Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 896

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Chapter 896

Besieb threw his delicate glass to the ground and smashed it to pieces.
"What are you talking about? The fortress of Pera has been broken!"
"Yes, yes, my great king..."
A demon general knelt on the ground, facing the anger of Beelzebub, he was trembling and did not know what to say.
"Where is my legion of giants and demons, and my great general Monroe!"
Besieu felt a small flame, and rubbed his forehead. "Are they all eating shit?"
"They They all died in the war... "
The general did not dare to lift his head, and said a word that made beshib stupefied.
"What did you say? I didn't catch you. Do you say it again?"
Besieb asked, pointing to the demon general with a finger up.
"Lord monlong, he He and the Legion of giants and demons were killed Now, the head of Lord monlong is still hanging on the wall of Pala castle... "
Suddenly a black light came out of besieb's body, which directly blew a hole in the Castle above his head.
He was burning a black flame, his eyes were full of flames, and his face was full of blue veins. "What weapons did the Mamen Empire use to kill Monroe and my giant devil! With their stone statues and demons? "
"No According to our investigation, their legion of stone demons, under the constant harassment of Lord monlon, has lost its energy
"What's that that can kill Monroe? Has the Mamen Empire developed new weapons of terror? "
"Well, it seems not..."
The demon general was shaking. He hesitated to tell the truth Let him tell the truth He dare not stand in the way of I am ashamed to speak.
"What is it, say it!"
"Subordinate I don't dare to hinder you... "
"Do you want me to torture your soul directly?"
Besieb's eyes blazed with fire and looked at the demon general kneeling on the ground.
"No, it's not..."
The demon general trembled again. "Yes, twelve new recruits They killed Marshal Monroe, killed six giants, and slaughtered the whole paila castle... "
The ground cracked and red magma poured out of the cracks.
In Beelzebub's eyes, it was no longer just a flame, but a fierce light.
"There are only twelve people Or a new recruit? If you dare to cheat me with such absurd reasons, you will know what will happen... "
Besieb's voice became gloomy.
"I dare not! It's true! "
The demon general was so scared that he even said, "this matter has been spread all over the Mamen empire The other twelve were recruits who had passed the examination on the first day and had not been trained yet! He only thought that the vice captain had offended the Farran family, so he was directly sent to the front line to participate in the war. So, so... "
"Monroe is a devil
Besieb's eyes were red. "How could he die in the hands of recruits."
"Well, I don't know However, the twelve men are known as the ninth heroic team. Their current team leader, in the fortress of Pera, sent a message to Wang... "
"What did he say?"
"He, he said, within a month, he will enter the imperial capital of besheb Empire and come to visit your castle..."
"He wants to die!"
Besieb only felt that his anger was extreme, but this kind of anger was not a good thing.
He suppressed his anger and let reason command himself.
"You go down and deploy the troops at once. I'm going to let the so-called hero ninth team pay the price. Don't kill the captain. I'll catch him alive! I'd like to see how many heads he's got. He dares to say such things to me
Just like running for his life, the demon general ran away from the castle without delay.
Besieb unscrewed a bottle of red wine, found a new glass, poured himself a glass, and began to drink sullenly.
The beautiful woman who has been sitting next to her opens her mouth.
"It's hard to see how angry you look."
"Well, I'm not just angry."
Besieu suppressed his anger and sneered, "I can kill people. If that man dares to provoke me, I will make him pay the price. "
"Have you ever thought about another possibility?"
Shi Xin has been here for a long time, and only feels that the man in front of her is more and more annoying to her.
"One day, he will really lead the army into your imperial capital, and then come to your castle and fight you to the death?"
"Ha, no way."
Besieu laughed like a joke, "how can I take an idiot's joke to heart. Does he think my empire is an empty city? There is only one possibility that he wants to see me. That is, being held in front of me by my soldiers, waiting for my criminal law. "He said, suddenly excited, "by the way, I'd like to think about what kind of torture to use to make this boy who made me angry cool At that time, you will enjoy it together. You come from the human world. I'm afraid you haven't seen the lovely and beautiful torture in our hell. I promise you'll love them after you've seen them. "
Shi Xin couldn't help but scold and left the room.
"Ha ha When your little lover comes, maybe he will receive such a welcome... "
"All I know is that you will die."
