Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 503

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Chapter 503

After going upstairs, Luo Qinglin knew that her mother was not ill. She was fighting with her father in bed.
"I think Han haoxuan's child is good, suitable for our daughter to be a boyfriend!"
The middle-aged woman, who is good at dressing up and taking care of herself, said to her husband sitting on the opposite sofa with a picture in her hand.
"Nonsense." Luo Zhentian, with a straight face, said very unhappily, "the son of Han Gaoguan, who is ignorant and incompetent, knows how to go out and fool around every day. He doesn't adjust at all. If Linlin had followed him, she would not have harmed her daughter. "
Compared with his wife, Luo Zhentian is much older. The deputy commander of the military region is over 60 years old, but he has always been very strong.
"Not all boys are like this!" Wang Suhong, however, looked like you were too fussy. "When you get married, you'll take it back. When the time comes, I'll teach Linlin how to manage men, and Han haoxuan will have a temper. "
"Nonsense, what nonsense!" Luo Zhentian patted the sofa, turned his head to the young woman sitting on the other side and said, "if Sakura, do you think she pushed her daughter into the fire pit?"
"You old man, who pushed your daughter into the fire pit?"
Before the woman could speak, Wang Suhong stopped working, stood up and pointed to Luo Zhentian's nose and yelled.
"I, Wang Suhong, was also the daughter of the Wang family at that time, but I was bewitched and followed you, a poor man. Later, you went to Vietnam to fight and left me and the suckling maple. I am not afraid of one day, for fear of suddenly receiving your bad news that you have died in the battlefield
Wang Suhong and the deputy commander calculate the old accounts, so that the old man can't say a word.
"Besides, as soon as you leave, I am a woman with a child and can't farm land. I can only live by folding envelopes for some money every day. My hands are rough as a young lady who didn't do any work before. It's not easy to expect you back. You've become an officer again. You think your life will be better. Who knows you're a dead brain. Before that, you'll have to give a lot of subsidies to your comrades in arms. You can't afford to eat at home. You have to care about others! "
"Those are the families of comrades in arms who died on the battlefield!" Said these, Luo Zhentian quit, patted the sofa and said, "if not for those comrades in arms, our troops are likely to die in the front line, you can't see me now!"
"What do you shoot? Shoot me again!" Wang Su Hong immediately exploded the temple, glared at her old man and exclaimed, "Luo Zhentian, you can stand it when you are deputy commander, don't you dare to fight me! If I had not protected you, you would have been killed by my father
"Suhong, how can you say that?" Luo Zhentian sighed, "people's hearts are all flesh long, those comrades in arms and I have had life friendship. Can I watch their wives and children suffer? "
"Yes, they are all pitiful, so we are not poor?"
Wang Suhong would not accept the reason explained by Luo Zhentian all her life, "our wives have been suffering to death, are you coming to help us? I've had enough of that kind of poverty. I have to make my daughter better! I don't want to marry my daughter to a lame person like you. I think you are pushing your daughter into the fire pit! "
"That's the son of my old comrade in arms!" Luo Zhentian did not know how many times he explained, "if he had not blocked me with his body, I would have been killed by the enemy's bullets! I swore to take good care of his son! When Linlin was born, I had promised my sister-in-law that she would be her daughter-in-law. "
"Pooh Wang Suhong doesn't give her husband the face of this deputy commander at all, "I'm sorry you said it! Love you take your daughter as a chip to pay your debts! I told you, daughter's marriage, you can't get involved in the round, I'm the mother has the final say! "
"You Luo Zhen weather is shivering, "snobbery! Stubborn
"Who are you talking about snobbery! I'm snobbish. I could have been poor with you! Is it wrong for me to make my daughter better? "
Two people quarrel, that is called if Ying woman, left advice, right advice, but no one listen to her.
"Dad, mom, what are you arguing about?"
Only when Luo Qinglin stood upstairs and gave a clear voice, the two old people stopped at the same time.
"Oh, my dear daughter is back. Come to my mother and have a good look."
The cloud on Wang Su Hong's face immediately dispersed. She did not care to quarrel with her old man and waved to her daughter.
"Mom, aren't you sick? How can you still have the strength to fight?" Luo Qinglin went to the bedside and sat down. She looked at her mother and said.
Luo Zhentian snorted coldly beside him, "I don't know you're coming back today, pretending to be ill to scare you, so that you can follow her wishes."
"Dead old man!" Wang Su Hong glared at him. Then she turned her head and took her daughter's hand. She said painstakingly, "my mother is very sick. Look at you. You're old. Every day, she knows what kind of entertainment company she is busy with and doesn't care about her marriage. Mom tells you, this woman, after 25, the old is fast. ""Mom, I'm not in a hurry. What are you worried about?" Luo Qinglin road.
