Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 547

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Chapter 547

"You, you are the Qin Dynasty
Wary's body trembled for a moment, and then a little frightened in his green eyes. Then he growled a little angrily.
"Long xiansen, why didn't you tell me his name?"
"I, I didn't know you knew him..."
Long Weiqiang has some grievances.
“FUCK!” Vary scolded, "the cost of this task will increase again, 10 million dollars, otherwise I will not do it!"
Long Weiqiang is stupid.
"Ten million dollars? Mr. Waley, I, where am I going to rob you so much money! I can't even give back US dollars or RMB! "
"Then I will not do this task, I will go!"
Vary dropped the words, and the whole person jumped to the window, as if to escape.
Long Wei's face is crooked.
Malgobi, you have to go and give me back my money and diamonds, fuck!
"Want to go?" Long Weiqiang no matter how to say, is also a leader of the underworld. How can I be fooled with so much money!
"Mr. Waley, since you are so dishonest, don't blame us for being rude! Brothers, kill him for me
As soon as he waved his hand, all the boys behind him picked up hualongzao and fired several shots at Waley hanging on the window.
"Bang bang bang!"
The glass of the window broke all over the floor.
And vary's ear moved, and the whole person was very flexible in climbing and jumping on the wall to avoid these bullets.
"Dare you kill me?"
Wary asked coldly, with a murderous air on his body.
"What about killing you?" Long Weiqiang sneered, "Mr. Waley, turn your head around. You cheated me out of my money. If I could let you go, I would be a fool!"
"Do you think you can fight our skeletons with a little scum?"
Vary's tone was very disdainful.
"What happened to the skeleton? Aren't you afraid of bullets? "
Long Weiqiang's face is full of satire, but his back is full of cold sweat.
Because in this room, there is a man who is not afraid of bullets, that is the Qin Dynasty.
A shot in the head, ah, people have no bullshit, still smoking to watch the fun.
Damn it, kill the werewolf first, and then try to solve the King Kong gourd baby!
Foreigners don't understand, but he does. The man who has studied hard Qigong looks like he is wearing iron clothes. But there must be a cover door on him. He's going to die.
There are so many younger brothers on my side. I don't believe I can't find his cover door!
"Yes, of course I am." Wari knew he was not a pervert like the Qin Dynasty, but he said confidently, "but I'm not afraid of you."
With that, the wolf man suddenly rolled a white light. Then, his body, disappeared into nothingness.
"Boss, he's gone!"
"He certainly didn't run. Hit me. Beat him out!"
Long Weiqiang's heart cluttered for a moment and pulled the trigger again and again.
The bullets hit everywhere, the whole ceiling was hit with holes.
But the werewolf did not know where he had gone.
"Jie Jie..."
Vary's voice, somewhere in the air, sounded, "you idiots, trying to kill me? Do you think I've only got the ability to turn into a werewolf? "
The sound, constantly changing its position.
"To tell you, there are many kinds of werewolves. I am one of the advanced varieties, shadow wolf. You guys, watch your necks. "
With that, a little brother's neck, suddenly burst out a group of blood light.
Then, the little brother covered his bloody neck, cooed twice, and fell to the ground.
Several people were startled. They only saw the outline of a wolf flash. The werewolf has a sharp bone knife on his arm.
He used the bone knife to cut the little brother's neck.
"Too, too terrible..."
A little brother couldn't help but drop his gun and run outside the door.
But before he ran to the gate, a dark figure came down from the sky and appeared behind him, cutting off his back neck with a knife.
Soon, these two little brothers are unwilling to open their eyes, died in a pool of blood.
"Come out!"
Long Weiqiang was shaking in his heart, but as the boss of these people, he had to be brave and scolded, "if you have seed, get out of here! Let's fight for it
"If you want to die, I can help you."
As soon as long Weiqiang finished speaking, a cold voice began to ring.Then, a dark shadow came down behind him, and the bone knife was shining in it.
"Boss, be careful!" Ah Wen stood aside to see the truth, hurriedly remind way.
But long Weiqiang had no time to turn around. He only felt a chill behind him. Then he seemed to see the coming of death.
"Wait a minute."
At this critical moment, a powerful hand suddenly extended from the slant, and then only two fingers clamped the suddenly split bone knife.
By such a clip, vary could not hide, staring at a pair of big green eyes, frightened at the black windbreaker man in front of him.
"This man is mine. Don't rob me."
"Fuck, die, die!" Wari took advantage of the Qin Dynasty to let go of his own bone knife. Then two bone knives, together with his claws, kept chopping at the body of the Qin Dynasty.
It's like tinkling in the decoration team.
Nawari cut with the wind and the water, hoping to break the Qin Dynasty into pieces.
But in addition to the splash of Mars, Qin Dynasty is nothing, let you chop on me.
