Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 551

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Chapter 551

Even if we deal with the new year's affairs in the past, there will be more severe Hongmeng Taoist Association.
"Lord Qin, your car has arrived downstairs."
When Wu Xin had a rare intimacy with the Qin Dynasty, a younger brother of Murong Jiang came to the Qin Dynasty at an inopportune time.
"Qin Dynasty, you, are you going now?"
Qin Dynasty looked down at his watch, "the plane at 10 o'clock in the evening, I leave one hour in advance."
If they couldn't fly with swords, they could only fly back by plane.
What's more, Xiaobai has never been to Sunan.
Xiaobai's ability to move instantaneously must be where she has been or where she can see. Or, it's where the Qin Dynasty is now.
Otherwise, not any place, Xiaobai can go.
If she wants to go to the moon, she needs to take a spacecraft to get to the moon. She can see the surface of the moon clearly in the universe before she can quickly move to the moon.
Therefore, we can't rely on Xiaobai's help when we go to southern Jiangsu.
"You, can you take a moment?" Wu Xin's face suddenly turned red. "I, I have something to show you."
"Ah? what? Why didn't you say it earlier? "
There were some doubts in the Qin Dynasty.
"Do you want to see it? Don't look at it Wu Xin pouted and said. When the girl is coquettish, she is also very life-threatening.
"Look at it!" The Qin Dynasty was busy answering.
"Lord Qin, it's already 9 o'clock!"
My younger brother reminds me at the wrong time.
Wu Xin rolled his eyes repeatedly.
"Don't worry. Let the driver wait. If you can't, tell Murong Jiang that I can go to the airport by myself. "
The Qin Dynasty politely patted the little brother on the shoulder.
My little brother burst into tears, and Lord Qin patted me! Lord Qin patted me!
Damn it. I'll never wash this dress in my life. I have to hang it up high to provide it!
I don't know that little brother was so excited that he was pulled by Wu Xin in the Qin Dynasty and walked through the crowd in a panic.
After running for a long time, they came to the corner of the third floor.
Qin Dynasty to take a look, this decoration is very good is what place?
Take a closer look at the trough, women's bathroom!
"Little cow, what are you going to do
"Go in and talk about it!"
Wu Xin blushed and pushed the Qin Dynasty in.
When the Qin Dynasty went in, there was a woman with heavy make-up in front of the mirror to arrange the stuffing in the bra.
Good guy, that bunch of cotton, but the weight is not light!
"Ah! Stinking rascal
The woman saw the Qin Dynasty rushed in, and immediately covered her chest, as if her heart was in a mess. But in the Qin Dynasty, how could this girl be so excited?
"Sorry, sorry."
Qin Dynasty had to bow his head to apologize.
"Sorry, I'm the owner of this shop." Wu Xin also followed in at this time, and then politely said to the woman, "I heard an employee say that there are mice in the bathroom. I came here to deal with it. Please go to the bathroom on the second floor first. I'm sorry
"Old, old, rat!"
Women are most afraid to hear these two words.
The woman was so scared that she almost jumped up. She immediately grabbed the bag on the sink and ran out in a panic. It seems that there is not a mouse in the bathroom, but a man eating devil.
"So you want to take me to see the mice"
the Qin Dynasty joked.
The cow did not speak, but took out a "maintenance" sign from the side, put it in the door, and then closed the door carefully.
This can frighten Qin Dynasty.
I wipe. What is this girl going to do.
"You, what are you going to show me?" The Qin Dynasty blinked.
"Here I am..." Wu Xin slowly walked towards the Qin Dynasty, "do you need to see anything else..."
Looking at Wu Xin's deliberately charming appearance, Qin Dynasty immediately swallowed a mouthful of saliva.
This girl, play the scene with me!
"No, no more..."
"Qin Dynasty..." Wu Xin came over and hugged him. Then she whispered, "do you remember what you did to me in the bathroom last time?"
"No problem Just to help you wash your face... "
"Yes, it is not!" Wu Xin blushed, but said firmly, "Zhang, Sister Zhang told me. For example, if it is a normal man, it is impossible to be patient with me that day. Unless, unless... "
"Except for what?" The Qin Dynasty was curious."Unless you are a eunuch."
"Damn it!" Qin Dynasty immediately angry, "Laozi is very healthy! Every morning I get up a column Ah, that, giant. "
Qin Dynasty rings, in front of the girl is still very pure, speak suddenly a little embarrassed up.
"A giant?" Sure enough, Wu Xin tilted her head and looked at the Qin Dynasty curiously, "what does that mean?"
"Well, that means I'm full of energy and energy!"
Qin Dynasty did not recruit, had to casually make up a thing to prevaricate.
"Really?" Wu Xin expressed great doubt. All of a sudden, she pulled her low cut dress, revealing the amazing career line and snow white inside.
"It's hot here Well, it's time for an air conditioner. "
I'm kidding. It's too wasteful to install air conditioning in the toilet. Who's ok? You have to blow air-conditioning to pee.
regardless of the air conditioner, the eyes of Qin Dynasty have almost fallen into the low chested clothes of other people.
