Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1026

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Chapter 1026

"Xuanyuan night rain people can go, but things must be left."
Oriental cherry did not let go, standing there.
With a gentle wave of her hand, all the disciples of the misty peak surrounded her. In all directions, four families appeared, blocking their way to the Qin Dynasty.
"It seems that you are trying to force us to stay?"
Qin Dynasty looked around these people, can not help but sneer.
"I know we may not be your match."
Oriental cherry bit silver teeth, eyes staring at the body of the Qin Dynasty, very firm, not swaying, "but the treasure of the misty peak, but must stay! Even if it's death, we won't let go of the misty seal and the soul lamp! "
"Hehe, if you can stop me."
Qin Dynasty with both hands, standing there, as if with a light version of the body, people dare not face.
"Is it up to you to stop me?"
"My sect may not be able to stop you, but you are now taking the world's famous and decent sects as the enemy. Other sects will not sit idly by. "
With that, she turned to other sects for help.
But all the leaders, including the eight sects, looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes, and no one stood up.
Oriental cherry waited for a long time, and finally she gave up.
She can see that although these sects are very happy, they dare to come out and do the right thing with the Qin Dynasty.
"Why do you talk so much nonsense with them?"
Luo Ru dream impatiently waved his hand, "who blocks to kill is, is not to take a person to walk, I pour to want to see, who dares to block me."
Luo Rumeng is a master at the level of scattered immortals, and he can become a golden immortal.
No one is willing to provoke such an enemy.
"Elder Xuanyuan, come here."
Qin Dynasty also waved to Xuanyuan night rain.
In all people's eyes, Xuanyuan night rain without hesitation, slowly toward the Qin Dynasty.
Oriental cherry eyebrows a pick, chide way.
More than a dozen disciples of the Oriental family immediately gathered around to prevent Xuanyuan from going further.
"Xiaobai, go and meet someone."
Qin Dynasty saw oriental cherry really dare to stop, very uncomfortable, command way.
Hearing Mr. Qin's orders, Xiaobai's body has nothing to do with her, and instantly her body disappears into the air.
When she appears again, is in the Xuanyuan night rain side.
"Stop her!"
Oriental cherry knows that Xiaobai's ability is to move instantaneously, and shouts in a hurry.
At her command, all the disciples of the Oriental family all threw out their magic weapons.
These people of the Oriental family are all practicing thunder magic.
Their magic weapons are also thunder attributes, each with thunder light, head to face to cover Xiaobai.
"Be careful!"
Xuanyuan night rain see so many thunder attribute magic weapon bombard come over, immediately face some pale.
"A little bit of work!"
Xiaobai is holding Xuanyuan night rain with one hand, but the other hand is very casual.
Several spider silk flew out and stabbed those magic weapons one after another.
Then the power of space poured in.
All the magic weapons thrown out by these disciples were pierced by spider silk.
The people of the Oriental family were all shocked. They didn't expect that their magic weapons would be destroyed like this!
"Why, how could this happen..."
"My magic instrument is in the way..."
One by one, they almost cried.
It takes many years to refine a magic weapon, and it takes a lot of energy.
Now it's destroyed. It's heartache.
Xiaobai destroyed their magic weapon, which was merciful.
She had no expression on her face. She took back her hand and held Xuanyuan night rain. She shuttled through a space and returned to Qin Dynasty in a blink of an eye.
"Mr. Qin, elder Xuanyuan has brought it back."
Xiaobai said respectfully to the Qin Dynasty.
"Hard work."
Qin Dynasty nods with satisfaction, and then says to Xuanyuan night rain.
"Elder Xuanyuan, I will take you today. Let's see who dares to stop you."
"Damn it."
Oriental cherry's silver teeth are going to be broken.
About the misty seal and the light soul lamp, but there is a big secret in, absolutely can't let the outsider take away!
Originally, she also wanted to find a way to get these two kinds of treasures after the end of Hongmeng road meeting. I didn't expect that luochamen would come again!
Damned luochamen!
Oriental cherry now hate Qin Dynasty, hate to death.
She would like to eat the meat of Qin Dynasty and drink the blood of Qin Dynasty!"Today, absolutely, absolutely will not let you take away the treasure of Xuanyuan family. It belongs to the misty peak."
"You're talking nonsense!"
Xuanyuan night rain loud voice, "this is what my mother left me, it has nothing to do with the misty peak!"
Oriental cherry sneered. She reached out and took out a small bamboo tube from her arms.
Seeing this bamboo tube, whether it is Huaniang or Xuanyuan night rain, his face changes.
"Now that we've reached this point, we can't do without this gun. In Qin Dynasty, don't think that if you have a master at the level of scattered immortals, you will be invincible. Now, I'll show you what kind of strength does misty peak have to become the eight sects! "
Said, she pulls on that small bamboo tube, pulled this bamboo tube.
A small red arrow leaped into the sky.
A big fireworks exploded in the air.
"Now, none of you can leave."
Oriental cherry put down the bamboo tube with a strange sneer on her face.
After the fireworks exploded, four lights suddenly flew up from around the misty peak.
Four of them are the incarnation of four immortals.
