Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 858

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Chapter 858

Qin Dynasty clenched his fist and walked towards Scofield.
"Let God redeem your sins."
Scofield stood up straight and raised his cross to the Qin Dynasty.
The cross radiated a dazzling white light, which soon covered the body of the Qin Dynasty.
This light Qin Dynasty remembers, the last time, Scofield was using this move, directly sent the skeleton killer, Aquarius star, to heaven.
However, this move was invalid for the Qin Dynasty.
With a wave of the Qin Dynasty, the white light scattered from his body.
"I'm sorry, I don't believe in your God. You'd better come to heaven
With that, he appeared in front of Scofield and hit the other side's abdomen with a heavy blow.
Facing the light of the cross.
"It's no use."
Scofield looked at the Qin Dynasty, his face full of disdain, "garbage is garbage, only worthy of living in the garbage heap."
"Look who's rubbish."
Qin Dynasty's mouth, but hung up a smile.
At this time, a crisp sound made Scofield's eyes widen.
The cross was smashed by Qin Guang.
"No way!"
Scofield's face finally appeared panic, "a piece of garbage, how can break my light defense!"
"Go to hell!"
At this time, the Qin Dynasty felt a wind behind.
He didn't turn his head back, and he swung his fist behind him.
Suddenly, his fist to a terrible monster to fly out.
The monster fell to the side of the ground, smashing a deep hole.
Looking back, the Qin Dynasty saw that Oliver had already begun to evolve.
She was originally very enchanting face, still so beautiful. However, a beautiful head, but the body is fat woman, it is estimated that no one will like this heavy taste.
, especially as like as two peas in the body, are three more alike.
Now Oliver is nearly three meters tall. He quickly gets up, licks his tongue, and says, "handsome boy, come on, let me enjoy you."
Said, the body a flash, toward the Qin Dynasty and rushed over.
"Sorry, I don't have that strong taste."
Oliver turns back and punches up from the sky.
"Like a roar!"
The air trembled with the blow.
The air fluctuated violently, and a huge air mass spurted out of the hands of the Qin Dynasty and slapped on Oliver, who was far away from the sky.
This Oliver directly spurted out a mouthful of blood. His body was like a kite with broken string. He fell out and smashed a row of parallel bars behind him.
"A little Knight of seven sins, who dares to ride on my head, is just ignorant of life and death."
The Qin Dynasty sneered.
"Handsome boy, don't think it's over!"
Oliver, in a sharp voice, continued to be hysterical. "I'm going to fuck you today! Fuck you! You can't escape from the palm of my hand
With that, her body began to evolve again.
A burst of black light came out, the strong sexual intercourse, let this woman evolve quickly.
Soon, an ugly monster nearly six meters tall appeared in the park.
In addition to the original head of a beautiful woman, the remaining two have changed. The one on the left became the head of a cow, and the one on the right became the head of a sheep.
Under her crotch, a huge dragon head appeared. It was a dragon like a Western lizard, twisting its body and constantly roaring at the Qin Dynasty.
"There's a dragon in the crotch. It's amazing."
Even the Qin Dynasty, have to sigh.
In the so-called western mythology, the nature of dragon is obscene. Now, it is quite obvious.
"Be my crotch minister!"
Oliver yelled, and the dragon in his crotch spewed a big ball of fire to the Qin Dynasty.
The big fireball is two meters in diameter, big and dazzling.
"The sleeping trough has become a banshee."
The body of the Qin Dynasty is glittering with gold, and the power of Vajra Sutra is enough to transport the whole body. With a wave, he scattered the big fireball in front of him.
After the fireball dispersed, it burst out with amazing energy, and the ground was suddenly blackened.
Qin Dynasty beat out the flame on the body, sighed.
"It's sunny. Fortunately, it's not saliva. Otherwise, it's disgusting and disgusting."Oliver's eight eyes are flashing lustre, she ran towards the Qin Dynasty, dragon's mouth also aimed at the Qin Dynasty, ready to fire a second gun.
"Step on crack!"
Qin didn't want to let this guy get close to him. He flew up and stepped heavily on the ground.
The power of Jiuyou giant elephant makes the earth sing and tremble.
The shaking of the earth, so that the huge Oliver did not stand firm, tilted for a while.
While taking advantage of the other party's tilt moment, the Qin Dynasty's right fist agglomerates a black cyclone.
"Die! Break down for me
The fist of destruction, which symbolizes the most powerful force of the nine you Colossus, can even crack the air, not to mention the seven sin knights on the opposite side.
