Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 612

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Chapter 612

"Get out of here!"
The Qin Dynasty backhand cut out his own white lotus, and the black flame flickered on it. The sword, which combines the power of the Phoenix, suddenly bounced Caroline's golden dagger out.
"Eh?" Caroline flapped her wings and flew in the air. She looked at her dagger and the black sword in the hands of the Qin Dynasty. "How could anything block the gun of Longinus?"
"Go to hell and ask your Satan!"
After the Qin Dynasty, the wings of a fan, the whole person jumped into the air, the sword in the hand stabbed the Vampire Queen's chest.
"So anxious to be intimate with others?" Caroline is a hand, the air suddenly flew out of countless black tentacles, in all directions, the Qin Dynasty tightly wrapped, bound in front of Caroline. Now the Qin Dynasty looks like a cocoon wrapped in it.
"Lovely Chinese handsome boy, how do you want to play with others?"
Caroline flapped her wings, flew over and pasted it in front of the Qin Dynasty. The golden dagger in her hand kept stroking on his body.
"Did anyone tell you?" The Qin Dynasty did not seem to pay any attention to the dagger made with fragments of Longinus's gun. He just looked at Caroline opposite and asked.
"What did you say?" Caroline cocked her head lovingly and guessed, "is that beautiful? Oh, no need to say, they are the queen of vampires. My beauty makes the whole night dark. "
"No, that's not it." Qin Chao shook his head.
"What is that?" Caroline's cold little hands touched Qin's cheek and asked tenderly.
"Has anyone ever told you that you're a fuckin 'whore."
"You want to die!" Caroline's eyes were sharp, and the dagger in her hand made a knife edge on the left arm of Qin Dynasty.
This time, it's bloody.
The eyebrows of Qin Dynasty didn't wrinkle, instead, they kept sneering.
"People are angry." Caroline had some ferocious faces just now. Suddenly she was gentle again. She said to the Qin Dynasty with a smile, "people really appreciate you. If not, you will be my servant. My noble Queen's blood will make you a handsome and powerful prince of vampires
"Prince vampire?" The Qin Dynasty seems to have a bit of heart.
"That's right." Caroline nodded. "Become the prince of vampires, you don't fear the sun, you have endless life. By that time, we'll be able to make the skeleton stronger with your help! Even beyond the Roman Church
"Well, then you should be light. Don't bite too much."
Qin Dynasty finally nodded and said.
There was a glimmer of joy in Caroline's eyes.
"You are very clever, my dear. Don't be afraid. This process is very comfortable. It's ten thousand times better than doing that kind of thing. "
Caroline said, legs in the body of the Qin Dynasty, arms around his shoulders, at the same time, open her mouth fangs, toward the neck of the Qin Dynasty stabbed.
And at this time, the body of Qin Dynasty, suddenly burst out of black flame.
The burning Caroline screamed, let go of the Qin Dynasty, and was about to fly back.
"Want to run?"
But the Qin Dynasty broke free of those black tentacles. After the animal turned into a beast, the right hand stretched out, and immediately stuck Caroline's neck and lifted her in the air.
"Prince vampire? What a joke The Qin Dynasty said coldly, "I want to be a demon God, little prince of vampire. Go to hell!"
"You don't want to kill me!"
Caroline screamed, her long hair, no wind automatic. In a twinkling of an eye, these golden hair wrapped around the neck of the Qin Dynasty, like a snake, also stuck his neck.
But the Qin Dynasty opened its mouth, spit out a white lotus chop, and pierced the golden hair.
Caroline's power, indeed, is the same as Mamen.
But this vampire queen, unlike Mamen, is fragile. In terms of defense, it is not directly proportional to Mamen. She's tough. It's her dark magic.
Her high-speed movement is not her own speed, but by virtue of a kind of dark magic, she completes the instantaneous movement.
If you don't get close to her, you'll probably be beaten.
As a result, the Qin Dynasty played a small means to let Caroline take the initiative to get close to himself.
So, in just a few minutes, he can end the fight!
He didn't have time, because Suu Kyi was lying there, racing against death!
"Die for me
On the left hand of the Qin Dynasty, there was a raging black flame.
He slapped it on Caroline.
"Nine you magic palm!"
The blow was in Caroline's belly, and the flame of the Phoenix broke out completely.A black fire phoenix, whistling out of Caroline's back, turned into a huge black pillar of fire, more than two meters thick, directly burst open the roof and burst into the black night sky.
"Ah, ah!"
This noble Queen of vampires, burned by the flame of Phoenix, screamed in pain. But this attack, only Qin Dynasty let her suffer an irresistible pain.
"White lotus chop!" After one stroke, Caroline vomited blood. The Qin Dynasty summoned a black sword and cut it into Caroline's neck.
"When!" Caroline's hair drags her golden dagger against her neck.
