Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1247

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Chapter 1247

Sufei's mood is not very beautiful today.
In her anger, she got the personnel contract and opened the Qin Dynasty.
In fact, it is because of a moment of anger that I have such an idea.
However, if Qin Dynasty really left, she was reluctant to give up.
In fact, I just want to get this thing to vent her emotions. If Qin Ling gets it, she will stop herself very cleverly, and then persuade her that she may be relieved.
Women, from time to time, are so irrational.
Especially for a woman who is angry, that is quite unreasonable.
Su Fei did not expect that her personnel notice was first taken by that guy of Qin Dynasty.
However, she could not wipe down her face, and the Qin Dynasty said a mistake.
In that case, is not equal to telling the Qin Dynasty that he is yielding to him!
How can this be!
She will never bow to evil forces!
Yeah, yeah, that's it!
After su fei went out, Jiang Dong was sitting in the car waiting for her.
"Miss, where are you going?"
In the silver Benz, Jiang Dong adjusted the rear mirror and asked.
"Solamy restaurant, there is a very important party to attend today."
After su fei sat in, she leaned back a little tired.
"Miss, your state, I suggest you'd better go home and have a good rest, or go to a spa to relax yourself..."
"OK, Jiang Dong, I know, but this party is very important. Concentrate on driving."
Su Fei knew that Jiang Dong was a famous broken mouth, so she stopped him from saying it.
"I see, miss."
Jiang Dong started the car, "but you look terrible. I know a good spa. Of course, I didn't go to it. My friend recommended it to me. But my friend is trustworthy. I can absolutely trust what he recommended. If we go there now, it will be 20 minutes. Maybe they can get a 20% discount... "
"Jiang Dong, shut up! Go to solamy
Princess Su waved her hand helplessly.
"Well, well But miss... "
"Stop, I'll take a taxi."
"Well, miss, I won't say it!"
As soon as Jiang Dong heard this, he shut his mouth.
Do you want to get a taxi?
That can't be done. It's dangerous. It's too dangerous!
The eldest lady is so beautiful and rich. What can I do in case she meets people.
Although it is not an extraordinary time, we should protect the eldest lady well.
"by the way, Jiang Dong, arrange for several bodyguards to follow me. Recently, it may not be very calm. "
At this time, Su Fei suddenly remembered the reminder of the Qin Dynasty in the daytime, so she said something to Jiang Dong.
She also did not put too much in the heart, in her position, do not know how many times such things have happened.
Therefore, there are so many bodyguards at home.
"Ah! Miss, why didn't you say it earlier! I'll do it at once
Jiang Dong was surprised, he quickly took out the phone, dial a phone out.
"A Cheng, with the first and second teams, follow us. Our position is 36 Heping Road, heading for solamy
"Got it!"
There hung up the phone, and then Jiang Dong's big mouth started again.
"Miss, it's done! But how do you know it's not peaceful recently? "
Jiang Dong was still curious.
"The Qin Dynasty said that."
Su Fei leans on the back, especially tired, and answers her own fighting housekeeper lazily.
"What, the Qin Dynasty said!"
Jiang Dong was shocked, "Oh, miss, this is not a small matter! No, I think we'd better let Qin Dynasty protect your safety! Only when he is here can the personal safety of the eldest lady be guaranteed! "
"Without him, would the Su family have to wait to die?"
When Su Fei heard this, she was a little angry.
Jiang Dong felt that the temperature in the car suddenly dropped, and he couldn't help getting cold all over.
He suddenly realized that he had said something that he should not have said.
Oh, no, it's not the old lady and the guy of Qin Dynasty who are in a cold war again!
How can these two people not always maintain a good and harmonious relationship!
It must be the guy of Qin Dynasty who provoked the eldest lady first!
You can think of it with your butt!
Hateful, if you don't beat him, you'll beat him up!
"If everything depends on him, what else can I do with you! What else do Su's bodyguards do! Get out of here! Get out of here! I'll come by myselfThe angry appearance of Princess Su made Jiang Dong tremble.
He knew that for so many years, the Su family had to rely on the eldest lady to support the big and small matters. In fact, she should have been very tired. So much anger, if one-time burst out, it must be terrible!
"Can't the Su family live without the Qin Dynasty! Is it possible that my princess Su is doomed to die without Qin Dynasty! Jiang Dong, what do you eat for? Can't you protect me? "
"I can, I can, elder sister, please calm down. I said something wrong..."
Jiang Dong drove cautiously.
It's my own broken mouth. I'm so fucked.
What a pot you can't open!
