Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 581

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Chapter 581

"What? My beloved woman, and skeletons? " Qin Dynasty a burst of confusion, "which of my beloved women?"
"Tut Tut, OK, Mr. Qin really deserves to be a wave hand in flowers. He can't remember the woman he loves."
There, Liu Chang's voice was strange, vaguely as if with a trace of jealousy.
Speaking of that, he said The Qin Dynasty touched his nose and said, "who is going to the ground?"
"it's AI Xiaoxue, an AI police officer who has been sent to the organization."
"What?" Qin Dynasty gaped, "Liu Chang, Liu Chang, you really want to do more this time. Officer AI and I are nothing. We are more like a pair of enemies. We quarrel when we meet. "
"Is it?" How could Liu Chang appear in the ward that day? Do you think I'm Liu Chang a fool? I can't see that? "
"According to what you say, Liu Chang, you are also my beloved woman."
Qin Dynasty's brain reaction was still very fast, and immediately turned against the first army, "is it, my Changchang baby?"
These words are numb, Qin Dynasty oneself all had goose bumps.
Liu Chang, who was over there, seemed to be fed up with it. He said in a flustered voice, "you, don't talk nonsense. Well, I just went with little Liu Ying that day. Yes, yes, I went with her. "
"Hey, how can I listen, like you explain to yourself."
"Can you be serious! If you make any more mischief, I won't say it. Anyway, if you say that you and officer AI are more like enemies, it's none of your business for her to die or die. "
"Ah, ah! You can't say that! " Qin Dynasty said quickly, "no matter how, I know officer AI very well. Moreover, when I was just out of the world, she once saved my life. Liu Chang, please tell me. "
"Well, listen up!" Liu Chang seems to have calmed down and said to the Qin Dynasty, "a few days ago, AI Xiaoxue went to the United States to investigate the skeleton headquarters. But I don't know what kind of interference she was. She was inadvertently led to the headquarters of the dark holy see. It seems that she was caught by them and lost the news. "
"When did this happen?"
The Qin Dynasty was shocked. Dark Holy See, that's not a good place! I'm afraid there are no good people in a church that has risen from the black magic.
"About seven or eight days. We just got the news from America."
"Damn it, your news network should be eliminated! Liu Chang, arrange my plane to America immediately! Skeleton, dark Holy See! Hum, it's just that this time, I'm going to find their troubles! "
"Yes. I knew you would say that. The tickets were already reserved. This rescue operation, called "Christmas snow project", is led by you and contacted by me. My code name is stewardess, as for your code Well, it's still called "safety suit..."
"Damn it Why... "
The Qin Dynasty was not happy.
"Don't talk nonsense, the plane at 11 o'clock in the afternoon. If you don't want to be late, come here quickly!"
At this time, in Orange County, south of Los Angeles, California, there was a place called "Garden Grove.".
Here is a cathedral called Crystal Cathedral, which was built in 1968 and completed in 1980. The size of the church is very grand, can accommodate more than 10000 people.
Around the cathedral, there are more than 12000 glass windows installed on the white stainless steel frame. Each window is made of polished silver glass, which is as bright as crystal. This is an explanation for the origin of the name Crystal Cathedral.
The symbol of the church is the cross on the roof. It is said that the cross of the Crystal Cathedral is made of crystal, shining in the sunlight. This is another explanation for the origin of the name Crystal Cathedral.
But behind this bright church, there is another unknown organization.
Beneath the church, in a black-and-white secret room, there were thirteen men, all in their cloaks, sitting around it.
"Chief judge." A man, the first in the left-hand seat, made a dull voice and asked, "that Chinese policeman has investigated the dark holy see. Whether or not, just kill her. "
"Carl, the symbol of Aries, you are always so impulsive and have no brain!"
Another woman in a cloak said, "don't you know that this woman has a great relationship with mainland organizations and Qin Dynasty? You killed her without thinking about the consequences? "
"Winnie, Gemini, please remember that fighting is my life! Are you afraid of the power of the mainland organization and the Qin Dynasty? If you are afraid, please get out of the skull and the twelve stars in the dark
"You're looking for death."
The voice of the Gemini cooled.
"You can try it!"
When Aries stands up, he will tear off his cloak.
"Enough!"Just at this moment, the chief referee was sitting in the chair, drinking coldly.
"Do you still have me as the referee in your eyes?"
"Sorry, chief referee..."
The two men bowed their heads together and did not dare to speak again.
"It has been more than 20 years since the founding of our skeletons." The chief judge seemed to gaze at everyone in the room through his slightly raised cloak. "All of you sitting here are the old people who have been following me all the time, and some young people who have just entered. However, both new and old people have a belief that we can expand the dark forces infinitely. Let the gospel of the dark Vatican spread in every corner of the world. "
He pauses for a moment, and continues, "it is with this faith that the skeleton and the twelve stars of the dark part are secretly established from the dark Holy See, and we are born. Protected by the dark devil, we must unite. If I see any of you who dares to break this unity, I don't mind sending him back to the dark devil's arms
"Your honor, your honor."
