Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1203

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Chapter 1203

Li Na hung up the phone and said to Wang Yuan standing on the side.
"It's my mother. I'm outside alone. She's worried. So, several calls a day. "
"What a hindrance..."
Wang Yuan sighed, and a kind of melancholy expression appeared on her face, "I can't even envy you. I want my mother to nag me for two words, and I don't have a chance. "
Li Na looks at Wang Yuan with a surprised look in her eyes.
"She died when I was born. So, I was brought up by my father
Wang Yuan explained.
"Sorry, sister, I don't know..."
"It doesn't matter. I'm used to it."
Wang Yuan waved her hand, "so I envy you. By the way, what about your brother Qin... "
Remembering that there is a little white face trying to deceive her pure sister, Wang Yuan asked in a hurry.
Last time I was busy with class, I didn't know what happened next.
If you have time now, please inquire.
"He went home Maybe I'll come back recently. "
Li Na also said uncertainly, "he doesn't live in this city."
Don't live in this city?
Wang Yuan couldn't help but think that she was using this reason to cheat Li Na.
When we are with others, we say that we are out of town. When I saw Li Na, I said that she came to visit her from other places and touched the girl by the way.
What an abominable means!
I have to rescue Li Na from that guy's claws. AI
"little Nana, I want to ask you a question..."
Wang Yuan suddenly pulled Li Na nervously and looked around. No one paid attention to them. Then she said in a low voice.
"What's the matter? It's so mysterious..."
Li Na looked at her sister strangely.
"Little Nana, I ask you You and your brother Qin didn't... "
"That? Which one? "
Li Na blinks her eyes.
"Just, that's the one..."
Wang Yuan doesn't know what to say. She hasn't done anything like that either
Li Na really doesn't understand.
She didn't think that way at all.
"It's the kind of thing a boy and a girl do behind closed doors..."
Said Wang Yuan, blushing.
Li Na Jiao angry, face suddenly blushed, "you, what are you talking about..."
I really have done that with elder brother Qin
It's a pity that we haven't done much.
After all, I was admitted to university, so I can't accompany elder brother Qin at home.
"For the sake of you, too
Wang Yuan was afraid that Li Na would misunderstand her and said, "I'm afraid you will be cheated!"
"Cheat? How can someone lie to me? "
Li Na suddenly thought of Tang zonglai.
No, she was almost cheated.
"You're not right to think so."
Wang Yuan took Li Na's little hand and said, "tell you, are we women or beautiful women. There are a lot of men who are interested in us. No one can guarantee that few of these men have bad thoughts
"This is..."
Thinking of Tang Zong, Li Na nodded deeply.
Wang Yuan thought that Li Na agreed with her, so she struck while the iron was hot.
"So, I don't think your brother Qin is a good man."
Li Na is a little strange. She doesn't know why her elder sister said that.
"Well Who do you think is in his way, sister... "
She was a little curious about her sister's views on her elder brother Qin.
"In my judgment You elder brother Qin, you may be a little white faced man! "
Li Na almost burst out laughing.
He said that elder brother Qin was a little white faced man
This is not a joke.
I know elder brother Qin, but I'm not short.
She is watching elder brother Qin from the downfall, a little bit into brilliant.
If he was a little white faced man, there would be no real man in the world.
"Elder sister, you misunderstood me, elder brother Qin, he..."
"Don't worry. You want to hear me."
Wang Yuan thinks that Li Na must have been deeply brainwashed by her elder brother Qin, so she interrupted Li Na's words and explained by herself.
"Elder brother Qin, do you always boast that he is rich."
"He is really rich, but not bragging..."
"Cut, open an Audi A4 and you'll have money?"
Wang Yuan immediately patted Li Na's hand and said, "I'll tell you, this red Audi A4 is usually one that women like to drive. Therefore, he must have been taken care of by some rich woman who drove a car to look for you“……”
Li Na knew why Wang Yuan misunderstood elder brother Qin.
It turns out that the car is in the way of
"Sister, you misunderstood me."
So she took her sister's hand and explained, "that car was given to me by elder brother Qin You see, here's the car key. The car is still in the parking lot. "
Li Na took out a car key from her pocket and shook it in front of Wang Yuan.
When Wang Yuan saw the car key and heard Li Na's words, she was shocked.
