Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 943

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Chapter 943

The young new man of luochamen, who didn't even open his eyes, walked towards the forest.
Naturally, he didn't know what he was going to do. I don't know. There are two people hanging far behind him.
With the sound of the flute, the young man went into the woods and came to the biggest tree.
There were still a few yellow leaves left on the tree, and the young man stood there, motionless, as if the sound of the flute had made him stop here.
"Ha ha, I didn't expect that luochamen recently recruited quite a lot of new people."
A woman's voice, I don't know where it comes from.
Then, a piece of ground suddenly broke open, and a white tender hand stretched out from the ground.
The breach grew bigger and bigger, and a white woman crawled out of the ground.
The woman looks very beautiful, but the left half of her face is painted with a tattoo, which is very strange.
"When I train you to be the king of corpses, the people of luoshamen will be shocked. Hehe This can be regarded as a gift given by the yama sect to the founding of the sect. "
The woman said, plucking a flute from her waist and blowing out a gloomy flute.
The young disciple of luochamen was led by the sound of the flute and slowly followed the woman to the outside of the forest.
At this time, a girl with headphones around her neck and dressed up in fashion appeared in the woods and stopped in front of the woman.
"Those who are bold in yanluomen dare to come to our luochamen to make trouble!"
Li Fanfan understood it all. No wonder the new people of luochamen have been missing for no reason recently. In fact, they were secretly abducted by the people of Yan Luomen.
Looks like you've been trained to be the king of the dead?
"Who are you?"
The woman put down her flute and raised her eyebrows. "You don't look like a man of practice. It's better not to be in charge of things in practice."
"Ha ha, I'm not a practitioner."
Li Fanfan said with a smile, "but there is a saying that it is good to take people's money to eliminate disasters for others. How to say, I this also eat Qin Dynasty, use Qin Dynasty, do not help him to do something, I this heart also feel bad. I'm too lazy to do anything to you. If you hand over all the captives, I'll spare your life. "
"Tut Tut, it's a big tone."
The woman covered her mouth and chuckled, "I haven't heard such a big talk for a long time. It's worthy of being the dog of luochamen, and its barking voice is the loudest."
"Sharp teeth and sharp mouth." Li Fanfan is lazy and doesn't pay attention to the other party's humiliation. "It can only speed up your death, little sister."
"I lived in Mu's late autumn for more than 200 years, and was called little sister for the first time."
The woman chuckled, "it's a strange thing."
More than two hundred years
Li Fanfan curled his lips. "That's too wrong. I should call you an old woman."
"You want to die!"
No girl wants to be called an old woman, so does mu wanqiu of yanluomen. She took up the flute, put it to her mouth, and made a piercing sound.
The young disciple of luochamen immediately bled from his seven orifices and knelt down on the ground with a wail.
In contrast, Li Fanfan is safe and sound.
"Well, what's the matter with you?"
Li Fanfan could not help exclaiming when he saw that the disciples of luochamen had become this miserable situation.
She was surprised, but Namu was even more surprised in late autumn.
Does her own Yama evocative flute have no effect on her?
This flute is a secret skill in the eighteen judgments of hell. Through the sound of the flute, we can directly control people's vitality, let people be trended by their own vitality and obey their own orders.
The disciple beside him, because he couldn't stand the sound of the flute and the vitality of his body was against the current, so that his seven orifices were bleeding and his appearance was miserable.
But Li Fanfan is different. First of all, Li Fanfan is not a practitioner, and he has no vitality at all.
Therefore, although the yama evocative flute is unusual, it has no effect on her.
"In that case..."
Mu wanqiu knows that one move can't work, so he can do another.
The sound of her flute has changed, no longer sonorous and high spirited, but become depressed and frustrated.
The luochamen disciple, who knelt down on the ground, immediately stood up with a frightened look in his eyes. He waved his arms and threw himself at Li Fanfan.
"Small, careful!"
This disciple can speak, but he can't control his body. He can only warn Li Fanfan.
"Nine you magic palm!"
Seeing the other side's left hand as white as jade, Li Fanfan couldn't help exclaiming.
How can it be controlled to this extent?
When she was screaming, the young disciple's palm had already reached her body.
But Li Fanfan moves faster. She reaches out her right hand and dodges the other side's nine you magic palm. At the same time, the index finger of her right hand gently taps on each other's forehead."Sink down..."
The disciple stepped back a few steps, and there was a light on his forehead.
"Good weather..."
He suddenly stretched out a big stretch, hit a breath, "I really want to have a nap in the afternoon Life is so boring that there is no motivation to do anything... "
With that, he sat on the ground with his head drooping lazily.
"What's going on?"
Mu wanqiu was a little surprised. Unexpectedly, the young disciple was out of the control of his Yama evocative flute.
"You flute sound, should be able to control people's vitality."
Although Li Fanfan is lazy, he has a very smart head.
She analyzed it, found out the reason, and then made corresponding countermeasures, "but if people want to flow, in the final analysis, it is to receive the support of their own ideas. Now, I directly cut off this kind of support and see how you can control it. "
"You do have some methods..."