Three old men, one woman.
One of them was an old man who had seen him more than once in the Qin Dynasty.
The remaining three people, each of them has a kind of natural temperament.
Seeing the Qin Dynasty, the beitangpo has a strange look in his eyes. It seems that he doesn't know how to face this man.
"Oriental cherry, what's the matter? Let you disturb our practice with the Jingtian gun?"
An old man with livid hair, dressed in a white robe and without opening his eyes, stood there and murmured.
"Oriental immortals, oriental cherry also had to disturb the immortal's cultivation. The matter at hand is really imminent. Besides a few immortals, oriental cherry doesn't know who to turn to. "
The woman, who looked like a middle-aged beautiful woman, said, "isn't Hongmeng Taoist meeting? With so many colleagues present, what's the imminent matter of the misty summit?"
"They are also afraid that they can't help me on the misty peak."
Oriental cherry's voice is cold, and her words reveal satire to those fellow students.
"There is such a thing."
Before the Oriental immortal can not help but mutter, "what is the matter, even let them all stand by?"
"It's the master of luochamen."
Oriental cherry that full of hate eyes, fell on the body of the Qin Dynasty.
"That's him. He's going to take away the misty seal and soul lighting lamp of our misty peak."
The Oriental fairy had been keeping his eyes closed and opened his eyes when he heard this.
That pair of eyes turned out to be purple. When they were opened, the electric light crackled and flowed out.
He followed oriental cherry's hand, and his eyes fell on Qin Dynasty.
"How dare you bully me, misty peak! How dare you take the treasure of my misty peak! I'm the four immortals of misty peak. It seems that I'm going to break the killing rules today
Four immortals of misty peak!
All of a sudden, everyone knew who the four antiques were.
This is the immortals of the four families!
These four old men should all be masters at the level of immortals. They have been practicing in the dreamland deep in the misty peak. In the past, the fight only made a North Hall broken. Now, it is called out by oriental cherry.
It seems that oriental cherry is dead or alive to leave the misty seal and light soul lamp.
People can't help curiosity, these four masters, facing the Qin Dynasty, do not know what good play to watch.
"That doesn't seem to be right."
The Qin Dynasty was not afraid of the so-called four immortals. He held his arm and sneered, "the misty seal and the soul lamp are all the treasures of Xuanyuan family. Now the successor of Xuanyuan family is Xuanyuan night rain. And Xuanyuan night rain has joined us and become the elder of our luochamen. Of course, my luoshamen is not as shameless as you misty peak. The treasure belongs to Xuanyuan elder and has nothing to do with other people. Since elder Xuanyuan doesn't want to give it to you, naturally, I have to protect my disciples in Qin Dynasty. It's ridiculous and ridiculous to say how to rob treasure. "
"Full of nonsense!"
Who knows, that Oriental fairy is also a unreasonable person.
"The Xuanyuan people are the people of the misty peak. They have been for generations! Even if they betray the misty peak, the misty seal and soul lamp must be left for the misty peak! No one can take anything from the misty peak! "
"The old man who came from here, he's chirping, he's talking
At this time, Luo Rumeng came out and pointed at the Oriental immortal and said, "Dongfang De, don't think that you can chirp when you are old. I can beat you all over the place to look for teeth in those years. Today, I can let you have another one!""Luo, Luo is like a dream!"
Seeing this woman appeared, the Oriental immortal, also known as Dongfang De, had a big shiver.
I don't know where the threat went before.
"You, why are you still alive?"
"It seems that you all want me to die, but I will not die!"
Luo Rumeng was playing with his long fingernails and sneering at the corners of his mouth, "it's you. I'm afraid you'll fold here today. Who wants you to come out and join the fun?"
"Luo Rumeng, don't threaten me there. Benxian is not afraid of you at all!"
Dongfang de took a breath, and then said, "even if you practice for a thousand years, your cultivation will be as good as that of this immortal. Moreover, benxian is not a person, there are other three families of immortal to help! If you have a little head, you should know not to wade in this muddy water. Otherwise, your thousand year cultivation will be completely transformed into floating clouds here today! "
"Is it?"
Luo Rumeng perfect a pick, "I would like to see how you make me into a floating cloud!"
Luo Rumeng is a violent temper. She doesn't care much. She only knows that she will beat anyone who provokes her.
Qin frowned.
Today can use the magic, basically used.
Even the general idea is used.
After the Jiulong armor was finished, all of them were used.
Now I come across four old people at the level of free immortals. It's a little difficult to handle the matter.
"it seems that I'm going to use the unity of man and nature again!"
Suji turned her head and said to the Qin Dynasty.
"No way!"
The Qin Dynasty flatly refused.
It's the limit to use it once a day.
If Suu Kyi and her use it again, it will certainly have great side effects.
So, say what, Qin Dynasty will not let Suji and their risk again.
"But what can you do now?"
Suji asked the Qin Dynasty.
"In a word, I won't allow you to be one of man and nature again!"
Qin Dynasty is very overbearing, refused Suji's good intentions.
"Well, can we only rely on sister Luo..."
Looking at Luo Rumeng's back, Suji's eyes are worried.
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