Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 871

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Chapter 871

When the white light appeared on the palm of the field, the Qin Dynasty immediately felt something bad.
This is the power of angels!
"Go to hell!"
The field stretched out his palm and faced Zhang Zhong in front of him.
A light flickered, and Zhang Zhong's face suddenly began to fear, and then twisted.
Then, in the side of Xinxin's scream, her current boyfriend's body suddenly burst into pieces, turned into a pile of disgusting meat, spread on the sofa and table, and patted her in the face.
The pride of the girl just now is gone. Now, on her face, besides fear, there is fear.
It's a woman's fear to see her boyfriend turn into a pile of meat.
"My God!"
"Here, what is this?"
"Biochemical weapons?"
People in the coffee shop ran around in panic, and there was fear on every face.
It's so terrible that a person suddenly turns into a piece of meat. Tianai
"Qin Dynasty, what's the obstacle..."
Shi Xin and Zhang Jie are also scared, but they don't even have the strength to stand up.
Because the white shirt student was so close to them.
He just stood there, holding his right hand, laughing wildly.
"Hahaha, see, this is the power of God! Those who have blasphemed God, you should all die
"You, what did you do..."
That Xin Xin's eyes are a bit dull, looking in front of him, this ex boyfriend.
"Garbage, betrayed my garbage, you also go to die!"
The field laughs strangely and points her hand at the girl opposite.
Although it's normal for children to make noise, it's a little big to kill people.
Qin Dynasty immediately rushed up, to sit on the sofa splashed with blood Xinxin a shake hands.
The girl's figure immediately flew up and was pulled aside by a force.
And the sofa under her body, however, was in a split state.
The field is a little surprised, just about to turn around, but Qin Dynasty threw himself on his body, with his body, a head from the side of the glass out.
The glass windows were smashed and the two figures fell out of the second floor.
"Qin Dynasty!"
Shi Xin's heart was tight. Seeing this scene, his heart was in great disorder. He yelled at the back of the Qin Dynasty.
"My God, your friend, is he crazy?"
"Who are you?"
The student was in mid air, looking at the Qin Dynasty, and his eyes were full of surprise.
"That's what I want to ask you. Let's have a chat at the place. "
In the Qin Dynasty, in a flash, the power of the nine you poisonous spider was launched.
Recently, I don't know why, the power of the nine you poisonous spider has been constantly improving. Qin Dynasty now, you can take others into space travel.
In addition, the power of nine Youming Phoenix and nine ghost generals is also improving, because the Qin Dynasty did not know much about it.
But this did not prevent him from using this power. The Qin Dynasty grabbed the collar of the field, and suddenly two people's bodies suddenly Bo and disappeared in front of the cafe.
And in an instant, two people appeared in a desert, Qin Dynasty pressed the body of the field, bang, hit the desert.
A large area of dust was lifted up.
This desert is the place where the Qin Dynasty fought with yanluomen. As a place to fight, it is suitable.
If there are too many people in the coffee shop, it's hard for the Qin Dynasty to start.
A shockwave hit the body of the Qin Dynasty and lifted the Qin Dynasty, which was not equipped with Jiulong armor.
"It seems that you also have some mysterious power."
After the Qin Dynasty was beaten away by the fields, he stood up unsteadily from the desert, and his white shirt became a flower shirt.
"But no matter who you are, you will die in my hands. Because I am the one who is blessed by God
Suddenly, the boy's back began to twist. His left shoulder, raised a huge meat ball bulge, constantly wriggling.
"Accept God's punishment! Let you witness my strength
Suddenly he stretched out his arms and let out a cry.
And the left shoulder of the drum bag, suddenly burst open, a white wing, two meters long, patting white feathers, showing the prototype.
"One wing?"
Qin Dynasty looked at a boy with angel wings in front of him and couldn't help exclaiming, "is it an incomplete angel? What the hell is going on here? "
"Be afraid, be afraid! Kneel in front of me! This is the power God has given meField Chi Chi Chi Chi ground smile, face with a kind of abnormal excitement, "with this power, no one dares to betray me, no one dares to laugh at me! All those who despise me will die, all will die
"This guy, what the hell is going on?"
The Qin Dynasty did not understand why he had the power of an angel.