Libra said, "which one do you support? Do you want to kill the mainland policeman or let her go? "
"No way." The referee shook his finger, "that AI Xiaoxue, can become a very important chip for us. So, she's a key key, and we have to keep it in our hands. Carl, she's in the white sheep's cage
"I will guard her with my life!"
Carl patted himself on the chest.
"Veni, Gemini, you are responsible for continuing to seek information from the Roman Church."
"Yes, chief judge."
Vinnie answered.
"That's the end of the meeting. Ladies and gentlemen, the meeting is over. "
The voice falls, this black and white style of the room, a few faint candle lights suddenly extinguished, let the whole room into silence and darkness.
In the bathroom of the airport, Liu Chang tidied up the stewardess' uniform and warned the boy in front of him in black windbreaker.
"Shall I remind you again?"
when Liu Chang spoke, he took out a lipstick from his bag and smeared it on his lips.
"I don't need this. I remember it all."
The Qin Dynasty looked around the toilet, and then said in a somewhat awkward way, "I just don't understand why I got into this women's toilet. You can't, go to the men's room and talk about it. "
"That's nonsense! I'm a girl, how can I get into the men's room! "
Liu Chang rolled his eyes at the Qin Dynasty.
"Well, you said that! I'm still a boy. Why did I get to the women's room? "
"You're OK. You're cheeky." Liu Chang raised an eyebrow to say, make Qin Dynasty half a day speechless.
At this time, a woman with blonde hair and blue eyes just walked into the bathroom. When she came in, she was surprised to see the Qin Dynasty. After that, he swore in English and went into a cubicle.
"You see, I've been called a pervert!"
The Qin Dynasty glared at Liu Chang.
"You are." Liu Chang is indifferent.
"You, you..." Qin Dynasty suddenly felt that he could not say Liu Chang, which made him very depressed.
"I, what, me, you know everything about this mission."
"Clear." The Qin Dynasty nodded weakly, "but why let me cooperate with the people of the Roman Church? I can handle skeletons and the dark Vatican on my own. "
"Look, that's the big story."
Liu Chang said sarcastically, "in addition to the information that AI Xiaoxue disappeared in Los Angeles, do we know anything else? America is so big, where do you go to find the headquarters of the dark Holy See? If there's no help from the Roman Church, are you going to take a picture of officer AI and look for people all over the street? "
"Well, this..." The Qin Dynasty knew that Liu Chang was right, but when he heard about the Roman Church, such a Catholic religion, he would have a headache.
He is not anti religious, but he believes in freedom and Taoism. Moreover, he is a true practitioner. If you put him together with religious people, it might be easy to fight.
"In short, you have to meet the people of the Roman church first. The priests and Knights of the Templar Cross will help you
Liu Chang said, putting the lip balm that he had just wiped into the hands of the Qin Dynasty.
"Why? Let me do the same? "
Qin opened lipstick and smeared several on his lips. Cool, sweet, it seems that there is a little bit of Liu Chang's taste on the lips.
"You, you idiot!"
Liu Chang was angry and wanted to hit people, "you're brain disabled, right! Who told you to wipe it! Well, there's a tracker on it. It's for you to track your position! "
God, what can I do. He, he even wiped it.This does not mean that two people kiss indirectly!
"so it is."
, Qin, smiled and put the lipstick in his pocket. "Liu Chang, your mouth is sweet."
"You die!"
Liu Chang raised his feet in high-heeled shoes and kicked his legs in the Qin Dynasty.
Click, the heel of the high-heeled shoes broke.
"My God!"
Liu Chang covered his head and didn't know what to do.
"I, I didn't mean to..."
The Qin Dynasty waved hands again and again.
"I am I don't want to see you again Let's go Liu Chang said, holding out his hand and pushing the Qin Dynasty out to the door.
"Why, I didn't mean to. Besides, I'm gone. Your high-heeled shoes are broken. Go back?"
"Don't worry, I have spare high heels. If you don't leave, I'll call airport security and say there's a pervert breaking into the women's toilet! "
"I, I..."
Qin Dynasty was once again speechless. Ya, it's you who brought the old paper in. Now you drive out the old paper.
"Get out of here! Remember, go to this address and find Forbes church, where you have the people you need. "
Liu Chang put a small note into the hands of the Qin Dynasty, then pushed him out of the door, and then closed the door of the bathroom.
"What a lunatic Qin Dynasty secretly lost a middle finger, and then went to find the address.
Liu Chang, leaning against the door, was blushing with shame
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