Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1283

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Chapter 1283

Mamen trampled on the ground, walked back and forth in the courtyard twice, and barked twice.
Finally, he went to belia's table and lifted his right leg as if to urinate.
All the demons were stunned.
Several demon monarchs are even more astonished.
Although it may be interesting to watch Mamen make a fool of himself.
But asmontis still can't accept the fact that this big guy is peeing beside him.
She shrieked, and with such a cry, mamenton was a little sober.
He looked at himself lying on the ground, but also made such a posture, suddenly surprised, at the same time angry.
"I, what am I doing?"
"From the movement analysis, you are going to pee."
Belia, with one eye open, looked at Mamen, who had just stood up in front of her, "and almost peed on my shoes."
"No way!"
When mamenton was furious, he turned his head and looked at the Qin Dynasty floating in the air. "Hateful human, what have you done to me?"
"Just a little punishment for you."
Qin Dynasty said lightly, "let you know, the gap between you and me."
"Gap? All I know is that you are going to die in my hands, ah ah
Mamen roared twice, and his body suddenly began to swell.
In the blink of an eye, he turned into a giant monster more than 10 meters high, stretched out a paw and patted the Qin Dynasty again.
That claw is as big as a Dongfeng truck!
The sky above was blocked by the sky.
Qin looked at the amazing claw and held out his right hand again.
It's like the sound of hitting a golden clock. It's so deafening.
Many demons, unable to bear such a sound, all covered the bleeding demons and fell to the ground.
But the Giant Claw of namamon was blocked again.
The figure of the Qin Dynasty has declined a little.
Still, floating in its original position.
"No way! You little human being, you will have such great power
Mamen's eyes widened.
The Qin Dynasty couldn't help shaking his head.
He is now the strength of the Sanxian period, that Mamen is still the thunder robbery period, how can shake himself.
"Go back and think about it."
The Qin Dynasty held out another hand and grasped a finger of Mamen.
Then, he just lifted the ten meter high beast into the air and threw it away like garbage.
"Ah, ah!"
Mamen let out a series of howls. Whether it was because of surprise or fear, Mamen was thrown out of sight in the blink of an eye.
On the horizon in the distance, a large black smoke and dust suddenly exploded.
All the demons were taken aback!
Among the seven kings, Mamen's strength is the strongest except Lucifer!
I didn't expect to be thrown away by a human!
This is incredible!
What kind of human being can have such power!
"Are you provoking me?"
Lucifer squinted at the Qin Dynasty in the sky.
"What do you have to provoke me?"
Qin Dynasty sneered, "it's just the guy who escaped once in my hand."
As soon as this statement was made, the audience was shocked.
Lucifer escaped from this human hand once?
"No way!"
But asmontice suddenly exclaimed, "Lucifer is the most powerful demon here. How could he be defeated by you, a human being! Human, don't be too arrogant. Although you are very interesting, I, asmontis, will not let you off if you talk big
As soon as her voice dropped, a voice came from behind her.
"You say Who will not be forgiven... "
Qin Dynasty, is standing behind her.
A fierce and murderous spirit swept over asmontis.
Cold sweat, just like this.
This guy Who on earth is
What's more, when did he come here
"He is not on the same level as us..."
Although belia had only one eye open, she seemed to see more clearly than others.
"Asmontis, if you don't want to die, don't talk..."
"How dare you behave at my wedding
Lucifer also forgot what kind of self-discipline. He clenched his fist and his eyes glowed red. "Human, now my strength has been restored to the majority! There is only one way to get angry with me nowAs he said this, a long black gun suddenly appeared in his hand.
The spear swung behind him.
There was a high cliff in the back, but the long spear went up.
Suddenly, the ten meter high cliff, directly turned into black light, completely disappeared in the air.
"I have a thousand ways to kill you!"
"Close to the power of the golden age?"
The eyebrows of the Qin Dynasty picked up, "it is true that some strength has been restored But what about that? "
As long as I use mindfulness, it's easy to crush you.
"Don't you see my power, man?"
Lucifer's figure flashed, but when he appeared again, he stood in front of the Qin Dynasty and faced him face to face.
"I can easily crush you It's like, crush an ant. "
"Try it, then."
The Qin Dynasty laughed and at the same time whispered, "Jiulong armor Perfect body... "
His four pieces of armor began to stretch.
