Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1011

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Chapter 1011

It seems like a long night, but because of the Hongmeng Taoist Association and the expectations of all kinds of people, it passed quickly.
Early the next morning, people from all major sects gathered at the meeting.
All the practitioners are a little nervous, because today is the final of Hongmeng Taoist Association.
In the end, it depends on who wins.
If it's taken away by Shushan, it's OK. For thousands of years, it has always been the number one in Shushan.
But if it's taken away by the roshman, it's over.
All the noble and decent sects will be reduced to laughing.
There was only one magic gate, but it turned out to be the best in the world.
After that, when they mentioned these noble and decent sects, they all laughed off their big teeth!
Therefore, both schools are concerned about today.
But if you really want to open a gambling house or something, you can't figure out which side these practitioners will buy to win.
The power of luochamen can not be underestimated.
"Lord Qin, it seems that today, our two sects are going to be separated."
Tan Hai sat on the referee's bench, looking at the Qin Dynasty not far away, could not help saying.
"Naturally, Shushan has been the best in the world since ancient times. However, as the so-called geomancy turns around in turn, the first throne will be replaced by another person. "
The Qin Dynasty laughs.
"Lord Qin, you are not afraid of the wind and your tongue is flashing."
The elder of Shushan said in a strange way, "I have never failed in this Hongmeng Taoist meeting for thousands of years since the founding of Shushan mountain. Do you really think that you can win my Shushan with some strength? "
"This old xiansen, you are old, and I will not care about you."
In the Qin Dynasty, there were still thousands of generations making tea for him. He drank it with relish and then said.
"However, I hope you can say such confident words after the competition begins."
"I can say that at any time!"
The elder is very confident.
The Qin Dynasty didn't mind. He still sat there, as if the representative who would like to compete in martial arts was not a person from luochamen.
The three representatives of Shushan are still Shen Qing, Mo Tianya and Haotian.
On the other hand, the representative of luochamen changed.
The woman with the mask, Suu Kyi.
The remaining two are Zhao Jingjing and Xiaobai.
The elder of Shushan immediately patted the table and said in a rage, "you luochamen are playing this kind of means and changing people on the stage! No, it's not allowed! "
No wonder the old man was so excited. It turned out that all night last night, people in Shushan were studying how to deal with Zhao Jingjing and the three of them.
This night's hard work, is it so wasted?
"Where does this come from?"
The Qin Dynasty slowly tasted the tea and said casually, "the old xiansen of Shushan mountain, we luochamen, but competed in strict accordance with the rules of Hongmeng Taoist Association. The rules don't say that it is not allowed to change people on the spot. As long as our representatives are within the conditions, they can be transferred at will. Or do you, the elders of Shushan, want to change the rules of Hongmeng Taoist Association without authorization? "
"I, I..."
The old man was dumb for a long time. He really didn't have the right.
Hateful, I didn't expect the luochamen to drill this hole!
It seems that the tactics formulated last night are useless. Today, everything depends on Shen Qing and others.
I hope these people, who are the most favored ones in Shushan, will try their best!
"Friends of luoshamen, before the contest, I Shen Qing has one more request."
Shen Qing, standing on the challenge arena, looks at the three beauties on the opposite side, and suddenly says.
Suji is the most able person here. When she heard Shen Qing say this, she couldn't help asking, "what else does Shen Xianzi want to say?"
"As early as a year ago, I made an agreement with the headmaster of your sect. That is, we should let a couple of our children choose the winner or loser in this Hongmeng Taoist meeting. At present, the time is ripe, and I hope that your school and your fellow students can accomplish it. "
"let a pair of children of Qin Dynasty fight?"
"I heard that a couple of his sons and daughters are very powerful. Even the elder Longzi Yulong in Shushan has been defeated!"
"Oh, oh, there's a good show."
There were no objectors among the practitioners present, and they all wanted to see the excitement.
Mo Tianya also nods, he will unswervingly support Shen Qing, no matter what Shen Qing wants to do. Except, follow that man.
"Since you are not against it, then..."
Shen Qinggang wanted to continue talking, but the Qin Dynasty suddenly stood up.
"I'm against it."“……”
Shen Qing turned her head and looked at her husband.
"Lord Qin, what do you say?"
"I have a lot to say, but to sum up, it's four words. I'm against it!"
The Qin Dynasty stood there, also looking at Shen Qing.
"This is an agreement we have made for a long time. You can't break it."
Shen Qing has firm eyes.
"We don't want our children to be in the shadow of fighting in their childhood."
The Qin Dynasty said unhappily, "and still hand and foot cannibalism."
"Who let them hurt each other!"
Shen Qing also raised her eyebrows, and her angry appearance was so good-looking.
It is worthy of being an ice-white Narcissus. It is one of the seven famous flowers in the cultivation world, which makes many practitioners stare at it.
Such a famous flower was picked by the Qin Dynasty. I really hate it!
