Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1044

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Chapter 1044

"The magic of Buddhism and Taoism of Wudang Mountain are good medicine to deal with these evil sects."
Suu Kyi said confidently, "my Buddhism is still too poor. If it was my master, he would come here, there would be no problem."
"But The eminent monk of Baotai temple in Songshan Mountain, please
The Qin Dynasty was in a dilemma.
When he was in Hongmeng Taoist Association, he was not very happy with those famous and decent sects because of the first thing in the world. Now he has to go to Shushan again. Please release master. It's a little difficult.
"Is Dharma Xiangxing OK? Isn't he very proficient in Buddhism?"
The Qin Dynasty tried to save the country in a curve.
"No, my elder martial brother has studied Buddhism since childhood, and now he has achieved a little, but he is only a small success. We still need to be careful when dealing with such sorcery. Therefore, I suggest that it is better to let my master come. "
"It's a little difficult to ask your master, but I'll try it."
Qin Chao sighed and said, "after all, Yu Lu's illness is a big deal. Even if I don't want to lose face, I have to invite him here If he doesn't come, I'll turn to Wudang Mountain and invite them to drink wine. "
As long as you can save Yu Lu, this face is nothing.
The Qin Dynasty made up its mind and set out.
"Suji, Sasha, you take care of Yu Lu first. I'll be back when I go."
It is convenient to move in an instant. The Qin Dynasty was preparing to launch the magic of Jiuyou poisonous spider to leave here. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.
"Big miss, big miss is not good!"
It's the sound of a bodyguard.
"Come in."
Liao Shasha ordered a, the ward door was immediately pushed open, a bodyguard came in.
"Miss, a crazy monk is making trouble downstairs. Do you need a Canadian hand to drive him away? "
This private hospital is also the industry of Dafa group.
"It's just a crazy monk. Let the Dean deal with it. Don't tell me about such trifles. "
Liao Shasha waved her hand to show her impatience.
As soon as the bodyguard bows, he will withdraw.
Qin Dynasty is a God to move, give him to stop.
"Wait a minute!"
"Mr. Qin, what can I do for you?"
These bodyguards are familiar with the Qin Dynasty.
But in the heart of Qin Dynasty, it was in doubt.
Crazy monk?
A good hospital, how can there be a crazy monk
Do you mean
Qin Dynasty did not know why, had a strange idea.
"Sasha, you take care of Yu Lu. Suu Kyi and I will go down and have a look
"OK, brother Qin."
Liao Shasha turned into a lady again. She stepped on t-step and gave a smile to Qin Dynasty and Suji.
Suji was pulled by the Qin Dynasty and left the door of the ward.
"What's the matter? What do you find?"
Su Ji looked at the Qin Dynasty and said.
Suji knew the Qin Dynasty. If it wasn't important, she wouldn't have pulled herself out in such a hurry.
"Well, maybe you will meet an elder of your sect today."
The Qin Dynasty laughed mysteriously.
At this time, at the gate of the hospital.
"Crazy monk, we can't make up for each other. You can go somewhere else."
Two security guards at the door of the hospital pointed to a sloppy monk sitting in front of the door.
The monk was dressed in a yellow robe, covered with dust. He did not know how long he had worn it. There was a smell of rancid smell coming out, which made people at the door cover their noses.
Many patients came and went around the monk, as if they were afraid of getting bad luck.
The monk put his hands together and read the Buddhist name, "I think the two benefactors are quite intelligent. Even if they don't have money, it's good to give some wine and vegetables."
"Veggies, we're not going to the hospital."
A security guard exclaimed impatiently, "you crazy monk, don't mess around here and block the patients in our hospital!"
"I am less than half a meter wide. Your hospital gate is four meters wide. How can I block the gate of your hospital with this small body?"
The monk laughed, "and it doesn't matter if it's not the material. I'm not picky about food. I eat like wine and meat. What kind of chicken and fish, even if you come up. "
"I wipe, you are still a wine and meat monk, do you want me to find a lady to accompany you?"
A security guard couldn't help but curse.
"It's no problem."
The monk didn't mind, and said, "it's just that you have to bear the sour smell of the poor monk. It's not what ordinary girls can do. What a great dedication can do.""Lying trough, where is the crazy monk! Let's go
Security urgent, in let the monk entangled, the hospital leader saw, do not deduct their bonus!
"Don't do this, benefactor. You are predestined with Buddha. It's better to give alms and get a good one. Hey, hey, hey, don't be so violent. We can't do business. Benevolence and righteousness are... "
The monk was held by two security guards and was about to be thrown out.
"Stop it!"
Just then, a man's voice flew out from the side.
The monk put up a smile on his mouth and folded his hands to praise the way.
"Amitabha It seems that more Buddhists are coming. "
While talking, two figures came out of the hospital gate.
One was dressed in a black windbreaker, tall and handsome, with an evil spirit in his mouth.
A red plaid shirt, blue jeans, slim figure, amazing beauty.
"Release master, it's you."
Qin Dynasty saw this monk, showing a smile, "is it a coincidence?"
