Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 983

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Chapter 983

Zhang Li is on duty at the gate of Guangyuan school as usual. However, she seems to be a little too passionate with her girlfriend last night, which leads to some lethargy today. There are two dark circles hanging on the whole person's eyes.
"Oh, tension, you didn't work hard last night! Look at you. You're going to be a "
The security guard, who happened to be on duty next to him, couldn't help joking, "young people can't be too indulgent. They should know how to control themselves"
"My girlfriend's birthday last night, she pulled me to sing all night in KTV. You didn't listen. I'm a little hoarse
"Hey, who knows whether you are singing real or not."
The security guard said with a smile, "in short, body first, little comrade."
"No more nonsense. I curse you for not finding a girlfriend."
Tension can't help but retort.
"I didn't look for a girlfriend so early as you. I want to find a girlfriend, must be the best woman in women, so that I can go after ah! You see, what you're looking for is a little girl. It's so childish. What's good about it? "
"Bah, I don't think you can eat grapes and say it's sour!"
Tension sarcastically said.
Two people are arguing, from the school gate, far away came a beautiful woman in a black suit.
The suit is almost wrapped in her body, convex back, attracted the attention of many men around.
The beauty of this woman is also very amazing, more amazing is the kind of enchanting she carries.
She seems to be in her 20s, but Fengyun is not something a woman in her twenties can have.
Whether it is tension, or the security guard nearby, they all look straight and numb.
Such a woman, if in ancient times, must have been the beauty of the emperor's side!
If I also have such a woman, I would rather do nothing every day, and every day in bed with her!
"Two handsome men, is Qin Dynasty here?"
The beautiful woman twisted the waist of a snake and walked up to them and asked.
"You, are you looking for brother Qin?"
Zhang Li swallows his mouth and says why brother Qin's peach blossom luck is so good, and the beauty always has something to do with him.
tension is the first time that red fruits are jealous of Qin Dynasty.
"Yes, he was asked to talk about something small."
The beauty licked her lips, causing tension and the security guard beside her to be thirsty.
"Qin, brother Qin may be on patrol now. You, if you are in a hurry, I can take you to him
The security guard said in his eyes.
"Well, that's the trouble for the handsome guy."
Beauty Jiao laughs and seems very happy.
"Xiao Li, do you know the patrol route of brother Qin? Don't take them in the wrong way. "
Tension can't help but remind.
"Don't worry about it. Tension, you should be on duty. "
Xiao Li blinked at the tension, and then led the beauty into the campus.
Along the way, the beauty really attracted the eyes of many students. Almost all the boys could not help drooling and felt soft when they saw her.
Such a beautiful and charming woman is the best in the world.
Xiao Li couldn't help thinking, is she the woman given to me by God?
In order to get in touch with the beautiful woman for a while, Xiao Li deliberately walked around the campus with her, chatting constantly.
Soon, they came to the famous lovers forest. Now it's time for class. In addition, it's autumn. There are no people in the forest, only the two of them.
"This beauty, that, can I have the honor to know your name?"
Beauty chuckles, "I call spring nine Niang."
"Chun Jiu Niang?"
"Don't you think it's a strange name, handsome boy?"
"No, it's not. It's very personal. It's nice to hear it!"
Xiao Li said quickly.
"Hee hee, you men's mouth, really can't believe, always said good to deceive our women."
Chun Jiuniang covered her mouth and chuckled.
Xiao Li was softened by her smile and said, "no, no, I'm telling you the truth. Chun Jiuniang, what a beautiful name. I can tell she is a beautiful woman. "
"No, they are not beautiful women."
Chun Jiuniang shook her head.
"Why not!"
Xiao Li said quickly, "you are the most beautiful and beautiful woman I have ever seen."
"Hee hee, I'm familiar with that. It's just that when you see something more beautiful than me, you'll try to please others"No, it won't. I mean it."
Xiao Li said quickly.
"That's what he said back then."
Spring nine Niang suddenly sighed a tone, on the face some is not happy, "only, wait for him to see Hu Yuhe that Fox after the son, completely changed."
Xiao Li is a little confused.
"But I like it when you say it to please me."
Spring nine Niang suddenly raised her head again and looked at Xiao Li in front of her, "why don't you just let me pull out your tongue, soak it in wine and put it in my house, so that you can use sweet words to coax me to be happy every day."
"Hehe, you can be a joke."
I don't know why, Xiao Li suddenly felt a little chilly when he heard this.
"We women, but we don't joke."
Spring nine Niang says, to small Li stretched out right hand, flick open white tender palm.
"Brush, brush, brush!"
In the air, five white spider silks suddenly flew out of the air, which respectively wrapped Xiao Li's feet, hands and neck, and suspended him in the air.
Xiao Li uttered a exclamation, scared to urinate, "this, what is this?"