There is a sentence how to say, good cabbage let pig Arch!
All kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred of the eyes, all poked in the body of the Qin Dynasty, let him not at ease.
"It's their destiny."
Shen Qingyi solemnly told the Qin Dynasty, "if we live in this world, we should understand what is our own life. This is the fate between you and me. And in our children, the same fate. Whether you accept it or not, we can't disobey it. "
"This seat is the one who likes to disobey fate."
The Qin Dynasty hummed and said, "if the two children don't want to fight, I will never let them stand on that arena."
"Since you respect your child's opinion so much."
Shen counted his head and continued, "let's ask the two children."
With that, she waved to Qin Yi, who was led by Xu Renfeng.
"Yier, come here."
"Here it is, mother."
Qin Yi comes over honestly. This little boy with a tiger head and a tiger brain is very popular with many practitioners.
This little boy is quite interesting. He should be more decent than his father.
People who grew up in Shushan are different.
Where is like his father, is a thorough big hooligan!
"Sakura, let dad hug you."
And AI Xiaoxue holds Qin Ying and walks to the side of Qin Dynasty.
Qin Dynasty stretched out his hand and held his lovely daughter in his arms.
"Yi'er, are you willing to finish this fateful battle with your sister?"
Shen Qing didn't waste a lot of words and asked directly.
"I'm ready, mom!"
Qin Yi rolled up his sleeve and said, "beat the old sister until she cries."
When all the practitioners heard this, they were sweating.
Well, it doesn't seem to be different from his father's.
"Sakura, would you like to fight with your brother?"
"Although Sakura doesn't like fighting."
Qin Ying wrinkled her lovely little nose, and then said, "but who is afraid of whom? My brother hates to death, he knows to bully me. This time I will bully back! Make him cry
The cold sweat of Qin Dynasty also came down.
My daughter must have been hanging out with Suu Kyi for a long time, which is a little violent.
"Baby, you're not kidding. It's your brother."
"not my brother. I won't beat him yet!"
Qin Yingyi pouted her lips and said, "where can I have fun bullying my sister! I don't teach him a lesson, he should bully me every day in the future
"Hey, it's ten years before you teach me a lesson!"
Qin Yi waved his small fist, "little girl, now she can talk big!"
"Well, I'll see after a comparison."
Qin Ying said defiantly.
"I'll snivel at that time. Don't blame my brother for being merciless."
"Cut, I don't know who's going to cry! When you're crying in front of so many people, I'll see how you can go out to get a girl in the future
Two little guys, just as you said, I quarreled with each other.
"You heard that, too."
Shen Qing seems to be very satisfied with the result, "both children have decided to fight. You're a dad. You have nothing to say
"I feel like you're happy?"
"Yes, I'm really happy. Aren't you convinced?"
"You don't look like a mom!"
The Qin Dynasty was helpless.
"I think I'm very competent."
"Well, I don't care. If you want to be better than you are better."
His daughter agreed, what else could Qin Dynasty say."Sakura, you should pay attention to safety, don't let dad worry."
The Qin Dynasty released her daughter.
"Dad, don't worry. It's easy to win my brother."
Qin Ying jumped out of her father's arms and landed lightly on the ground like a feather.
She turned and laughed at her father.
"Cheer for Sakura! Dad, I'm going up
With that, he ran to the competition platform with a jump.
All the practitioners in front of him gave up a way for this cute and lovely little girl.
The Qin Dynasty can be said to be the first person of the demon road now.
These practitioners want to know what his children will look like.
It seems that they are all three or four years old. What kind of accomplishments will children have?
"The couple of Qin Dynasty and Shen Qing must be crazy!"
"That's it. Let such a young boy compete in martial arts."
"They are all children of three or four years old. They have just learned how to walk. How can they compete in martial arts! I really think Laozi is a hero! Unless their children are born, they can practice it! "
Those who practice truth discuss the Tao privately.
Qin Ying has already stood on the challenge arena, looking at her brother and mother.
"This place is for you. Don't let me down."
Shen Qing takes a look at his son, turns around and takes Mo Tianya and Haotian down the competition platform.
Suji also told Qin Ying.
"Sakura, come on, little mom supports you."
"Thank you, little mother!"
Qin Ying said sweetly.
Suu Kyi and they also stepped down from the competition platform. At this time, on the huge competition platform, there were only two children who looked like they were three or four years old, but their actual age was about one year old.
"Sister, don't expect me to show mercy!"
Qin Yi rubbed his hands and said excitedly.
"Brother, don't be beaten by your sister and cry!"
Qin Ying also smiles sweetly, not afraid of her brother's threat.
"Then I will come!"
Qin Yi suddenly closed his eyes and took a deep breath. In a flash, his hands were wrapped in white gloves.
Summon of nine you, giant elephant of nine you!
As soon as he came up, Qin Yi showed his ability to look after his family!
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