Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 540

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Chapter 540

"This, what kind of power is this?"
Jing Chuqi was stunned. She had seen a lot of practitioners, as well as spirits, beasts and monsters. But this is the first time in my life.
Is this human?
In the Qin Dynasty, the upper body was bare and covered with black scales and magical patterns. The eyes on each side of the golden green, some bronze color, faintly emitting golden skin. And the golden sword in his brow.
The most frightening thing for Jing Chuqi is the little sword in his eyebrows. There, it seems that there is a kind of power that can destroy heaven and earth.
"King Kong waves his axe I have been pursuing this realm for a long time. " The Qin Dynasty said to Jing Chuqi, "today you have a good luck, let you have a look."
Say, his foot suddenly brought up a gust of wind, the whole person instantly appeared in front of Jing Chuqi.
At the same time, he waved his hand and swept Jing Chuqi's neck.
As soon as he waved his hand, Jing Chuqi felt these two words!
This is not only the power of Vajra, but also the sharpness of the Heavenly Sword!
Jing Chuqi used all his strength to gather the yellow crystal awn on his left hand. Then, facing the arm that the Qin Dynasty waved over, it bumped into.
A crisp dull ring, the king Chuqi immediately wailed out.
Her left hand was cut off by the Qin Dynasty.
A golden arm flew out, twisting in the air.
In this round of confrontation, there is no doubt that Jing Chuqi was defeated, and he was defeated miserably.
"Ah, ah, ah!"
Jing Chuqi covers his broken arm. His cold and gorgeous face is full of pain and ferocity after distortion.
"I will kill you! I will kill you
The pain of broken arm, and it was cut off by force. If you want to get it back, it will take some time.
Jingchuqi flies out of a Golden Phoenix behind her, picks up her broken arm and hovers in the air.
"Haven't you realized yet?" Qin Chao eyebrow on the head of the golden sword lit up, he is full of a sharp sword spirit, jingchuqi scared.
The hatred and blood that had just been cut off the arm disappeared completely for a time.
"You, what are you going to do?"
Jing Chuqi called back her golden phoenix, floating at her feet, carrying her to escape.
"I said, I will send you to hell!" The Qin Dynasty stretched out his hand and squeezed his fist in vain. A careless recitation, he directly pulled Jing Chuqi's body back.
The Golden Phoenix cried twice and disappeared in the air.
Jing Chuqi grabs his broken arm and gasps at the Qin Dynasty in the opposite sky.
At this time, the Qin Dynasty was not only like a demon, but also like an immortal in the sky.
"Let me go, let me go..." Jing Chuqi pleaded, "I, I don't dare to fight against you any more. I, I am willing to be a dog beside you, as long as you don't kill me
Jing Chuqi can see that the power of Qin Dynasty is higher than her.
"You think you're still alive?" Qin Dynasty curled his lips and said, "begging has no effect. You've made my group like this, and the building is broken. It's not the main thing. It's more important that you hurt my woman. I absolutely, absolutely, absolutely can't forgive you. "
With that, the Qin Dynasty raised his right hand.
His arm, like an open sky axe, let Jing Chuqi look dizzy.
No wonder the Qin Dynasty was called a genius of the Xiuzhen world. In just one year, he has reached such a terrible level. Even, it has surpassed some of the elder members of the same clan.
It's terrible How could he offend such a terrible enemy
It's that guy named Tang Ao. If he didn't pay for himself, he wouldn't have died!
But is the Lord Tang Ao, at this time is hiding in a very safe distance, shivering.
This building has been destroyed. If it is not repaired, no one dares to come up.
With the cooperation of the previous generation, Yu Lu loosened the crowd for the first time. The huge Dafa building is now empty.
Below the building, police cars, ambulances and fire engines were not full. All the people were looking at the sky nervously. They only saw the golden light flashing, and they thought that something miraculous had happened.
An eagle flew in the sky, flew around and landed on the other side of the building.
It fell on the roof and suddenly rolled into a tall man in black leather.
The man, with a hooked nose and sharp eyes, was staring at the two men fighting in the opposite sky.
"The man became more terrible."
The eagle nose said to herself, "it seems that this time, the girl who respects Chuqi is dying for him."
Thinking of this, he took out a cell phone and made a call."Hello, Mr. Tang. I'm sorry, we can't finish your task. And considering that you have concealed the true identity of the target, we will consider adding a part of the Commission to compensate for our loss. "
"Still, plus money?" Tang Ao hides in the corner, holding his own phone. Is it hard to say that he refused? How dare he! These people are more terrible than others! Offend these people, he does not mean to seek his own death!
And now Tang Ao also has some regrets. How could he not control it for a while? After listening to those people's bad moves, he caught Wu Xin!
