Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1265

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Chapter 1265

Su Fei and Qin Dynasty finally returned to the office. Su Fei was tired and sat down on the sofa next to her.
"Today is really It's very frustrating... "
For the first time, Qin Dynasty heard Su Fei complain.
This woman, now curled up on the sofa, has a beautiful body, flowing in curves.
Her long black hair fell down and fell over her bent knees.
That perfect part of the curve, doubly attractive eye-catching.
At the same time, her body exudes that kind of lazy manner, also can't help but make people fascinated.
At this moment, the Qin Dynasty suddenly felt that Su Fei was more like a kitten.
She, too, needs to be loved.
"Didn't you think about giving yourself a long vacation or something?"
The Qin Dynasty suggested, "if you keep working, even if you are an iron man, you will collapse."
"I think so."
Su Fei stretched out. This time, the radian on her chest almost made Qin Dynasty burst her eyes.
He suddenly found that it was su fei's chest, which was bigger.
Suu Kyi is even smaller than that!
This kind of thing, how did you not notice before?
maybe you didn't see it accurately. You should find a chance to measure it by hand.
Or, we should use the same method as before
Feeling bones?
Tut Tut, however, it's easy to say to touch the legs, touch the chest
Su Fei should not be so stupid
She doesn't have to shoot herself with inkstone, so just think about it
I dare not
"Get ready and go to a party with me later."
"Going out again?"
The Qin Dynasty was very surprised.
"Well, yes."
Su Fei nodded, "the Secretary of the Ministry of education will also attend this party. I need this opportunity to talk to him about school upgrading. "
"Well, I finally know how hard you've been."
Qin Dynasty can not help feeling, "the whole Guangyuan, you are the busiest."
"Of course, or do you think it's easy to run a school?"
Su feibai glanced at the Qin Dynasty, "it's very busy to manage anything. I don't know how you became the president of Dafa group. I guess you're a shopkeeper! "
"Cough, I can't say that..."
The Qin Dynasty originally wanted to explain it, but later it occurred to Yu Lu that everything was lost to Yu Lu.
"But it can be said that..."
"Pack up quickly. I'll get two papers and get ready to go out."
Su Fei said, gently jumped down from the sofa, that dexterous movement, really like a kitten.
Qin Chao shakes his head, if this big beauty, really can be as clever as the kitten.
It's not easy to put her in his backpack and protect her.
However, if she was really just a cat, no one would have planned to kill her.
Maybe many people think that women like Su Fei are dazzling.
But only I know how dangerous it is behind the dazzling.
Just as the Qin Dynasty was resting on the sofa and looking at Su Fei's packing up things there, he suddenly felt a shock and sat up.
"Boss Su, you have an appointment to come?"
Princess Su is still packing up her things." today's schedule is very full, and there are no guests standing in the way Why do you ask... "
"But someone has come..."
Qin Dynasty frowned, "as if, quite in a hurry."
"Stop, who are you looking for?"
Outside the door, Qin Ling's voice suddenly rang.
Then there was a exclamation, "ah!"
In the moment she exclaimed, the door of the office was kicked open.
Then two thugs with guns rushed in.
Qin Ling shivered and was pushed in by a thug.
"Tut, this is the princess Su!"
One of the thugs pointed at Princess Su with his AK in his hand and said with a smile, "sure enough, the real person is as beautiful as the photo."
"who are you..."
Su Fei was also surprised that someone could break into her office with a gun.
"Who are we? Ha ha ha
One mob laughed, "we are the people of talabas! It's the one who came to kill you
With that, the thug raised his gun and aimed at Princess su.
Another mob said, "it's a waste to kill her like this!"
"You mean...""Haha, this girl in my arms is also pretty Why don't we do some exercise before we kill them? "
The mob laughed wickedly.
"Yes, too."
The accomplice nodded, then pointed the gun at Su Fei, "you, come here, take off your clothes!"
"Hello, Hello, I said..."
At this time, the Qin Dynasty sat on the sofa, his eyes half narrowed, "you two, have you forgotten that there are others here?"
"I care who you are!"
A mob pointed his gun at the Qin Dynasty, "go down to see Satan."
He was about to shoot, but the Qin Dynasty moved faster.
As soon as he lifted his hand, the sand hawk in his hand immediately opened fire.
A bullet went into the mob's forehead.
Suddenly, the mob fell into a pool of blood.
His companion was startled and quickly turned the muzzle of the gun, but the Qin Dynasty shot him in the knee.