Shi Xin dropped a word and disappeared behind the door.
"Those who annoy me will die."
Besieu was too lazy to explain. He sat there and drank his red wine slowly.
And at this time, in the castle of Pera.
"I knew that you must be different!"
Lance, holding a glass in his hand, laughed and patted the shoulder of Qin Dynasty, "look, now even our king knows you, and he wants to reward you a lot."
Everyone gathered at a reception, and everyone was very happy to celebrate this victory.
Only Venice sat in the corner, sullen, watching the Qin Dynasty sneer.
"Oh? What do you want to reward me for? "
The Qin Dynasty expressed curiosity.
"No more."
Lance shrugged. "Prince Farland stopped it. The Duke of Farland has always thought that you are a spy sent by the enemy country. He said that if you are promoted to a higher rank, you will certainly commit splittism or other heinous crimes in the future. "
"Tut, it's a big hat."
In the Qin Dynasty, his mouth was turned away.
"Not only that, but he wants to judge you and get you in jail! Then I will behead you in the imperial capital and let everyone know what the end of a spy is
"Hey, that's a good idea. Did Wang agree?"
"Of course not. Wang is not a fool."
Lance laughed, "the king just needs the strength of the Farland family, but hates the tyranny of the Farland family. He just cancelled the reward, but he didn't mean to do it to you
"In fact, my existence, for him, should also be a time bomb."
Qin Dynasty drank a cup of wine, only felt that the wine of hell was hot, "but, I'm a good weapon, isn't it?"
"Hey, you are really smart."
Lance said with a tacit smile, "the fortress of Pera, because of Monroe and the Legion of giants and demons, has always been an invincible fortress. But you take a small team and destroy this place cleanly. Which King of the Empire doesn't want this terrible power? I appreciate your words to Beelzebub very much. I hope you can do it
"I can always do what I say."
Qin Dynasty confidently smiles a way.
"Qin, come and have a drink with me!"
At this time, Solomon also found the Qin Dynasty, holding a wine cup in his hand, and said happily, "this time, you have taken this paila castle. Seriously, I didn't really have much hope when I watched you guys leave the Pera mountains. But you gave me a surprise. So, I'd like to propose a toast to you, to show my respect and to apologize
"Your honor, marshal."
Qin Dynasty nodded to Solomon, "these are what I should do. For the sake of the Mamen Empire, I will never die."
"Hum, this is a good boy!"
Solomon also patted Qin Dynasty on the shoulder, "lance really recommended a good soldier for me! That damned Farland, for the sake of a useless grandson, stopped your development. It doesn't matter if it's not enough. He doesn't use you. I use you. Qin, I decided to hand over the Fifth Battalion to you. There are 2000 demon soldiers there. Although they are all new comers, I think they will help you
"You, you want to promote this boy to battalion commander?"
Lance was shocked. "I'll take it. It's not even with me!"
"Hey, he's qualified, right?"
"That's right. In fact, he's enough to be commander."
"It's a pity that I don't have so much power. My so-called Marshal has only three battalions under his command Together, it's less than 7000. The old man of Farland sent me to die this time. "
"He wanted to get rid of you."
Lance said, "for fallan, as long as there is power in the army that is not his, he is naturally unhappy."
"Ha ha, as long as I am in one day, the third camp, the Fifth Battalion and the seventh Battalion will always be a thorn in his heart! And my army of stone demons
Solomon sneered and looked at the Qin Dynasty again. "Qin, I can count on you. Lead the Fifth Battalion to the capital of Beelzebub! Let him know that Mamen Erlang is powerful. ""Leave it to me."
Qin Dynasty mouth floating smile, "I will never let you down."
There is a sentence how to say, is worried that no one taught, the sky fell a sticky bean bag.
Hehe, the number of three thousand luochagui is not enough.
Now, there are two thousand more.
Really good, with these two thousand people, their own combat effectiveness, enough to constantly conquer the cities along the way.
Now his luochagui, because of the relationship between devouring many demons, each of the evolution has the power of magical period. In other words, he has 3000 high-level demons. Besides, it's the undead demon Legion.
Don't you want my soul, don't you?
Now, I've come to see you in person. You must clean up your castle, my uncle, and play with you!
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