Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1152

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Chapter 1152

"Qin Dynasty, if you can say some such sweet words every day, to coax me to be happy."
Luo Qinglin couldn't help but say something in her heart.
"Well, this..."
Qin Dynasty how to listen, how to feel like a heartless Han.
"Well, well, I know you don't like it."
Luo Qinglin sorted out her mood and said, "how do you plan to fight back?"
"For such things I don't quite understand. Do you have any good ideas? "
Qin Dynasty said frankly.
"Yes, but I need your cooperation."
Luo Qinglin thought for a moment and then said, "I need you to show up in person and go to Hong Kong with me for a new album release. There, you can use your song to destroy all rumors. "
This rumor is mainly aimed at Shuimu's fear of revealing himself.
As long as he appears, the rumor will be broken.
"That means Am I going to show up... "
The Qin Dynasty couldn't help asking.
He is not afraid to appear, but after his appearance, he will have a great influence on the affairs of the Xiuzhen world.
What's more, it will not be so convenient to do anything in the future.
There are two words that practitioners must bear in mind, namely, low-key.
High profile people die of various kinds of inflammation.
"Don't worry, I want to do that. You need a large black sunglasses and a large mask. Well, of course, and the cap. The purpose is to hide your face from outsiders. "
"It's not convenient to talk and sing with a mask on."
"Yes, I'll find someone to design a mask for you."
Luo Qinglin said it was not a problem.
Anyway, as long as Shuimu real man appears, what he looks like, even with silk stockings, no one will question.
"Well, I'll go with you. What time, about? "
"These are the days. I'll call you in advance. This time, if you show up, the new album will be released smoothly, and give those entertainment companies a big slap in the face. Hum, you dare to provoke me, Luo Qinglin. It's not good for them to eat! "
Luo Qinglin that small violence side, in front of the Qin Dynasty, can not help but reveal.
Girls, are some savage little temper.
Qin Dynasty ha ha ha a smile, two people and chat a few words, this just hung up the phone.
Soon, Shi Ying also came out of the kitchen. Seeing Qin Dynasty, who was sitting on the sofa and watching TV honestly, she couldn't help laughing. "My senior official of Qin Dynasty, the meal is ready. I'm going to invite you to dinner."
"Well, I'm starting to drool."
The Qin Dynasty, laughing, immediately stood up and followed Shi Ying to the kitchen.
Shi Ying untied her apron, and then did not forget to pick up a box of matches from her apron pocket.
Qin Dynasty is a little surprised, because in front of the table, there is a western style meal.
There are also two candles on the table, and a silver candlestick below.
Shi Ying turned off the light in the kitchen and drew the curtains of the next window.
In an instant, this small kitchen, it fell into a dark.
"A little atmosphere."
Shi Ying said with a smile to the Qin Dynasty.
Then she picked up the match and lit two candles.
The faint light of fire, shining on the faces of Shi Ying and Qin Dynasty, makes them look red.
"I don't know whether you like it or not. Anyway, I made up my own mind and asked Qin officials not to be angry with the little girl."
now Shi Ying looks like a little woman, which makes Qin Dynasty begin to itch.
"Why, as if I didn't understand romance. Isn't that good? It's a lot of atmosphere. Why don't I tell you a ghost story? "
"Good, good"
unexpectedly, Shi Ying immediately nodded and said, "I like to hear ghost stories best. You can tell one."
The Qin Dynasty was embarrassed.
He was just saying it casually. Where would he tell a ghost story
"Come on, I'm waiting."
Shi Ying, sitting opposite the Qin Dynasty, looked at him and said with a smile.
When her husband was in the past, she would tell her ghost stories or watch ghost movies with her at night, which made her constantly drill into her husband's arms.
After her husband died, this life completely disappeared from her world.
Now the Qin Dynasty said so, she began to miss it a little bit.
Which woman doesn't want to be coquettish in her man's arms?
Especially Shi Ying, a pretty widow who has not been protected by a man for a long time.
"Tell me..."
Shi Ying urged another word.
"This..."Qin Dynasty racked his brains, he is a super nerve big man, where still remember what ghost story.
In the past, when someone told them, they would listen to the story casually and forget it later.
"In that case, I'll tell you the truth about my college days."
The Qin Dynasty felt that it was better to take out some strange school talk that they knew and deal with it.
Good experience
Shi Ying is very interested.
