Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 867

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Chapter 867

"Master's talent is excellent, and his practice is very fast. In the future, he will be able to rise to the world and become an immortal."
Shen Qing said quickly.
"Hey, it's not that I haven't thought about becoming an immortal."
Tan Hai said with a smile, "I've been a teacher for more than a thousand years. I've seen a lot of things and people. Sometimes I feel that this is just the same thing. To tell you the truth, I am not half as good as my apprentice. When I was a teacher, I was just like you. I thought I was a great Xia of Shushan who killed demons and Demons and helped justice. I didn't know how wrong I was until Luo Zhan died
"Luo Zhan? Who is that? "
In Shen Qing's impression, there is no such person.
"Ha ha, no wonder you don't know. At that time, you should be a little baby."
Tan Hai laughed, "at that time, I was just an elder of Shushan sword Pavilion. You also know that as long as you can enter the golden age, you can become the elder of Shushan. In less than three hundred years, he entered the golden age, and his reputation caused a sensation in the whole Xiuzhen world. "
"Master's talent is really extraordinary. He can be called a genius."
Shen Qing can't help it.
"Well, that sounds good. But if compared with Luo Zhan at that time, he was not so good as a teacher. "
"Who is Luozhan
Shen Qing expressed great curiosity.
"He was the eldest disciple under the throne of the infinite at that time. He was known as the genius of the second infinite devil. In only one hundred years, he entered the realm of golden body, and that was a real genius."
"Ah! It's so powerful! "
Shen Qing couldn't help exclaiming.
Only one hundred years, can enter the golden body! He is a genius.
To know that his younger brother Mo Tianya, as an immortal reincarnation, it took hundreds of years to enter the golden body.
"Hehe, he's great."
Tan Hai said with a smile, "but if compared with Yi'er's father, it's another heaven and an underground."
Although Shen Qing was unwilling, he had to admit it.
When I saw the Qin Dynasty for the first time, I beat him and fled in confusion. If it was not for the help of Huaniang of misty peak, he would have died under his own hands.
Up to now, I almost can't even defeat his move. The reason why the previous play can not be divided, but also he deliberately let himself.
"It's only two years since Qin Xiaozi practiced Zhenzhen, but he has been refining Qi to the end of Yuanying. He only needs an opportunity to enter the golden age. This talent can make every cultivator jealous to death! Moreover, with his secret arts, he can break through the present stage at any time and enter into the horrible state of Jinshen Jiuchong. This is beyond the reach of a teacher. You say, compared with your husband, you can only cultivate land as a teacher and Luo Zhan
"Master, don't compare with him. After all, he is a heresy, and his foundation is unstable. As the saying goes, it is easy to be possessed by a devil once, but difficult to cultivate immortals for a thousand years! "
Shen Qing said quickly.
"Well, well, being a teacher is not such a mean person." Tan Hai waved his hand. "Qin Xiaozi's ability to have today's accomplishments proves that he has great fortune. Moreover, the taiqingzi of Wudang also talked to me. According to their inborn eight trigrams, this boy is also closely related to the robbery of the Xiuzhen world. The better he practices, the better it is for us. "
Shen Qing was very surprised, "I don't know what kind of disaster it is?"
"Well, as a teacher, I can't tell you. This is the secret of heaven. It must not be disclosed. "
How can you know
Shen Qing said in his heart.
"In fact, I don't know how much as a teacher. Taiqingzi just told me that this boy is the one who should be robbed."
Tan Hai seemed to break Shen Qing's mind at a glance, and said, "the specific things are only known by taiqingzi and his younger martial brother. Even those who know it, they know a little bit about it. "
Shen Qing didn't quite understand. What kind of things would happen had something to do with the Qin Dynasty.
Although the progress of Qin Dynasty's cultivation was terrible, his influence in the realm of cultivation was not deep.
"Therefore, his future achievements are almost limitless. You are lucky to be his puppet. "
"But I don't want to rely on him, I can also fly to the road."
Shen Qing bit his lips and said.
"I know that your personality is so strong. But you have become his magic puppet, and cultivation is bound to be bound by him. Only if he improves, you will progress. Moreover, you are always a little weaker than him, you should know that. "
"I know, so I'm not willing to..."
Shen Qing looks a little gloomy.
"As a teacher, I know."
Tan Hai stretched out his hand, pointed to the glittering star on the top of the tower and said, "disciple, do you know what that is?""I don't know."
Shen Qing shook her head.
"Hehe, this is a treasure that a leader of Shushan got by chance."
"What is it, baby? I've been locked in the Star Tower for such a long time, and I've never appeared before? "
"The fragment of immortal spirit."
Shen Hai was surprised.
"Immortal spirit?"
