Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 670

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Chapter 670

The black light splashed out, and even the high wall behind it was directly cut into a gap.
"Bold evil, dare to be rampant!"
A sword shield blocks the attack of the thousand generations, and Baili Ming launches the sword technique again.
"Sword into a hundred shadows, covering the sky! The shadow sword
The sky defying sword, in the sky, quickly changes the shadow fractal, constantly changes out more sword shadow. Then, a total of nearly a hundred swords fell from the sky and flew towards the thousand generations.
Looking at the sword rain on his head, Qian Dai's pupils contracted violently.
She seemed to think of the scene in which countless of her classmates were nailed to death by the broken heart sword formula of the Qin Dynasty on the beach.
That scene, such horror, let her not forget!
At this moment, a deep fear and hatred broke out in the hearts of thousands of generations.
This fear and hatred, into a powerful force, filled her whole body.
Thousands of generations of red lips, spit out a mouthful of cool air.
Then, her body shape changes, constantly appeared in the sword rain.
Behind her, one shadow after another, was pulled out.
This is her separate body skill, with the ability of ghost general, display.
These shadows are moving one after another. One by one, they changed their movements. Unfortunately, they were pierced by the sword rain, and fortunately, they rushed out of the sword rain.
In a flash, five or six thousand generations appeared at bailimang's side at the same time, and the black long knife in his hand was beheaded towards him.
"No use! Sword and shield
The golden sword and shield are bound and light up again.
But the corner of the mouth of the thousand generations is just a cold smile.
Then, the five thousand generation black swords, with a piercing sound, cut into the border at the same time.
The pupil of Bai Li Ming suddenly contracted.
But his reaction is still very fast, stretch out a move, that in the sky flying in the sky, suddenly back to his hands.
This sword, around oneself, swept.
A golden light bumped into the five thousand generations.
They turned into black smoke at the same time, then gathered together and floated behind him around the hundred mile sound.
At the same time, the figure of the thousand generations condenses out, and the ghost in the hand is chopped towards the waist of hundred Li Ming.
For the strange and difficult attack of the thousand generations, Bai Li Ming is a little worried.
He didn't return his head, but he threw his sword behind him, hitting the sword of the thousand generations.
The contemptuous sword uttered a sad cry. It was as if it had been bitten.
Bai Li Ming was distressed. He took back his sword and saw that there was a small gap in the blade.
Obviously, it was hurt by the ghost of thousand generations!
But that woman's black knife, actually did not damage at all!
In fact, he didn't know that the sword in the hands of chidai was not a knife at all, but a weapon condensed by her energy. Ghost chop, in fact, is the ability of thousands of generations. Invincible, no strong, no cut!
Bai Li Ming did not know the ability of Qiandai, so he suffered such a big loss.
If you don't go back to repair it, I'm afraid it will damage the spirit of the sword.
"How dare you hurt my sword
Bai Liming has some temper. Everyone is the realm of the mid-term of Yuanying. Why is he beaten by the little-known smelly girl!
In order to restrain the attack way of thousand generations, Baili Ming pinched a sword formula.
"Sword like weak water, escape disaster! Weak water sword
On the top of his sword, a layer of blue light was twined.
When the weak water sword is waved, it will create a weak water boundary in the surrounding air. The function of weak water boundary is to increase the blocking force to each other.
Sure enough, at this time, chidai felt as if he was in the underwater world, and there were some obstacles in his action.
Bai Li Ming is the same now, but his whole body is wrapped up in the sword Qi of Shu mountain, dividing waves to separate water,
Bai Li Ming's feet move, as if stepping on two mines, the speed soared in an instant and rushed to Qiandai.
It's always been him who was beaten by chidai. Now, it's his turn to fight back!
He flew a sword and stabbed at the thousand generations. But Qiandai resisted the pressure and cut the ghost in front of him.
Bai Li Ming stabbed the other side's ghost chop with a sword, but at the same time, his left hand stretched out and patted in the abdomen of Qiandai.
The huge sword spirit suddenly gushed out from his palm and broke through the body of thousands of generations.
Qiandai's body bent down, she wanted to turn into black smoke to dissolve the power, but her body was bound by weak water, and she could not get rid of it.
This is a real blow.But the most powerful ninja, I am afraid, is the patience of pain.
Even though he suffered this blow, chidai still held on to his body and pressed his hands on the ground. He picked up scallions on the dry land, and his feet rotated and kicked to the hundred Li Ming.
On that foot, with black awn!
The power of ghost chop can not only be turned into a knife, but any part of her body can be used as a sharp weapon as long as thousand generations want to.
This foot with the ghost cut swept out, even the weak water border, in this moment, were broken.
Feeling the threat of death, Bai Liming retreated in an instant.
But the black awn of thousand generations still affected him.
The clothes on the abdomen were torn.