"Well That was when I was a senior. "
The Qin Dynasty recalled it for a while and began to tell, "I'm a person who didn't study very well. When I took the college entrance examination, I was an art student. In this way, as long as the technical examination has been passed, the score of culture class will not be so high. So when I was in senior three, I went to Sunan city myself and took two technical examinations, one at Sunan University and the other at Sunan Normal University. "
"However, I made some mistakes in the two technical examinations in Sunan University. However, because it was the second time that Sunan normal university took the exam, I had experience and passed it once. "
"I said, how can you speak so well? It turns out that you have learned broadcasting before."
"Don't interrupt. Let me finish."
The Qin Dynasty waved his hand and then said, "but I'm learning this, and I'm not striving for success. The cultural class was very poor. He didn't go to Sunan Normal University. As a result, the score was only enough for a third rate pheasant university. "
"For our generation of students, sanliu pheasant university is also a university. Even if my family beat me a few times and scolded me several times, I still had to pay for it. Otherwise, you don't have a degree, and people don't agree with you anywhere. It's hard to find a job even after graduation. Of course, even if there is one, it's still hard to find. "
"Anyway, I went to the pheasant university, full of blood and ambition. Well, when I saw the University at that time, my heart was cold. What laoshizi university is about the same size as my high school, with two teaching buildings, a few student dormitories, and a canteen, what is it! There wasn't even a library at that time! "
"Such a small university obstacle..."
Shi Ying couldn't help but curl her mouth.
"In other words, which school did you graduate from?"
"Well I graduated from Fudan... "
"What, when I asked nothing..."
The depression of Qin Dynasty, speaking of University, is his inner pain.
"Don't mention your Fudan, go on talking about my university."
Qin Dynasty coughed twice, and in the faint candle light, he continued, "when I was at school, some of the school's predecessors had vaguely mentioned to me about the old girls' dormitory building, saying that the dormitory building was not very clean. At that time, I was also curious, so I inquired casually. It is said that the dormitory building is the first dormitory building in the school. All the girls live in the building. "
"Later, there was a girl who committed suicide in her bedroom, as if she couldn't get over it because she was lovelorn. Ah, you said that this student is also, what a big thing ah, is a female, but also afraid of not finding the object, why can't think of it! From then on, I heard that the building was not clean and the dead girl lived on the first floor. Since then, the whole first floor was closed and no one was allowed to wish "
when the Qin Dynasty thought of this story, he couldn't help thinking about it.
This story is similar to that haunted thing in Guangyuan.
In any university, there are some coquettish men who can't think about their love. Shi Ying is a little nervous. The room is dark and the kitchen door is closed tightly.
Although there is still sunshine outside the window, it is blocked by heavy curtains.
The secluded candlelight makes the atmosphere in the room more strange.
The voice of the Qin Dynasty was deliberately low. She had an impulse to be held by the Qin Dynasty and listen to him continue to talk.
But arm in arm or something, that's OK. It's a bit too much to take the initiative to throw oneself into arms or something
How do I say it, I'm also a serious woman
"The school is also stingy. It only locks the first floor of that dormitory building with iron doors. Students can also go to the second floor from the stairs and continue to use other available resources. At that time, we freshmen didn't take it to heart, so we put it down. "
The Qin Dynasty continued to speak.
"But by the time of senior year, the school began to adjust the dormitory. Two more dormitories have been built to wish the students who have expanded their enrollment to the old dormitories. The former female bedroom was also taken out for us to live in. At that time, six people in our bedroom were divided into four or two gangs. My eldest brother, the third and the fifth, were divided into 108 bedrooms That's the first floor of the girl's bedroom at that time. "
Hearing this, Shi Ying was shocked, "Fen, Fen to the first floor? It is not to say that the first floor was sealed by iron gate
"Well, but the school has a new leader, and I don't believe anything about it. Therefore, holding the use of all the resources that can be used, people will pry the iron door open again. The old lady in charge of the dormitory was shocked, but she felt that we young men, with strong masculinity, could also suppress it"Yes, can you hold it down?"
Shi Ying couldn't help asking.
"At the beginning, it's OK, and there's no movement. Everyone lives in a stable place, and things are gradually forgotten."
Qin said, lighting a cigarette, "until that night, I couldn't sleep. I played CS in the middle of the night. When the computer ran out of power, I turned off and prepared to go to the water room to wash my face, brush my teeth and go to sleep..."
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