Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1227

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Chapter 1227

No matter how much trouble, how many dangers, the Kyoto Museum of art exhibition, or in full swing.
Today is the most special day on display at the art museum.
Because this day is the day when the black and white paradise is on display.
This famous painting has attracted many people's appreciation.
Unfortunately, only a few people can enter the exhibition hall on the second floor.
The number of tickets issued to the outside world is extremely small, which can be said to be extremely difficult to obtain.
But if you don't get tickets, you can enjoy the pictures in the hall.
Shangluo is very happy because she can enjoy the black and white paradise closely.
"Nana, you see, how attractive this painting is..."
Shangluo is very close to the glass cabinet, enjoying the black and white paradise from a close distance, "it's so beautiful I'm crazy about this painting... "
Li Na stood aside and shook her head.
Why doesn't she find the painting so attractive.
It's just two angels. It's better to read comics.
Rosie followed the two little beauties and laughed.
"If I were your painting, I wouldn't be so close to it."
She said, "because it's said that there's a devil's curse on this painting."
"Oh, that's a legend."
Shangluo waved his hand, "how can there be any devil's curse. In this world, how can there be demons? "
"I don't know."
Rosie Jiao laughed, "in fact, I am a female devil."
"How can my sister be a female devil?"
Shangluo laughed, "my sister is so beautiful and gentle. If she is, she should be an angel."
"Am I an angel?"
Rosie looked at Shangluo in surprise.
"Yes, yes."
Shangluo nodded, "how can it be a female devil? My sister is really joking. Only bad people are demons. "
"Am I a good man..."
Rosie was a little sad.
Can you be a good person?
She didn't know how many people she seduced and confused, and then took their souls.
How can a man like himself be called a good man.
At first, I also wanted to take away the soul of Qin Dynasty.
It's a pity that the plan can't keep up with the changes. I thought I would capture the soul of Qin Dynasty, but now it seems that it is just the opposite.
In the Qin Dynasty, they captured their souls.
"Sister Luo, do you know painting too?"
Shangluo asked.
"A little bit, but certainly not as good as you."
Rosie is very modest.
As a female devil, she can say that she knows these things very well.
"That's great. Enjoy it with me. I can't learn anything but study. I can't appreciate it with me. "
She pointed to Li Luo.
"Go, you said that I am a high school student with low ability."
Li Na gave Shangluo a blank look.
"What are you looking for? It's just a display in this room. "
Shangluo asked curiously.
"I was thinking, why didn't brother Qin come?"
Li Na said subconsciously.
"He's busy with other things."
Said Rosie.
"Oh, little Nana, you are such a girl. If you don't see your elder brother Qin for a while, you will want to be like this"
Shangluo can't help teasing his best friend.
"Fuck you. I'm just curious."
Li Na blushed and gave her best friend a look.
"This little girl, do you understand this painting, too?"
At this time, a middle-aged man with noble temperament came over. Next to him was a blond foreign man.
"Well, I study art."
Shangluo nodded, curious about who this was.
"Ha ha, I heard that there is a devil's curse on this painting. Aren't you afraid that you will be cursed if you are too close?"
The middle-aged man said with a faint smile.
Shangluo wants to laugh. This man, how to say, is the same as sister Luo.
"How can it be? Art is art. How can there be such a mess?"
But Rosie felt something was wrong.
She detected something wrong in the blonde.
But it's hard to say what's weird.
"Qin Dynasty, you come back quickly, I think there is something wrong here."
Roxie passed her voice to Qin Dynasty by magic.
"I see."
The Qin Dynasty threw the cigarette end which did not finish in his hand to the ground, then turned to leave the toilet and walked towards the exhibition hall on the second floor.Nothing seems to be happening today.
Those angels don't know if they will start with this painting.
Is it because Guevara's death has alerted the other angels that they didn't do it?
Because can't feel the breath of angel, Qin Dynasty just safely hide to the toilet to smoke a cigarette.
When he came to the door of the exhibition, he suddenly saw an amazing scene.
A blonde man, with his left hand outstretched, smashed the glass case of the painting.
"Stop it!"
The guard in the room, immediately yelled and jumped up.
"Jie Jie Jie..."
At the same time, the man laughed.
He ignored the guards and put his hand on the black and white paradise.
