Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 649

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Chapter 649

All of the white lotus chop, all of them vied with each other and fell towards the furious knight.
After a while, the furious Knight's body was full of white swords. But he did not leave a drop of blood, still waving a huge hammer, two steps rushed to the front of the Qin Dynasty.
The huge hammer bombarded the body of the Qin Dynasty, and the concrete floor on the top of the building suddenly collapsed. The body of the Qin Dynasty broke through the floors, one after another, and finally fell into the hall on the first floor.
This is a large shopping mall, which is open late. Now at this time, there are still three or two guests, wandering back and forth.
Suddenly, a man broke the roof, fell to the ground, and smashed a deep hole in the ground, which made the guests scream.
Qin Dynasty found that he fell into public places and quickly covered his face with a black scale mask.
Suu Kyi quietly moved to a corner of the shopping mall, clinging to her clothes and paying attention to the battle.
With her, it was the angry knight who broke the floor and fell from the sky.
Seeing the monster suddenly appeared, the guests were panic and ran away.
"Ignorant and timid human beings." Argus also appeared in the mall. He looked at the crowd running under him and shook his head.
"Prepare for the coming of the new century."
His voice dropped, and the furious Knight suddenly raised the black hammer in his hand.
There was a black light on the hammer, and it kept spinning.
In the end, the furious Knight smashed his hammer to the ground.
Countless black lights flew out and filled the hall in an instant.
Around the shop glass, have been impact broken. A Chevrolet hornet on display in the hall turned over and fell to the ground, making a piercing sound.
And a little girl, before she could escape. She stood in front of a clothing store, crying and calling for her mother.
Just as the black light was about to arrive, a figure stood in front of her.
"Bang bang bang!"
Black light is constantly impacting on the windbreaker of Qin Dynasty, but it is blocked by his Vajra Sutra.
That clothing shop, has been the impact of the collapse of a piece. But these two people are safe and sound.
"Good, don't cry, let sister take you out."
Qin Dynasty took a look at the other side, with a stone shield to block the impact of Suji, nodded to her.
Suji instantly came to the Qin Dynasty and picked up the little girl.
"I'll give it to you. I'll beat that son of a bitch!" Suji told the Qin Dynasty, "I'm so angry that my shopping mall is destroyed like this!"
And then she's gone.
The Qin Dynasty was shocked.
It turns out that this shopping mall is a Soviet style enterprise. Hey, what a coincidence.
"It's my wife's property. It's destroyed by you." The Qin Dynasty squeezed the sword of the great Yin and Yang evil king in his hand, and coldly looked at the angry knight on the opposite side. "This time, even if you pay me 1.3 billion yuan, I will not let you go back alive!"
The furious knight, waving a hammer, was about to run towards the Qin Dynasty.
The evil king of Qin Dynasty waved his sword and continued to launch his broken heart sword array.
"Bang bang bang!"
On the surrounding wall, it was suddenly broken open. A white lotus cut, appeared in the mall, directly around the angry knight, nailed a circle.
The furious Knight bumped his head into the circle surrounded by the sword rain, as if he had hit a wall and bounced back.
He became angry, and kept waving the heavy hammer, bombarding the fences surrounded by swords.
"Things you don't see!" The Qin Dynasty sneered, "this is the sword formula of the fairyland, how can you break through it?"
With that, Qin Dynasty put the evil king sword in his hand and inserted it into the ground in front of him.
"Broken heart sword formula · kill!"
In the sword array, a sudden burst of intense white light.
The beam of light directly reopened the wall overhead and shot into the night sky.
Under the impact of this light column, the stone skin on his body collapsed several times. When the beam of light was gone, he was half kneeling on the ground, panting, and one arm was knocked away.
The Qin Dynasty pulled out his big Yin and Yang evil king sword and went to the furious knight, "no matter what your seven sins are, you will die when you come to the East today!"
However, when the Qin Dynasty came to him, he suddenly felt a strong sense of oppression.
The angry Knight suddenly raised his head and growled. The sound turned into sound waves, which impacted on the body of the Qin Dynasty and made him step back several steps.
"You make him feel angry."
Argus floated in the air and sneered, "anger is his energy. Now, his energy is almost the same, it seems that he is going to enter the complete body... ""Perfect body?"
Some of the Qin Dynasty did not understand, but he soon understood.
Under the furious knight, a Western magic circle was lit up.
Then, countless black smoke flew up from the ground and entered the body of the furious knight.
The furious Knight's huge body began to swell again.
His figure, again, began to change.
Behind him, he grew half a body.
It was human, but now it looks like a centaur.