"What's the matter with all that? Get the kid done first, and then explore his memory!"
Rod's voice rang in the mind of Qin Dynasty.
"Well, I'll try his strength first."
Qin Dynasty spits out a mass of white flame, the flame instantly burned black, and was swallowed by him.
"Jiuyou summoning skill · attachment!"
The body of Qin Dynasty, began to burn black flame. The flame was like a coat on him.
At the same time, a pair of black flame wings, flapping out, constantly flapping out the flame feathers, falling on the desert, burning the sand red.
"Black wings Are you a dirty devil
The field looked at the man in front of him and frowned slightly.
I have white wings because I have made a deal with the angel. Is that the person who made a deal with the devil?
"This is not the power of the devil!"
But Qin Chao couldn't help laughing
He held out his left hand. The fire twined on the left hand suddenly turned into a huge flame palm, and caught it across the air towards the field.
"No one can defeat the power of God!"
The field is fearless, a wave of hand, in front of themselves to release a white border.
But the fire palm, but easily grasps the white boundary, and then pinches in his body.
"Well, how could this be possible?"
The field sends out a exclamation, he struggles desperately, but can't get rid of the shackles of the fire palm.
"Look up to him."
The Qin Dynasty stood there and said, "his strength, at most, is just the beginning of Yuanying. However, it is incredible that an ordinary student can suddenly have the strength of the early days of a new baby. "
He said, and the hands of the fire caught the body of the field.
"Let me have a look at his memory."
Rod applied to switch the body of the Qin Dynasty, using his unique magic to search the soul memory of the half angel body in front of him.
The field only felt a kind of unprecedented pain, wrapped himself, he repeatedly screamed, but could not stop rod's invasion of his soul.
June 3, it's a very dark day.
That day, it was raining heavily.
Summer sky, always accompanied by such a sudden downpour..
The field is very restless. He hates the rain.
His face was burning with pain, lying in the mud, his body twitching slightly.
"Damn it, son of a bitch."
Several students in blue school uniforms stepped forward, Bangbang, with dirty muddy water, and kept kicking themselves.
It hurts Why does it hurt like this
Why don't these people be reasonable
Xinxin, why did you abandon me
"Fool, grow your eyes later! Now Wang Kexin is our loyal brother's girlfriend. You stay away from her. Do you hear me? "
A boy in white sneakers squatted down and patted himself in the face. "If you dare to approach Wang Kexin again, I will see you once, hit you once, until you dare not go to school. Do you hear me! Stupid, rubbish! Pooh
He spat at the face of the field.
Then, a few people laugh, mouth constantly scold the field fool, and then left the alley.
The field only felt cold and painful, he slowly got up, sat in the rain, with wet school uniform, wipe off the stinky saliva on his face.
He was crying.
Why do you do this to me.
What did I do wrong?
Those scum, they should all die!
Why, it's me who is being beaten now!
God, why are you so unfair!
Just when the field was crying bitterly, a bright light suddenly appeared in the dark lane.
It was like the light of God, illuminating the whole body of the field.
As if, also lit up his soul.
"God will not abandon you, child..."
A figure wrapped in the golden light appeared in front of the field.
She is so beautiful, so sacred.
Behind her, a pair of white wings were patted.
Angel, is this an angel?"My child, don't cry."
With a wave of his hand, the wet body of the field suddenly became very dry. Even the bruises on his face were gone.
"God is willing to help you..."
"Really, really?"
Field desperately pinched his face, very painful, he is not dreaming!
"It's true, of course. God never lies."
The angel responded gently to the field.
"God is willing to give you the strength to save the world. Would you like to? "
"I will, of course I will!"
The field is busy nodding, he wants to please all this, he wants to exterminate those evils! He wants to win back what he deserves!
"Send your soul into the arms of God, and you will have the power. Will you?"
The angel asked again.
"I will! I will! "
The field felt that since it was an angel, it would not harm him.
"Well, in that case, your soul will come to God's arms. God will also give you his power My child, do what you should do... "
The angel said, and suddenly came to the front of the field, in his lips, kiss. Then, the golden light dissipated, and the angel's figure turned into nothingness.
The pouring rain fell again and poured on the field, and the lane was darkened again.
But this time, the face of the field is not despair, but a gloomy and complacent.
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