Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 754

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Chapter 754

But Chen Xin kept quiet and sang several songs for her fans.
When it came to midfield, she changed her new clothes and went out again. With her sweet voice, she suppressed the cheers of the audience, Chen Xin said.
"Dear friends, in fact, the purpose of holding this concert today is to promote my new film."
Hearing this, Qin Dynasty didn't know why, and shivered all over.
Why, suddenly feel a little strange?
Chen Xin briefly introduced the movie she starred in, and then pointed to the big screen behind her.
"Here today, let's show you a wonderful preview of the movie first!"
Finish saying, behind the big screen, originally flickering background, suddenly appeared a simplified film.
When Chen Xin appeared on the screen in a long white dress, cheers came from below.
And then when a suit man, holding flowers, kneeling in front of her, a group of people sitting in the front row could not sit still.
"I'll take a ride..."
Liu Chuan's eyes didn't fly out. "This, isn't brother Qin..."
"Oh, my trough!"
A group of security guards who stood behind to maintain discipline were surprised to see their Lord Qin appear on the big screen. "Isn't this Lord Qin? He's going to make a movie again!"
Even Li Dami, who was sitting next to him, was scared.
Good guy, now the Lord Qin is developing by sea, land and air!
This dominating underworld, strong force even if, unexpectedly also entered the performing arts career!
"Uncle, Uncle This, isn't this you? "
Yang Li also repeatedly took the hands of the Qin Dynasty and asked.
Qin Dynasty, however, covered his face at this time, and wanted to use space magic directly to go to Iraq.
It's too nice. Chen Xin, you're not playing with me! When there are so many people here, I'm here to release the movie trailer. Damn it, I'll stop. Where do I put my face!
If you play a better role, the key is to play a corpse! Yes, sir!
"It's not me, it's not me..."
Said the Qin Dynasty.
At this time, with the Qin Dynasty lying in a pool of blood, the trailer ended.
With a sweet smile, Chen Xin said, "this film is the best one I think has been made so far. Why? Because here not only have I joined, but also I am a college classmate, is also a good friend, friendship acting. His help makes me a good actor
When Chen Xin said this, Qin really wanted to escape.
"As you can see, he is the second man in this movie! Hee hee, there may be a lot of friends think that man No. 2 is not man No. 1! But in fact, he was able to play the role of male No.2, which was agreed only after the producers and I begged for it. This man is a big card among the big brands
Some fans were angry, some were surprised, some were looking at each other.
They are all curious, exactly what kind of character, but also Chen Xin out of the horse to please move! That's too much!
"Today, I have the honor to invite my good classmate and friend to the scene! Light, please give him a close-up! "
As Chen Xin pointed out, everyone looked at the past.
I saw a light, hit the VIP seat, the middle of a boy's body.
The boy didn't seem to be very happy. On the contrary, his face turned blue and his muscles jumped.
"Well, some of my classmates are shy."
Chen Xin's voice, like a little witch like, let Qin Dynasty listen to the teeth are itchy.
"Uncle, uncle, go up, uncle!"
Yang Li doesn't understand what a small situation is. She pushed the Qin Dynasty vigorously and excitedly.
"On stage, on stage, on stage!"
All the fans, also with one voice, yelled.
Qin Dynasty helpless, all to this on, he can not go up.
So, simply take a deep breath, follow the light together, walked onto the stage.
"This is my good friend and classmate, Mr. Qin Chao."
Chen Xin looked at Qin Dynasty's eyes, a trace of cunning, "you may not have heard of his name, but if I say he is the chairman of Dafa group, you will certainly not be unfamiliar."
"My God, it's a diamond king
"Chairman of Dafa group, 555, so handsome!"
The fans were crazy.
Qin Dynasty understood that his identity, throw out, absolutely can hit a group of little girls.
"Here, I want to thank the Qin Dynasty, thank you for acting in this film, and thank you for coming to my concert today. I just want to say that no matter when, we are college students, we are all good friends. "With that, Chen Xin seemed very excited and stepped forward to embrace the Qin Dynasty.
Fans off the stage, a burst of crazy shouting.
The embarrassment of the Qin Dynasty.
And because through the microphone, Chen Xin whispered in the ear of Qin Dynasty.
"Of course, if you don't take that little girl, I'll be happier, hum..."
As expected The girl is really making fun of herself.
Is she jealous?
"This is what I should do."
Said the Qin Dynasty in a low voice. His voice, magnified infinitely by the wheat line, reverberates in the sky above the conference hall.
The voice of Qin Dynasty is quite magnetic. Many little girls have little stars in their eyes.
"Qin Dynasty, have you ever heard my duet song, do you love waiting?"
Chen Xin opened the Qin Dynasty and asked with a smile.
