Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1102

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Chapter 1102

Cheng Ying believes in Qin Dynasty very much, Zheng Siqi at this time also put all hope on this man's body.
She held the crucial USB flash disk tightly in her hand and put it into her pocket.
"Someone's coming!"
The soldiers at the door are not all idiots. Hearing the sound of running behind them, they immediately turn around and hold the M16 in their hands and say in a loud voice, "stop! One more move and we'll shoot! "
Orders have been given. No one can be released.
Cheng Ying has a delicate boletta pistol in her hand, which is the only weapon Yang Zi, who operates in the United States, has obtained for them.
Arms control in the United States is not very strict, so it is OK to get a few pistols.
However, Cheng Ying slightly hesitated. If he shot these soldiers, would there be international disputes?
The Qin Dynasty saw Cheng Ying's mind. Suddenly, a desert eagle appeared in his hand and shot at the soldiers' thighs.
"Bang bang bang!"
One after another, gunshots rang out, and the soldiers fell to the ground in a wail.
Looking at Cheng Ying's surprised eyes, Qin Dynasty said with a smile, "I'm not the same as you. I'm easy to tolerate. Now, I'm a terrorist. "
The Qin Dynasty knew that they would have to make a big fuss in Washington today.
It's no wonder that in the Qin Dynasty, the old Americans wanted to occupy things that didn't belong to them.
The sound of guns attracted more people's attention, and the Qin Dynasty heard a lot of footsteps coming towards here.
He took Cheng Ying and them, rushed out of the hall full of white smoke, and came to the sunny outdoor.
"Don't move!"
But at this time, a group of armed soldiers outside the door suddenly pointed their guns at the three men of the Qin Dynasty, Cheng Ying and Zheng Siqi.
"Go one step further and shoot on the spot!"
The threat of the other side sounded through the horn.
Looking at the soldiers around, Zheng Siqi was disappointed.
Are you still a failure when you have reached this point
Cheng Ying is very nervous, this can be bad, where did Zhou Subin run?
In the corner of the street in the distance, Zhou Subin is sitting in a black Citroen car, looking at this side nervously.
He can't help much.
"Squat on the ground and hold your head in both hands!"
Cried one of the soldiers.
Cheng Ying and Zheng Siqi are at the muzzle of the gun. They have no choice but to squat down on the ground and hold the back of their head in their hands.
But the Qin Dynasty still stood there, playing with the desert eagle in his hand.
"Put down your weapons and squat on the ground!"
Another cry from the soldier.
"I'm sorry, but I don't like being threatened."
Qin Dynasty cold smile, Cheng Ying in the side repeatedly pull his pants feet.
This guy, is he crazy!
"Friends of China, your mission has failed."
Ralph stood in front of a Hummer, horn in his hand, and said with a proud smile, "I've laid a net here for a long time. Dr. Zheng Siqi, you can't take it. You two, stay. However, I will not do anything to you. I will take you to your government. "
"Who said we were Chinese."
The Qin Dynasty suddenly began to speak fluent Korean, saying that the people present were stunned, "I am from the Republic of Korea! Only the people of the Republic of Korea can have a hero like me! I love Miss Zheng Siqi. I'm coming to take her away! "
Ralph was a little stunned.
Is this man Korean?
Look at his arrogant and arrogant appearance, coupled with fluent Korean, it is really like a Korean.
But it's not right. I didn't receive the tip that there would be Chinese agents to rescue Zheng Siqi.
I also plan to catch these two agents, slap the Chinese government in the mouth, and then take the opportunity to point out the benefits.
It's a bit difficult for the man on the other side to say so now.
"Well, which country are you from? Come back to the Security Bureau with us, and we'll find out."
Ralph said coldly, "put down your weapons and take them with you!"
"Sorry, I don't have that habit!"
Qin Dynasty said, suddenly raised his hand is a gun.
This bullet went into the tank of a Hummer.
The valuable Brown military vehicle suddenly exploded and burned in flames.
Everyone's eyes were immediately attracted by the explosion.
At this moment, the Qin Dynasty held two beauties in one hand and said, "let's go!"
His body, like a gust of wind, rushed out of the bag.
In front of him was a Humvee. In the Qin Dynasty, his legs leaped, and his whole body hung upside down in the air. He leaped up to more than four meters high. Then he turned over and landed on the ground and ran towards Zhou Subin's Citroen."Shoot! Don't let them run away
Ralph is angry. these_two_agents_ran_away_in_their_own_encirclement_ !_
If you say that, Ralph is going to be a joke in the industry!
He is also going to take off his hat as the director of security.
A group of soldiers immediately fired at the Qin Dynasty.
The bullet chased the steps of the Qin Dynasty and kept shooting, but it was unable to hit the real target.
