Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 780

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Chapter 780

Absolute demonstration!
At this time, Jingli and Fang Baichuan felt what the purpose of Qin Dynasty was.
This is red fruit demonstration and show off.
He's telling two people that your daughter is out of your control. Only he can control this girl.
Therefore, two people looked at each other, Fang Baichuan nodded, and Jingli understood, so he opened his mouth and said.
"Mr. Qin, make a price. How much money can you leave my daughter. "
Fang Wen's fork fell on the plate with a sound.
She just wanted to say something, but Qin Dynasty stretched out her hand, gently pressed her hand, stabilized the girl's mood, and then said.
"Auntie, I'm afraid you've made another mistake..."
"Ha ha."
Fang Baichuan laughed twice, "young man, I've seen a lot of people like you. How many people are not looking at my daughter, but the family property of our Fang family. You think, I can't tell? Everyone has a price. Come on, how much is it? You're willing to leave Wenwen. "
Qin Dynasty side presses Fang Wen some trembling hand, side says slowly.
"Uncle, or, you are a successful businessman. But you are not a successful father. "
"What are you talking about? You come to question me? "
Fang Baichuan only thinks it is particularly ridiculous. A small security guard, how can he question himself? He is a piece of rubbish.
"ha ha, of course."
The Qin Dynasty went on, "because you are so conceited. Money doesn't mean everything you think is right. Do you think everyone, like you, will see your daughter as a symbol of money? "
The Qin Dynasty smiles and reaches out his hand and touches Fang Wen's face.
"No, at least in my eyes, Fang Wen is an ordinary and lively girl. She is quiet, strong and occasionally has a little temper. What I want is a companion for life, not money. I can make money by myself, not by women. "
When he said this, there was something flashing in Fang Wen's eyes.
"And auntie, you think that the poor couple should be sad, which is a big mistake. I want to ask you, are you and your uncle happy every day? "
"Happy, of course!"
Jingli said, "Baichuan will give me whatever I want. I have no worries about food and clothing. Why am I not happy? "
"Well, if you think it's a pleasure. But if one day, suppose Fangshi group goes bankrupt. If you have nothing, will you still feel happy with your uncle? "
"What are you talking about? How could Fang's group go bankrupt?"
Jingli waved her hand in disdain.
"Hehe, auntie, with all due respect. Your happiness is only based on your uncle's money. Fortunately, Fang Wen is different from you. Even if we can only eat ordinary home cooked food every day, we will be very happy. Because what we enjoy is the joy of mutual help and struggle together. "
"Well, I'm willing to fight with brother Qin."
Fang Wen nodded.
"Ridiculous, ridiculous!"
Fang Baichuan smashed a plate, and the scene suddenly had a smell of gunpowder, "in our Fang Baichuan's home, it's not up to you, an outsider, to teach me a lesson!"
"Your eloquence is good, no wonder Wenwen will be fooled by you."
Jingli also said, "however, we don't welcome you very much. Please leave."
"Dad, mom, how can you do this?"
Fang Wen quit. She just thought her parents were really too much.
"Wenwen, we're doing it for you. Mr. Qin, please leave. "
Now that she has torn her face, Jingli is very impolite to ask for leave.
"OK, I can go."
The Qin Dynasty didn't want to quarrel with these two people. After all, there was a Fang Wen in the middle. The Qin Dynasty didn't want to make this girl difficult.
"No, brother Qin, wait a minute."
Fang Wen but a pull Qin Dynasty, said, "I want to go with you."
"Wen Wen, calm down!"
Jingli cried.
"Dare you
Fang Baichuan also drank, "if you dare to leave this house today, you are not our daughter!"
"No, it's not. What's the big deal?"
Fang Wen turned back and looked at her father indifferently, "I've long wanted to leave here."
"Good, good, you're fine!"
Fang Baichuan gasped and covered his heart. His face was a little pale.
"Baichuan, Baichuan, don't get excited! Wu Ma, go get the medicine
"Wenwen, your father has a heart attack. You'd better stay and see him."
The Qin Dynasty patted Fang Wen's hand."I don't!"
Although Fang Wen is worried in the heart, but still stubborn ground says.
"You are obedient."
The Qin Dynasty gently advised, "there are no wrong parents in the world. Anyway, he's also your father, raising you for so many years. You can rest assured here. One day, I will come to pick you up. I'll take you from here
"Really, brother Qin?"
Fang Wen looked forward to the Qin Dynasty.
"When did I cheat you, silly girl?"
She rubbed her father's hair. I'll tell you secretly that I have an appointment in the evening If you don't, you'll be late. "
"Well then..."
Fang Wen then released the hand of Qin Dynasty, "elder brother Qin, you must come to meet me..."