But now it's too late. He is considering whether to let Wu Xin go immediately.
However, Wu Xin has seen his face. If this girl goes back to tell Qin Dynasty, she will die.
Either, or secretly do that girl! God doesn't know, ghost doesn't know
"Of course. Why, don't Mr. Tang want to pay? "
She asked coldly.
"No, no!" Tang Ao's back was cold sweat, even busy way, "yes, I will. I will remit money to the account again. Don't worry, don't worry... "
"OK, I'll give you another account and remit one million yuan. The account number is..."
Hawk nose reported out the number, Tang Hao hurriedly with the mobile phone down.
As long as you can live, how much money is not a problem.
"No, don't kill me..."
And in the sky, Jing Chuqi has been heartbroken.
She looked at the Qin Dynasty, flinching, trying to escape. However, the Qin Dynasty had completely locked her body with the general idea.
"Tell the king of hell." In the eyes of the Qin Dynasty, two kinds of colors of Jingguang erupted. His body suddenly flew forward, and his palm buckled to the heavenly cover of jingchuqi.
If this button is solid, it is estimated that the fingers of the Qin Dynasty can be directly grasped into Jing Chuqi's head.
"If you kill me, you will never know where Wu Xin is hiding!"
Jing Chuqi suddenly thought of something and immediately yelled it out.
"Wu Xin?"
Sure enough, Qin Dynasty heard these two words, immediately stopped.
Jing Chuqi secretly breathed a sigh of relief, her heart way after all or because of that girl.
If Tang Ao didn't catch that girl, he would not be so miserable.
No matter how to say, she was also a rising star in the magic way. Now, I'm a lost dog.
"I know where Wu Xin is! If you kill me, no one will know the secret! At that time, the girl is likely to starve to death, or be found by others! She's also pretty, maybe she'll be forced by others, maybe! "
"Where is she?"
Qin Dynasty eyes a Li, stretch out a hand, pull back.
That Jing Chuqi's body, immediately was pulled to fly over, was seized by the Qin Dynasty neck, held in the air.
Qin Dynasty's hand is like a pair of tongs, even if the emperor Jizhen under the body of Jing Chuqi, also can't help being pinched to suffocate.
"She, she was captured by Tang Ao's men." In Jing Chuqi's eyes, there are pleading and longing for life.
"Tang Ao's man?" Qin Dynasty squint eyes, looking at Jing Chuqi, "is it you who caught her?"
"No! Not me Jing Chuqi quickly shook his head, "it's a few of his thugs! How can I be so proud of catching an ordinary girl? "
"Hum!" The Qin Dynasty sneered, "beside Wu Xin, there is always someone to protect him. If it wasn't for you, how could she have been tied up? "
"Yes, it's Wu Xin's relatives who helped!"
"Relatives?" The eyebrows of the Qin Dynasty were picked.
"Yes, her uncle and aunt. Also, there is a fake foreign devil named Jack. They help Tang Ao to ask Wu Xin out alone
"It's them
There was a murderous spirit in Qin Dynasty.
Before his eyes, the figures of those people appeared.
Zhou Shufen, Wu Xin's aunt. It must be the bad woman. And the fake foreign devils, they don't have a good heart.
Good good, since you dare to bully my Qin Dynasty's head, I will let you see my fierce!
But there are still some things that Qin Dynasty can't understand. Zhou Shufen and Jack are not allowed. Wu Xin's uncle, how can he participate in such a thing.
After all, blood is thicker than water!
Or say, the interest has let him be hoodwinked by lard, for money even his niece can sell!
"Come on, where is she now?"
Qin asked coldly.
"You, if you spare me, I'll tell you..."
"Say it
"Qi, Qige hotel."
Jing Chuqi immediately said the place, he was afraid that the Qin Dynasty would get angry and kill her directly."Good."
The Qin Dynasty gave a smile and then said to the descendant of huangjimen, "I can not kill you today, but I can avoid death, but I can't live. You hurt my woman. If you don't have a good time, I'm sorry for myself
"You, what are you going to do?"
I'm afraid of Chuqi.
"Destroy your body, take your baby to run, hide back to Huangji gate and practice well. Next time, if you don't succeed, don't come out in disgrace. "
The Qin Dynasty said, the right hand has been wrapped in a white boxing set.
The power of Jiuyou giant elephant is attached to the body again. Now, it is full of sharp sword spirit.
"No, no!"
Jing Chuqi only had time to whisper, and the fist of Qin Dynasty had fallen on her abdomen.
Just as before his own abdomen was penetrated by people, this respect to Chuqi's abdomen, also by his blow to burst.
"Boom With the stirring of sword spirit and insolent force, the whole body of King Chuqi turned into a mass of flesh and blood, and floated in the air.
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