Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 548

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Chapter 548

"If you're still my uncle, you'll let me out."
Wu Xin's hands and feet are tied, leaning against the wall, twisting her delicate body, trying to break free from the shackles.
The curves on her body, because of the binding, are very tempting to leak out. There is no doubt that the characteristics of small cows are revealed.
The two gangsters, together with Jack, the fake foreign devil, couldn't help but stare and swallow.
"Xinxin, just listen to my uncle."
Wu Feng, Wu Xin's uncle, was sitting on the sofa in the living room, looking at his niece tied up helplessly, "no matter how, we are all a family. You gave the mandala to uncle, and it will still be yours in the future. "
"No!" Wu Xin bit her lip and spat out a word.
"This dead girl!"
Zhou Shufen, Wu Feng's wife and Wu Xin's aunt, was furious. She picked up a feather duster on the side and gave Wu Xin a sharp puff.
This feather duster is very painful, especially when the other side is a tender girl.
Wu Xin screamed, and tears came out.
"Oh, you, you should be light!"
Wu Feng exclaimed.
"What do you call?" Zhou Shufen glared, "we're teaching my niece, what's wrong? Are you upset? When I was beaten by Qin, why didn't you love me? "
"You, you! Don't talk nonsense
"Sister Zhou, don't be too angry."
"It's going to take a little bit of it, I can't be in a hurry," said Jack. Anyway, the Datura has to be decorated for a few days. What's more, Wu Xin is also my fiancee. If you beat her like this, I will be heartbroken. "
"Don't worry, Jack." Zhou Shufen laughed, "I can help you to train her, save her to think about other wild men after she marries you."
"It's against the law for you to do so!" Wu Xin yelled, "and mandala is not mine, it's from Qin Dynasty!"
"Dead girl, back to her mouth!"
Zhou Shufen smoked again, this time in Wu Xin's face, immediately hit a bloodstain.
Wu Xin that perfect small face, immediately more than a flaw.
Zhou Shufen is so happy in her heart that she looks better than me! I'll see what she'll use to hook people out later!
"Oh, how can you slap me in the face?" Jack sighed, "it's not good."
"Hey, if you don't like it, just give it to me."
the gangster on the side said, "I don't dislike it. The face is very good. My favorite is her pair of Hey, hey... "
With that, he reached out and grabbed twice in the void.
It's vulgar to be a gangster.
Jack shrugged, but he didn't deny the Punk's point of view.
Wu Xin's chest is really very big and amazing.
I used to love Wu Xin because of her beauty and figure.
Now, she has become a little rich woman, which is more attractive to her!
If you marry Wu Xin, you will become the boss of Mandala! From then on, there is no need to live as a little white face.
In the future, others will have to call themselves boss Jack.
But the premise of everything is that the girl gave in to herself.
"It's better to leave it to me, sister Zhou."
Jack said and secretly winked at Zhou Shufen.
That Zhou Shufen heart clear, but some with vinegar flavor said.
"It seems that Jack loves your fiancee too. You men have only beautiful women in their eyes."
Zhou Shufen never told her husband, in fact, Jack is a small white face she secretly keeps.
Although Jack said that he was a master's student from Heidelberg University, it was all a fake diploma he had paid for. Even Zhou Shufen doesn't know this.
I don't think anyone will tell you about this kind of thing.
"You, what do you want to do?"
Wu Xin's frightened eyes widened when he saw Jack slowly coming towards him.
"Nothing, girl, just to let you know how to be a woman."
Zhou Shufen said with a smile.
"You can't do this!"
Wu Xin suddenly understood what was going to happen. She leaned against the wall in horror and tried to dodge. But she didn't know that her action aroused Jack's brutality.
"You will be my wife soon. It's normal to do things between husband and wife."
With that, Jack went to the front and directly put Wu Xin's body on his shoulder. One side of the small gangster's eyes, showing a look of envy and jealousy.
"Let me go! Let go of me
Wu Xin struggled desperately, but her legs and hands were tied, so she couldn't fight."Be honest!"
Zhou Shufen glared.
"You can't do this to me. Qin Dynasty won't let you go!"
Cried Wu Xin.
"Qin Dynasty?" Zhou Shufen raised her eyebrows and said, "the famous Lord Qin? I'm sorry. He's finished. Tonight is the day of his death. "
"You, what do you say?" Hearing this, Wu Xin couldn't help but stop struggling.
"I said tonight is the end of the Qin Dynasty. This guy, do you think I'm Zhou Shufen? Hum, I have already planned with brother long and general manager Tang. Dead girl, you are the most deadly piece in our hands. "
"If you dare to move the Qin Dynasty, I will fight with you!"
Wu Xin is in a hurry.
What is the status of Qin Dynasty in her heart?
She has always admired the big boy. The two met in KFC and separated in Mandala.
I'm still waiting. One day, Qin Dynasty can tell her that he is his girlfriend.
Two lines of tears, from the corner of Wu Xin's eyes.
"The Qin Dynasty Where are you... "
When the cow opened the door of the villa, you were forced to cry.
With the pouring in of the night wind, the people were cold.