Even his windbreaker has never been damaged.
But the Qin Dynasty was also a little annoyed by being cut down.
When he was stabbed in the nose, he finally flew up and kicked Navarre in the stomach.
Suddenly, with a bang, the werewolf's body turned into a shell, and hit the ceiling heavily. The body flew into the night sky.
"Damn it, the little werewolf dares to run wild in front of me, looking for death!"
When the werewolf fell from the sky, the Qin Dynasty held out his hand, grabbed the wolf's paw, and slammed it on the ground in front of him.
The rocks are flying.
If it is not because the werewolf's physical fitness is better, it is estimated that the Qin Dynasty could smash the other party into meat mud.
Even in good health, Navarre screamed in pain, almost like killing a pig.
"Go to hell!" The Qin Dynasty raised his foot high, like a Tomahawk, to chop down the head of the werewolf.
If the foot is solid, even if vary's head is made of iron, it will turn into paste.
So, with all his strength, vary rolled aside and disappeared into the air.
"Want to run?" Qin Dynasty sneered, "I will not let a skeleton person, live from my eyes to leave."
Say, Qin Dynasty opens arms, the body a shock.
Those thugs around, just feel the body is hit by something, the whole person flies upside down, falls to the ground in confusion, the buttocks are painful.
And the bottles, jars, tables, chairs and benches in the room were all swept away by an unidentified force and hit the four corners of the room.
Wari, who had been hiding before, appeared and banged against the wall.
Idea shock!
This is the power of Qin Dynasty imitating Xiaoying's spiritual shock wave.
Although not as powerful as the spirit shock wave, but his purpose is to force Wari out.
Moreover, there is no need to exert the power of cultivation to deal with these werewolves. Otherwise, you are insulting your own magic.
"If you kill me, the skeleton will not let you go!"
Vary lies on the wall and shouts.
"You are wrong." Qin Dynasty remote Oh fingers, "I will not let go of skeletons."
With that, the Qin Dynasty held out his hand to the werewolf.
"Go back to your hell."
Finish saying, Qin Dynasty a pinch palm.
Bang, that werewolf's head was immediately pinched open, broken to the ground.
A headless corpse fell from the wall.
The present strength of the Qin Dynasty has no fear of skeletons. It's just that he doesn't know where the skull's headquarters are. Otherwise, he will directly come to destroy the so-called killer organization.
He destroyed half of Tokyo, not to mention a small organization.
The big deal is to take the risk of thunder robbery, a sword rain, or a big Yin and Yang evil king to kill, everything will be solved.
Qin Dynasty thought is very good, he has been working on it silently.
The reason why she was not in a hurry to get Suji back was that the Qin Dynasty wanted to make a break with the skeleton.
"Well, there are no more people who stand in the way." The Qin Dynasty clapped hands, turned to look at the side of the silly long Weiqiang, "is it time to talk about the matter between us?"
"Haha Qin, Lord Qin... "
That long Weiqiang at this time also don't want any face, compared with life, face is worth a * *.
He knelt down directly and continued to smile at the Qin Dynasty, "it is I who have eyes but don't know Mount Tai. It's me who was blinded by lard and kidnapped your lady. I, I admit it! But, Lord Qin, I have never hurt Miss Wu Xin. She, she is good in me, I am a Bodhisattva like offering"Oh?" The Qin Dynasty raised eyebrows, "turn your head around, comrade. Are you a fool? I heard all the conversation you had with your little brother before. Hehe, who wants to have sex with my woman
"This, this..." Long Weiqiang's scalp is numb.
"Don't talk nonsense. You can go with Mr. Waley on the road."
Qin Dynasty said, a wave of hands.
With a click, long Weiqiang's head twisted 180 degrees in a strange way, and then it tilted to the other side, which broke his breath ferociously.
The boys nearby were scared. They are not timid people. They all beg for food in daojianshan.
But this strange way of death, or let them fear.
Cut to death by a knife, shot to death, that's OK.
You are so inexplicable that your head will be broken. Who the hell can stand it!
All of a sudden, these thugs, headed by Arvin, all knelt down.
"Don't kill me, we're just working..."
Ah Wen cried.
Qin Dynasty's heart is helpless
ah Wen is too funny, but he is only a part-time worker.
The first time I heard that he worked for the underworld. He was called a wage earner. However, Qin Dynasty is not a killing maniac. If the main one dies, he will not be so angry.
"You can't be killed."
But of course the Qin Dynasty didn't let these people go directly, he said slowly.
"But you have one thing to do for me."
"Lord Qin, say it! Say it
Now here, who else is not afraid of this man!
"Where is Wu Xin locked up? I'm going to find him. "
"Lord Qin, follow me and I'll take you." Arwen immediately stood up and said, "it's not far from here. It's in a small villa. It's the old home of Longge."
"Good, lead the way."
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