This song, which was played all the time in the streets and alleys in those years, could not be ignored by the Qin Dynasty.
"Shall we sing together?"
Qin Dynasty is stupid.
I wipe, let me sing in front of so many people "It seems that my old classmates are shy again. Everybody, give him some courage
"Sing one, sing one!"
"Qin Dynasty, you are the best!"
"Qin Dynasty, I love you!"
Fans from the audience were shouting.
"Uncle, uncle, come on, uncle!"
Yang Li was also shouting hysterically.
"Brother Qin, brother Qin! We love you
Liu Chuan was more ruthless, with a group of senior members of the Qin Gang, each stood up. The whole VIP seat, many figures, all clapped hands and yelled in unison.
"Brother Qin, come on
The security guards in the back row are crazy. Shouting, a wave higher than a wave.
A group of fans looked at it and thought, this is really crazy security!
Damn it, old paper's out of it.
Isn't it an ancient song? I'm tired of listening to it. I'm singing it!
Seeing the Qin Dynasty nodding, Chen Xin was overjoyed. She handed her microphone to the Qin Dynasty, and soon another came up.
Two people looked at each other, with the sound of music slowly sounded, began to sing.
"I would like to be a pear flower branch,
happy to fruit, worried to become a fool.
In the end, we still don't know each other.
How many days have I spent in the air in the new year of the year,
only then can I know how to miss each other.
When the flowers bloom and wither,
you are still in my heart. "
This is a poem that a boy once wrote to a girl. Although naive, it was used by Chen Xin to make a song.
After the Qin Dynasty and Chen Xin finished singing, the stage was quiet for a long time.
Everyone was surprised. They didn't expect that the Qin Dynasty could sing so well.
And the heart of Qin Dynasty, as if some misty.
He suddenly recalled the nine fairy princess he met yesterday.
It's like a love that spans thousands of years. The beautiful and ineffable nine celestial concubine, when she saw herself, her eyes were still full of love.
She's been waiting for someone for thousands of years.
Really will have that kind of love, can persist so long?
When he saw the nine fairies, he believed it.
Qin Dynasty this song, sings own heart sound.
Even on the side of Chen Xin's face.
She has sung this song with many male singers, but they can sing the charm of this song.
And Qin Dynasty, but sing her heart very sour.
This song really belongs to both of them
"Pa pa pa pa..."
Yang Li, the first to wake up, began to clap her hands.
Then, off the stage, applause thundered.
Everyone is crazy, they did not expect, Qin Dynasty, a non professional singer, a song, singing so incisively and vividly!
"Qin Dynasty! Qin Dynasty
"Qin Dynasty, we love you!"
This time, the slogan is not Liu Chuan and them, but a group of infatuated girls.
"I, I have to step down..."
Looking at so many people under the stage, the Qin Dynasty felt that he was quite high-profile today.
Chen Xin nodded and reluctantly sent the Qin Dynasty off the stage.
"Let's thank you again for the song of the Qin Dynasty!"
When will the next meeting be?
I'm a star. It's hard to meet you.
But you don't cherish our chance to be together at all. AlasWhere did the Qin Dynasty know Chen Xin's little daughter's family mind, in the thunderous applause, fled to return to the seat.
"Uncle, you are so good..."
Yang Li looked into the eyes of the Qin Dynasty, with a little star in her eyes. "Now, other girls will envy me to death..."
"I'm going to die of embarrassment..."
The Qin Dynasty touched his nose and said, "hateful Chen Xin I'll be with you. "
"But, uncle, you really want to be angry."
Yang Li said seriously.
Qin Dynasty doesn't quite understand. Look at Yang Li.
"Chen Xin is totally helping you build momentum today. Having you this time will not only drive the box office of the film, but also make you worth a hundred times. After that, uncle, you should remember to wear sunglasses when you go out
"There is no exaggeration..."
The Qin Dynasty waved hands again and again.
At the same time, he was a little nervous.
I am the master of luochamen!
What a joke!
For thousands of years, there has been a sect leader of the Xiuzhen sect who even works as a part-time singer and movie star!
He doesn't want to be the first one!
But his ideas belong to his ideas.
The concert will soon be over.
After all, Chen Xin is just a woman with limited physical strength.
When the venue looked at the headlights again, a group of fans reluctantly left.
But they have new goals.
"Qin Dynasty, Qin Dynasty! Sign my name
"Hello, I'm a reporter from Sunan radio station. How long have you known Miss Chen Xin?"
"Qin Dynasty, I am XX entertainment agent, I am very optimistic about you, please come to our company!"
Fortunately, there were a group of security guards and people from the big Qin Gang as their subordinates in the Qin Dynasty. Under the cover of these people, he left the sports club in confusion
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