"Hehe, I'm going to pull out your tongue. Don't be nervous. I will be very gentle
Chun Jiuniang's way of speaking also changed. At the same time, on her right face, a spider's black print appeared.
Xiao Li was so scared. What kind of situation is this! Is this beauty, in fact, a monster!
"Help, I, I don't want to die!"
Xiao Li struggled again and again, but the spider silk tightly bound him, making him unable to break free.
"Don't worry. I'll come a little bit."
Chun Jiuniang gently spits out her red lips, and flies out of her mouth with a thin, almost invisible spider silk, and rushes toward Xiao Li's mouth.
At this moment, a black light flashed through the air.
A graceful figure jumped out of the void and kicked chunjiuniang.
Spring nine Niang's body, suddenly fell out, directly knocked down a nearby tree.
Xiao Li also fell from the air and fell into a faint.
The graceful figure fell to the ground, frowned tightly and looked at the woman opposite.
"Who dares to make trouble in Mr. Qin's territory?"
"Nine you poisonous spider?"
Chun Jiuniang looked at the beauty in front of her. She stood up safely from the ground and patted off the dust on her body. "I'm not polite at all. She's even broken her clothes."
Her black suit was scratched in many places, and there was a piece on her body. The woman didn't seem to be wearing a corset, which was white and dazzling.
In other places, waist, thigh, there are many places where the clothes are rubbed and torn, revealing the white skin inside.
"Who are you?"
Xiaobai looks at the woman in front of her carefully and asks.
"My name is Chun Jiuniang."
The woman didn't care about her spring light, instead she pinched her waist and said, "it's a coincidence that I met a new generation of nine you poisonous spider."
Xiaobai also asked Qin Dynasty to discuss Hongmeng Daohui today. Unexpectedly, he felt a strange and familiar force when he arrived at school.
When we got here, the scene just happened.
"Recognize my strength at a glance..."
Xiaobai felt uneasy, "are you also a devil?"
"That's right But the reason why I can see through you at a glance... "
Spring nine Niang says, her figure, disappear in front of small white instantly.
At the same time, behind Xiaobai, I remembered a cold voice, "because my concubine is also a nine you poisonous spider!"
Xiaobai's body was hit and flew out in an instant, and fell directly to the ground, with the yellow leaves, sliding out on the ground for a long time.
When she stood up, Chun Jiuniang's figure did not know where to go again.
"On the left
Xiaobai deserves to be the number one killer in the world. In an instant, she catches the murderous spirit released from Chun Jiuniang. She turned her head very quickly, to the left, and waved a hand knife.
This knife bumped into a temporary spider web. The power of space was blocked by the spider web.
"Worthy of this generation of nine you poisonous spider, or have some skills."
Spring nine Niang's voice sounded from behind the cobweb, "also did not waste my concubine body to descend the strength, fell to the gold body heavy and you played for a while."
Say, that cobweb suddenly quiver, and then a lot of spider silk flew out, toward the body of Xiaobai was wrapped up.Xiaobai knew that if she was entangled by this spider silk, it would be very troublesome.
Her figure disappeared from here in an instant, and then fell on a nearby tree, intending to re customize the battle plan and try to defeat the intractable enemy.
The other side is also a nine you poisonous spider?
Is she a magic puppet of the leader of the previous generation of luochamen?
Her combat experience is obviously much higher than her own. What should she do!
These thoughts are filtered in Xiaobai's mind for a moment.
But also in such a moment, a black wormhole suddenly opened on Xiaobai's head. A spider silk flew out of the wormhole, which twined on Xiaobai's body and dragged her directly into the wormhole.
In the blink of an eye, Chun Jiuniang drags the spider silk, pulls Xiaobai out of the wormhole in front of her body, and then releases several spider silk, twines around Xiaobai's body and binds her up.
"Tut Tut, in the end is still a young child, only know how to use the power of space, but forget the real talent of spiders."
Chun Jiuniang pinched her waist and said, "I really don't know how this generation of luochamen sect leaders chose the magic puppet. How could they choose such a stupid fool with no brains?"
"I have my way of fighting!"
Xiaobai drank coldly, she opened the moment to move, winked out of the air in the distance.
But her body, still wrapped in those spider silk.
"You can't run away."
Chun Jiuniang pulled out her hand, and the spider silk pulled Xiaobai back from the wormhole and fell in front of her. "These spider silk, whether you go to the ends of the earth, will be firmly bound to you. This generation of nine you poisonous spider God is useless. Let me Chunjiu Niang come and teach it. "
With that, Chun Jiuniang held out another hand and held a black blade in the palm.
"This is a magic weapon made of my wife's poisonous palate. If you stab it on your tender white body, it will make your whole body fester slowly Hee hee, I'm looking forward to what a beautiful woman will look like after her whole body festers. "
She said, carrying the black blade, slowly toward Xiaobai.
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