Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 602

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Chapter 602

MIT, Boston, USA.
Qin Dynasty came here in the morning. He found that in front of a dormitory area was not full of a group of blonde foreign students.
By the way, in the Qin Dynasty, this is the United States. In their eyes, they are the real foreigners.
It's like watching a big play here. There are so many people surrounded.
"Hi, man. What are you doing?"
The Qin Dynasty asked a black boy in front of him in pure American English.
If Qin Dynasty English can also have this level, he will not be reduced to a small security bar.
"Are you new here?"
The black man, looking back at the Qin Dynasty with a smile, revealed a big white tooth that can be advertised.
"Well, it's not long since I started school."
"No wonder." The black boy patted Qin Dynasty on the shoulder and said, "Hey, man, did you see that dormitory. I'm telling you, it's Anna's dorm, the school's favorite queen. "
"Anna?" The Qin Dynasty blinked.
"Yes, Anna. But she is a Chinese girl. Her Chinese name is Sue What's wrong with Sue... "
"Suu Kyi?"
"Yes, yes, yes! Hey, man, you don't know anything about it
"A little inquiry. But what are you doing? Watching the popular queen? "
"Of course not!"
The black man pointed to the open grass in front of him and said, "today is a very grand day."
His big black hand pointed to the left.
"See, man, on the left is the prince of the pitt family! Kyle Pitt! You see, behind him, standing, are his family thugs! Oh, my God. I'm glad I didn't provoke such a guy. Otherwise, I will have to transfer to Canada. "
Qin followed his hand and looked to the left.
On the left stood a red haired white man in a high-end suit and a handful of red roses in his hand.
Behind him stood a row of men in black suits and sunglasses. These people, as black guys say, are Mafia thugs.
"The one on the right is Prince Jim, the royal family of England! Hey, I can't figure out what these princes are doing all the way to America and find a Chinese Chick to go back to! "
Qin Dynasty's line of sight, fell on the right side of Prince Jim's body. What he was wearing was a royal prince's uniform. He also held a bunch of roses in his hand. By contrast, the two bodyguards behind him were much worse than the pitt family.
"My dear prince Jim." Then young master Kyle gave Jim a sneer and said, "you've come all the way from England. According to reason, my pitt family should give you a gift. I'll make up the gift later, but today, I hope your royal highness can help me witness my love
"Kyle, you're a Mafia, but I'm not afraid of you." Jim stood there, with his right hand on his waist decorated saber. "Royal glory, let me know what shame is. Kyle, that's what you lack. Anna doesn't look up to you at all. She's my princess
"This is the United States, the kingdom of liberty. Don't eat your way!"
Kyle laughed. "Since your royal highness is determined to fight with me, you can only go back crying."
He waved his hand.
"Anna sweep!"
The group of thugs standing behind him, even holding half of their lives unfamiliar with Chinese, yelled at the dormitory.
Although the syllables are not quite right, this call is quite powerful.
Seeing this, Jim was anxious. The other party is obviously relying on the large number of people!
At this time, a group of red and white British guards of honor quickly separated the crowd from the side and came over.
"Your Highness, we are coming!"
"Oh! My dear Paul, you are here at last
Jim went up to a man who looked like an officer and gave a big hug. "I don't know what to do if you're here or not."
"Your Highness, the royal family has approved it!" Then Paul brought good news. "They agreed to marry Miss Anna and be your princess. We are here to help you! Your majesty asked me to tell you how you can conquer a country's heart if a girl's heart can't be conquered
"Great! I will not let my father down! "
The young man from the British royal family waved his fist and said, "come on, Paul, take me up the ladder!"
I have to say, this prince Jim is very smart. He ordered the honor guards to build a ladder under the dormitory. He himself stepped on the ladder and approached the dormitory window.
"The boy is going up!"
On the Mafia side, there was a panic.
"Send me up too!"
Kyle was in a hurry, directing his men.They, too, have formed a ladder to hold up their Mafia master.
At this time, the beauty they were looking forward to finally appeared.
Suu Kyi stood in front of the window with a water glass in one hand.
"Honey, do you want to give me water because I'm thirsty?"
Kyle gives full play to the shameless characteristics of men.
Suu Kyi nodded, then turned her hand over and poured two glasses of water directly on Kyle and Jim.
"Ah ah ah ah ah ah!"
The two young men, who were confused by love, screamed all at once.
"Open, it's boiling water!"
Fortunately, Suu Kyi was merciful and didn't spill it on their faces.
Otherwise, these two handsome boys will be disfigured.
