Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 699

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Chapter 699

"Please take your time
The efficiency of this hotel is very fast. After a while, several valuable seafood dishes are put on the table.
Can not be quick, in the kitchen, a few ferocious big men, each holding a cold knife, pointing to a few shivering cooks.
"Well, that, the dishes are ready Yes, can you let us go... "
A cook ventured to ask.
"Let you go?"
One of the men with a scar on his face sneered, "will you go to hell?"
With a wave of the knife, the chopping board beside the cook was suddenly split into two pieces. The cook was so scared that he squatted on the ground shaking and didn't dare to fart.
In the Qin Dynasty, they were still at a loss and were enjoying their seafood feast.
"How do I feel that the lobster doesn't taste right?"
Huang an ate a few mouthfuls, then put down his chopsticks, "is it Sichuan flavor?"
"Well, whatever his taste is."
The Qin Dynasty killed a lobster. It's been a long time, but he hasn't had it. Since entering the psychic period, there is no need for large amounts of food supplements. Just like Yuanmeng said, you can meet your own needs by sucking the vitality of heaven and earth.
It's just that the vitality of heaven and earth is relatively thin and hard to absorb. It's not as pure as yuanlingjing.
"Why, Yuanmeng, why don't you eat it?"
When the Qin Dynasty looked up, it was found that Yuanmeng had been sitting there, except for a sip of wine, the dishes did not move.
"That, that..."
Yuan Meng said with some embarrassment, "elder brother Qin Our school only eats vegetarian food... "
"Well Taoists are also vegetarian... "
Qin Dynasty this just remembered, than edge dream also embarrassed, "you see me, forget this stubble. Well, waiter, come here for a second
You have to order some vegetable dishes. Do you want to let Yuanmeng eat them?
"Miss Yuanmeng turned out to be a vegetarian."
Huang Anxin said that the so-called old husband and wife do not know each other's eating habits? There is something fishy in this. I have to ask about it.
"Ha ha..."
Fate dream is not easy to explain, can only smile.
The Qin Dynasty yelled a few voices, even the vitality was used, did not see a waiter on the second floor.
This makes him very strange, "where are the people? Where are they going to stop doing business? This shop is really strange. "
"Ah Feng, go and call the waiter."
Said Huang an.
Hearing his boss's command, a bodyguard immediately stood up and prepared to go downstairs. But as soon as he took a step, his leg was so soft that he fell to the ground.
Several other bodyguards looked at it, and they all stood up in a hurry. However, they ended up with the end of that a Feng, who was staggering to the ground.
"What's going on?" Huang an was also surprised, but he sat still calmly. Even so, a feeling of weakness in the limbs came up.
"Not good Well, this dish is filled with medicine... "
Huang an was soft on the table and said in a panic.
"Ha ha, that's right."
At this time, the voice of the beautiful foreman suddenly rang up.
Then, in the Qin Dynasty, a wall opposite them was suddenly pushed down.
"Boom A sound, in the rubble, a group of aggressive people, came out.
These people are the beautiful waiters and some male clerks.
The leader is the foreman.
At this time, she is still wearing a red uniform, but the temperament has completely changed, a small pepper like.
"Qin Dynasty, I have been waiting for you for a long time. This cartilage powder is very powerful. Ordinary people eat, three days have no strength. After eating it, the cultivator can't mobilize his vitality for three days. He he, immortal Qin, Lord Qin, today, you are going to be slaughtered by me. "
Looking at the dishevelled appearance of eating in front of Qin Dynasty, the beauty couldn't help laughing.
"Brother Qin, I'll protect you!"
Fortunately, Yuan dreamt that it was not a mouthful of those dishes. She immediately scolded, and a bright sword came out of the void and was held in her hand.
"If you want to move elder brother Qin, you have to pass me first!"
What Huang an was watching beside was stunned. What happened? Did you shoot a movie?
How could the little girl, who was so delicate before, become a knight errant in a blink of an eye?
So, where did the sword come from?
"Hee hee..."
The woman on the other side, however, laughed, "sister, you are just a little girl in the early stage of magic power in Emei Mountain. You'd better not go through this muddy water! Otherwise, sister, my staff will not be merciful. "
The beauty said, stretching out her white palm."This friend."
Qin Dynasty sat there, a calm face, "I and you have no injustice, why harm me? What kind of friends are you
"Soon, you will know!"
The woman's eyes were sharp and her figure suddenly jumped up.
At the same time, her hands were as white as snow.
"Jiuyou soul claw!"
This pair of claws, with the pale flame, towards the eyes of the dream of edge, grabbed the past.
"Lotus of sacred fire!"
Yuan Meng flung his sword in a hurry and threw out dazzling red sword flowers.