It turns out that it is
Feelings, I have always misunderstood others
Now, it's embarrassing
"Cough, you, you just think I have not said anything, ha ha, ha ha..."
Wang Yuan smiles awkwardly, "your brother Qin's driving skills are very good If I can give you an Audi A4, I think the conditions are good Wait, wait... "
She seemed to think of something, looked at Li Na strangely, "little Nana You will not be taken care of by elder brother Qin... "
Now there are many girls with a strong sense of vanity. They just want to be taken care of by a rich man, and don't hesitate to sell their youth and body
Little Li Na, is it such a girl?
"Oh, what do you think, sister Wang Yuan?"
Li Na couldn't help being coquettish and angry again. "Which female student have you ever met who has to go out to work as a tutor and work in KFC?"
"Well, this is..."
Li Na is also famous for her work study program at school.
Many people do not understand, like Li Na such a beautiful girl, how can go out to work?
Isn't it easy for her to find a rich boyfriend?
"But you have to pay more attention to it Men get worse when they have money. Brother Qin, maybe there will be other girls outside Remember, if you find any signs, you must tell me, and my sister will help you out. "
Li Na didn't dare to say anything.
She said in her heart that she was the other girl
"What are you going to be angry about?"
Just then, a man's voice came from two people's side.
Li Na, looking back on her head, was surprised.
"Brother Qin..."
Isn't the man standing in front of him, wearing a black windbreaker and holding a cigarette in his mouth, his brother Qin?
Wang Yuan is also slightly embarrassed.
She didn't expect to say that Cao Cao would arrive.
It's really impossible to talk about people during the day and ghosts at night
Li Na's face is full of happiness.
As long as elder brother Qin can see her, she will be very happy.
After all, it's not like before. Brother Qin lives next door to him.
If you want him, you can run over with the excuse of rubbing rice.
"Sister Xu has some clothes. Let me bring them to you."
Qin said, put the hand behind him out, light out a small black travel bag, "all in this."
"My mother is also really, a few clothes, just mail it, how can you make a trip to brother Qin..."
"It doesn't matter. Anyway, I'm fine recently, and I miss you too. Come and see my little Li Na."
The Qin Dynasty laughs.
I miss you, let Li Na blush.
In front of outsiders, they have never said such intimate words.
"You, you talk, I'm a little bit ahead of time."
She felt like a light bulb. She was embarrassed to disturb her any more. She slipped away, and her back looked very embarrassed.
"You are very interesting
Qin Dynasty has been around for a long time, but it's far away. I just listen to them.
Even suspected that he is a small white face, no wonder before looking at their eyes are strange.
"Hee hee, she is also for my good, so she misunderstood elder brother Qin."
Li Na laughed.
Qin Dynasty stretched out a hand and took Li Na's little hand.
Li Na suddenly some panic, subconsciously looked around.
There are students coming and going around, but no acquaintances.
It's just that all the boys look at their elder brother Qin with an envious, envious and hateful look.
Really, it's so hateful!
Why this guy can grasp the hands of the math department!
"Huang Shao! Look at it
At the entrance of the canteen, a boy said to Huang Ping, "Li Na, that girl, has been soaked!"
Huang Ping raised his eyelids and looked into the distance.
At first, he didn't believe it.Can someone catch up with Li Na?
Not likely.
You know, in Kyoto University, of the top ten beauties, his fiancee Wang Yuan, ranked fifth.
But Li Na, the flower of mathematics department, ranked second.
Her pursuers had a strengthening company, but Li Na never paid attention to it.
Even, it is rumored that this girl is a lesbian.
In particular, she is very close to Shangluo, the Department of art, which ranks third.
Two people are so intimate, almost inseparable, so they are misunderstood as Lala.
Huang Pingcai didn't believe this, he also moved to pursue Li Na's mind.
But Huang Ping felt like his elder brother, he was a good hunter.
We should not be anxious about women. If you're too anxious, they'll think you're superficial and annoying.
They'll find their heart, they'll find it.
Now you have to deal with your fiancee first.
Two people finish the marriage first. It's a family marriage anyway.
When Wang's family is down, she can't even marry herself.
Then, I'll take care of Li Na and Shangluo of the art department!
Hum, playing with beauties all over the world is Huang Ping's long cherished wish.
At present, but see their own to pursue the object, and other people together.
Suddenly, a fire of jealousy, burning up.
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