Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1258

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Chapter 1258

Princess Su felt that she was going to be angry by the Qin Dynasty!
Quarrel, it is estimated that she can not quarrel with the Qin Dynasty.
And when this man wants to follow him all the time, she is even more angry!
Especially now!
After a morning's quarrel, the final result was that the Qin Dynasty became Su Fei's bodyguard.
At this moment, the bodyguard is sitting in Princess Su's office, watching the TV series on the computer.
It's not like a bodyguard!
Love is like a holiday!
"Qin Dynasty, are you my bodyguard?"
Su Fei suddenly put down the document in her hand, some impetuous she asked.
"Of course, it's AI"
Qin Dynasty was watching a very boring Korean drama. When she heard Su Fei ask him, she immediately raised her head and looked at her angry face.
"Since it is, how can you run to the side in front of me to watch a TV play?"
"I'm not here. Where am I?"
Qin immediately asked, "bodyguard, do you want me to stick it on you all day?"
He swallowed the last sentence.
That's a sanitary napkin.
"Of course not!"
Su Feixin said, you still want to be close to me, beautiful dead you, "at least, you should also stand by my side!"
"Well, let me ask you a question."
The Qin Dynasty suddenly said it very seriously.
Su Fei didn't know what Qin Dynasty wanted to say, but she was curious, "what do you want to ask?"
"If, 24 hours a day, you can't eat, you can't sleep, you can't watch TV series, but you have to stand next to a man and watch him, do you think you will be bored?"
"Boring, of course..."
Su Fei said subconsciously, but she soon realized it.
"Damn it! I'm not a bodyguard. I'm your boss! And I'm not a man, I'm a woman
"All right."
The Qin Dynasty blinked, "then change your mind. You are a woman, a beautiful woman, and a beautiful woman with a deep career. If I stand by your side and look at you every day, I can't help making mistakes. "
"What business line..."
Princess Su looked down at her, and she was suddenly ashamed and angry.
This guy, how shameless!
She wanted to scold the Qin Dynasty, but she didn't know what to scold.
Su Fei sat there angrily, feeling her head was in a mess and she didn't have the heart to work.
This guy, to his side, on the contrary, to his own chaos.
She suddenly stood up, and the Qin Dynasty also followed.
"What are you doing?"
Asked Princess su.
"What are you doing?"
The Qin Dynasty followed.
"I'll go to the bathroom!"
Su Fei glared at the Qin Dynasty.
"Well, I'll go to the bathroom, too."
The reply of the Qin Dynasty made Su Fei more angry.
"Didn't you say you wouldn't follow me when I went to the bathroom?"
"I mean, I won't go to the same toilet with you."
Qin Dynasty shrugged his shoulders, "but the process of going to the toilet, I always follow."
"No way!"
Su Fei was a little flustered. How could this guy stick to herself like gum? "You're honest. You're staying in the office. I'll go to the bathroom."
"If on your way, the assassin will take action against you."
Qin immediately questioned, "you are now an extraordinary period, some things, you can bear with it."
With that, he went to Su Fei's side.
This girl smells good.
It tastes like Suu Kyi, but it's a little different.
Is it the twin sister
Su Fei knew that her quarrel could not be fought in the Qin Dynasty. She turned around and left the office.
The Qin Dynasty followed her like a follower.
Although the Qin Dynasty didn't like this metaphor very much, it was an extraordinary time to be patient
Qin Ling sat in the office at the door and watched Qin Dynasty leave with Princess su. She couldn't help shaking her head.
Now, it's lively.
"Stop following me!"
Su Fei walked to the toilet, and then reached out, "the men's room is on the other side."
"I didn't say I wanted to go to the toilet"
but Qin Dynasty laughed and opened the door of the women's toilet. "Boss Su, please come first."
Su Fei suddenly understood what Qin Dynasty was going to do and looked at him in surprise.
"You, you want to go in together?"
"Of course."The Qin Dynasty nodded, "although this is more humiliating, but I have to stay by your side to do, very treat the extraordinary period."
"Well, how can this be?"
Su Fei is even more flustered. Let him follow her. She is already very shy If you let him stand outside the single room, waiting for himself Well, I'm not ashamed to death!
"Extraordinary times Patience is over. "
The Qin Dynasty laughed.
"Very much your sister! That's too much, OK
"What if an assassin suddenly attacks you when you go to the bathroom?"
The Qin Dynasty was very serious, "so you are not dead, and I also dereliction of duty! You die, and my credibility is ruined. "
"You die!"
Su Fei stepped on the foot of Qin Dynasty.
Fortunately, the girl doesn't wear high-heeled shoes.
