Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1116

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Chapter 1116

The ship shook violently and the control room was in a mess.
The captain looked nervously at the huge sea creatures on the radar.
"This guy is catching up! Does it have aggressive behavior? "
In general, this kind of large-scale marine life, you might as well annoy it, they will not disturb you.
But this time, it was so strange that the captain could not help being nervous.
The master of the house is still on this ship. If anything happens, he can't bear to go. Report to the captain
Suddenly a message came from a crew member, "the sea is a huge crab!"
The captain was stunned.
There are big whales, big squid, octopus.
But this is the first time to see this big crab.
"Let the guards attack! Force it away! Don't let this guy break the boat
I don't know where it came from, but the captain gave an order at once.
When he ordered to go down, several crew members appeared on the deck, all armed with AK-47 weapons in their hands, and opened fire to the big crabs in the water.
"Jerk, jerk!"
The bullets poured out wildly, but the giant crab, which was nearly 10 meters wide and 10 meters long, was floating on the sea. The blue shell of the crab outside was like steel, and the bullets of the crew could not be pierced at all.
However, it seems to have aroused the ferocity of the crab. It suddenly pulled out its huge claws from the sea water and slapped it on the princess Anqing.
The hull of Princess anqing was photographed by a pair of pliers. After shaking violently on the sea for several times, it returned to calm.
"Fa, what happened?"
Cheng Ying and Zheng Siqi are holding what they can grasp and nervously ask the Qin Dynasty, "is it a tsunami?"
"I'll go out and have a look."
When the Qin Dynasty came out of the bathroom, he already had a black windbreaker on his body. "You two stay here and don't move. There are no enemies on this ship for the time being."
After Qin Dynasty finished, he opened the cabin door and walked out of the luxurious private room.
Outside, the body of the Qin Dynasty moved in an instant and stood on the deck.
It was already dark outside, with big wind and big waves. From time to time, the sea water splashed on the body of Qin Dynasty.
He watched a huge blue crab in the sea, approaching Princess Anqing.
"Fierce beast?"
The voice of the Qin Dynasty, wrapped in vitality, reached the crab's ear.
The crab spits out bubbles and becomes a piece. "I'm a big crab in the sea. Today I'm here to send you up!"
The crab said, holding up a pair of tongs, facing the Qin Dynasty and the princess anqing under him, he immediately smashed it.
"Liyin, nishang! Be my strength
In the face of this huge beast, the Qin Dynasty did not dare to have the slightest hesitation.
He immediately put on the Jiulong armor and entered the state of Jiuyou summoning.
A pair of white gloves, over his fist.
The Qin Dynasty stretched out a palm, just blocked a pair of tongs the size of the locomotive.
Although the Qin Dynasty was fine, the princess anqing was going to suffer.
The power of the claws of the big crab in the sea is very domineering, which makes the ship incline to the sea.
This ship is its own industry, and there are Cheng Ying and Zheng Siqi on it. How could Qin Dynasty let it sink!
He flew up and stepped on the deck.
The hull of Princess anqing was pushed in an instant. It slid several tens of meters away from the side, unloading the power of a pair of claws from the sea crab.
"It's a bit of strength, but it's not as good as you were then."
The big crab murmured, and his body suddenly began to shine black light.
After a while, he became a tall and thin man with green hair. He was still wet, sneering, stepping on the sea water and looking at the Qin Dynasty.
"You fierce beast, how could you disobey Xuanyuan Yingji's wish
Qin Dynasty carried both hands, floating in the sea water, angry way, "or say, Xuanyuan Yingji changed his mind again?"
"Hehe, it has nothing to do with Wang. I was ordered by Lord heiqilin to kill you! "
"Kill me? Do you have the skill? "
The Qin Dynasty disdained to curl his mouth, and at the same time, he guessed in his heart, who is this black Qilin?
"Master, Black Unicorn is the most special existence in the three realms!"
Li Yin's voice rang, "it's said that it was born from the spirit of heaven and earth, and it's a spirit with nine days of fire. However, when the master left Xuanyuan Yingji, he was infatuated with this fierce beast king and was willing to be a fierce beast beside her"It turned out to be a madman."
The Qin Dynasty nodded.
"It's not just a madman, but a master."
A Li's voice continued to say, "he has the same level of strength as Xuanyuan Yingji, immortal level! But it's strange. I remember that Xuanyuan Yingji sealed him with his own hands. How did he come out again? "
"Immortal level! I'll cut it off! "
Qin Dynasty is very surprised, unexpectedly appeared a so abnormal guy!
Pit father!
Moreover, he is also a special existence in the three realms, that is to say, the magic rules in reality do not exist in him.
A little bit That's abnormal.
"Master, it doesn't matter!"
