Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 603

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Chapter 603

Qin Dynasty and Suji finally got their wish and reunited in MIT.
But when he and his wife were happy, the others seemed less happy.
Especially Kyle Pitt, who has a smelly face, and his little brother is far away. Prince Jim is OK. After all, he always thinks he is a gentleman and has the demeanor of a prince.
But Kyle doesn't matter. He usually acts as a bully in this area. Now the woman you like is taken away again. If you say that you are robbed by Prince Jim of England, you will be regarded as an opponent.
But I was robbed by an unknown Chinese boy! Fuck, he's a man!
"My friend, take your hand off Miss Anna's shoulder." Kyle came over to the Qin Dynasty and said without good breath.
"I'll put my arm around my own girlfriend, isn't it in your way?"
The Qin Dynasty did not pay attention to the son of the godfather of the underworld. He turned around, with one hand around Suu Kyi's waist and the other with a KFC coupon in his trouser pocket.
"I has the final say in Kyle Peter."
Kyle said, behind him a dozen black suit thugs, ferocious to the Qin Dynasty came.
"Kyle, you can't do that!"
Prince Jim immediately said, "if we like Anna, we should fight fairly!"
With that, he pulled out the decorative saber on his waist and waved it twice in the air.
"Your fuck Kyle gave him a bad look. "This is America, not Britain! I have my solution! "
"Oh, my lord Kyle!"
Su Ji leans on the body of Qin Dynasty and gives Kyle a bewitching smile. This troublemaker is busy now.
"People like him because he can protect me."
Said, also teased like touched the chest of Qin Dynasty, "so, if you can defeat him, I will consider to be your girlfriend!"
"Good, good!" Kyle nodded again and again like a bull in heat. "Beautiful Anna, now I'll let you know what a real man is! Who can protect you! "
Qin Dynasty is in a sit in is crying and laughing, the girl, and to find trouble for themselves.
It seems that Suu Kyi is punishing herself for not coming to see her for such a long time.
"Throw him out of school!"
Kyle waved his hand, and the black suit thugs behind him immediately came up.
These Americans, after all, grew up drinking milk and eating beef. Each of them was tall and had thick arms. If put in the past, they can clean up two Qin Dynasty.
But now, it doesn't seem to work.
"Honey, come on
Su Ji seemed very excited and patted Qin Dynasty's arm.
"Come on, look at me."
Qin Dynasty a short body, to avoid in front of a black suit hitter to grasp the hands.
At the same time, he raised his fist and directly hit the abdomen of the black suit.
A dull hum, the black suit immediately bent over, covered his belly and fell on the ground.
Qin Dynasty according to his body, legs raised, according to the two black suits running in front of him on a record of swinging legs.
"Bang bang!" The two black suits didn't understand what was going on. They were kicked out in front of their eyes.
"Sword borrowed for use."
After the Qin Dynasty kicked off two black suits, they fell next to Prince Jim. He patted the stunned Prince Jim and took his sword, which had not yet been sharpened.
"Pa Pa Pa!" Qin Dynasty took the saber and beat the face of the black suit in front of him.
After a while, more than a dozen black suit thugs, their faces were red and purple, as if they had been beaten a lot of mouths.
The black suits that used to be fierce were all around the Qin Dynasty. They were several meters away from him. They didn't dare to get close to the man holding the sword.
"Oh! Chinese Kung Fu
The black boy, who was watching from outside, suddenly yelled with big white teeth.
"Chinese Kung Fu! Chinese Kung Fu
All the people around him cried out. Some people began to clap.
Han Yan of the Qin Dynasty, this is called Chinese Kung Fu. It's just a good lesson to some dogs.
"Master Kyle, shall we talk alone?"
The Qin Dynasty swayed the sword and took a step forward.
"I, let's go!"
Kyle is not stupid. He knows the truth that heroes don't suffer from immediate losses. He glared at the Qin Dynasty fiercely and left in a hurry with his subordinates.
"Well, Prince Jim, the hooligans are gone, and it's time for us to fight between gentlemen."
The Qin Dynasty turned around, handed the sword back to Jim, and said."That, that..." It's not easy to have a duel with the prince. I need a lot of procedures and I have to submit documents to the royal family. "
He said, hanging his sword around his waist. The hand trembled a little, and accidentally hung in the wrong position. The sword fell down and hit his foot directly.
Poor prince Jim, holding back his tears and hanging his sword, said goodbye to the Qin Dynasty.
"But I will not give up! As soon as the documents come down, we'll have a man's fight! "
"Come now! Ah
The Qin Dynasty deliberately threatened him, took a step forward and yelled.
The prince Jim, together with the guard of honor behind him, sat down on the ground in terror.
Those honor guards are still depressed. Kyle's subordinates have been beaten. Will they be beaten along with them?
but the Qin Dynasty just scared them, yelled, and turned around and hugged Suji.
