Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 700

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Chapter 700

"Three headed dogs It's three dogs
All the disciples of luochamen were shocked.
In the nine hell, the level of the nine hell is divided according to the head.
One head is the most common Devil Dog.
Advanced, just two heads.
The most powerful one is the dog king with three heads.
According to legend, only the real leader of luochamen can summon the dog king of Jiuyou demon It seems that this is true.
"don't be afraid, we have so many people, we can kill him! Go on
Mo Ling gnawed his teeth and said to them.
In any case, she is also the 26th generation of sect leader in the hearts of all. If the headmaster says something, he should follow suit. Suddenly, a only nine you creatures, towards the Qin Dynasty rushed over.
With Xiaohei here, how could Qin Dynasty be hurt by those Jiuyou creatures?
In particular, the feeling of being ignored makes Xiaohei extremely unhappy.
Those three giants, immediately spurt three kinds of attribute damage at the same time.
Fire, freezing, lightning!
For a moment, all kinds of colors jump in the room, which is very dazzling.
Those nine you creatures, each very fragile, where can withstand such devastation. Suddenly, one by one in the air decomposition. Only the Jiuyou evil tiger, with the help of speed, skillfully swam among all kinds of energy, and finally flashed in front of the Qin Dynasty and scratched him with one paw.
"Did you succeed?"
Mo Ling saw that his evil tiger broke through the blockade and launched an attack on the Qin Dynasty. He had some expectations.
The tiger's paws, big as a fan of cattail, should also be fanned on the head of the Qin Dynasty.
The Qin Dynasty just lightly stretched out his right hand and easily caught the claw of Jiuyou evil tiger.
"Too weak..."
In Qin Dynasty, the claws of the evil tiger were suddenly pinched and exploded. At the same time, he flew up and kicked the evil tiger. Mo Ling finally remembers the hope of the nine you creatures, so it is embedded in the wall.
"Is there no way out..."
Mo Ling finally couldn't help the pressure and knelt on the ground.
"You can't even be possessed by Jiuyou's summoning skill, and still arrogantly claim to be a person of luochamen?"
Qin Dynasty, with his hands on his back, looked at the woman coldly.
"Hum!" Mo Ling is very tough. In the face of the oppression of the Qin Dynasty, he still said with gnashing teeth, "you who do not know where to steal the heart Dharma of luoshamen, we will never admit you! Want to be the master of luochamen, no way! Unless, kill us all
"You can't admit it or not."
Qin Dynasty ha ha a smile, suddenly the body a shock.
A huge black door, slowly crushed the ceiling of the second floor, and crushed the marble floor under the feet, appeared in front of everyone.
Although the door has not been opened, but that terrible breath, but let all people fear.
"This is Jiuyou luochamen... "
There was a female disciple of luochamen, who could not help exclaiming.
"No way, how could you have this lost spell!" Mo Ling is also very shocked to ask.
"Lost?" Qin Dynasty hehe a smile, "this is clearly the nine you magic skill handed down from generation to generation between the sect leaders. In the Qin Dynasty, I learned from rod. It can be said that it is no problem to be your master. What do you have in mind? "
"Lo, Lord Romen!"
One by one, their faces changed greatly.
"Why are you all so frightened?"
The strange and strange way of Qin Dynasty.
"Master Luo was killed by the later Master Cheng Yao. Qin Dynasty, you really make up lies. You won't pick a credible one! "
Mo Ling sneered twice.
"It's true that old rod came to a bad end, but he was not so desperate as to die. At that time, his body was destroyed, but his soul remained. Now he lives in my body. I have inherited most of them
There are also some of them, which are actually sent to school by Roxie.
But there are a lot of magic magic, which are not recorded above. They are all dictated by rod to himself.
"Really?" Mo Ling didn't believe it.
"Mo Ling, your grandfather, it should be mo Chong."
Qin Dynasty looked at the woman in front of him and said suddenly.
"You, how do you know?"
Mo Ling was shocked.
"To say Mo Chong, he was just a little disciple of luochamen. I didn't expect that his granddaughter could sit in the position of the master of luochamen today. Oh, it's pathetic. It's pathetic Luochamen, after all, fell into the third class
About his grandfather's matter, Mo Ling book has not told. Unexpectedly, the opposite pretended to be the master of the gate said it, which made her feel like a storm!
You know, when I heard that the evil alliance admitted that the Qin Dynasty was the leader of the luochamen sect, the real disciples were almost angry!The situation of luochamen is very miserable now. The right way shouts and shouts to kill, and the evil way can't tolerate himself. Therefore, they hid in the mountains.
People like myself are living in a muddle. And that guy called Qin Dynasty, on the contrary, in the name of luochamen, blundered in the Xiuzhen world! Now, it has been recognized by the evil alliance!
This is bullying me. Is luochamen nobody!
