Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 796

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Chapter 796

"You go in, I won't go in."
At the door of Yang Li's house, Si Yaqian waved her hand and stood beside her car.
"Well, I'll make Yang Li better."
Qin Dynasty knew that the mother was a little afraid to see his daughter now. He nodded to Si Yaqian, gave her a reassuring look, and then pushed the door open and went into the room.
This is the third time that the Qin Dynasty has entered this villa.
The corridor is the corridor, the living room is the living room.
However, it did not have the warm feeling of the first two times.
Perhaps, is not that playful little girl, ran to the door, while flirting, while greeting their own reasons.
The Qin Dynasty took off leather shoes and put on slippers. At the same time, the nose couldn't help taking two puffs.
No, there is a smell of blood in this room?
His brow couldn't help jumping a few times, and he had a bad feeling in his heart.
He had no time to put on his slippers. He ran into the living room barefoot, and then ran into the bathroom along with the smell of blood.
Inside the bathroom, there was a lingering smell of blood.
In the astonished eyes of the Qin Dynasty, Yang Li, naked, lies in a bathtub surrounded by hot water. She has a clear cut on her right wrist. Blood, spread out from the blade, Yin Hong had a whole pool of water.
"Yang Li!"
The Qin Dynasty exclaimed, rushed up, and did not care what men and women give or take, a grasp of Yang Li that slender wrist.
Lying in the bath, surrounded by blood, Yang Li, like a mermaid, has almost lost her breath.
In her dying, she heard her familiar voice, and her closed eyes opened slightly.
"Dad, Dad You, are you here to pick me up to heaven... "
Yang Li's voice is very small, like a mosquito, gently sounded in the ears of the Qin Dynasty.
"Great In heaven, dad is also there Dad Don't leave Lily any more, will you... "
"Not good!"
The Qin Dynasty drank, grabbed Yang Li's wrist, and the Buddha power in her body surged up.
Yang Li lost too much blood in her body, which was basically impossible to save. At this time, even if Yang Li was sent to the hospital, she could not hold on to the moment of blood transfusion.
Adult blood, about 4000 to 5000 milliliters. Loss of 500 ml, no obvious symptoms. But if 800 ml is lost, there will be complexion, pale lips, skin sweating, cold hands and feet, shortness of breath, rapid and weak pulse and other symptoms.
When lost more than 1500 ml, it will cause brain blood supply insufficiency, appear blurred vision, thirst, dizziness, unconsciousness, and even coma.
If the blood transfusion is not timely at this time, there will be life-threatening.
And the blood loss of Yang Li was even more than 2000 ml. Death, will come to this girl at any time.
Fortunately, at this time in her side, is the Qin Dynasty.
Qin Dynasty first used Buddha power to re wash Yang Li's body, healed her wound, and temporarily stabilized her body. With this Buddhist support, even if Yang Li's blood is gone, she can persist for a period of time.
That's more than 2000 milliliters of blood lost.
Yang Li's own bone marrow to hematopoietic, that speed is too slow, simply too late.
At the moment, you can only use your own blood.
If there were other doctors at that time, they would certainly reprimand the Qin Dynasty.
Because blood transfusion is not random transfusion, there are many kinds of human blood, different types, will produce rejection. If the blood types of Qin Dynasty and Yang Li are not the same, they will probably kill the girl.
But the Qin Dynasty dare to do so, naturally has his confidence.
"Come on, girl, you've made it this time."
The Vajra Sutra practiced in the Qin Dynasty, his blood, can be said to be a treasure.
If ordinary people drink it, they will live longer. If they drink it, they will be able to get rid of all kinds of glass, which will increase the skill level of a son.
The Qin Dynasty urged his whole body to force a drop of blood from his body and suspended it on his fingers.
Don't underestimate this drop of blood. The energy in it is very terrible.
He separated Yang Li's mouth and put the drop of blood into her mouth.
This blood will follow Yang Li's stomach, and finally spread to the blood vessels of the whole body.
Sure enough, after a while, Yang Li's pale face gradually became ruddy. Originally some weak breath, also became normal and powerful.
The Qin Dynasty gave a long sigh of relief and finally rescued the silly girl.
Because of the blood drop in the Qin Dynasty, Yang Li is now in a very healthy state.
I was in a coma, but I'm waking up.
She opened her eyes and saw the Qin Dynasty appear in front of her.
She asked, blinking her beautiful eyes."Uncle, are you dead, too?"
"Go to hell with your sister!"
The Qin Dynasty couldn't help but pick up Yang Li from the bath, and then press it on her leg, facing her pretty round buttocks, and then beat her hard.
"Pa Pa Pa!"
With the clear and crisp sound, there are five more red cherry trees on some part of Yang Li! What a pain
Yang Li was held down by the Qin Dynasty in her naked body and spanked her buttocks.