In a flash, a black and white light, interwoven, rushed out.
For a moment, the people in this art gallery were shocked by the huge spiritual power, and then fainted.
Two powerful forces of angels, very strong, people's spirit can not bear it at all
only a few people still keep standing posture.
Roxie, the blonde, the Qin Dynasty, and Shangluo!
The two lights interweave more and more powerful, but suddenly burst out a gray light, and then scattered.
The black light, into the body of the blonde man.
White light, however, rushed into Shangluo's chest.
The Qin Dynasty exclaimed.
At this time, Shangluo's whole body emitted a white light, and the opposite golden haired man also emitted black light.
"What a surprise It's strange that I can find a body without soul... "
The blonde man opened his eyes and a ghostly smile hung up from the corner of his mouth. "My luck, it seems, is about to start from now on."
His hair, slowly faded to black.
"Your luck?"
Shangluo, on the other hand, opened his eyes.
Her beautiful black eyes have now turned into golden pupils.
Her soul! Changed!
"How can you be lucky to have me here."
The Qin Dynasty angrily looked at the female devil who had vowed before, "how did you do it?"
"I, I don't know..."
Rosie was also a little surprised, "he, he suddenly broke the glass..."
Said Rosie, pointing to the man with black hair.
"Well, I said how could anyone stand."
A beautiful man with black hair No, it's you... "
The man's eyes suddenly changed.
Roxie said back to the Qin Dynasty.
"I'll go first."
With that, she flashed into black smoke and disappeared.
Qin Dynasty this depressed, this ya, irresponsible ah!
"You can't escape."
The black haired man laughed. "We're old friends. We'll do it later."
"There are a lot of old accounts."
Shangluo said coldly, "the account between us, continue to calculate."
"Well, I haven't been active for a long time, and I finally have a chance to continue the rest of the fight."
"I'll make you happy."
Shangluo said, with white light in his palm.
Qin Dynasty suddenly stretched out his hand, "is it all him? Stop it for me."
"Who are you?"
The two angels turned their heads and looked at the Qin Dynasty.
"I'm a policeman."
The Qin Dynasty righted the hat on his head and said, "if you start in public, you are not afraid to affect other innocent people?"
The power of these two guys is quite terrifying. The random movement is like a missile.
Li Na and they are still here. They can't let them fight here.
"The police? What is a policeman
Two angels who were sealed long ago don't know what this profession is for.
"The police, it's you who are sent to hell."
Qin said, the figure suddenly appeared in the two angels.
At the same time, his body entered the state of Jiulong armor.
Liyin, nishang, magic, Begonia, the power of four Dragon women appeared in his body.
His realm, also instantly into the level of scattered immortals.
"Nine you poisonous spider."
In a flash, the power of the nine you poisonous spider burst out.
The Qin Dynasty took two people by the shoulders and directly crossed the space and sent them to the desert.
"There's the power to travel through space."Lucifer took a look at the yellow sand around him, and his face changed from surprise to interest. "It seems that you have some ability"
"this is a battle between us. I don't know the so-called people. Get out of here."
Shangluo, who was attached to Michael, stretched out his hand and aimed at the Qin Dynasty.
Angel's shock wave!
And it's an immortal shock wave.
This force directly hit the body of the Qin Dynasty and lifted his body out.
Lying trough, Sanxian level!
According to the truth, two people should be Jinxian period.
It seems that the long-term seal, let two people's strength some retrogression.
"My strength, a little bit weakened."
Sure enough, Shangluo stretched out his palm, clenched his fist, and looked at his palm and said.
"After such a long seal, it's more or less a little slack"
Lucifer stretched out, "millet, I didn't expect that you could still be attached to a beautiful woman. Is this my luck?"
"This is your time to die."
Shangluo said, holding out his hand and aiming at Lucifer.
The palm of her hand, again released a shock wave.
The white shock wave set off a huge sandstorm in front of the desert and covered Lucifer in the opposite direction.
Lucifer waved his hand, and black smoke came out in front of him.
The black smoke forms a barrier to the sandstorm and the shock wave.
"Oh, my, I haven't seen you for a long time. I'm still so angry. I don't know how I've been locked up with such a hot tempered person as you for so long. "
"Go to hell!"
Shangluo's words are always so short.
In her other hand, she held out a silver light gun.
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