Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 525

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Chapter 525

"Eh? You go by yourself? How do you get there? "
Luo Yufeng was surprised to hear this.
"Brother Luo will find out later."
The Qin Dynasty patted Luo Yufeng on the shoulder, then turned around and said to Luo Qinglin, who was sitting in the back row, "Linlin, I'm sorry. I wanted to stay with you for a few more days. But now it seems that some of them are impossible. "
"It doesn't matter." Although Luo Qinglin has some bitterness in her heart, she gives the Qin Dynasty a very good-looking smile on her face. "If you have something, go ahead and do it. I can handle it by myself. Tomorrow, I'll go back to Sunan city. After all, I can't ignore such a big business. "
The Qin Dynasty thought Luo Qinglin was too sensible, and felt more guilty.
"OK, brother Luo, I'm leaving. Don't be scared."
Qin said, suddenly from the car is running up, standing in the wind in the wind.
"Ah, brother-in-law, what are you doing?"
Seeing the Qin Dynasty pose like this, Luo Yufeng thought he was going to commit suicide by jumping out of the car.
"Brother Luo, I'll buy you a drink when I come back!"
When the Qin Dynasty finished, he suddenly stamped his foot heavily. Luo Yufeng felt his open car body sink. Then, his brother-in-law, who was sitting beside him, jumped into the sky in a blink of an eye.
The drivers driving next to them were all stunned.
"My God, what is that?"
"Wife, come out and see Superman!"
"My God, that man can fly!"
The Qin Dynasty did not fly the imperial sword, but adjusted its own vitality. The whole person was like a fast-moving jet plane, turning into a meteor in a blink of an eye.
Even so, the people below were startled.
Qin Dynasty has no time to estimate whether the news headlines of tomorrow will be his own. He is now thinking of the cow mm Wu Xin.
At the same time, in Dongchuan.
In Liao's big house.
"Don't worry, Miss Liao."
A man in a high-end suit stood in the big yard with a cute little beauty, wiped his hands with a handkerchief cleanly, and then said, "you will never regret buying our products!"
He had just touched a monitor beside him, so he was wiping his hands. "You know, a rich lady like you will have countless people staring at your property secretly. Therefore, our products can guarantee your safety 100%. Did you see this monitor? It has the most advanced infrared capture eye. As long as it is in its effective monitoring area, any organism with heat, even a fly, can not escape its monitoring. "
With that, he pointed to the metal robots standing on both sides, and then said.
"After that, the technology of the two countries was not careful. Our company has given priority to first-hand information. These two robots are equipped with AMI core chips. Through this chip, we have input the appearance of Miss Liao and everyone in the house. Once a stranger enters, the two robots will act according to the monitor, find the target and subdue him
The man in the suit said, putting away his white handkerchief and continuing with pride, "our company's security products have always had the best reputation in the industry! With these products, your huge property will be protected! However, this is far from enough. Miss Liao, you can see that our company still has a second series of products. Would you like to have a look at it again? "
Liao Shasha was followed by two bodyguards. She felt the cold arm of the metal robot curiously, and then said.
"No, I'm not a big shot. My home is like a battlefield. It's terrible. Besides, I don't have a lot of property. I'm just an ordinary little girl. All my assets are in the hands of that person. "
"Miss Liao is really joking." The man in suit showed a very humorous look. "Who doesn't know, Miss Liao is the owner of Dafa group. Is it true that the queen now likes to visit in private and enjoy the life of the common people
"Believe it or not." Liao Shasha was too lazy to explain to him that if her uncle, who had just come back from the United States, had not urged herself to make her home safer, she would not have bothered to order some "Yusha company's security products".
It's too much to talk about my uncle. Although he is his father's younger brother, he is different from his father. He has no ambition at all and is idle all day.
When her father was still there, she had always heard that this uncle lived in the United States, loafing around and living on a small share dividend of 1% of Dafa group.
Now I heard that my father was dead and came back from the United States in a hurry. He said that he wanted to take care of himself for his father. Who knows if he had other purposes.
Since the death of her father, Liao Shasha has become a lot more mature. Some things that I didn't understand before are now clear in my mind.My relatives and friends. Most of them come for money. If one day, she is really a poor person, her so-called relatives and friends will not come to help her.
Two exceptions, of course.