This holy lotus flame blocks all evil.
But in front of the woman, it became very fragile.
Her white as jade claws, easily tore a few lotus flowers, grasp to the edge of the dream eyes.
But when the beautiful eyes of the dream were not protected, the Qin Dynasty suddenly stood up, stretched out his right hand, and held each other's hand, controlling her in front of him.
"How, how!"
The woman was surprised and looked at the Qin Dynasty with her eyes full of consternation. "How can you still use the power when you are in cartilage powder?"
"If you want to fight, you can come straight."
As soon as the Qin Dynasty shook hands, he threw the woman out.
"Is it the custom of luochamen to use medicine as a curfew?"
The woman turned over dexterously in the air and landed steadily on the ground.
She raised her hand and gave the scar man a mouth.
"Damn it, didn't you say he ate something?"
"Die! But he did eat it
The man was in tears.
"Don't embarrass your men." Qin Dynasty holds hands, the old God is on the ground, standing there, "I have practiced Vajra Sutra, this god horse cartilage powder and so on, has no effect on me."
"Miscalculation..." That opposite woman a gnash teeth, "did not expect, the Vajra Sutra even this tube."
"Otherwise?" Qin Dynasty sneers, "do you think, King Kong is not bad body, just resist beating just?"
The woman also sneered, "so what! In the Qin Dynasty, today these are my disciples of luochamen. Although there are not many people in our sect, all of them are small masters above the early stage of magic power! I, Mo Ling, the leader of the 26th generation of luochamen, is a master in the middle of Yuanying! You don't have any chance of winning if we join together
"Now the luochamen is really more and more finished..."
Qin Dynasty sighed, "unexpectedly, will use this kind of bad curfew tactics of encirclement."
"Don't talk nonsense and die!"
At the command of Mo Ling, immediately, the disciples of luochamen all rushed forward with ferocity. God horse nine you magic palm, nine you soul claw All kinds of Jiuyou magic are greeting the Qin Dynasty.
The Jiuyou soul claw is a magic skill well known with Jiuyou magic palm. However, it is more suitable for women to practice.
In Mo Ling, it's really ghosts crying and howling.
"Brother Qin! Be careful
Seeing those sharp attacks on the opposite side, Yuan Meng couldn't help worrying.
"Don't worry, I don't care about these curfews, ha ha ha!"
In this attack, the Qin Dynasty was able to laugh happily.
"Let's show you what the real luochamen magic is!"
Say, Qin Dynasty hit left palm.
"Nine you magic palm!"
This palm is extremely overbearing!
The whole left arm of the Qin Dynasty turned into a black smoke, and then condensed into a huge magic palm. With one palm, it almost lifted the ceiling of the second floor.
It can be seen from the Qin Dynasty that those people in the opposite door were not proficient in the practice of Jiuyou Dharma one by one.
There are only two or three kinds of fire.
Even if Mo Ling, the current master of the sect, is only four kinds of flames.
They are burdened with six kinds, and they are steadily suppressed.
As a result, the attack was extremely overbearing and directly smashed their attacks, and they all flew out one by one.
Mo Ling's Jiuyou soul claw was also broken, and his body was shaken to fly upside down. Finally, it was pasted on the wall.
Huang'an was directly fooled by these magic tricks.
In his life, although he was known as the Fourth Youth in Kyoto, he was well-informed. But, where have you seen such things!
A whole new field opened up to him.
Qin Dynasty, that originally small figure, suddenly became tall.
"Jiuyou summoning skill!"
These people are not discouraged to release their pets one by one.
Most of the summoned ones are nine hell Devil Dogs with two heads.Only a few people can summon the nine you poisonous spider. But it's too big to be flattered.
The people called by the Qin Dynasty are as big as dogs.
Mo Ling is still fighting for success, barely calling out a nine you evil tiger. However, compared with the Qin Dynasty, the tiger is simply a docile kitten.
The evil tiger of Qin Dynasty, five meters long, roars and shakes.
On the other hand, this one is only two meters long and calls twice, which is not so amazing.
"Oh, no wonder the whole luochamen have to hide and dare not see people!"
Rod in the heart of the Qin Dynasty, constantly sigh, "this where there is a little bit of the power of luochamen! Degenerate, degenerate
The Qin Dynasty also saw that the luochamen had become a small sect of the third class.
"Well, it's really bad." He also shook his head. "In that case, I'll let you open your eyes today. Come out, nine hell Devil Dog
The Qin Dynasty says, display nine you call skill.
A huge phalanx appears on the marble floor of the hotel.
Then, a terrible long howling sound made all the Jiuyou creatures on the scene shiver.
Then a huge dog with three heads crawled out of the ground. Six eyes, not good at staring in front of these fellow creatures.
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