Mu wanqiu's eyes turned, thinking of countermeasures quickly.
This layman is very tricky!
"Well, do you want to compete with me?"
Li Fan to Mu wanqiu hook up, "although I'm too lazy to fight with you, but if I can teach you a lesson, it's worth my move."
"Then let you have a taste of my yanluomen!"
Mu wanqiu played the flute.
The sound of the flute diffused away, and a sea of bones, which had already become white bones, suddenly climbed out of the ground.
these skeletons, a total of about ten, were distributed around Li Fanfan's.
"This is your family skills."
Li Fanfan looked around these skeletons with fallen leaves hanging on them. He couldn't help but sarcastically, "controlling the corpse is really a disgusting magic art."
Mu wanqiu laughed, "how can you appreciate a real art. This is art. Do you understand art? "
"You know your sister, you are pure and vulgar!"
Li Fanfan said, and a dozen skeletons came towards her.
"These people have no ideas. I see how you corrupt them!"
Mu wanqiu urged the skeleton to attack with the sound of flute.
These skeletons, one by one, use bones as weapons. A skeleton had no extra bones, so he simply pulled his left arm down and carried it in the bone of his right hand, with a big mouth attacking Li Fanfan.
"My power It's not just corrupting people's minds. "
She said, reaching out her right hand and releasing a dazzling white light to the skull that had come to the front.
The body of the skeleton suddenly flew out and turned into pieces in the air.
The forerunners of all the seven sin knights were paladins of the Roman Church.
Li Fanfan has a part of Chinese blood, but he is no exception.
Many of her skills are paladins.
"Spear, shield!"
Her left hand condenses a shield of light, and her right hand condenses a white two meter gun. She swings and smashes the skeletons around her.
The power of light can't be used to deal with these skeletons.
"Damn it, it's a miscalculation."
Namu saw that the situation was not very good in late autumn, and his eyes suddenly turned and his body did not enter the land under him.
"Want to escape?"
Li Fanfan threw the holy gun in his hand and ran through the ground that Namu didn't enter in late autumn.
But the spear stabbed in, leaving only a little blood, it seems that mu wanqiu's escape speed is not slow, let her run away.
"You run fast."
Li Fanfan walked over, pulled out the holy gun, and then let the shield gun disperse together.
She clapped her hands and was about to untie the negative state of the disciples of luochamen. At this time, fado's voice came from the woods.
"Sister Fanfan, where are you?"
"Here it is
Li Fanfan called out.
All of a sudden, the sky was full of colors. One by one, the disciples of luochamen, came from the imperial sword and fell next to her.
"Sister Fanfan, are you ok?"
Faduo can't fly the sword yet. She runs directly out of the woods, grabs Li Fanfan's arm and asks, "I'm bringing sister moling here."
"Li Fanfan, what about the woman in faduo's mouth?"
Mo Ling saw a broken bone on the ground, and immediately frowned, "Yan Luomen!"
"That's right. It's the yanluomen people who have been beaten away by me."
Li Fanfan nodded and said, "I'll leave the rest to you. I'll go fishing. Oh, by the way, the man's name is mu wanqiu, who can control the vitality of others with the sound of a flute. "
"There is such a magic."
Mo Ling took a look at the disciple sitting on the ground."Oh You're so upset I can't sleep because of the noise It's so boring. There's no motivation to do anything... "
He reaches out his hand and pinches his ears, with a face you are very upset with.
"Wang Cheng, what's the matter with you?"
When Mo Ling saw the appearance of the disciple, he was shocked.
Usually he is not like this. This disciple is very diligent and strict in his work. How can he be like this today?
"Elder Mo...."
Wang Cheng gasped and said lazily, "what are you doing Tossing about. On such a fine day, it's better to lie down and sleep in... "
"He, what kind of magic is he hit by Yama
Mo Ling was shocked.
"Ah, it has nothing to do with yanluomen."
Li Fanfan quickly embarrassed smile, "I made it, I made it."
With that, Li Fanfan reached out his hand, and his index finger was on Wang Cheng's eyebrows.
A white light flashed out again and merged into Li Fanfan's index finger.
Wang Xiangxiang is like waking up from a dream, jumping up directly from the ground and bowing to Mo Ling.
"Elder Mo! I'm sorry, I, I... "
"It's OK. Don't mind..."
Mo Ling knew that this was not Wang Cheng's original intention, so he forgave his rudeness. "In other words, it was Yan Luomen who did it. These animals, it seems, are not going to stop
"Elder Mo, I'm afraid it's not so simple. It's better to ask the headmaster to deal with it."
One suggested.
"That's the only way. I really can't make up my mind."
Mo Ling shrugged his shoulders, took out his mobile phone and reported it to the Qin Dynasty.
Soon, the space fluctuated a bit, Qin Dynasty and Xiaobai two people, both appeared in front of the public.
People look at this pair of beautiful men and women, can't help but secretly praise.
Sure enough, they are a perfect match. The men are elegant and the women are pretty.
"My Lord!"
Seeing the Qin Dynasty, faduo is the happiest, happily like a Sahuan kitten, ran over and put his arm around the waist of Qin Dynasty.
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