After a while, a complete set of armor, covering the body of the Qin Dynasty.
After entering the whole state, the state of Qin Dynasty was close to Jinxian period.
Even if it was Luo Rumeng, Qin Dynasty could take a fight, not to mention this Lucifer.
"You want to die!"
Lucifer yelled, the momentum of his body immediately swam up, and the momentum of the Qin Dynasty was in the past.
In the Qin Dynasty, the vital energy in the body also moved and rushed to Lucifer.
The strength of the two men collided.
All of a sudden, the golden and black lights came out, like two huge eggshells, colliding together.
The afterwave of this angry force, spread everywhere, and rushed out the demons one by one.
Even the other kings of hell, who were the king and the overlord, were not immune. They flew out of front of them for tens of meters before they stopped.
"This power is too strong..."
Leviathan couldn't open his eyes and barely controlled his body. "This human In the end, what is the origin of... "
"Terrible human beings..."
Asmontis was also stunned. His beautiful eyes were full of horror.
Belia did not speak, clutching the ground, her eyes open.
"The Qin Dynasty Come on, I believe you... "
Rosie, holding her small fist, stood on the half altar beside her, cheering her beloved.
"Jiuyou giant elephant, attached body!"
The Qin Dynasty knew that there would be no result in the collision of light and breath.
He took out his favorite nine you Colossus, ready to give Lucifer a better one.
"Prepare to die..."
In Lucifer's right hand, a ball of black light was slowly condensing.
The strength of this light ball is no worse than the black gun he threw before.
"Like a roar!"
The Qin Dynasty took the lead.
Grandma's, it's better to start first and suffer later!
This is not the time to be a gentleman.
Qin Dynasty played a punch across the air.
A huge mammoth emerged from behind the Qin Dynasty.
The strong fist blows out and distorts Lucifer's egg shaped black light directly.
Lucifer also threw out his own black light, which roared and rushed into the boxing style of the Qin Dynasty.
All of a sudden, the black light was stirred by the fist.
There was a huge explosion in the middle of the field.
A mushroom cloud, blocking the sight of all demons.
The power! It's amazing!
"Man, you do have some skills!"
At this moment, Lucifer suddenly waved his hand, and the mushroom cloud that had been lifted up disappeared.
Qin Dynasty stood opposite him, not a step back, face calm.
This time, the two people, is equal.
"But if I try my best, you still don't have any chance to survive."
Lucifer had a proud smile on his face. "Just now, I only used 50% of my strength."
"Fifty percent?"
Qin Dynasty put down a word, his body, suddenly appeared in the back of Lucifer, and then a slap on his back, which had no time to turn around.
Lucifer's body flew out in confusion and smashed into the side of the ground.
"I'm 30 percent."
Qin Dynasty put down his hand and said to Lucifer in the pit.
Lucifer leaped out of the pit and shot four pairs of black wings behind him.
The wings radiate a great power."How dare you humiliate me, I will make you pay for it!"
With that, a black gun appeared in his hand.
He appeared in the Qin Dynasty.
At the same time, the black gun waved down, straight stabbed the chest of the Qin Dynasty.
The Qin Dynasty stretched out his right hand and held the black gun stabbed by the other side.
In an instant, the black gun came out of a strong black light.
Lucifer couldn't help but sarcasm, "this is the gun body of My Demon power. If ordinary people encounter it, it will only be turned into flesh and mud!"
But the palms of the Qin Dynasty are also shining with gold.
"You think so well!"
He held the black gun, seized a black sickle in his left hand, pointed at Lucifer, and waved it out.
Lucifer frowned, as if feeling the power of the scythe, and subconsciously dodged to the side.
The black light showed up and gave half and one of the great castles behind Lucifer.
What power is this?
Lucifer couldn't help being surprised.
"Now look, which of us is going to die!"
The Qin Dynasty raised the sickle, turned it a few times in its hands, and then waved it to Lucifer again.
No close combat!
It was an idea that immediately came to Lucifer's mind.
With a beat of his wings, his shadow flashed and disappeared in front of the Qin Dynasty.
When he reappeared, he was already in the sky hundreds of meters high.
Is it OK here
He said in his heart.
But at this time, a black light appeared nearby.
Eight wings, suddenly, one was cut off!
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