Below him, there were six legs, each of which was stout and full of hooves.
His face, which had been completely turned into a cow's face, had blood red eyes.
On the body, it is also covered with stone skin armor, symbolizing the meaning of a knight.
The arms became four, two holding the sledgehammer and two holding the axe together.
It was more than two meters high just now, it is as big as four meters!
"After becoming a monster Don't you feel sad... "
Qin Dynasty lowered his head, looked at his own beast arm, and looked at the face of the incessantly roaring angry Knight Wan all, can not help shaking his head.
"Accept the judgment of God."
Argus grinned strangely and ordered his furious knight, "kill that heretic!"
"Do you like it when it comes to this?"
"Let me come and liberate you!" he said
As soon as he jumped up, he jumped to the side of the furious knight and cut down the sword of the big Yin and Yang evil king in his hand.
But at this time, the angry Knight's sun meridian, even opened a copper bell big red eye.
The huge hammer swept over and hit the body of the Qin Dynasty. The body of the Qin Dynasty flew out directly, smashed into one wall of the shopping mall and landed on the street outside.
That street, has been smashed out of a deep hole.
The outside of the shopping mall is already empty. In the distance, there was a crowd of onlookers.
"This is a group of people who watch the fun and don't want to die..."
The Qin Dynasty pulled it out of the ground and looked at the onlookers behind him and shook his head.
The sound of the siren, in the distance, also faintly makes sound.
"Even the police are shocked This time, it was a bit of a big deal "
and the furious Knight also burst open a wall and chased out.
He was standing on the street, his huge body, doubly noticeable.
The roar went far away.
"My God, what is that?"
"My God, I saw the monster!"
"Who is that man, Superman?"
The onlookers in the distance also sent out bursts of exclamations.
"After a while, it's time to be on TV."
The Qin Dynasty didn't want to make the movement too big. He was thinking, would you like to summon the nine nether Phoenix to maximize his power and kill this guy?
"No way!"
Rod immediately denied the idea, "even if you use the nine nether Phoenix, you can't kill this guy! This guy is obviously a power type! Use the nine you giant elephant
"Jiuyou giant elephant seems to have less power than this guy!"
Qin Chao shook his head, "this guy, anti strike is also very strong!"
"You alone are not enough, but you and Suji, Zhao Jingjing three people together, enough!"
"Eh?" Qin Dynasty a Leng, do not know what rod means. Do you want to find them two beauties to fight together? But this 1 + 1 method seems to be useless!
"Hey, boy, it seems that you don't know why the emperor Jiuyou is the last powerful creature of Jiuyou summoning skill?"
Rod's voice, a little ironic, "you don't know, but your little lover knows! If you don't believe it, you'll have a look on the roof? "
"Suu Kyi?"
When Qin Dynasty heard rod's warning, his body flashed and appeared on the top of the building.
On the other side of him, not only Suji, but also Zhao Jingjing, are all there.
"You are the giant elephant puppet of the Qin Dynasty."
Su Ji looked at the beautiful elder martial sister and laughed, "I am her emperor's magic puppet. Now, the Qin Dynasty has encountered great difficulties. I hope that we can put aside all doubts and help him defeat his opponent first. "
"In trouble?"
Zhao Jingjing looked downstairs and suddenly found the angry knight.
It seems to know that the Qin Dynasty was on the top of the building, and the furious knight was constantly bombarding the building with a huge hammer and axe.
The building trembled, and Su Ji quickly took Zhao Jingjing's hand.
"It's too late! We have to synchronize man and God immediately
"Ah? What? "Both the Qin Dynasty and Zhao Jingjing were stunned.
And Suji doesn't care if the two people can understand. At the same time, she takes two people's hands and lets Qin Dynasty and Zhao Jingjing lead together. Three people, in a circle.
She looked at Zhao Jingjing and asked aloud.
"Beauty, do you like the Qin Dynasty?"
"Ah?" Br > "Zhao Jingai suddenly said," I don't have time to tell you the truth! "
There was another violent tremor in the building.
"Hi, like it!" Zhao Jingjing shouts in a hurry.
"Is it necessary to ask?" The Qin Dynasty thought that this was the omen of what kind of magic to launch.
"No, I just want to know." Suji gave the Qin Dynasty a meaningful smile, and then slowly closed her eyes.
At this moment, the Qin Dynasty felt that two electric currents, from their own two hands, constantly burst in.
A strange feeling entered his soul.
He felt as if he had become a whole with Suji and Zhao Jingjing. Soul, there is a sense of satisfaction.
When this feeling disappears and he opens his eyes again, the world and Suu Kyi in front of him disappear at the same time.
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