Yin red blood, immediately left out.
Bai Li Ming was surprised, endured the pain, and ordered several times around his abdomen. The meridians and collaterals here are sealed with vitality, so as to avoid the loss of Qi and blood.
He didn't expect that he would be injured by an unknown demon disciple.
"I'll kill you!"
Bai Li Ming was so angry that he suddenly flew high into the sky.
At the same time, he showed his own scornful sword, the brilliance of the sword, compared the sun down!
"Scorn heaven and break the world!"
The wind in the sky, immediately with the sword, spin together.
The sword hasn't been launched yet, but it feels like the sky is going to fall.
"Very good..."
Looking up at the first round of gold.
She was floating in the sky, but soon disappeared.
"But the flaw is too big..."
With that, the ghost chop in her hand was pressed on the body of a hundred Li Ming covered with golden light.
"The ghost cries and cuts, startles!"
Her ghost cut, swept out a large black crescent, constantly bumping into the golden light.
Several to the crescent moon, breaking through the golden blockade, directly swept in the body of hundred Li Ming.
Fortunately, people in Shushan are also strong, comparable to sword iron. The body of that hundred Li Ming just burst out blood stains, and fell to the ground in the scream.
Qiandai takes back the ghost chop, falls back to the ground and coldly looks at the hundred Li Ming lying there.
"You've lost."
Thousand generation says lightly.
"Demon! I'll kill you
Bai Li Ming gnaws her teeth and wants to stand up to avenge.
But at this time, chidai's hand shook, a long black knife, across his neck.
"Move, and you die."
"Damned monster..."
Feeling the chill of the ghost, Bai Li Ming dare not move.
"Hehe, it seems that the victory or defeat has been divided."
Qin Dynasty stood there, holding his arm, said to Haotian, "you baby younger martial brother, has been defeated."
"Hundred Li Ming, come back!"
Haotian gritted his teeth, but there was nothing he could do.
Bai Li Ming lost, in fact, is not unjust. Although his skill seems to be better than that of the thousand generations. Moreover, Shushan sword technique is extremely sharp.
However, the millennials have been cruelly trained since childhood, and they fight with death every day.
Ninja, one in a million.
Every last promotion of Shangren is to step out of the threat of beasts and companions.
Qiandai, from small to large, has experienced one battle after another.
However, there is no such thing as a hundred Li Ming, where there is a realm and strength, but there is little actual combat.
At the end of this round, he was defeated.
Although Bai Li Ming is not reconciled, she has to admit defeat. He remembered, but the sword of Qiandai was still lying there, which made him dare not move.
"Chidai, come back, too."
Qin Dynasty saw this scene, heart secretly smile. He clapped his hands, and the thousand Dayton nodded and put away his black knife.
In a flash, black smoke drifted by, and the thousand generations appeared behind the Qin Dynasty. She stood there, a lovely Lori with big chest and thin waist when she didn't fight.
But really want to start, she is not soft at all, blink of an eye becomes very terrible.
"Senior brother, I'm sorry..."
Bai Li Ming lowered her head and did not dare to look into Haotian's eyes. "That woman is really cunning If you give me another chance, I will kill her
Haotian kept his temper and didn't scold his younger brother. He also saw that younger martial brother was totally inexperienced in actual combat, which made him lose so miserably.
"What a fool."
Haoyue couldn't help but curse her temper.
"You can do it, you go up!"A hundred Li mingnu road.
"I'll do it, I'll do it!"
Haoyue walked forward two steps, graceful and moving.
"Elder martial brother, this second scene, let me come."
"Well." Haotian nodded, "that's a tough junior sister to go."
"Leave it to me! I'm not going to lose! "
Haoyue snorted coldly and walked to the center of the field.
"Brother Qin, it's up to me for this scene."
FA Xiang just stepped forward. This time, Xiaobai reached out to stop him.
"Brother FA Xiang, I'll take this one."
Xiaobai said and walked to the front. "These little men are not qualified to see you and Mr. Qin. Let me just let them go. "
"Demon, you can talk big!"
Haoyue sneers and pulls out his sword.
Her sword, shining silver, came out like a bright moon in the sky.
"In the lower Shushan Haoyue, a 34 generation disciple. The sword is named cangyue
With that, the sword flashed and the silver light continued.
"I'll give you a white name." Xiaobai's name is quite concise, "no weapons, but please be careful."
"I can be blamed for bullying you with your bare hands!"
Haoyue finished, has launched the magic.
Her sword flashed, and suddenly stabbed at Xiaobai's body.
"The sword is like a rainbow, and the meteor's shadow is fast! Like a rainbow sword
Ruhong sword, which is almost the starting form of Shushan, is also called "throwing stones to ask the way" by the disciples of Shushan.
What is the opponent's way? One move is like a rainbow sword. You can basically see the truth.
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