"You..." Kyle was gnashing his teeth in pain. He just wanted to scold her. But seeing Suu Kyi's beauty, he put up with it. "My dear Anna, are you testing me?"
"Anna, my princess, come back to England with me!"
Jim was more direct, and he called out, "I can take you back to my castle! At that time, you will be our British Princess, and you will enjoy the love and blessing of the people
"What is that?" Kyle curled his lips and said, "Anna, if you marry me, the whole pitt family in America will be your patron. At that time, countless money and supreme power and status are all yours. "
"Don't tarnish beautiful Anna with your dirty Mafia family!"
"Feudal royal family, Anna can get real freedom here!"
The two men compare and quarrel with each other.
Suu Kyi's head is very big. She thinks whether she can burn some boiling water and burn them to death.
At this time, Catherine is still behind her ideas.
"Anna! If you want me, I'll choose Prince Jim! Wang Feijie But Kyle young master said is also very right, when the princess, the shackles are too much. Pitt family, this is one of the most famous families in America... "
Catherine admitted that she was jealous. Why can't such a good thing happen to Catherine.
God, you are so unfair!
"Hey, I said, guys, don't argue."
Just when Suu Kyi was about to have a headache, a voice came from downstairs, which almost stopped her heart.
The two young princes, who were quarrelling with each other, stopped and looked down.
They saw a Chinese youth in sportswear standing below and waving to them.
"This is not going to work for us Chinese girls."
Two people listen, thinking about Egypt, they are now pursuing a Chinese beauty. Mo Buru, listen to the opinions of this Chinese student and see if he has any ideas.
"My friend, tell me your opinion. If I can, I'll pay 20000 dollars to buy it! " Kyle called.
"I, I would like to give you a noble title in England!" Jim couldn't afford twenty thousand dollars, but he was in a hurry and cried, "here, this is 200000 dollars. You can't buy a noble identity!"
"Hey, hey..." Qin Dynasty laughed. He looked at the girl on his head and said, "I'm really sorry about this idea. I can only use it myself. I can't help you."
"Be smart, my friend!" Kyle frowned. "This is America. Do you want to argue with me, Kyle Pitt?"
"Fair competition, Prince of England, I will not lose to you!" Jim cried, too.
The Qin Dynasty did not pay any attention to them. He took two KFC coupons out of his arms and waved them into the attic.
"Hi, beauty, I have two KFC coupons! If you want to be my girlfriend, I'll give them to you. "
"This idiot! Is he crazy? " Kyle couldn't help laughing. Prince Jim on the side, too, chuckled.
One is the identity of a princess, the other is a young grandmother of a large family. Even such temptation and confusion are ineffective to Anna. Two KFC coupons. That's funny. Chinese people really like humor. Kyle and Jim immediately separated the Qin Dynasty from their competitors.
With the boy, how can he match! Anna, I'll never look at him!
What they can't imagine is that Suu Kyi, the popular queen and the beautiful woman they miss all the time, has climbed out of the attic and stepped on the ladder they built and jumped to the ground.
Without hesitation, she rushed directly into the arms of the Chinese youth.
"The Qin Dynasty You son of a bitch You finally know it's coming... "
Suu Kyi's eyes were filled with hot tears.
After half a year's separation, it feels like thousands of years This bad guy, in these thousands of years, has he ever thought about himself.
"I'm sorry..." Thousands of words can only be translated into these three words in the end.Qin Dynasty hugged Suji tightly and smelled the familiar smell on her body. At this moment, his heart suddenly settled down.
Everything around me seems to be gone.
What skeletons, what Xiuzhen, what Tianting.
At this moment, he left it behind.
As long as there is Suji, everything else can be ignored and forgotten
Only Suu Kyi would give him such a feeling.
In his mind, he could not help but come up with everything that Suu Kyi was with.
In Chaoyang Park.
In the haunted dormitory building.
In my own home.
As long as Suu Kyi was by his side, he felt that he was not afraid of anything.
"It's been so long that you've suffered..."
Suji gave Qin Dynasty a punch on the back, "if you don't come, I'll find one of them and marry casually!"
"Hey, hey But the Qin Dynasty laughed, "if you really want to marry one of them, I'll kill the guy who dares to marry you, and then I'll take you home!"
"You rascal
"I am a rascal. Why, do you have any opinion?"
"No I, I just like you... "
All of them hugged and watched.
One is Prince Jim of the British royal family, and the other is the eldest son of the pitt family. They, they just lost to a Chinese kid?
The black guy who talked to Qin Dynasty just now has his chin falling off.
This guy God
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