At the same time, the burned vampire queen, ferociously roared at the Qin Dynasty.
"Qin Dynasty! I won't let you go! "
"You don't have a chance!" In the Qin Dynasty, the black flame wings behind the back were shot at Caroline, whose left hand was stuck.
"Boom, boom!"
After a series of explosions, Caroline's body, festering and not looking like, in the blink of an eye, became a bloody man. Her left arm was blown off. A head of long golden hair, also fried into bald hair.
"When!" The golden dagger fell to the ground.
Qin Dynasty is no longer nonsense, quick hand, a sword cut off the head of the vampire queen.
"Poof!" Blood, directly from the blood hole in her neck, Qin Dynasty shook hands and threw the Queen's body to one side.
This time, it was a close victory.
If it was not for the arrogance and pride of the vampire queen, she would not have been killed so easily by the Qin Dynasty.
Many more powerful dark magic, she did not have time to start.
The Qin dynasty fell to the ground and walked back to Suji.
Catherine was still sitting on one side, looking at the Qin Dynasty, her lips trembling.
Qin Dynasty did not look at her, but squatted down and picked up his own woman.
"Suu Kyi, I won't let you die."
Qin Dynasty hugged the girl who had become a little cold and put her forehead on her cheek.
"Rosie Please follow my call and come out of hell I, I need you now... "
The air was filled with black smoke.
The smoke swirled and tangled.
Soon, a beauty in a white nurse uniform, holding a large needle in her hand, appeared in front of the Qin Dynasty.
"Do you need medical staff? My client, sir. "
Roxie looked at the Qin Dynasty with a faint smile on her lips.
"Help me save her. I'd like to trade my sixth wish."
"Wish for others again?" Rosie twisted her waist, raised her eyebrows and said, "Oh, my gosh, people are very reluctant. Who is my client in the end..."
"Don't talk nonsense!" The Qin Dynasty suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed Roxie's white tender neck. He lifted her to his body, full of violence and murderous spirit, and roared, "save her! Or you will die
"Cough Loose, let me go... "
Roxie seems to be really pinched, her eyes with tears, struggling for several times, but can not escape the iron hand of the Qin Dynasty.
"Save this woman, I make a contract with you!"
Qin Dynasty finished, regardless of, on the heavy kiss on Roxie's lips.
This time, he had no time to taste this beautiful female devil.
At this time, his lips suddenly hurt.
Rosie, that girl, actually bit his mouth directly. With the smell of blood, flowing into his mouth.
After kissing the bloody contract, Qin Dynasty released Roxie and pushed her aside.
Rosie rubbed her red neck and coughed.
"You are really, more and more violent..." Her face was a little red, but she still gave a wink to Qin Chao, "it's more and more popular Can I have something more crude to resist the rush? "
"Devil, it's time for you to work."
The Qin Dynasty pulled out the platinum lotus and cut it. With a brush, it stabbed into the ground.
Among them, the meaning of warning is not expressed in words.
"Hum!" Rosie seemed to be very dissatisfied. "Really, what are people in your eyes?"
she stared at the red eyes of the Qin Dynasty, and finally seemed to be soft. Her shoulders shrugged and said, "well, you are the customer. You has the final say. But I want to state in advance that I am just a little devil. You little lover, you were killed by the gun of Longinus. Her soul will be dragged into hell and nailed to the cross of redemption. That place, even I dare not go. So, I can't just drag her back. "
"Then you can't help it!" In the eyes of the Qin Dynasty, there was a great deal of violence.
"You can't say that." When Roxie saw the desperation and helplessness covered by the murderous spirit of the Qin Dynasty, she seemed to be somewhat satisfied, "people are demons after all. They can do anything! Although my strength is not enough, people still have a way. ""Really, really?" The murderous spirit in the eyes of the Qin Dynasty all retreated. What remained was the desire for Suji to survive.
Rosie was faint and unhappy, and her voice became cold again.
"Well, it's very simple. Although the soul killed by Longinus will be nailed to the cross of redemption. But there is a soul that can neither enter heaven nor hell. Because these two places are exclusive to it. "
"What is the soul?"
"The soul of a vampire."
Rosie finished and her fingers moved.
The headless body of Caroline, lying on one side, slowly flew up. Then, a drop of black blood, from her broken neck, floated into the air, constantly spinning.
"This is the real blood of a vampire." Roxie waved and caught the drop of black blood in front of her body. "With this, we can complete the first embrace of the vampire. My client, be ready, you are going to have a vampire lover
With that, she put the blood into Suu Kyi's mouth.
In Suu Kyi's body, suddenly lit up a black light, through the top of the hole, straight into the night sky.
At this time, the Qin Dynasty seems to hear, that has been yelling Jiuyou emperor, also gradually quiet down.
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