. This can contain the information that Li Baishan wants.
The base was destroyed and the mission was completed. What kind of hell is left of Tokyo? It has nothing to do with Qin Dynasty.
However, there are still some things to be done.
"Liu Chang." There is no signal on the mobile phone of Qin Dynasty. It is estimated that in this underground base, all the signals are blocked. But fortunately, he also has a powerful smart watch. Even in an underground laboratory full of metal, it can still touch satellite signals and connect to Liu Chang.
"Qin Dynasty?" Liu Chang's beautiful voice immediately rang through his watch in the lifeless underground laboratory. "How's the mission? Have you got Buddha's relic?"
"Buddha's relic is destroyed." The Qin Dynasty shrugged his shoulders, "but the information is in my hands. What's more, the underground laboratory has been destroyed by me 10. It's dead. "
"That's great. Come back to Sapporo. Let's go back home and hand over our tasks together." Liu Chang's voice sounds very happy, "Xiao Ying grinding in my ear every day to see you, shouting to see you!"
Xiaoying was trained into a magic Puppet by herself, which is also equivalent to planting a love seed in her heart. The Qin Dynasty did not know whether it was good or bad for her to do so.
"Yes, I know. Before I go back, I have another task to do. I want to get rid of Xie Qiang. In addition, there is going to be a biochemical crisis in Tokyo. Take Xiaoying with you all night, and the secret service personnel who are staying in the island country, withdraw to the mainland overnight. "
Now that the task has been completed, there is no need to stay.
However, because Zhao Jingjing, Anqing Baiying, Anqing BeiXue, Yuqian Qiandai and Huizi are all in the island, the Qin Dynasty will not let this crisis spread out.
If it comes to the last moment, the Qin Dynasty may directly take the last resort, that is to destroy the entire city of Tokyo.
Let all the demons annihilate in this city.
If these demons die, the polluted water is not enough to turn the whole island into a hell on earth. After all, the dilution of water is very strong, and the devil's wing is not as powerful as pollution.
"Biochemical crisis?" Liu Chang's voice was a little surprised, "there are such things. But it doesn't matter. Don't worry about us. Don't underestimate the military strength of island countries. If Tokyo is in danger, it will soon be isolated by the SDF. What's more, the seventh fleet of the United States now seems to be stationed in the ports near the island countries. It is said that they will jointly conduct military exercises against China. "
"Well, there's something else." Qin Dynasty laughed, "very good, then come together to join the fun."
The Qin Dynasty finished, hung up the communication, turned around and took a look at the stone tablet with the huge wormhole still open behind it.
Because the corpse of the great devil was blocked, the wormhole had no other demons crawling over. But over time, new demons will surely find out.
"Well, let's work it out together."
The Qin Dynasty clapped his hands and stood in front of the stone tablet with a white light on his right fist.
"Break it for me!"
"Boom The Qin Dynasty hit the wormhole with a fist, and the force spread out and was affected together with the stone tablet behind it.
I don't know what material to make the huge stone tablet, in this way, cracks one after another, and then turned into a ground of gravel.
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