The Qin Dynasty started very well, and Yang Li's painful tears came down.
"Wuwuwuwu, uncle, people are dead, and you still beat them..."
"Damn it! You're still alive. It's me. I'm going to be pissed off by you
The Qin Dynasty knew that Yang Li didn't wear anything. If she fought like this, she would be a bit lewd. Therefore, she released Yang Li and let her go back to the red pool.
"Ah? I, I remember I cut my wrist I'm a nurse. I bleed quickly in hot water. How can I not die? "
"With me, you want to die. It's impossible!"
Qin Dynasty said maliciously.
"Well I, I'm still alive? "
Yang Li touched her face, "eh, how can I feel that my skin is so tender than before?"
Where does the girl know that this is the Buddha power of the Qin Dynasty, plus the effect of the drop of blood.
"You pig head, why do you commit suicide?"
Qin chaocai was too lazy to take care of Yang Li's skin. He couldn't help cursing.
Yang Li shrank in the pool to avoid being looked at by the Qin Dynasty. Meanwhile, she said wrongly, "it's not because uncle left me..."
"If I leave you, you commit suicide?"
Qin Dynasty heard this, the gas is not hit a place to, "you brain damage it! This earth, no one does not have the same rotation! You Yang Li, can't I live without me? What about your mother? You're dead. Do you think your mother can live on? And if you die, I can come back to you? At most, I'll shed two tears for you and scold you for being a fool! Then, I forget you! "
"I, I, I know I'm wrong..."
Yang Li lowered her head and realized what a stupid thing she had done.
"Yes, but I also, I don't know why..."
Yang Li recalled and said, "I was just sad. But vaguely, I heard a voice talking to me. Die, only death can make you come back to me... "
"You wait!"
Qin Dynasty heard the key thing, he quickly waved his hand and said, "what did you say just now? Did a voice tell you so?"
Yang Li nodded. "I know it's incredible to say it, but it's true Under the instruction of this voice, I fell down in the bath and cut my wrist By the way, I remember that I didn't even have a knife at that time. Suddenly, a knife appeared in front of me, and I used the knife to cut it... "
Qin Dynasty heart move, no wonder oneself did not find Yang Li cut wrist tool!
Subconsciously, he gathered in front of Yang Li.
"Ah! Uncle, what are you going to do? "
Little Yang Li was scared and quickly shrank in the hot water, "I'm too dirty now Yes, let me take a bath first, will you
"Wash your sister." The Qin Dynasty glared at Yang Li, "I'm looking for something. Come here and let me smell it. "
"Uncle, are you a dog?"
Yang Li laughs and comes over obediently.
"You are the dog! Stupid dog
The Qin Dynasty pulled Yang Li's wrist which had been cut before and sniffed it in front of her nose.
Sure enough, there was a faint odor.
This stink belongs to only one thing, that is, the devil in hell.
These damned fellows, unexpectedly hit Yang Li's body!
Now the Qin Dynasty almost understood.
There must be a devil who lured Yang Li to commit suicide by cutting her wrist.
In this way, in order to save Yang Li, he had to make a wish to the devil.
Fortunately, she came quickly, otherwise, Yang Li would not have been saved.
And the other side, must not be the high-level devil of osippus. He can only use the way of bewitching to let Yang Li die.
I remember Rosie once told herself that there was an obstacle between hell and the world. There are only two ways for demons to come to the world.
One is through the call of human beings, which is the kind of transaction at the crossroads. The devil who has a contract with mankind can enter and leave the world at will.
The second is the man-made gate of hell. The devil coming out of here is the essence of the devil.
Rosie is one of the first. At that time, she also happened to have a contract with other people to come to the world, and then discovered the Qin Dynasty.The Demon Knight osippu seems to belong to this kind.
As for Han Bing, Qin Dynasty didn't know much about it.
She seems to have lived for a long time in the face of human beings. What's the girl like?
"Uncle, why are you here?"
Yang Li shrank in the pool and asked.
"Your mother asked me to come."
The Qin Dynasty shaved Yang Li's nose, "your mother loves you very much. Don't be in the blessing in the future."
"Well I know it's wrong... "
Yang Li grabbed the hand of Qin Dynasty and rubbed her face, "but, I really didn't want to commit suicide Curious... "
"Well, don't think so much. Put on your clothes and clean the bathroom. Don't let your mother find out. It's time to scare her
"Mm-hmm, don't let mom know!"
Yang Li stood up from the pool in a hurry, and all her beauty was displayed in front of the Qin Dynasty.
The Qin Dynasty was shocked. Although I had seen it just now, I saw it again. It was a little sudden. Yang Li didn't mind. She began to wipe her body in front of Qin Dynasty and asked by the way.
"Uncle, do you look good?"
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