The blow fell on Oliver's chest, and her upper body was suddenly smashed, and the blood clots burst out and splashed all over the floor.
Only the crotch of the Dragon whispered a few times, it seems that there is a bit of action ability.
"What's the use of keeping things when people are dead?"
In the Qin Dynasty, an elephant roar broke the Dragon into pieces.
In order not to leave any research object for mortals, the Qin Dynasty threw out a group of nine hell fire, burning Oliver's body clean.
It's getting easier and easier to clean up the seven sin knights.
Now Li Fanfan must be very moved. It is a very correct choice to cooperate with himself.
"Your strength has improved so much..."
One side of the arrogant Knight Scofield, has not intervened, but quietly watched the Qin Dynasty kill his companion.
He won't let his arrogance interfere.
"You are too weak."
Qin Dynasty shook his fingers at Scofield, "let me have no interest in fighting."
Time seems to have returned to the time when two people just met. Scofield knocked down the Qin Dynasty with his hands at random, and dropped a word. The Qin Dynasty made him have no interest in fighting at all.
"How can you be better than me? No one can defeat my strength
With that, his body suddenly floated, and the cross on his body was shining with white light.
This guy has evolved.
But the color of his evolution seems to be different from the other seven sin knights.
It is worthy of being the first of the seven sin knights. Scofield, wrapped in white light, swelled slightly and soon became a handsome man more than two meters tall.
A burst of puffy clothes behind him. From the air, the two wings of the clothes were slapping and tearing.
The original Bible, turned into a golden light, then turned into a golden halberd, which he held in his hand.
The power has expanded a lot!
Qin Dynasty looked at Scofield floating in the air, slightly surprised.
I didn't expect that a small Knight of seven sins could be so powerful. Even in the Legion of angels, this Scofield can occupy a high position.
"May God save you, man!"
Scofield's mouth made a gloomy voice. He waved his halberd at the Qin Dynasty.
All of a sudden, a white light cross fell from the sky, toward the head of the Qin Dynasty was buckled over.
The cross smashed the Qin Dynasty into the ground, and the dust billowed.
"Ha ha! See, that's the difference in our strength! "
Scofield laughed. "Garbage is garbage, life is garbage! Now, know how powerful I am, Scofield
"It's a nuisance. I've got all my clothes dirty."
Then Scofield's eyes flew out.
As soon as he waved his hand, he blew away the smoke, and immediately saw the Qin Dynasty beating the dust on his body and standing up from a pit.
Although the clothes were dirty, Scofield could see that the Qin Dynasty was not injured at all.
"No way! How can my power be useless to you! Judge him for me! Power
"Bang bang bang bang!"
A series of white light crosses have been falling, and some of them have been bombarded in the park, smashing the ground into big cross pits. And more, they fell toward the Qin Dynasty.
"Break it!"
In the Qin Dynasty, when one fist was used, it was like hitting a balloon. One punch could blow up a light cross.
For him, who has a golden body of nine, these forces are just drizzle.
In Scofield's gaping, Qin Dynasty broke all the cross rain. Then, with a twinkling of his body, he jumped in front of Scofield in an instant, and gave him an evil and awe inspiring smile.
"Have a taste of being beaten by garbage! Asshole
With that, he kicked his foot out like a cannon ball and hit Scofield's head."Boom Scofield's body directly turned into a shadow, and instantly bumped into a row of benches in the park, smashed the benches to pieces, and exploded a deep hole in the ground.
The Qin Dynasty took up her feet and floated to the ground, looking at her daughter tied on a swing beside her and walked past.
"Dear Sakura, dad will help you to break this annoying chain."
"Dad, be careful. That annoying uncle isn't dead yet."
Qin Ying reminds way.
"I know. Don't worry."
When Qin Dynasty squatted down to untie the chains of Qin Ying, a huge force surged behind him.
Qin Dynasty eyebrow a jump, quickly turned around, block in front of small cherry. At the same time, the golden light of Buddha began to twinkle and twinkled in his whole body.
A huge light cross, hit him, that huge power, almost shook his feet.
Rao is so, Qin Dynasty's feet, also sank to the ground half a foot deep.
"Hateful human, how can you defeat me! I'm Scofield, I'm the Cavalier of pride
So Scofield was floating in the sky again, and he was evolving again.
This man, the body began to expand again, and soon he was five meters tall! And behind him, it is no longer a pair of wings, but three pairs!
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