One is sister Yu Lu. This was a girl who was poached by her father from other companies at a high price, and later only worked as a nanny. Like her own sister, she has been caring for herself.
If it wasn't for her, no one would be able to help with a company as big as her.
Tang Ao, the vice president, is also secretly coveting the shares of Dafa group. If sister Yu Lu hadn't been quick witted and put the shares in that person's name with herself, maybe the owner of Dafa group would have been replaced.
And the other one is that annoying devil, that bad guy, that heartless, Qin Dynasty.
I don't know which immortal I offended in my last life, so that I know a guy who torments her. She, Liao Shasha, used to be a pure and savage young lady! Don't say it's a bodyguard. Even the young masters and sons of noble families don't dare to disrespect themselves!
But there is such a guy, let oneself from know him that day, special fire big!
He's like a real pain in the neck, always against himself!
Liao Shasha often remembers the day when they first met, when she was taken by her father to a party in southern Jiangsu. As a result, I knew him at the party.
At that time, it was a rich man who told himself that he hated women with small breasts.
This undoubtedly touched their own scale!
In front of her, Liao Shasha, who dares to say two words small chest!
Naturally, I was like a little wild cat and lost my temper with him.
But in the end, he didn't subdue that man, instead, let him be his bodyguard!
In the days after that, this guy was always angry with himself, and he would talk about the girl with small breasts every day.
But Liao Shasha felt that those days were her happiest moments.
Unfortunately, this happiness is too short-lived. Because of the southern Jiangsu affairs, the Qin Dynasty left itself and sister Yu Lu.
That's right. Sometimes, Liao Shasha can't help but forget that there was a real girlfriend around Qin Dynasty. That girl, Suji, is the daughter of the Su family.
However, she heard that Su Xianqin, the old man, did not like the Qin Dynasty all the time and thought that the Qin Dynasty was a poor boy. In order to break up the two of them, he even got his daughter to study in the United States.
Hey, this old guy, he's very cunning in business, but this time he's lost sight!
The Qin Dynasty was a real dragon among men, but Su Xianqin regarded others as a worm.
This is the best, no one to rob my Qin Dynasty!
But This guy hasn't been in touch for a long time Where the hell did he go.
Liao Shasha couldn't help crying when she thought about it.
Beside her, the senior salesman of the umbrella company was still talking about their products. She had an urge to tear off the monitor and put it in the guy's mouth.
If it was the former Liao Shasha, she would definitely do so.
But now it's different. She wants to learn from a lady and what a noble girl should do. She doesn't want to disgrace the Liao family.
"Oh, dear!"
When Liao Shasha was worried about how to send the salesman away, a middle-aged man in a white suit came out of the house.
The man was still wearing the nose of the plane, a little foreign.
"My lovely niece, don't walk around in such a dangerous time. I'm worried about my uncle."
Liao Dongqiang, Liao Dongqiang, Liao dongkai's younger brother, just returned from the United States, said to Liao Shasha with a little uncomfortable foreign accent.
"What's the danger? I'm not a child anymore." Liao Shasha doesn't like her uncle very much. "Besides, this is Liao's house. Where can there be danger?"
"Niece, in my uncle's eyes, you will always be that little girl."
Liao Dongqiang said cordially, "and it's really not safe recently. I just read the news. Two days ago, the boss of Mandala was kidnapped, and there is still no news."
Liao Sha said suddenly.
How can she not know the boss of Mandala. Wu Xin, a classmate of her own, was also familiar with the Qin Dynasty. In order to help her, the Qin Dynasty once pretended to be her boyfriend and let her eat sea vinegar in her heart.
Moreover, even the whole Datura was a gift from Qin Dynasty.
In the eyes of outsiders, this is almost impossible. Datura is a bar worth nearly one million yuan. In the Qin Dynasty, it didn't blink, so it was sent.
At that time, the Qin Dynasty was just a small bodyguard, not the chairman of Dafa group in name.That guy must have a problem with Wu Xin! Otherwise, it can't be so generous!
Yu Lu clenched her small fist and waved twice at the air.
At the same time, the umbrella's senior salesman said.
"Mr. Liao, don't worry. Even the most dangerous terrorists can't get in this yard with our umbrella products."
"Yes, that's right. I've always been optimistic about your products." Liao Dongqiang also kept nodding. "Show me your latest product list. I'd like to order something."
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