"Yes, it is the immortal spirit. Those of us who practice the truth will have the immortal spirit after they get promoted, so that we can be a real immortal. And this piece of immortal spirit fragment seems to be the fragment left by an immortal who was killed by someone for some reason
"Will immortals be killed?"
Shen Qing was very surprised.
"Well, this must be a fairy who has just risen, and is suddenly killed by his enemy. It doesn't matter. What I'm going to say next, you should pay attention to it. "
"Yes, master."
Shen Qing nodded quickly.
"Luochamen was the first gate of the evil way in those years! Lord, the God of demons, can be called the first one of the right demons, beat the invincible hand all over the world. It is said that rod has been flying to the fairyland. Somehow, he abandoned the immortal spirit and returned to the world. His magic, as well as several of his magic puppets, were the existence that made the Xiuzhen world fear at that time. "
"Well, master once told me about this history."
"Well, so, in order to defeat this demon God, we have studied his magic arts. In the end, we learned a way to beat him. This rod, the most powerful, is the magic puppet. And his biggest death spot is also the devil puppet. "
"Magic puppet, can it be his death hole?"
Shen Qing couldn't figure it out. "As a magic puppet, I know that a magic puppet can't betray his master. Otherwise, it will be a terrible death. Moreover, as a magic puppet, the most important thing is to love the master. "
"Love, in an instant, becomes hate."
Tan Hai said, "do you know Hu Yuhe?"
"I don't know."
Shen Qing shakes her head, these names, Luo Zhan, Hu Yuhe and so on, she has never heard of.
"Hu Yuhe, who was the ghost Phoenix puppet under rod, was a Nine Tailed sky fox. With the flame of the Phoenix, it became more powerful. But later, this Hu Yuhe fell in love with an ordinary scholar, which made rod furious. He beat Hu Yuhe back to the prototype with his own hands, and his skill retrogressed 500 years. "
"Is that rod bad for Hu Yuhe?"
Shen Qing couldn't help asking.
Tan Hai said, "Hu Yuhe is the most beautiful one among the magic puppets under rod. As a Nine Tailed Tianhu, her appearance is not too good to say. Therefore, rod's favorite and favorite is Hu Yuhe. It's a pity that after thousands of years of love, it will eventually get tired. A young scholar with a very different character from rod, who appears in front of Hu Yuhe, will also be moved. In fact, Hu Yuhe is very simple. The scholar can't live for 80 years. She just wants to change her love. But how could the tyrannical rod allow it? Naturally, tragedy happened
"Therefore, master said that rod's greatest weakness is also a magic puppet?"
"That's right."
Tan Hai looked at the immortal ghost fragment on top of his head and said, "if you use this piece of immortal spirit, you can tear off the bondage of the magic puppet and let the magic puppet no longer be controlled by the master. But the whole gang of Rhodes has not been destroyed
"Master, this fragment..."
Tan Hai stretched out his hand, the star awn floating in the sky that day suddenly trembled, and then slowly fell into his hands. When the star shed its light, it showed its original appearance.
A small piece of crystal remains in the palm of Tan Hai's hand.
Not yet touched, Shen Qing can feel that the crystal fragments with an ancient and heavy breath, constantly impacting his soul.
"Shen Qing, if you really decide to ask the Qin Dynasty, you can absorb the fragments of immortal spirit."
Tan Hai handed the fragments of immortal spirit to Shen Qing. The dim crystal lit up Shen Qing's face with a complex look.
"Master, this is a very important thing."
Shen Qing was a little moved, but said, "otherwise, it would not have been put in the star picking tower and had been protected for so many years."
"It's useless to us. It's meant to deal with rod."
Tan Hai said with a smile, "but for you, it is of great use. But do you really decide to leave the Qin Dynasty? "
"Yes, I want to get rid of him. I'm on my own."
Shen Qing said firmly.
"Well, you can absorb the fragments of the immortal spirit and protect the Dharma for you."
Tan Hai knew that Shen Qing's mind had been decided, but he didn't say much about it. He gave Shen Qing the fragment of immortal spirit.When Shen Qing received it, he suddenly felt that among the fragments of the immortal spirit, the huge power was constantly scouring the soul. It's like washing something out completely.
She took the fragment, and when she didn't know what to do, the fragment suddenly jumped up and dived into her eyebrows.
Shen Qing exclaimed, and a black flame burst out of her body.
Tan Hai immediately stepped back three steps, and then released a border, enveloping his apprentice in it.
At this time, the flame on Shen Qing's body became more and more thick. Then, Shen Qing's body was completely burned to ashes.
But Tan Hai did not worry, because in that kind of ash, a huge bird egg, is releasing the brilliance.
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