"It's bullshit. I'm a motherfucker. Can't I be in a hurry?" Wang Suhong said, and put the picture of Han haoxuan into her daughter's hand. "Come on, have a look. This is Han Gao's son. You see, the young man has a lot of spirit. He has a good model. "
"Mom, how many times have I said it? I don't like senior officials, the son of the director's family."
Luo Qinglin was not happy. She threw the picture away without looking at it.
"Look at you! Mom, I'm worried about you... "
"Sister in law, why are you here, my brother?"
Luo Qinglin knows to go on, her mother must still be entangled in this blind date. So she simply turned her head and asked the woman who was called Ruo Ying.
"Your brother is still busy with training. Recently, a group of new recruits have come. He is very busy every day. I heard that my mother was ill, so I came here to have a look
"Well, sister-in-law, my brother is quite busy in the army. It's too hard for you to take care of your own family."
Luo Qinglin took out boxes and boxes of skin care products from her bag and said, "here you are, sister-in-law. This is the skin care products I bought from foreign countries. We have a set of one. As soon as the girl gets busy, she gets old quickly. She has to take good care of it. "
"Linlin, you are so kind. There is a nanny at home. I don't have to work hard Yeah? This brand is strange. I haven't used it. Is it easy to use? "
"It's very easy to use. You can see my skin. It's watery..."
"Well, I'll use this one after that..."
"OK, come to me when I'm finished. I'll bring them back. I can't buy them in China..."
Two women began to study skin care products. Wang Suhong was sulking beside her, but she couldn't get in a word.
"By the way, Linlin." Luo Zhentian seemed to think of something, and suddenly asked, "did you go to see your brother sun recently? Is he better?"
"Yes." Luo Qinglin nodded, but her face was a little gloomy, and said, "but his legs are still not good. Our hospital can't repair the two bones that were removed after the accident. But I inquired with a friend who was studying in American medical school. She said that a kind of metal skeleton has been developed and is trying to be used in human body. However, it is still in clinical trials, and the technology is not perfect. "
"OK, if you have a chance, let the son of the sun family have a try." Luo Zhentian nodded and said, "no matter how much money, as long as you can cure his leg. Otherwise, I'm sorry to be in the way of my old comrades in arms... "
"Don't worry, Dad." Luo Qinglin quickly comforted, "money is not a problem. As long as the technology there is mature, I will take brother sun to have an operation."
"Well, when the son's leg is ready, your marriage..."
"Dad Luo Qinglin is not happy. Although sun Xueyuan and she are childhood sweethearts, she always treats him as her brother. Naturally, she should care about her brother, but when it comes to marriage, she will not allow it.
"Yes, yes." Wang Suhong obviously didn't want her dead old man to mention the lame. She clapped her hands and suddenly asked.
"Ruo Ying, have you got any news recently?"
"Not yet, not yet..." Luo Qinglin's sister-in-law blushed immediately.
"Tell me, I've been married for two years. Why hasn't there been any news. I'm still waiting to have my grandson. "
Wang Suhong sighed, "but two days ago, I asked for a prescription from director Chen's wife. I heard it worked. Let me go downstairs. I'll find it for you
With that, Wang Suhong stood up and walked downstairs.
"Hee hee, sister-in-law, really not moving?"
Luo Qinglin lowered her voice and whispered in her sister-in-law's ear.
"Hee hee, can't my brother?"
"Don't talk nonsense..." If Sakura blushes and pinches her sister-in-law, she also lowers her voice and says, "yes, it's your brother. He doesn't want to So I've been avoiding pregnancy
Luo Qinglin immediately showed a look like this.
"That's over. My poor mother is busy again."
"No, it's OK. I'll try to persuade your brother when I go back, and let him grasp one. "
"What if he doesn't agree?"
"He dares! If you don't let him go to bed for three days, I'll see if he dares to have sex! I has the final say, and mom is worried. It's not the same thing to drag on like this. If you don't, mom should be angry with me
"How can she be angry with you?" Luo Qinglin laughs curiously, "she always said that her sister-in-law has a big butt and can give birth to a big fat boy..."
"Fuck you, you're big ass..."
If Sakura shy with that what like, and his sister-in-law to fight a few times.
Luo Zhentian, sitting on the other side, does not know what his daughter-in-law is muttering about. He coughed and said.
"Don't make a fuss, you two. It's almost time for dinner. Come on, go down to the living room and let Xiao Hui prepare dinner. ""Well, I see, Dad."
"I'll help Xiao Hui do it together."
Two girls, at the same time get up, follow Luo Zhentian to go down.
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