"Well, don't worry."
Qin Dynasty saw that Fang Baichuan took the medicine, his mood and heart had some stability, and then he turned and left Fang's house.
Outside the door, Fang shook his head.
The manor under the night is dark and quiet. It seems that there is no anger at all.
Inside, there is a cage with a canary yearning for freedom.
Qin Dynasty looked at the mobile phone, it was more than eight o'clock at night.
Well, it's not too late.
However, his permanent 28, it seems to be left under the Fang Group. It seems that I need to use space magic. Fortunately, I have been to the villa area of seven color city once.
He summoned Jiuyou poisonous spider, and his body instantly disappeared into nothingness.
When it appeared again, it was outside the villa area of the seven color city.
The Qin Dynasty didn't rush to Yang Li's house, but turned to the place where he had fought with the immortals of yaochi.
Here, it still looks like a mess. However, a guardrail has been erected on the periphery, which is estimated to be under renovation.
Because of the battle, the place was on TV.
However, according to the TV report, it was attacked by meteorites here. The residents around also said that they felt the earthquake at that time, accompanied by a huge crash sound.
It's good to say so, but it saves a lot of trouble for the Qin Dynasty.
He looked at it twice, then walked back, walked two steps, toward the seven color city, Yang Li's villa.
In these two steps, he didn't use the moment to move.
Only in this way can the Qin Dynasty feel that he is still an individual, not a monster.
Standing outside the door of Yang Li's villa, the Qin Dynasty tidied up her clothes a little and then rang the doorbell.
Inside the phone seems to be visible, outside the speaker came Yang Li that shouting voice.
"Wow, it's Mr. Qin! Please come in, please come in! "
Then, with a crack, the lock of the door was opened.
The Qin Dynasty opened the door and saw Yang Li bouncing around from the corridor.
She ran through the long and thin corridor in three or two steps, then jumped into the arms of the Qin Dynasty and hugged him like an octopus.
"Hello, what are you doing..."
Before Qin Dynasty's words were finished, Yang Li blocked his mouth with soft lips.
Damn it, this welcome is a little grand
Yang Li's kiss is very active, small fragrant tongue is sent up, stir in the mouth of Qin Dynasty.
The Qin Dynasty holds Yang Li's upturned part, was this kiss, the kiss's a little infuriated.
"Lily, is Miss Qin here?"
For a long time, in the room, came the voice of Si Yaqian.
Qin Li let go, and Yang Ying took back her lips.
"Yes, Ma, keep busy. I'll take Mr. Qin in."
"You, are you crazy?"
Qin Dynasty dry mouth, looking at the arms of the little beauty, "not afraid of your mother to see ah!"
"Hee hee, she's cooking in the kitchen. How can I have time to see me?"
Yang Li licked her mouth, "uncle, shall we have another bite?"
"Forget it. It's strange that your mother didn't doubt it for such a long time at the door."
Yang Li nodded. "Let's go in and make love again."
“…… It's too much to make friends with... "
"Qin Dynasty angry," I come today, mainly to discuss with your mother, about your scandal boyfriend matter
The Qin Dynasty put Yang Li down and changed her slippers.
"Hee hee, is it still necessary to discuss..."
Yang Li bent over, pressed her ears to the Qin Dynasty and exhaled like LAN, "isn't that uncle's gossip boyfriend..."
"Don't talk nonsense!"
The Qin Dynasty almost swallowed, "I'm not. Don't make rumors"
"hum, uncle is really irresponsible!"Yang Li curled her mouth and said, "then I'll tell my mother that uncle forced me to give you a bombshell. Then, I still don't admit it's my boyfriend! "
"I I went there I didn't force you! That's what you volunteered, OK? I'm the one forced to do it
The Qin Dynasty cried out injustice.
"Well, will my mother believe it?"
But Yang Li laughed slyly, "in my mother's eyes, I'm a very pure girl who doesn't know anything..."
"You? You are pure, you know nothing? "
Qin Dynasty wanted to smash the wall, "you know more than Laozi, OK?"
"Uncle, how can you be rude?"
Yang Li tut said, "you are a teacher. You should be civilized."
"I, I civilized you big..."
The Qin Dynasty suddenly coughed and said, "Yang Li, you don't have to take care of me. Go and help your mother. She's alone in the kitchen, and she's certainly not busy
Yang Li was startled. She looked back and saw her mother, Si Yaqian, rushing from the living room to the corridor, full of enthusiasm.
"Mr. Qin, you're here at the right time. I'm almost ready to cook. Please come in and wait a little while."
"What a nuisance."
Qin Dynasty politely smile, get up and walk into the room.
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