The moving way of Qin Dynasty was too strange to aim at.
Zhou Subin is not a fool, he has been driving Citroen, a big drift to the car in front of the Qin Dynasty, at the same time, the rear door opened.
The Qin Dynasty was like throwing sandbags, throwing both beauties into the car.
After Cheng Ying and Zheng Siqi got on the bus, Zhou Subin didn't hesitate at all, stepped on the accelerator, and the car ran out with a cry.
"What are you doing?"
Cheng Ying is very angry, "Qin Dynasty hasn't got on the bus yet!"
"It's too late!"
Zhou Su bin replied calmly, "with so many guns at us, I can't stop and wait for someone."
As he spoke, he turned the car into the road with endless traffic so as to avoid the attack of the army.
"What about the Qin Dynasty?"
"It is our honor to sacrifice for the task."
Zhou Su Bin said, but in the heart of dark music.
Boy, on your death day next year, I will remember to send a chrysanthemum to your grave!
Cheng Ying also knows that if you stop and wait for someone else, you will be killed.
She was worried about gain and loss in her heart Is that how he died
Of course, Qin Dynasty didn't die so easily.
Zhou Subin quickly drove away, but also with his wish.
Their initial task is to send these people to the embassy. As long as they are safe, their task will be half finished.
"Hateful Chinese agent!"
When Ralph saw the target, he got on the bus and ran away. He was very angry. "Shoot this man on the spot! He's not a Chinese agent. He's a terrorist! Other teams, go after the Citroen immediately and inform the Washington police to cooperate with us! "
In a word, the Qin Dynasty was sentenced to death.
However, the Qin Dynasty doesn't matter. With these heat weapons, he can't be hurt.
"I'm sorry, I have to continue to escort, so I won't play with you first."
Qin Dynasty says, turn to chase that Citroen and go.
"If you let him run away, you'll all go home and work!"
Ralph said angrily.
"Fire, fire!"
Dozens of submachine guns continued to blaze, and bullets fell like rain on the surrounding areas of the Qin Dynasty.
But the Qin Dynasty is leisurely walk like, in this bullet rain shuttle, after a while, ran to the side of the road above.
On the road, there were cars and pedestrians. The army had to stop and fire.
"Damn, is that guy a ghost?"
Ralph kicked in the Hummer door behind him. "So many guns, so many bullets, they can't hurt him!"
"Sir, are we going to block the route now?"
An FBI suggested, "if these people are really Chinese agents, they will go to the Chinese embassy for help. We just need to block all the traffic to the embassy and we can stop them. "
"That's right."
Ralph calmed down, nodded and said, "let the police block the route. I think they're going to launch Swat. Have you followed Citroen's whereabouts? "
"The helicopter has followed them. It can't run them."
"That's good. They must not be allowed into the embassy. Otherwise, it will be really difficult. "
Ralph said that if this satellite weapon really falls into the hands of the Chinese government, then their military strength will surpass that of the United States.
At that time, will the United States remain the world's hegemon?
So, in any case, this satellite weapon must remain in the United States!
"The Qin Dynasty Did you really sacrifice that? "
Zheng Siqi's heart is very uneasy. Just now that man who pursues himself has died like this?
Zheng Siqi, Zheng Siqi, it turns out that if you want to return home, you will sacrifice others
If I had known that, why would I go back as hard as I could? It's so willful
A living person dies for himself.
"He, he is a martyr..."
Cheng Ying bit her silver teeth and her nails fell into her hands.
Although the contact with Qin Dynasty was very short, I don't know why, this man left a deep impression in her heart.
What can I do
This is the destiny of the agent.Such a dangerous task, he and Zhou Su bin, are not holding the concept of death.
"Dr. Zheng Siqi, don't be too sad. This is our job."
Zhou Su Bin's voice is not emotional, in fact, he is suppressing his own Schadenfreude, otherwise it is easy to laugh, "he just finished his work excellently, even if he died..."
Just as he was talking, the roof of the car suddenly banged and rang, as if something heavy had fallen on it.
Three people are surprised, the heart says how to return a responsibility!
In the process of suspicions, a figure suddenly jumped into the window of the co pilot on the right side.
Zhou Su bin was scared to pull out the PPK Yang Zi got, but to see the person, instant surprise.
Cheng Ying and Zheng Siqi are also incredible.
Qin Dynasty! It was the Qin Dynasty!
"You, you are still alive!"
Zhou Subin's two eyes are going to fly out.
"Concentrate on driving!"
Qin Dynasty glared at this guy, you look at me driving, this is to play bumper car!
Zhou Su bin then remembered that he was a driver and turned his head back. Almost, I turned into the retrograde lane. Fortunately, I turned in time and adjusted the car.
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