"Amitabha, I have said that you and my Buddha are predestined."
Release master hehe laughs.
The two security guards are not stupid. Although this man hasn't appeared in Dongchuan for a long time, who doesn't know anything about him.
The godfather of the Daqin Gang, who dares to provoke AI, has stopped. His two gatekeepers dare not say no.
"Mr. Qin, I'm sorry, this is our friend."
The two security guards made a quick smile and released the master. "Please don't worry about the villains. Don't take it to heart."
"It's all right. Releasing the master is an eminent monk and will not have a common understanding with you."
The Qin Dynasty waved and let the two guards go.
The two guards were relieved and ready to slip away.
"Amitabha, the two benefactors can't just go away like this"
the release master suddenly made a sharp look and was domineering and scolded.
The two security guards were startled, thinking that the monk was going to entangle him to the end, and his legs trembled.
"Big, master, you..."
"Amitabha, have a good relationship."
He thought the monk was going to teach them a lesson, but he handed over his bowl and said with a smile.
Two security guards quickly took out a hundred yuan bill and put it in the monk's bowl.
"Knot, knot! I hope you don't have too little master. Our brother doesn't earn much. "
"Amitabha, the heart is good luck."
Master release said with a smile, "the two benefactors are kind-hearted, and there will be good rewards."
Then he put the 200 yuan into his pocket and said, "go, benefactor Qin, long time no see. I'm opening today. Let's have a drink."
The release master did not play the cards according to the routine.
Suu Kyi opened her eyes wide. Is this really a monk? Or an eminent monk of the generation of Shi Zi?
Well, it can't be a fake!
What do you think? How do you look like a liar?
it seems that he can see his girlfriend's doubts. Qin Dynasty quickly introduces it.
"Suu Kyi, this is the release master. Although he is so crazy, he is a master of Buddhism. My Vajra sutra was given by him Well, master release, you were quite clean last time I saw you. How long has it been since you took a bath? "
Suu Kyi's eyes widened again.
This master is actually half a master of Qin Dynasty!
The Vajra Sutra is the secret of Baotai temple in Songshan mountain. Outsiders should not see it!
It seems that this is a real monk
But how could that be?
Is this the legendary living Buddha of Jigong?
"Hehe, it's a long story."
Master release laughed and said, "since the little disciple of the poor monk was abducted by benefactor Qin, no one has supported me. The poor monk had to travel around. Now he has just returned, and his body is naturally a little dirty. "
"Just in time, I asked for the master, and the master came."
The Qin Dynasty didn't mind the taste of the monk. He was worried about Yu Lu's illness.
"Amitabha, this is good luck."
Master release said, "in those days, the alms given by benefactor Qin were the reasons for planting. Now, nature takes back the fruit, which is cause and effect. "
"I don't quite understand these Buddhist things."
Qin shook his head and said, "however, my friend's condition is very serious, need the master's help."
"Amitabha, lead the way."
The release master did not refuse.
It seems that the monk did come to help. But how does he know he needs help?"Amitabha..."
At this time, release Master said again.
"When you learn Buddhism to a certain level, you can have six magical powers. It includes Shenjing Tongtong, Tianyan Tongtong, tianer Tongtong, Tongtong of his mind, fatalism and leakiness. I'm not talented. I'm a little familiar with fate. I can know my destiny and what I've done for thousands of years
"Do you know him well?"
The Qin Dynasty was a little nervous. How could the old monk know what he said in his heart.
"Monks don't lie."
"Then how do you know what I think?"
"I just know that you will ask this question later."
The old monk's words made Qin Dynasty speechless.
"Master, you'd better take a bath and change clothes and have a rest. After full of wine and food, go to exorcise the evil spirits for Yu Lu. Yu Lu's condition is OK for the time being. You should not be so anxious in the Qin Dynasty. "
As a disciple of Mount Song, Suji still has due respect for her elders.
"Although the poor monk is sour and smelly, it is the smell of the world."
Release the master as he walked into the hospital, laughing.
"Why didn't the master go to a quiet place such as a mountain temple to practice, but set foot in the world of mortals?"
Su Ji thought of her elder martial brothers, masters and uncles who sat in the temple to eat and chant Buddhist Scriptures every day, so she couldn't help asking.
"As the saying goes, see through the world and see through the world."
Release master murmured, "in the world of mortals, how to see through? Only when you are in the world of mortals, can you really see through the world. Do you mean yes or no, benefactor? "
Suu Kyi nodded and said yes.
"Amitabha Buddha, it seems that the female benefactor is also related to the Buddha."
"Ha ha..."
The Qin Dynasty laughed in his heart. He was still a disciple of Buddhism. I don't know whether you, the old man, knew what he said on purpose.
"Master, what kind of vegetarian food would you like to eat? I'll send someone to prepare it."
Suu Kyi didn't know the master was a wine monk, so she asked.
"Amitabha Whatever you want. "
"How can you be casual," said the master
Suu Kyi is serious.
"Well, get me a roast chicken to eat the authentic Donghe house. Another two elbows and two small red cereals. Benefactor Qin and I have a good drink. "
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