Prince Jim lost his life, and he also looked at the Qin Dynasty, gray and left with the guard of honor.
"What a surprise When they left, the crowd of onlookers also dispersed. Qin Dynasty took Suji in her arms and stood on the grass floor in front of the dormitory and said, "our Miss Su is so popular abroad. I really go to buy a pistol. When I see a love enemy, I will shoot him to death, so as not to run away with them."
"Well, as long as you treat me well, I won't run with others." Suji's blue eyes turned around and suddenly grabbed the collar of the Qin Dynasty and said, "be honest! Have you ever been with other girls in my absence? "
"Ah? Eh? Eh? "
Qin Dynasty was a little surprised by this sudden, and could not answer for a long time.
Then how can you tell me to have sex with other girls? There are more than three or four of them
But this has to tell Suji, her sex life can be guaranteed?
"You must have a ghost in your heart when you are so hesitant
Suji said, from her coat pocket, actually took out a delicate small scissors.
"I tell you, I have been preparing the scissors! Come on! Do you want a knife across the line or vertically? "
I've cut it out. It's horizontal and vertical! But how to have a knife? It seems to be very painful!
"That Suu Kyi, I want to tell you something
"Your husband, I am now the chairman of Dafa group and the owner of Anqing family. In the future, even if your father's business is bankrupt, I can raise you like a little princess. "
"Go to you, your father just went bankrupt." Su Ji horizontal Qin Dynasty one eye, and then the small scissors slowly against his pants, "you play with my mother to change the topic, right?"
"Cough So, Suu Kyi... "
The Qin Dynasty did shiver. He was broken a few days ago, but now the little Qin Dynasty is also very fragile. Do you know the Hongmeng Taoist Association
"Of course I know." Su Ji nodded. "Master also recommended that I go with my elder martial brother this year. You are changing the subject again, right? It seems that you want to cut horizontally and vertically together
"Ah! Suu Kyi! Do you know that your senior brother FA Xiang has been expelled from the school by Songshan? "
"What, what?" Suji finally changed her face, but she raised her eyebrows, and the little scissors tightened. "Qin Dynasty, don't make fun of it. My elder martial brother has been chanting Buddhism since childhood, and he has been the first wizard in his school for thousands of years. It can be said that he is almost the appointed candidate of the next leader. How could he be expelled from the school! In the Qin Dynasty, you're a fool to be an old lady. "
The Qin Dynasty was full of cold sweat and quickly explained, "it's not that your elder martial brother was expelled from the school, but he betrayed the temple himself. This is what a monk named Shitian told me. The Dharma minister has returned to the secular world in order to be with baijiaojiao, the snake demon. "
"Elder martial brother, he He, he is in love? "
Su Ji was surprised, the little scissors finally fell down, "great, this elm pimple, finally enlightened."
"Er..." The Qin Dynasty thought that Suji would scold her elder martial brother, but after waiting for a long time, it was such a sentence.
"It's no wonder that you meet me. It seems that he didn't hide from the peach blossom robbery. Forget it, he didn't hide. The elder martial brother is also very good in love. He is too old and should be managed by a woman. I'm afraid he's too stupid to make girls happy. Elder martial brother, he is good at everything. He is stupid. Unlike you, he is eloquent and full of flowery guts. "
"I, I don't have any rhetoric Swear to God, I am the most honest man The Qin Dynasty stretched out three fingers, and Suji quickly pulled them down.
"Take it easy, lie to God, or you will be killed by a thunder robbery. You can say flowers with your mouth. My elder martial brother is not, but he must be good to girls, which is true. The girl is lucky. She Wait, waitSuji raised her hand and put it on her sun meridian. "You, who did you say your elder martial brother eloped with just now?"
"The snake Demon Under the front door of the misty peak, Bai Jiaojiao."
"Ah?" Suu Kyi's beautiful big blue eyes blinked several times.
"No, it won't be Elder martial brother, he even plays with man and beast! Oh, my God, it's too strong... "
Qin Dynasty was directly silenced.
Well, he had to admit that Suu Kyi was the most aggressive girl he knew. Other gods such as Zhao Jingjing, AI Xiaoxue, Liu Chang, and shangguanyan can all stand aside
"The man and the snake My God If they are in bed, they are too excited, and Bai Jiaojiao suddenly turns into her original form. Can you frighten my elder martial brother Well, that's not a lift? "
"Shit, I don't know! I don't have a snake demon girlfriend
Qin Dynasty just shout out this sentence, the whole person suddenly a meal.
This can not be said, Niang, although Bai Jiaojiao has followed the law, but there is a flower girl! He's not stupid. Hua Niang has a friendship with her. It's not that he can't see it!
In case Huaniang followed her, would this happen!
Fortunately, fortunately, or the first wife, to their own ring an alarm
"There's another key question!" Suji took the hand of the Qin Dynasty and yelled again and again.
"God, what's the problem?"
"How many gifts do we have to give when my elder martial brother gets married?"
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