This gorgeous sense of extrusion made the Qin Dynasty feel that his fast line had completely collapsed.
It is estimated that any man can not stand this stimulation!
And the small Qin Dynasty, also very manly, high spirited, ready to cross the Yalu River.
At this time, Wu Xin was still holding the Qin Dynasty. Suddenly, she felt something on her lower abdomen. She was more puzzled.
"There is something I feel so familiar... "
With that, Wu Xin stretched out her little hand and wanted to catch it.
The Qin Dynasty was startled and seized Wu Xin's two hands.
"Don't grab at random. What if it's broken?"
"Why?" Wu Xin turned her eyes plaintively, "what's so precious? It makes your baby look like this. Is it a gift from your real girlfriend
What a gift from my real girlfriend! This is a real gift I can give to every girl of you!
The Qin Dynasty is a bit evil.
"It's not a precious thing. Listen to me. Don't grab it."
The Qin Dynasty always thought that Wu Xin was a very obedient girl.
"No, I'll catch it!" But Wu Xin really wants to make trouble, and she is also the master of a little witch!
She struggled to get her hand back. But the strength of the Qin Dynasty is so great that it can't be released. But he was very modest, and did not hurt his delicate little arm.
After struggling for several times, the action became bigger and bigger.
All of a sudden, bang, both of them were dumbfounded.
Because Wu Xin's dress is a row of delicate buttons on her low cut dress.
Because of Wu Xin's explosive position, the outlet of the prop is a little urgent. Now it's a struggle, a disturbance. Well, the little buttons all broke down and waltzed on the ground.
The button fell on the floor.
This time, Wu Xin's pair of Wei'an, without politeness, bounced out.
In order to make this low cut dress look good, Wu Xin is wearing a small pink bra. All of a sudden, the bright spring color, let Qin Dynasty saliva all quickly cross flow out.
"No, don't look in the way..."
Wu Xin is going to die of shame. She really wanted to find a place to hide, but Qin Dynasty still clings to her hands so that she can't run and struggle.
Struggle again, his chest is not shaking more out. Now there's at least a small bra that can block two key points.
Although Qin Dynasty was also trying to restrain his desire, his lower body had exposed him.
"Why, it seems to be better..."
Wu Xin was a little uncomfortable and twisted twice.
This twist led to the collapse of the Qin Dynasty.
He can't help but encircle Wu Xin's waist. With his other hand, he holds her up and hangs her on his waist.
"Ah Wu Xin was startled, but the whole person was already in the clouds and was held on the waist by the Qin Dynasty.
At the same time, the Qin Dynasty took two steps to put Wu Xin on the sink again.
"Why, why are you here again..."
Wu Tongxin seems to understand what to do next.
"Qin Dynasty, love me..."
Originally, Wu Xin came to give himself to the Qin Dynasty.
She knows, Qin Dynasty such a walk, do not know how long. But she really liked the Qin Dynasty.
When the Qin Dynasty kisses Wu Xin's earlobe, she trembles slightly.
At the same time, the heart of the ripples of the past.
When I first met the Qin Dynasty, I was in KFC.
At that time, he had dinner with his master, the master of release.
My master is a very strange monk, but his Buddhism, but I admire him very much.
What's more, he is a real man. Who you like is who you like. When he brought the Qin Dynasty to dinner, he must have thought that this young man was good.That day, it was her first time on a boy's bicycle.
That day, it was the first time she put her arm around the boy's waist.
That day, for the first time in her life, she did such a stimulating thing.
From then on, she knew that the Qin Dynasty was different.
Later, it was known that the Qin Dynasty was actually Liao Shasha's bodyguard. At that time, she was a little lucky, but also a little jealous.
Because she can often see the Qin Dynasty, so she is glad. But Qin Dynasty, more time is to accompany Liao Shasha, which makes her a little jealous.
Later, in the playground, he saved himself.
This man is full of magic power.
This is what attracts Wu Xin deeply.
After that, he saved his grandmother and saved their home. At that time, my grandmother still didn't know the situation. She asked them to get married quickly and give birth to a great grandson early.
At that time, Wu Xin also thought that it would be nice for two people to be real lovers. Unfortunately, all these are just illusions. In the Qin Dynasty, he had his own genuine girlfriend. He is more fond of other girls, including himself, than love.
But when he mentioned his real girlfriend, the magic color in his eyes was something Wu Xin would never forget.
Therefore, when the Qin Dynasty left, she boldly put forward that she did not want to be a junior.
She wanted to force the Qin Dynasty and herself.
When the Qin Dynasty left, she also tried to associate with some other boys. But found that these boys, not at all. Compared with the Qin Dynasty, it's just heaven and earth.
Although some of the boys are good. Some are down-to-earth, some are good-looking, and some are young and handsome.
However, in her heart, has been full of a man's figure, can no longer tolerate the people below.
"The Qin Dynasty Love me... "
Wu Xin was already in love and gave a direct signal to the Qin Dynasty.
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