Although he thought the other side was a liar, Mo Ling also heard that the Qin Dynasty still had some skills. A body of cultivation, has been in the late Yuan Dynasty.
To this end, she carefully set up such a bureau, the Qin Dynasty into the set.
But I didn't expect that the Qin Dynasty's strength was too strong. The cartilage powder prepared by hard work had no effect.
She did not know that unless these drugs could enter the blood of the Qin Dynasty. Otherwise, under the protection of Vajra Sutra, the Qin Dynasty would not be affected by a little medicine.
Now, everyone is shocked to learn that Qin Dynasty is the descendant of rod.
If this is the case, it is actually a good news for roshmen.
"You, are you really the descendant of Lord Luomen..."
Mo Ling asked stupidly.
"If it's fake, it will be changed." The Qin Dynasty shrugged his shoulders, "who do you think would like to impersonate that bad old man's disciple?"
Rod in the heart of the Qin Dynasty cried, "those who wanted to take this seat as a teacher could send the city of Southern Jiangsu to Dongchuan City!"
The Qin Dynasty ignored rod's refutation and continued to say, "for the sake of everyone being the same family, I will not kill you today. You go back and practice well. The most important thing for practitioners is to cultivate themselves. "
"Master, please worship Mo Ling
To the surprise of the Qin Dynasty, the opposite Mo Ling, led a group of luochamen disciples, knelt down to the Qin Dynasty.
"Master, please accept our worship!"
All said in unison.
"What are you doing?"
This time, the Qin Dynasty to get a bit confused.
"Mo Ling, the sinner, should not doubt the identity of the sect leader. Now, if you have done such a wicked thing to the headmaster, please punish him! "
Mo Ling to Qin Dynasty, kneeling can not get up, make the Qin Dynasty some do not know how to do.
"Stinky boy, they take you as the master of luochamen."
Rod can see clearly, tell Qin Dynasty.
It can be said that the military force, life experience and bearing shown by the Qin Dynasty today are all admired by the people of luochamen.
The fact that he became the master of the gate of luochamen was natural.
"Mo Ling, you should be the master of this sect."
But the Qin Dynasty said, "you don't know, at that time I was named the leader of luochamen, and I was forced by the evil alliance. Personally, I hate these names. In particular, I can't be the master of a door. I don't have that experience and I don't have the time. "
"Master! Don't say that! "
Mo Ling said quickly, "only the master of the gate can make our luochamen bigger! Now whether it's the six gates of the devil's road or the right way, they all ride on our necks! At that time, the prestige of the first door of the devil road has disappeared! If you are a disciple of master Luomen, you should make the name of luochamen be printed on the list on the upper level of the cultivation world just like master Luomen did in those years! "
This Mo Ling is loyal to luochamen.
"Master, if you don't agree, you are still angry with us! Then we people, we can only die here today
Seeing the indecisive appearance of the Qin Dynasty, Mo Ling pressed the nine you soul claw with white flame on his forehead.
Other people learn from each other, one by one, all make the appearance of dying.
"No, no, no, no!"
Qin Dynasty this person has such a characteristic, you are polite to him, he is polite to you. You play hard with him. He can pretend to be more powerful than you. If you soften his heart, he can do anything.
Mo Ling no matter how to say, is also a delicate woman. Qin Dynasty is also sorry, let her die for themselves!
"Chengcheng, I promise you not yet!"
"Thank you for your kindness
When Mo Ling saw that this method was effective, he turned his beautiful big eyes, and immediately put down his hands and said thanks to the Qin Dynasty.
"Thank you for your kindness
All the others cried out together.
At this time, Mo Ling took out a green and black manual, opened it, and then bit his finger.
She dipped in blood and wrote her name on it. Then, respectfully, the manual was handed over to the Qin Dynasty.
"Master, this is the book of life and death. Please keep it."
"The book of life and death?"
The Qin Dynasty held this cool blue and black manual and spread it out to see that many people's names were written in blood.
"The head of the gate didn't know something about it. This is the way that Cheng Yao, the head of Cheng Yao, thought of." Mo Ling explained respectfully, "every disciple of luochamen should write his name on it with his own blood. In this way, we are binding our souls to the book of life and death. If one of the disciples betrays, as long as his name is checked in the book of life and death, that person will die immediately... ""Such an evil thing
The Qin Dynasty frowned.
"Hey, Cheng Yao, that old man, is a good schemer!"
Rod, too, gave a sneer. He betrayed others, in order to avoid others betraying themselves and end up in the same way, he invented such a method.
It's ridiculous. It's ridiculous!
"This is related to the lives of us. Please take it away."
Mo Ling said.
"I will."
Qin Dynasty didn't like to win people's hearts by this way, but since Mo Ling gave it to him, he could only take it well.
"Master, now Mo Ling will report to you the condition of luochamen."
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