Otherwise, her high heel will not be cut off.
"where can there be such a perverted assassin!"
"It's not a pervert!"
The Qin Dynasty felt that he had the obligation to correct the thought of Su Fei, "that's an opportunity! You think the killer's going to give you a chance to go to the bathroom? Come on, the killers are not your parents. As long as there is a chance to kill you, they will not let it go! "
"You, you! I can't go on now, will you? "
"What if it's choked out?"
Qin immediately said, "and, you and I want to be together for a long time, can't always not go to the toilet?"
With that, the Qin Dynasty suddenly whistled.
The sharp whistling made Su Fei's nervousness even stronger. She couldn't help rubbing her legs.
She was so shy and angry that she didn't know what to say. "Damn, get out of the way!"
Finish saying, push away Qin Dynasty, a turn head entered female toilet.
Qin Dynasty immediately followed up, in case there is a killer in the toilet!
What he said just now was not a joke.
Two people walked in back and forth, just as a female teacher from inside, while lifting pants, walked out.
Seeing Su Fei, she immediately nodded and said hello.
But when she saw the Qin Dynasty, the female teacher's face changed greatly and she screamed at her throat.
Both Qin Dynasty and Su Fei were frightened by her high voice.
Boy, the sound is penetrating. The toilet is bursting.
The female teacher scolded, put on her trousers and left in a hurry.
"You deserve it!"
When Su Fei heard that the Qin Dynasty was scolded, she was a little happy and looked at the Qin Dynasty happily.
"Look at it!"
The Qin Dynasty immediately said, "how much I sacrifice for your safety! Now I've been called a pervert
"You die!"
Sufei's excitement is gone.
She opened the door of the single room, then turned her head and said.
"Would you like to come in and have a look? If the killer comes out of the toilet, aren't you going to be derelict? "
"I'm sorry..."
Qin immediately nodded, "then I'll go in and accompany you."
"You die!"
Su Fei was startled and closed the door of the single room, as if she were afraid that the Qin Dynasty would break in.
She locked the door and dropped a word.
"That female teacher is right, you are a pervert!"
"Nonsense, I am the most serious man
The Qin Dynasty quickly corrected Su Fei's view on herself, "there is absolutely no one in the world more serious than me."
"Yes, if you're not human."
Princess Su did not forget to add a sentence.
After that, both men were silent.
Su Fei only felt that there was a man standing outside, especially the man who still cared about in her heart.
This tension, when the water is released, the sound becomes more and more clear.
In an instant, Su Fei's face turned red.
Outside the door of the Qin Dynasty, also heard this clear and pleasant sound of water.
Any normal man can't correct his mind when he hears this voice.
Obviously, the Qin Dynasty was even more so.
He can't help being evil.
In my mind, I can see the beautiful figure of Princess su
No, no, this is my sister-in-law!
Amitabha, Amitabha
In order to ease the embarrassment of the atmosphere, the Qin Dynasty hummed songs in the toilet.
"I'm a painter, and I'm good at painting I want to make the new house more beautiful After brushing my breasts No, after painting the roof and then the wall... "
The Qin Dynasty sang and sang, and this thought was out of tune.
Grandma, how can you think of Princess Su's chest
But what's the difference between Su Fei's chest and Suji's
Who are the older sistersThis place should not as like as two peas.
He was humming when the toilet door was pushed open.
A woman was about to come in and was shocked to see the Qin Dynasty whistling inside.
"God, there's a pervert in the toilet!"
She was so scared that she stepped back.
"Hello, Hello, where am I abnormal?"
The Qin Dynasty wanted to go out and explain it, but it stopped thinking of the safety of the imperial concubine su.
"Damn it. I'm so wronged."
He stood in the toilet, trying to smoke a cigarette to ease his grievance.
But when I think of quitting smoking, I can't help shrugging my shoulders.
This work really needs some perseverance to do. After a while, Princess Su finally pushed the door and came out.
But the girl's face was red. Without saying a word, she went to the pool and began to wash her hands.
Qin Dynasty also don't know what to say, if you continue to tease it, if you really make people angry, how to deal with it.
If you go to sue her again, he will be miserable.
With her head lowered to absorb, Su Fei secretly looked at the Qin Dynasty standing behind her in the mirror.
Originally quite angry, she suddenly did not know why, some warmth in her heart.
If he can always accompany himself Not bad
Unfortunately, it's only temporary.
If there are killers to assassinate themselves every day
He can always follow himself
Su Fei was shocked by her absurd idea.
Damn, what's wrong with me? How can I be so frustrated
It was the Qin Dynasty It is this man who has disturbed his heart
Is he responsible for
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