But Wu Xin is very hot, because she saw a person she especially wanted to see!
He's OK!
Yes, who can hurt him!
I'm really worried about too much. If it was Liao Shasha, she would believe Qin Dynasty very much!
"You, how did you get in here?"
Zhou Shufen and they are all stupid.
Because at the gate of the villa, a man in a black windbreaker was carrying a small gangster who was supposed to be on guard, and then threw it on the floor of the hall.
"In, of course."
Qin Dynasty said, lightly looked at the jack.
"I'll give you three seconds to put down Wu Xin. Otherwise, in a second, I want your arm. "
"Ha ha, are you kidding me..."
Jack takes a look at the two gangsters next to him, and they immediately pull out their mountain knives.
"You don't have a look. We have many people here!"
"You are stupid, still threatening me, or be careful of yourself!"
"Come on, chop him up!"
A gangster rushed up with a knife before the Qin Dynasty called out 1.
Looking at his murderous appearance, I don't know that he was a member of the Peace Corps of the old society.
Qin Chao didn't turn his head. When the scumbag rushed over, he stretched out his arm and immediately grasped his wrist holding the knife.
Then, the other hand of the Qin Dynasty took the waist of the little gangster with his hands so hard.
"Puff With a sound, the mountain knife stabbed into the little gangster's belly.
The little gangster screamed, covered his knife, bent over and died on the ground.
A few people around looked silly.
What is this? Isn't it going to be chopped? How come in the blink of an eye, it's the punk who was stabbed!
The Qin Dynasty vomited out the last number.
"I, I'll let it go, I'll put it right now..."
Jack is not stupid. He can cheat on a fake diploma for so long, which definitely proves that he is a smart man.
He put down Wu Xin on his shoulder and looked at the Qin Dynasty with trepidation.
"You, why are you still alive?"
When Zhou Shufen saw what she had planned, she suddenly became so hysterical.
"Why can't I live?" The Qin Dynasty looked at Zhou Shufen strangely and added, "Oh, by the way, that long Weiqiang is dead."
"What, what?"
Zhou Shufen opened her mouth. She didn't expect that long Weiqiang, who was mixed up on the road, had been killed by the Qin Dynasty?
Is this the power of the godfather?
"Are you going down with him?"
With that, the Qin Dynasty took a step forward.
This step out, Zhou Shufen directly collapsed on the ground.
Hearing the news of long Weiqiang's death, she had no strength to do anything more.
She suddenly understood that in front of this man, everything was in vain.
No wonder he was made Lord Qin Indeed, in Dongchuan City, there is no one more terrible than him.
"The Qin Dynasty Don't kill my uncle and aunt, will you
Wu Xin was still trying to persuade him, "no matter how, they are my uncles and aunts, and they are all my relatives."
"Little cow, you are so kind."
The Qin Dynasty always regarded Huizi and Wu Xin as one kind of person.The same kind, also have the same stubborn.
To put it bluntly, it's kind of stupid.
"You aunt, you almost succeeded in setting you up and me, and then you killed three birds with one stone." The Qin Dynasty put up one finger and said, "one, kidnap you, you can take your Mandala. 2、 Let me worry, threat I have to hand over Dafa group. 3、 If you can kill me, the godfather of Dongchuan City by the way, long Weiqiang's influence will become the first in Dongchuan. "
With that, the Qin Dynasty clapped his hands, "so I have to admire my aunt next week. Your plan is really poisonous. It's a pity for you to live in the present, Qu CAI. Well, I'm passionate and like to help people. How about I send you through? You go to the ancient times, and you'll be a very powerful counsellor.
then, the Qin Dynasty clenched its fists and made a clattering joint.
Zhou Shufen was so scared that she hid behind her husband.
"Husband, husband, I don't want to die..."
"Wife, no, my husband won't let you die."
Although Wu Feng is afraid of his wife, he should really love this woman.
He stopped in front of his wife, but also looked at the Qin Dynasty in fear.
This made the Qin Dynasty feel that Wu Xin's uncle was not worthless.
It's just that being human is a bit of an animal. To my niece, I can do such a thing.
Wu Xin's uncle is like this, so is Liao Shasha's uncle.
Alas, in the face of money and interests, can family relationships be destroyed for nothing?
The Qin Dynasty had some feelings.
"Forget it. I don't want to take more care of your business." They can not regard Wu Xin as a relative, but Wu Xin can't. Therefore, the Qin Dynasty could only shrug its shoulders.
He walked over and with a wave of his hand, he broke the rope tied to Wu Xin.
Little milk Newton jumped up and hugged Qin Dynasty. She hugged his waist and put her head in his arms.
"Don't worry, little cow..." The Qin Dynasty couldn't help feeling guilty, touching her hair and saying, "I'm here, it's ok The wound on your face, who hit it? Tell me, I killed him
"No, it's OK. I broke it by accident." Wu Xin took a look at her aunt, who had been frightened into a ball, and then said to the Qin Dynasty.
"Well The little cow is in the way of... "
The Qin Dynasty didn't say anything. He healed the wound on Wu Xin's face with vitality. "If anyone dares to bully you again, I'll let him go to hell..."
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