Looking at the temper of the eldest lady, it is obvious that the quarrel with Qin Dynasty is very serious.
I still don't want to mention this name again, otherwise the consequence is sure to be very miserable.
Jiang Dong had to put all his mind on driving, and Su Fei murmured a few more words. She was probably too tired. After saying two words, she could not move. She continued to rest on the back of her chair.
At this time, two Land Cruisers came from the back. Jiang Dong saw that they were his own bodyguards.
Su family's bodyguards are divided into small teams, a small team of four people. There are two teams, eight people. There should be no problem protecting the eldest lady.
"Miss, they're following."
"I see. Drive quickly."
Princess Su waved her hand.
"Yes, miss."
Jiang Dong didn't dare to say anything more and drove on to the restaurant.
Sorami is a famous restaurant in southern Jiangsu, famous for its seafood.
Soon, Jiang Dong stopped the car at the door of the restaurant, and Su Fei was in the car. Looking at the mirror, she cleaned up her appearance a little, and then she got out of the car.
Beautiful women, wherever they go, are radiant.
Here, the same is true of Sufei.
As soon as she got out of the car, she immediately attracted the attention of people around her.
"Wow, beauty!"
"This beautiful woman is really rich. She comes by Benz."
"Well, it's definitely not a mistress. You see, there's an exclusive driver! It may be the first lady of someone's family! "
There was a lot of talk around.
Many passers-by, seeing the princess Su, all threw their eyes on the ceremony.
A diner, who was about to stop, almost put his car on the butt of the previous land cruiser.
"Miss, you should wait for us to get off first."
Jiang Dong ran out of the car and came to Su Fei's side. "It's not an extraordinary time now."
"I don't want to make it all over the place."
Su Fei waved her hand, and the doors of the two Land Cruisers behind her were also opened. Eight bodyguards in black came out in turn and stood on both sides of Princess su.
This situation can make people around more shocked.
Good guy, it seems that she is a lady of a famous family!
So many bodyguards!
However, the waiters at the door of the hotel are not uncommon. After all, sorami is also one of the top hotels in Sunan city. There are also many guests with many bodyguards.
"The others will wait outside. Jiang Dong will go upstairs with me."
Su Fei gave an order.
"Yes, miss. But I'm still too few. "
Jiang Dong quickly nodded and said to the others, "A Cheng, you are at the gate. Xiaonan, cannon, follow me upstairs
With that, two of the strongest bodyguards came forward.
Su Fei looked at it and didn't say anything.
In an extraordinary period, there is no way.
Although I do not want to make such a high profile, but now is not the time to be low-key.
She sighed in her heart and turned upstairs.
If there is Qin Dynasty in the words of good, only take him a, top eight small team of bodyguards.
Damn it, I think of him again.
Don't make up your mind to forget this guy!
Hateful, Princess Su, can you be angry!
Su Fei scolded herself in her heart.
"Oh, isn't this the eldest lady of the Su family?"
Just as she went upstairs, a discordant voice floated over.
Su Fei turned her head and saw that it was Li Qiang.
Is this man still in southern Jiangsu?
I remember a while ago, Li Qiang seemed to have to leave Sunan city because of who he had provoked.
I thought Li's family was so quiet in Sunan city. Unexpectedly, did this guy jump out again now?
"Well, Miss Su, why didn't you follow your bodyguard today?"
Li Qiang hugged a girl who looked like a student sister in his arms. With a sarcastic voice in his mouth, he said to Princess su.
"Is there only one bodyguard for my princess Su?"Su Fei sneered, "it's you, Mr. Li. I didn't run from Sunan city with his tail in his hand a while ago. How did you come back?"
After hearing this, Li Qiang's face suddenly changed a little. It's not his father's reason that he ran away from southern Jiangsu!
His father scolded him severely and said that he had offended people who should not have been provoked, and then he was sent to other places to take shelter.
You're kidding. What's wrong with you?
The bodyguard Qin Dynasty?
He is a little bodyguard!
If he really has any background, he can only be a small bodyguard behind Su's ass?
There is also their own brother, do not know how, afraid of the Qin Dynasty to death.
Ask him why, do not say anything else, only say that the Qin Dynasty is terrible.
Granny, it's terrible!
If he wants to provoke himself again, he will find someone to beat him in the back and beat him to death.
What's wrong with some Kung Fu? Bruce Lee is still dead!
If I'm afraid of him, I won't call him Li Qiang!
"I just went out of town to talk about a business
"Oh? Is that the case? But I'm not interested, Mr. Li. Goodbye
Su Fei cleanly said, from Li Qiang side to leave.
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