As the bullet pierced through, the mob half knelt on the ground, his mouth wailing.
Qin Dynasty another shot to fly his gun, and then pointed to his forehead, asked.
"If you want to live, tell me, who asked you to kill Princess Su?"
"Long live the talaba regime!"
Said the mob, pulling his coat apart.
He was carrying an explosive on his back.
Su Fei and Qin Ling were all white with fear.
"It's not so easy to die!"
The Qin Dynasty raised the gun and fired two bullets, which broke the two arms of the thug respectively.
The thug broke three limbs and fell to the ground. He could not move, but swore.
"The real God curses you, you devil, you can't die easily!"
"I am the devil?"
The Qin Dynasty came over and looked at him from above and said coldly, "I think you are the devil."
With that, he pointed the muzzle of the gun to his forehead, "come on, I can give you a happy way to die."
The mob spat out a mouthful of bloody saliva.
But when the Qin Dynasty hid, it gave way to the saliva.
"It seems that you don't want to have a good time. I'll help you."
The Qin Dynasty held out a finger and pressed it on the Thug's shoulder.
Suddenly, the vitality of Qin Dynasty's body, along the shoulder of the man, swam in.
This time, it's not the energy of treatment.
This energy ran wildly in the mob's body, hitting every vulnerable organ in his body.
For a moment, the mob received the most cruel torture.
His pain was unbearable, and the blood gushed from his mouth.
There was a terrible howl throughout the office.
Imperial concubine Su and Qin Ling were watching and did not dare to say a word.
They don't know what's wrong with them. How can the mob scream in pain?
"Kill me, kill me!"
The mob's eyes were red and cried out in pain.
"If you ask me, you have to pay a price."
Qin Dynasty squatted on one side, the pistol in his hand kept turning to grab flowers.
"I say, I say anything, as long as you can kill me!"
The mob is dying.
He just felt that there was intense colic in his body.
It seems that even the soul is shaking with pain.
He can't stand it. He just wants to die!
Die at once!
But his hands and feet are broken, even so simple extravagance, but can not do.
"Well, I ask you, what is the tabara regime?"
"I, we are an independent regime in western Xinjiang..."
It's hard for thugs to talk.
Qin Dynasty also understood, "you come to kill Su Fei, in order to get a reward?"
"Yes, yes..."
The mob gasped, "the leader said, kill, kill Princess Su, there will be a reward of 200 million dollars Then, we use school personnel as hostages to threaten the Chinese government and recognize our regime... "
Su Fei was surprised, "you have hijacked the whole college!"
"Yes What's more, bombs have been planted here If the government does not agree, then the whole school will be reduced to ashes... "
"My God..."
Su Fei's whole body is soft, a buttock sits on the ground.
She's still working on the upgrade.
But in a twinkling of an eye, because of her reasons, the school has been completely destroyed.
Qin Ling was speechless and stood by.
"Where is the bomb buried?"
The Qin Dynasty asked a question.
At this time, the mob's mouth suddenly spewed a mouthful of blood, and then his neck tilted, completely cut off gas.Qin Dynasty looked at it carefully and found that he had bitten his tongue and committed suicide.
"Think you can come on that way?"
Qin Dynasty sneers, let rod attach to the body, and then capture the mob's soul, continue to search his memory with soul searching.
However, to the surprise of the Qin Dynasty, the thug did not know where the bomb was buried. It seems that the leader named tabala buried it himself.
"Sure enough There are bandits outside... "
Qin Ling went to the window and looked out of the window
The Qin Dynasty also went to the window and saw many gangsters with guns below.
These al Qaeda elements have occupied the campus.
"Call the police, call the police!"
Su Fei said quickly.
Fortunately, I'm fine, and I still have a chance to call the police!
Qin Ling immediately nodded and took out her mobile phone gingerly. She almost fell on the ground.
After she called the police, Su Fei was relieved.
At this time, a mob's walkie talkie suddenly rang.
"Moore, has the target been killed?"
Several people in the room looked at each other, then looked at the constantly ringing walkie talkie.
Princess Su didn't know what to do.
The Qin Dynasty went over and picked up the walkie talkie.
"Moore, you son of a bitch, come back! You're not in love, are you! Be careful to die in the womans' belly
"He did die, but not in a woman's belly, but in my hands."
Qin Dynasty to walkie talkie, coldly back.
The man in the walkie talkie was shocked, "you, who are you?"
"To kill your men If you dare to make trouble in my territory, you will die one by one. "
The Qin Dynasty finished, pinched and exploded the walkie talkie.
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