The soft voice of nishang also rang, "after you recover your strength, the law of heaven and earth will not hold for you. You have worked hard to build our Kowloon ring to shield all the laws of heaven and earth. However, you can't completely shield the laws of heaven and earth without the whole Jiulong armor. Therefore, master, you have to continue to cultivate the Jiulong ring to make more sisters wake up. However, there is a law of Jiulong ring in Jiulong ring, so it is impossible to apply general idea to Jiulong ring. The two laws do not interfere with each other. Master, you can't rely on carelessness, but you should speed up the cultivation of the power of God. "
"Don't worry, I will However, what we have to do now is to solve this annoying Mr. Green hair. "
This guy didn't know what to think. He had green hair, just like wearing a green hat.
That's brilliant.
"God, prepare to die."
Said the green hairy crab, holding out a hand, aimed at the Qin Dynasty.
"You can't kill me with your strength. I think that black Qilin sent you here to let you probe into my real and imaginary
The Qin Dynasty said its own guess.
"You're going to die anyway!"
The green hairy crab's power starts, the sea water suddenly fluctuates, under the Qin Dynasty body, one after another water column burst out, forms the sharp water gun, stabs toward the Qin Dynasty.
The size of this water gun is amazing, no less than hundreds.
This water gun is so powerful that it can even pierce steel.
But in the Qin Dynasty, it didn't pay attention to it.
One after another, the water gun shot on the body of the Qin Dynasty, all exploded, turned into gentle water spray, scattered in the sea water under the body.
"Is that all?"
Qin Dynasty laughs, "if so, then you go to die!"
The Qin Dynasty was never polite to those who wanted to kill themselves.
His body suddenly and quickly appeared in front of the green hairy crab, and then a fist wrapped in a white glove hit his cheek heavily.
Green hairy crab only felt that his nose was about to be burst, and his nose blood burst out. His body was also instantly smashed into the sea water, as if falling a shell, stirring the sea water into a small whirlpool.
There was a lot of resistance in the sea water, but the body of the green hairy crab was carried by the power of the Qin Dynasty. It sank and finally landed on the bottom of the sea, splashing a large amount of dust.
The Qin Dynasty chased the green hairy crab's body, also a head into the sea water.
The sea was dark and visibility was very low.
But after the Qin Dynasty opened the magic eye, everything was clearly visible.
All kinds of marine creatures are very beautiful.
I don't know if there is any Mermaid in the legend.
The sight of the Qin dynasty fell on the green hairy crab struggling to climb out of the rock on the sea floor.
His green hair was floating in the sea like seaweed.
You want to kill yourself?
That's funny.
The body of Qin Dynasty turned into a sharp arrow, separated the current and rushed towards the green hairy crab.
The green hairy crab also noticed the Qin Dynasty approaching, and he was surprised.
At the beginning, I despised each other very much. I didn't expect that Yingtian, who has been reincarnated into a practitioner, is still so fierce!
Thinking of this, the green hairy crab did not dare to hide his strength. His hands suddenly turned into sharp crab claws, and instantly exploded the rocks squeezed by his side, and then rushed back to the Qin Dynasty.
"Yingtian, in the water is my world!"
His body in the water speed is very fast, in an instant to the Qin Dynasty in front of, at the same time, a pair of pliers heavily split on the body of the Qin Dynasty.
The water exploded into a huge current.
The body of Qin Dynasty was hit and swam backward.
"You even tried to kill me in the water, ha ha, but I don't know, this is your burial place!"
Green hairy crab said, continue to chase the body of the Qin Dynasty, a pair of giant tongs kept waving, trying to make Qin Dynasty into meat sauce.
Qin Dynasty hastily accepted the move, and the current kept rolling. Even the shark was frightened to hide far away. He knew that these two guys were not easy to provoke."God! It's time for you to die! "
In the water, the extraordinary green hairy crab suddenly seized the neck of the Qin Dynasty with a giant clamp, and then pressed his body, pounding to the bottom of the sea.
A layer of rock on the bottom of the sea was suddenly smashed into pieces.
Their bodies sank into a deeper fault.
The green hairy crab continued to pinch the neck of the Qin Dynasty. No matter how hard he tried, his sharp claws also pinched each other's neck.
The Qin Dynasty suddenly flew a foot, kicking the green hairy crab's abdomen, kicking the other side's body to fly out.
The two men float in the fault and stare at each other.
Green hairy crab is thinking about how to kill this day next.
The Qin Dynasty was attracted by the surrounding activities.
Groups of fish that he had never seen were swimming around him and green hairy crabs.
Every fish in the school is half a meter long. The scales all over their bodies seem to be connected together. At first glance, they look like a fish bone.
They don't have eyes. It's estimated that they can't see anything all day long in this submarine fault and have faded away.
The most terrible thing is that there is a sharp broken tooth in the fish's mouth.
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